public void Reset2New() { HideAllButtons(); TilesFlowerList.Clear(); TilesHandList.Clear(); MeldList.Clear(); BankerChairId = 0; TbRichi.Text = ""; TbPseudoFlower.Text = ""; }
protected override async Task LastPartOfSetUpBeforeBindingsAsync() { if (IsLoaded == false) { SingleInfo = PlayerList !.GetSelf(); Aggregator.Subscribe(SingleInfo); SingleInfo = PlayerList.GetWhoPlayer(); //i think. } LoadControls(); LoadVM(); SaveRoot !.MeldList.Clear(); SaveRoot.CardList.Clear(); SaveRoot.TrumpSuit = _model.Pile1 !.GetCardInfo().Suit; _aTrick !.ClearBoard(); //try this too. PlayerList !.ForEach(thisPlayer => { thisPlayer.TricksWon = 0; thisPlayer.CurrentScore = 0; }); var thisCard = _model.Pile1.GetCardInfo(); if (thisCard.Value == EnumCardValueList.Nine) { int player = WhoStarts; if (player == 1) { player = 2; } else { player = 1; } MeldClass thisMeld = new MeldClass(); thisMeld.Player = player; thisMeld.ClassAValue = EnumClassA.Dix; SaveRoot.MeldList.Add(thisMeld); var tempPlayer = PlayerList[player]; SaveRoot.StartMessage = $"{tempPlayer.NickName} gets an exta 10 points because the discard to begin with is a dix and is not going first"; CalculateScore(player); await UIPlatform.ShowMessageAsync(SaveRoot.StartMessage); } await base.LastPartOfSetUpBeforeBindingsAsync(); }