コード例 #1
        public static void AddEveryMedicineToRelevantThings2(
            Pawn pawn,
            Thing billGiver,
            List <Thing> relevantThings,
            Predicate <Thing> baseValidator,
            Map map)
            MedicalCareCategory medicalCareCategory = GetMedicalCareCategory(billGiver);

            WorkGiver_DoBill_RegionProcessor.thingList = map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.Medicine);
            List <Thing> tmpMedicine = new List <Thing>();

            for (int index = 0; index < WorkGiver_DoBill_RegionProcessor.thingList.Count; ++index)
                Thing thing = WorkGiver_DoBill_RegionProcessor.thingList[index];
                if (medicalCareCategory.AllowsMedicine(thing.def) && baseValidator(thing) && pawn.CanReach(thing, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn))
            tmpMedicine.SortBy(x => - x.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, true), x => x.Position.DistanceToSquared(billGiver.Position));
コード例 #2
        //private static void AddEveryMedicineToRelevantThings(Pawn pawn, Thing billGiver, List<Thing> relevantThings, Predicate<Thing> baseValidator, Map map)
        public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, Thing billGiver, List <Thing> relevantThings, Map map)
            if (HackityGetBill.bill == null)
                Verse.Log.Warning($"Smart Medicine Inventory Surgery not going to work for {pawn}; mod conflict in AddEveryMedicineToRelevantThings or TryFindBestBillIngredients?");
            Predicate <Thing> baseValidator = (Thing t) => HackityGetBill.bill.IsFixedOrAllowedIngredient(t) && HackityGetBill.bill.recipe.ingredients.Any((IngredientCount ingNeed) => ingNeed.filter.Allows(t));

            Log.Message($"AddEveryMedicineToRelevantThings ({pawn}, {billGiver}, {HackityGetBill.bill})");
            MedicalCareCategory medicalCareCategory = (MedicalCareCategory)AccessTools.Method(typeof(WorkGiver_DoBill), "GetMedicalCareCategory").Invoke(null, new object[] { billGiver });

            bool added = false;

            Log.Message($"inventory: ({pawn.inventory.GetDirectlyHeldThings().ToStringSafeEnumerable()})");
            foreach (Thing t in pawn.inventory.GetDirectlyHeldThings())
                if (medicalCareCategory.AllowsMedicine(t.def) && baseValidator(t))
                    Log.Message($"{pawn} considering {t} for surgery on {billGiver}");
                    added = true;
            if (added)
                relevantThings.SortBy((Thing x) => - x.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, true), (Thing x) => x.Spawned ? x.Position.DistanceToSquared(billGiver.Position) : 0);

            HackityGetBill.bill = null;
コード例 #3
        //private static void AddEveryMedicineToRelevantThings(Pawn pawn, Thing billGiver, List<Thing> relevantThings, Predicate<Thing> baseValidator, Map map)
        public static void Postfix(Pawn pawn, Thing billGiver, List <Thing> relevantThings, Map map)
            if (HackityGetBill.bill == null)
                Verse.Log.Warning($"Smart Medicine Inventory Surgery not going to work for {pawn}; mod conflict in AddEveryMedicineToRelevantThings or TryFindBestBillIngredients?");
            Predicate <Thing> baseValidator = (Thing t) => HackityGetBill.bill.IsFixedOrAllowedIngredient(t) && HackityGetBill.bill.recipe.ingredients.Any((IngredientCount ingNeed) => ingNeed.filter.Allows(t));

            Log.Message($"AddEveryMedicineToRelevantThings ({pawn}, {billGiver}, {HackityGetBill.bill})");
            MedicalCareCategory medicalCareCategory = (MedicalCareCategory)AccessTools.Method(typeof(WorkGiver_DoBill), "GetMedicalCareCategory").Invoke(null, new object[] { billGiver });

            Log.Message($"inventory: ({pawn.inventory.GetDirectlyHeldThings().ToStringSafeEnumerable()})");
            foreach (Thing t in pawn.inventory.GetDirectlyHeldThings())
                if (medicalCareCategory.AllowsMedicine(t.def) && baseValidator(t))
                    Log.Message($"{pawn} considering {t} for surgery on {billGiver}");

