コード例 #1
ファイル: VoiceSynth.cs プロジェクト: bm98/FS20_HudBar
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridable Dispose
        /// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">Disposing flag</param>
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)
                    // dispose managed state (managed objects)
                    // cleanup existing items
                    _synthesizer?.Dispose( );
                    _mediaSourceInputNode?.Dispose( );
                    _deviceOutputNode?.Dispose( );
                    _audioGraph?.Dispose( );

                disposedValue = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: VoiceSynth.cs プロジェクト: bm98/FS20_HudBar
        // Init the AudioGraph
        //  despite the Aync methods - this will exec synchronously to get the InitPhase  only get done when all is available
        private void InitAudioGraph( )
            LOG.Log("InitAudioGraph: Begin");
            if (!_canSpeak)
                LOG.Log("InitAudioGraph: Canceled with _canSpeak = false");
                return; // cannot even try..

            // MUST WAIT UNTIL all items are created, else one may call Speak too early...
            // cleanup existing items
            if (_mediaSourceInputNode != null)
                if (_deviceOutputNode != null)
                _mediaSourceInputNode.Dispose( );
                _mediaSourceInputNode = null;
            if (_deviceOutputNode != null)
                _deviceOutputNode.Dispose( ); _deviceOutputNode = null;
            if (_audioGraph != null)
                _audioGraph.Dispose( ); _audioGraph = null;

            // Create an AudioGraph
            AudioGraphSettings settings = new AudioGraphSettings(_renderCat)
                PrimaryRenderDevice = null, // If PrimaryRenderDevice is null, the default playback device will be used.
            // We await here the execution without providing an async method ...
            var resultAG = WindowsRuntimeSystemExtensions.AsTask(AudioGraph.CreateAsync(settings));

            resultAG.Wait( );
            if (resultAG.Result.Status != AudioGraphCreationStatus.Success)
                LOG.LogError($"InitAudioGraph: Failed to create AudioGraph with RenderCategory: {_renderCat}");
                LOG.LogError($"InitAudioGraph: AudioGraph creation: {resultAG.Result.Status}, TaskStatus: {resultAG.Status}"
                             + $"\nExtError: {resultAG.Result.ExtendedError}");
                _canSpeak = false;
            _audioGraph = resultAG.Result.Graph;
            LOG.Log($"InitAudioGraph: AudioGraph: [{_audioGraph.EncodingProperties}]");

            // Create a device output node
            // The output node uses the PrimaryRenderDevice of the audio graph.
            // We await here the execution without providing an async method ...
            var resultDO = WindowsRuntimeSystemExtensions.AsTask(_audioGraph.CreateDeviceOutputNodeAsync());

            resultDO.Wait( );
            if (resultDO.Result.Status != AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus.Success)
                // Cannot create device output node
                LOG.LogError($"InitAudioGraph: DeviceOutputNode creation: {resultDO.Result.Status}, TaskStatus: {resultDO.Status}"
                             + $"\nExtError: {resultDO.Result.ExtendedError}");
                _canSpeak = false;
            _deviceOutputNode = resultDO.Result.DeviceOutputNode;
            LOG.Log($"InitAudioGraph: DeviceOutputNode: [{_deviceOutputNode.Device}]");
            LOG.Log($"InitAudioGraph: InitAudioGraph-END");