コード例 #1
 public async Task SaveTaskAsync(MedicineHistory item, bool isNew)
         if (isNew == true)
             await medicineTable.InsertAsync(item);
             await medicineTable.UpdateAsync(item);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Debug.WriteLine(@"Exception: {0}", ex.Message);
コード例 #2
        public async void end(Medicine currentMedicine)
            var temp = await reminderManager.GetReminderAsync();

            foreach (var t in temp)
                if (t.MedicineId == currentMedicine.Id)
                    await reminderManager.DeleteTaskAsync(t);

            //delete thie medicine
            currentMedicine.IsTaking = false;
            await medicineManager.DeleteTaskAsync(currentMedicine);

            App.contentChanged = true;

            //set a new medicine history
            MedicineHistory medicineHistory = new MedicineHistory
                Id                  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                UserId              = App.email,
                MedicineName        = currentMedicine.MedicineName,
                Directions          = currentMedicine.Directions,
                TimeToDisplay       = currentMedicine.StartTime.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy ddd") + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy ddd"),
                Description         = currentMedicine.Description,
                Duration            = currentMedicine.Duration,
                TimesPerDay         = currentMedicine.TimesPerDay,
                Unit                = currentMedicine.Unit,
                StartTime           = currentMedicine.StartTime,
                DirectionsToDisplay = currentMedicine.TimesPerDay + " times a day, " + currentMedicine.Unit + " each time",
                IsDone              = true,
                IsUnDone            = false

            if (currentMedicine.TimesPerDay == 1)
                medicineHistory.DirectionsToDisplay = "Once a day, " + currentMedicine.Unit + " each time";
            //medicineHistoryManager = MedicineHistoryManager.DefaultManager;
            await medicineHistoryManager.SaveTaskAsync(medicineHistory, true);

            await DisplayAlert("Notice:", "You have ended this medicine!", "OK");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the medicines the patient has been prescribed from the database and stores them
        /// in the medicineHistory arraylist
        /// </summary>
        public void retrieveMedicineHistory()
            DataTable       table   = new DataTable();
            string          connStr = "server=csdatabase.eku.edu;user=stu_csc340;database=csc340_db;port=3306;password=Colonels18;SSLMode=None";
            MySqlConnection conn    = new MySqlConnection(connStr);

                Console.WriteLine("Connecting to MySQL...");
                string sql = "SELECT m.name, DATE_FORMAT(pr.dateFilled, \"%m-%d-%Y\") AS dateFilled, m.quantity, m.dosage, m.route, " +
                             "m.instructions, m.prescriptionID " +
                             "FROM DixonPatient pa JOIN DixonPrescription pr ON pr.patientID = pa.patientID " +
                             "JOIN DixonMedicine m ON m.prescriptionID = pr.id WHERE pa.patientID = @id;";
                MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", Id);
                MySqlDataAdapter myAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                Console.WriteLine("Table is ready.");
            catch (Exception ex)

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                Medicine medicine = new Medicine();
                medicine.Name           = row["name"].ToString();
                medicine.Date           = row["dateFilled"].ToString();
                medicine.Quantity       = (int)row["quantity"];
                medicine.Dosage         = row["dosage"].ToString();
                medicine.Route          = row["route"].ToString();
                medicine.Instructions   = row["instructions"].ToString();
                medicine.PrescriptionID = (int)row["prescriptionID"];
コード例 #4
 public MedicineHistoryPage(MedicineHistory medicineHistory)
     BindingContext = medicineHistory;
コード例 #5
 public async Task DeleteTaskAsync(MedicineHistory item)
     await medicineTable.DeleteAsync(item);
コード例 #6
        async void EndClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var startday = new DateTime(currentMedicine.StartTime.Year, currentMedicine.StartTime.Month, currentMedicine.StartTime.Day);
            var diff     = DateTime.Now - startday;

            var difff = diff.Days + 1;

            if (difff < int.Parse(currentMedicine.Duration))
                var res = await DisplayAlert("Notice!", "You haven't finished this medication. Are you sure to terminate it early? ", "Yes", "No");

                if (res)
                    //delete related reminders
                    ReminderManager reminderManager = ReminderManager.DefaultManager;
                    var             temp            = await reminderManager.GetReminderAsync();

                    foreach (var t in temp)
                        if (t.MedicineId == currentMedicine.Id)
                            await reminderManager.DeleteTaskAsync(t);

                    //delete thie medicine

                    MedicineManager medicineManager = MedicineManager.DefaultManager;
                    await medicineManager.DeleteTaskAsync(currentMedicine);

                    App.contentChanged = true;

                    //set a new medicine history
                    MedicineHistory medicineHistory = new MedicineHistory
                        Id                  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        UserId              = App.email,
                        MedicineName        = currentMedicine.MedicineName,
                        Directions          = currentMedicine.Directions,
                        TimeToDisplay       = currentMedicine.StartTime.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy ddd") + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy ddd"),
                        Description         = currentMedicine.Description,
                        Duration            = currentMedicine.Duration,
                        TimesPerDay         = currentMedicine.TimesPerDay,
                        Unit                = currentMedicine.Unit,
                        StartTime           = currentMedicine.StartTime,
                        DirectionsToDisplay = currentMedicine.TimesPerDay + " times a day, " + currentMedicine.Unit + " each time",
                        IsDone              = false,
                        IsUnDone            = true
                    if (currentMedicine.TimesPerDay == 1)
                        medicineHistory.DirectionsToDisplay = "Once a day, " + currentMedicine.Unit + " each time";

                    medicineHistory.Duration = difff.ToString();
                    MedicineHistoryManager medicineHistoryManager = MedicineHistoryManager.DefaultManager;
                    await medicineHistoryManager.SaveTaskAsync(medicineHistory, true);
                    await DisplayAlert("Notice:", "You have ended this medicine!", "OK");
                //delete related reminders
                ReminderManager reminderManager = ReminderManager.DefaultManager;
                var             temp            = await reminderManager.GetReminderAsync();

                foreach (var t in temp)
                    if (t.MedicineId == currentMedicine.Id)
                        await reminderManager.DeleteTaskAsync(t);

                //delete thie medicine
                MedicineManager medicineManager = MedicineManager.DefaultManager;
                await medicineManager.DeleteTaskAsync(currentMedicine);

                App.contentChanged = true;

                //set a new medicine history
                MedicineHistory medicineHistory = new MedicineHistory
                    Id                  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    UserId              = App.email,
                    MedicineName        = currentMedicine.MedicineName,
                    Directions          = currentMedicine.Directions,
                    TimeToDisplay       = currentMedicine.StartTime.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy ddd") + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy ddd"),
                    Description         = currentMedicine.Description,
                    Duration            = currentMedicine.Duration,
                    TimesPerDay         = currentMedicine.TimesPerDay,
                    Unit                = currentMedicine.Unit,
                    StartTime           = currentMedicine.StartTime,
                    DirectionsToDisplay = currentMedicine.TimesPerDay + " times a day, " + currentMedicine.Unit + " each time",
                    IsDone              = true,
                    IsUnDone            = false
                if (currentMedicine.TimesPerDay == 1)
                    medicineHistory.DirectionsToDisplay = "Once a day, " + currentMedicine.Unit + " each time";

                medicineHistory.Duration = difff.ToString();
                MedicineHistoryManager medicineHistoryManager = MedicineHistoryManager.DefaultManager;
                await medicineHistoryManager.SaveTaskAsync(medicineHistory, true);
                await DisplayAlert("Notice:", "You have ended this medicine!", "OK");

            await Navigation.PopAsync();