            //Tiny addition to use minimal medicine for Anesthetize bill. TODO: Make this a def extension so any recipe could use it, though no one will so why really
            int statAdjust = (Settings.Get().minimalMedicineForNonUrgent&& HackityGetBill.bill.recipe == Anesthetize ? 1 : -1);

                (Thing x) => statAdjust * x.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency),
                //Check if item is in inventory or spawned in map: inventory "distance" is 0
                (Thing x) => x.Spawned ? x.Position.DistanceToSquared(billGiver.Position) : 0);

            HackityGetBill.bill = null;
コード例 #4
        public static bool AllowsMedicineForHediff(Pawn deliveree, ThingDef med)
            if (PriorityCareComp.MaxPriorityCare(deliveree, out MedicalCareCategory heCare))
                //This is uses to allow higher medicine above normal limit below.
                //this is NOT used to stop the job is PriorityCare is lowered
                if (heCare.AllowsMedicine(med))

            //Not required but hey why dont I patch this in for Pharmacist
            MedicalCareCategory care = deliveree.GetCare();

コード例 #5
        private static void AddEveryMedicineToRelevantThings(Pawn pawn, Thing billGiver, List <Thing> relevantThings, Predicate <Thing> baseValidator, Map map)
            MedicalCareCategory medicalCareCategory = GetMedicalCareCategory(billGiver);
            List <Thing>        list = map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.Medicine);

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                Thing thing = list[i];
                if (medicalCareCategory.AllowsMedicine(thing.def) && baseValidator(thing) && pawn.CanReach(thing, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly))
            tmpMedicine.SortBy((Thing x) => 0f - x.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency), (Thing x) => x.Position.DistanceToSquared(billGiver.Position));
コード例 #6
        public static bool Prefix(Pawn healer, Pawn patient, ref Thing __result)
            // get lowest of pawn care settings & pharmacy settings
            MedicalCareCategory pharmacistAdvice = PharmacistUtility.TendAdvice(patient);

            if (pharmacistAdvice <= MedicalCareCategory.NoMeds)
                __result = null;

            __result = GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global_Reachable(
                (m) => !m.IsForbidden(healer) && pharmacistAdvice.AllowsMedicine(m.def) && healer.CanReserve(m, 1),
                (m) => m.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency));

コード例 #7
        //public static Thing FindBestMedicine(Pawn healer, Pawn patient)
        public static List <ThingCount> Find(Pawn healer, Pawn patient, out int totalCount)
            totalCount = 0;
            Log.Message($"{healer} is tending to {patient}");

            float sufficientQuality = maxMedicineQuality + 1;             // nothing is sufficient!

            if (Settings.Get().minimalMedicineForNonUrgent)
                if (patient.health.hediffSet.hediffs.All(h => !h.TendableNow() || !h.IsUrgent()))
                    sufficientQuality = minMedicineQuality;
                    Log.Message($"Sufficient medicine for non-urgent care is {sufficientQuality}");

            MedicalCareCategory defaultCare = patient.GetCare();

            //Care setting
            MedicalCareCategory finalCare = MedicalCareCategory.NoCare;
            var           hediffCare      = PriorityCareComp.Get();
            List <Hediff> hediffsToTend   = HediffsToTend(patient);

            Log.Message($"Tending ({hediffsToTend.ToStringSafeEnumerable()})");
            foreach (Hediff h in hediffsToTend)
                MedicalCareCategory toUse = defaultCare;
                if (hediffCare.TryGetValue(h, out MedicalCareCategory heCare))
                    toUse = heCare;

                finalCare = toUse > finalCare ? toUse : finalCare;
            Log.Message($"defaultCare = {defaultCare}, care = {finalCare}");

            //Android Droid support;
            Predicate <Thing> validatorDroid = t => true;
            Type extMechanicalPawn           = AccessTools.TypeByName("Androids.MechanicalPawnProperties");
            bool isDroid = extMechanicalPawn != null && (patient.def.modExtensions?.Any(e => extMechanicalPawn.IsAssignableFrom(e.GetType())) ?? false);

            if (isDroid)
                Log.Message($"{patient} is a droid");
                Type extRepair = AccessTools.TypeByName("Androids.DroidRepairProperties");
                validatorDroid = t => t.def.modExtensions?.Any(e => extRepair.IsAssignableFrom(e.GetType())) ?? false;

            Predicate <Thing> validatorMed = t => finalCare.AllowsMedicine(t.def) && validatorDroid(t);

