コード例 #1
        public static async Task <List <MeetingDto> > GetAllMeetings()
            List <MeetingDto> result = (await MeetingRead.GetAllMeetings(a => a.Location, a => a.Organizer, a => a.Participants))
                                       .Select(ent => Convert(ent))

コード例 #2
        public static async Task <MeetingDto> GetMeetingById(int id)
            Meeting entity = await MeetingRead.GetMeeting(id, a => a.Location, a => a.Organizer, a => a.Participants);

            MeetingDto result = Convert(entity);

コード例 #3
        public static async Task AddPersonToMeeting(int participantId, int meetingId)
            Task <Participant> participantTask = ParticipantRead.GetParticipant(participantId);
            Task <Meeting>     meetingTask     = MeetingRead.GetMeeting(meetingId, m => m.Participants);
            await Task.WhenAll(meetingTask, participantTask);

            if (meetingTask.Result.Participants.Any(p => p.Id == participantId))
                throw new Exception("Participant is already enrolled in this meeting");

            await MeetingWrite.AddParticipantToMeeting(participantTask.Result, meetingTask.Result);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find conflicts in future meetings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <string> GetConflicts()
            List <Meeting> futureMeetings = await MeetingRead.GetFutureMeetings();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            List <ParticipantMeetingConflicts> participantMeetingConflicts = new List <ParticipantMeetingConflicts>();

            List <LocationMeetingConflicts> locationMeetingConflicts = new List <LocationMeetingConflicts>();

            foreach (Meeting meetingA in futureMeetings)
                //Find the meetings that overlap
                List <Meeting> overlappingMeetings = futureMeetings
                                                     .Where(meetingB => meetingA.MeetingStart < meetingB.MeetingEnd && meetingB.MeetingStart < meetingA.MeetingEnd)

                #region participant meeting conflict section

                //Find participants who are enrolled in more than one of these overlapping meetings
                List <int> participantConflicts = overlappingMeetings
                                                  .SelectMany(p => p.Participants)
                                                  .Select(p => p.Id)
                                                  .GroupBy(p => p)
                                                  .Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
                                                  .Select(g => g.Key)

                foreach (int participantId in participantConflicts)
                    if (!meetingA.Participants.Select(a => a.Id).Contains(participantId))
                    ParticipantMeetingConflicts pmc = new ParticipantMeetingConflicts(participantId, meetingA.Id);
                    foreach (Meeting overlappingMeeting in overlappingMeetings)
                        if (overlappingMeeting.Participants.Select(p => p.Id).Contains(participantId) && overlappingMeeting.Id != pmc.TargetMeetingId)
                            //Participant is enrolled for two meetings at the same time, which is not possible


                #region Location complication section

                //Find locations that are used in more than one of these overlapping meetings
                List <int> locationConflicts = overlappingMeetings
                                               .Select(m => m.LocationRefId)
                                               .GroupBy(l => l)
                                               .Where(l => l.Count() > 1)
                                               .Select(g => g.Key)

                foreach (int locationId in locationConflicts)
                    if (meetingA.LocationRefId != locationId)
                    LocationMeetingConflicts lmc = new LocationMeetingConflicts(locationId, meetingA.Id);
                    foreach (Meeting overlappingMeeting in overlappingMeetings)
                        if (overlappingMeeting.LocationRefId == locationId && overlappingMeeting.Id != lmc.TargetMeetingId)
                            //Location is used for two meetings at the same time, which is not possible


            foreach (var pmc in participantMeetingConflicts.OrderBy(p => p.ParticipantId))
                sb.Append($"Participant '{pmc.ParticipantId}' is enrolled at meeting '{pmc.TargetMeetingId}', but it is conflicting with the participant's other meetings: [{string.Join(", ", pmc.OverlappingMeetings)}] <br /> ");

            sb.Append("<br />");

            foreach (var lmc in locationMeetingConflicts.OrderBy(l => l.LocationId))
                sb.Append($"Location '{lmc.LocationId}' is assigned for meeting '{lmc.TargetMeetingId}', but it is conflicting with the location's other meetings: [{string.Join(", ", lmc.OverlappingMeetings)}] <br />");
