public void Search_ThrowsException() { // Arrange int id = 123; string title = "naziv"; DateTime from = DateTime.Now; DateTime to = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10); var usersOnMeeting = new List <UserMeetingDto>() { new UserMeetingDto() { UserId = 1 } }; var meeting = new MeetingsSearchModel() { MeetingId = id, Title = title, From = from, To = to, UserMeeting = usersOnMeeting }; var meetingRepo = new Mock <IMeetingsRepository>(); var meetingManipulation = new MeetingsManipulation(meetingRepo.Object); var controller = new MeetingsController(meetingManipulation); var result = controller.Search(meeting, 1, 1); // Assert Assert.IsType <ObjectResult>(result); }
private void Search(MeetingsSearchModel searchModel) { searchModel.SearchResult = SessionService.DbContainer.Resolve <MeetingDataManager>() .SearchMeetings(Convert.ToInt32(searchModel.Country), searchModel.Racecourse, searchModel.StartDate, searchModel.EndDate); SessionService.SearchModel = searchModel; }
public ActionResult Index(MeetingsSearchModel searchModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid && !(searchModel.IsCreateNew ?? false)) { Search(searchModel); } return(View(searchModel)); }
public IActionResult Search([FromBody] MeetingsSearchModel model, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { try { if (model == null) { throw new NSIException("MeetingSearchModel is null", DC.Exceptions.Enums.Level.Error, DC.Exceptions.Enums.ErrorType.InvalidParameter); } MeetingDto meetingDto = new MeetingDto() { MeetingId = model.MeetingId, To = model.To, Title = model.Title, From = model.From, UserMeeting = model.UserMeeting.Select(x => new UserMeetingDto() { UserId = x.UserId, UserName = x.UserName }) }; return(Ok(new NSIResponse <ICollection <MeetingDto> > { Data = _meetingsManipulation.SearchMeetings(meetingDto, pageNumber, pageSize), Message = "Success" })); } catch (NSIException ex) { Logger.Logger.LogError(ex); if (ex.ErrorType == DC.Exceptions.Enums.ErrorType.MissingData) { return(NoContent()); } return(BadRequest(new NSIResponse <object> { Data = null, Message = "Parameter error!" })); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Logger.LogError(ex); return(StatusCode(500, new NSIResponse <object> { Data = null, Message = ex.Message })); } }