            Map               map            = patient.Map;
            TraverseParms     traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(healer, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false);
            Predicate <Thing> validator      = (Thing t) => validatorMed(t) &&
                                               map.reachability.CanReach(patient.Position, t, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, traverseParams) &&
                                               !t.IsForbidden(healer) && healer.CanReserve(t, FindBestMedicine.maxPawns, 1);//can reserve at least 1
            Func <Thing, float> priorityGetter  = (Thing t) => MedicineRating(t, sufficientQuality);
            List <Thing>        groundMedicines = patient.Map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(isDroid?ThingRequestGroup.HaulableEver:ThingRequestGroup.Medicine).FindAll(t => validator(t));

            Predicate <Pawn> validatorHolder = (Pawn p) =>
                                               map.reachability.CanReach(patient.Position, p, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, traverseParams);

            List <Pawn> pawns = healer.Map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(Faction.OfPlayer).ListFullCopy();

            if (!Settings.Get().useDoctorMedicine)
            if (!Settings.Get().usePatientMedicine)
            if (!Settings.Get().useColonistMedicine)
                pawns.RemoveAll(p => p.IsFreeColonist && p != healer && p != patient);
            if (!Settings.Get().useAnimalMedicine)
                pawns.RemoveAll(p => !p.IsColonist);

            int minDistance = DistanceTo(healer, patient);

            if (!Settings.Get().useOtherEvenIfFar)
                pawns.RemoveAll(p => DistanceTo(p, healer, patient) > minDistance + Settings.Get().distanceToUseFromOther * 2);                 //*2, there and back
            pawns.RemoveAll(p => !validatorHolder(p));

            //Evaluate them all
            List <MedicineEvaluator> allMeds = new List <MedicineEvaluator>();

            //Add each ground
            foreach (Thing t in groundMedicines)
                allMeds.Add(new MedicineEvaluator()
                    thing    = t,
                    pawn     = null,
                    rating   = MedicineRating(t, sufficientQuality),
                    distance = DistanceTo(t, healer, patient)

            List <MedicineEvaluator> groundEvaluators = allMeds.ListFullCopy();

            //Add best from each pawn
            foreach (Pawn p in pawns)
                Thing t = FindBestMedicineInInventory(p, patient, validatorMed, sufficientQuality, p == healer);
                if (t == null)
                allMeds.Add(new MedicineEvaluator()
                    thing    = t,
                    pawn     = p,
                    rating   = MedicineRating(t, sufficientQuality),
                    distance = DistanceTo(p, healer, patient)

            //Find best

            foreach (MedicineEvaluator tryMed in allMeds)

            MedicineEvaluator bestMed = allMeds.LastOrDefault();

            List <ThingCount> result = new List <ThingCount>();

            if (bestMed.thing != null)
                if (Settings.Get().useCloseMedicine&& bestMed.pawn != null)
                    bestMed.DebugLog("Best: ");
                    Log.Message($"checking nearby:");
                    List <MedicineEvaluator> equalMedicines = groundEvaluators.FindAll(eval => eval.rating == bestMed.rating);
                    if (equalMedicines.Count > 0)
                        MedicineEvaluator closeMed = equalMedicines.MinBy(eval => eval.distance);
                        closeMed.DebugLog("Nearby med on the way there: ");
                        if (closeMed.distance <= minDistance + Settings.Get().distanceToUseEqualOnGround * 2)                         //*2, there and back
                            bestMed = closeMed;

                //Check if any minimal medicine exists
                if (allMeds.Count == 0 || bestMed.rating == allMeds.MinBy(m => m.rating).rating)
                    GetMedicineCountToFullyHeal_Patch.__beep_beep_MinimalMedicineAvailable = false;
                    Log.Message($"No minimal medicine available");
                int count = Medicine.GetMedicineCountToFullyHeal(patient);

                totalCount = count;
                Log.Message($"Medicine count = {count}");

                bestMed.DebugLog("Best Med on " + (bestMed.pawn == null ? "ground" : "hand") + ":");

                int usedCount = Mathf.Min(bestMed.thing.stackCount, count);
                result.Add(new ThingCount(bestMed.thing, usedCount));
                count -= usedCount;
                //Find some more needed nearby
                if (count > 0)
                    List <MedicineEvaluator> equalMedicines = allMeds.FindAll(eval => eval.rating == bestMed.rating);
                    equalMedicines.SortBy(eval => DistanceTo(bestMed.pawn ?? bestMed.thing, eval.pawn ?? eval.thing));
                    Thing droppedMedicine = null;
                    Log.Message($"But needs {count} more");
                    while (count > 0 && equalMedicines.Count > 0)
                        MedicineEvaluator closeMed = equalMedicines.First();

                        closeMed.DebugLog("More: ");

                        if (DistanceTo(droppedMedicine ?? bestMed.pawn ?? bestMed.thing, closeMed.pawn ?? closeMed.thing) > 8f)                         //8f as defined in CheckForGetOpportunityDuplicate

                        usedCount = Mathf.Min(closeMed.thing.stackCount, count);
                        closeMed.DebugLog("Using: ({usedCount})");

                        result.Add(new ThingCount(closeMed.thing, usedCount));
                        count -= usedCount;
コード例 #8
        private static bool Prefix(Pawn healer, Pawn patient, ref Thing __result)
            if (patient.playerSettings == null || patient.playerSettings.medCare <= MedicalCareCategory.NoMeds ||

            Log.Message(healer + " is tending to " + patient);

            float sufficientQuality = maxMedicineQuality + 1;             // nothing is sufficient!

            if (Settings.Get().downgradeExcessiveMedicine)
                sufficientQuality = CalculateSufficientQuality(healer, patient);
                Log.Message("Sufficient medicine for best treatment is " + sufficientQuality + "(" + Settings.Get().goodEnoughDowngradeFactor + ")");
            if (Settings.Get().minimalMedicineForNonUrgent)
                if (patient.health.hediffSet.hediffs.All(h => !h.TendableNow || !h.IsUrgent()))
                    sufficientQuality = minMedicineQuality;
                    Log.Message("Sufficient medicine for non-urgent care is " + sufficientQuality);

            Predicate <Thing> validatorMed = t => patient.playerSettings.medCare.AllowsMedicine(t.def);

                ((Action)(() =>
                    MedicalCareCategory pharmacistAdvice = Pharmacist.PharmacistUtility.TendAdvice(patient);
                    validatorMed = t => pharmacistAdvice.AllowsMedicine(t.def);
            catch (Exception) { }

            Map               map            = patient.Map;
            TraverseParms     traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(healer, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false);
            Predicate <Thing> validator      = (Thing t) => validatorMed(t) &&
                                               map.reachability.CanReach(patient.Position, t, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, traverseParams) &&
                                               !t.IsForbidden(healer) && healer.CanReserve(t, FindBestMedicine.maxPawns, 1);//can reserve at least 1
            Func <Thing, float> priorityGetter  = (Thing t) => MedicineRating(t, sufficientQuality);
            List <Thing>        groundMedicines = patient.Map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.Medicine).FindAll(t => validator(t));

            Predicate <Pawn> validatorHolder = (Pawn p) =>
                                               map.reachability.CanReach(patient.Position, p, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, traverseParams);

            List <Pawn> pawns = healer.Map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(Faction.OfPlayer).ListFullCopy();

            if (!Settings.Get().useDoctorMedicine)
            if (!Settings.Get().usePatientMedicine)
            if (!Settings.Get().useColonistMedicine)
                pawns.RemoveAll(p => p.IsFreeColonist && p != healer && p != patient);
            if (!Settings.Get().useAnimalMedicine)
                pawns.RemoveAll(p => !p.IsColonist);

            int minDistance = DistanceTo(healer, patient);

            if (!Settings.Get().useOtherEvenIfFar)
                pawns.RemoveAll(p => DistanceTo(p, healer, patient) > minDistance + Settings.Get().distanceToUseFromOther * 2);                 //*2, there and back
            pawns.RemoveAll(p => !validatorHolder(p));

            //Evaluate them all
            List <MedicineEvaluator> allMeds = new List <MedicineEvaluator>();

            //Add each ground
            foreach (Thing t in groundMedicines)
                allMeds.Add(new MedicineEvaluator()
                    thing    = t,
                    pawn     = null,
                    rating   = MedicineRating(t, sufficientQuality),
                    distance = DistanceTo(t, healer, patient)

            List <MedicineEvaluator> groundEvaluators = allMeds.ListFullCopy();

            //Add best from each pawn
            foreach (Pawn p in pawns)
                Thing t = FindBestMedicineInInventory(p, patient, validatorMed, sufficientQuality, p == healer);
                if (t == null)
                allMeds.Add(new MedicineEvaluator()
                    thing    = t,
                    pawn     = p,
                    rating   = MedicineRating(t, sufficientQuality),
                    distance = DistanceTo(p, healer, patient)

            //Find best

            foreach (MedicineEvaluator tryMed in allMeds)

            MedicineEvaluator bestMed = allMeds.LastOrDefault();

            if (bestMed.thing != null)
                if (Settings.Get().useCloseMedicine&& bestMed.pawn != null)
                    bestMed.DebugLog("Best: ");
                    Log.Message("checking nearby:");
                    List <MedicineEvaluator> equalMedicines = groundEvaluators.FindAll(eval => eval.rating == bestMed.rating);
                    if (equalMedicines.Count > 0)
                        MedicineEvaluator closeMed = equalMedicines.MinBy(eval => eval.distance);
                        closeMed.DebugLog("Nearby med on the way there: ");
                        if (closeMed.distance <= minDistance + Settings.Get().distanceToUseEqualOnGround * 2)                         //*2, there and back
                            bestMed = closeMed;

                //Check if any minimal medicine exists
                if (allMeds.Count == 0 || bestMed.rating == allMeds.MinBy(m => m.rating).rating)
                    GetMedicineCountToFullyHeal_Patch.__beep_beep_MinimalMedicineAvailable = false;
                    Log.Message("No minimal medicine available");
                int count = Medicine.GetMedicineCountToFullyHeal(patient);

                JobOnThing_Patch.medCount = count;
                Log.Message("FindBestMedicine count = " + count);

                if (bestMed.pawn == null)
                    bestMed.DebugLog("Best Med on ground:");
                    __result = bestMed.thing;
                    // because The Toil to get this medicine is FailOnDespawnedNullOrForbidden
                    // And Medicine in inventory is despawned
                    // You can't set the job to use already carried medicine.
                    // Editing the toil would be more difficult.
                    // But we can drop it so the normal job picks it back it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
                    bestMed.DebugLog("Best Med on hand: ");

                    //Drop it!
                    int dropCount = Mathf.Min(bestMed.thing.stackCount, count);
                    count   -= dropCount;
                    __result = bestMed.thing;
                    //	return true;

                    //Todo: mid-job getting new medicine fails since this isn't dropped mid-toil. Sokay since it just fails and restarts.
                    //if healer job is tend maybe?

                    //Find some more needed nearby
                    //bestMed is dropped in Notify_Start, but these aren't tracked there so they are dropped now.

                    //In a very odd case that you right-click assign a tend and a second pawn's medicine is needed, he might drop his entire inventory
                    // That's a vanilla thing though that calls JobOnThing over and over instead of HasJobOnThing
                    if (count > 0)
                        List <MedicineEvaluator> equalMedicines = allMeds.FindAll(eval => eval.rating == bestMed.rating);
                        equalMedicines.SortBy(eval => DistanceTo(bestMed.pawn, eval.pawn ?? eval.thing));
                        Thing droppedMedicine = null;
                        Log.Message("But needs " + count + " more");
                        while (count > 0 && equalMedicines.Count > 0)
                            MedicineEvaluator closeMed = equalMedicines.First();

                            closeMed.DebugLog("More: ");

                            if (DistanceTo(droppedMedicine ?? bestMed.pawn, closeMed.pawn ?? closeMed.thing) > 8f)                             //8f as defined in CheckForGetOpportunityDuplicate

                            dropCount = Mathf.Min(closeMed.thing.stackCount, count);
                            closeMed.DebugLog("Using: (" + dropCount + ")");

                            closeMed.pawn?.inventory.innerContainer.TryDrop(closeMed.thing, ThingPlaceMode.Near, dropCount, out droppedMedicine);
                            if (droppedMedicine != null && !droppedMedicine.IsForbidden(healer) && healer.CanReserve(droppedMedicine, maxPawns, count))
                                count -= dropCount;
                            //else return false;

                //Use it!
                //Log.Message("using inventory " + medicine);
                //healer.carryTracker.innerContainer.TryAddOrTransfer(medicine, count);
                //__result = medicine;
            return(__result == null);