コード例 #1
    public static bool CreateVideoThumb(string aVideoPath, string aThumbPath, bool aOmitCredits)
      if (!File.Exists(aVideoPath))
        Log.Info("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: File {0} not found!", aVideoPath);
        return false;

      if (!File.Exists(_extractorPath))
        Log.Info("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: No {0} found to generate thumbnails of your video!", _extractorPath);
        return false;

      //TODO Blacklist stuff
      /*bool isCachedThumbBlacklisted = IsCachedThumbBlacklisted(aVideoPath);
      IVideoThumbBlacklist blacklist = GlobalServiceProvider.Get<IVideoThumbBlacklist>();
      if (blacklist != null && blacklist.Contains(aVideoPath))
        if (isCachedThumbBlacklisted)
          Log.Info("Skipped creating thumbnail for {0}, it has been blacklisted because last attempt failed", aVideoPath);
          return false;

      string ShareThumb = "";

      int TimeIntBwThumbs = 0;

      int preGapSec = Thumbs.TimeOffset * 60;

      Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: preGapSec: {0}", preGapSec);

      MediaInfo = new MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper(aVideoPath);

      int Duration = MediaInfo.VideoDuration / 1000;

      if (preGapSec > Duration)
        preGapSec = Duration - 240;

      if (preGapSec < 0)
        preGapSec = 4;

      TimeIntBwThumbs = (Duration - preGapSec) / 4;

      Log.Debug("{0} duration is {1}, TimeIntBwThumbs is {2}", aVideoPath, Duration, TimeIntBwThumbs);

      bool Success = false;
      string strFilenamewithoutExtension = Path.ChangeExtension(aVideoPath, null);

/*      string ffmpegArgs =
        string.Format("select=isnan(prev_selected_t)+gte(t-prev_selected_t\\,{0}),", TimeIntBwThumbs) +
        string.Format("yadif=0:-1:0,") +
        string.Format("scale={0}:{1},", 600, 337) +
        string.Format("setsar=1:1,") +
        string.Format("tile={0}x{1}", Thumbs.PreviewColumns, Thumbs.PreviewRows);
      string ffmpegFallbackArgs =
        string.Format("select=isnan(prev_selected_t)+gte(t-prev_selected_t\\,{0}),", 5) +
        string.Format("yadif=0:-1:0,") +
        string.Format("scale={0}:{1},", 600, 337) +
        string.Format("setsar=1:1,") +
        string.Format("tile={0}x{1}", Thumbs.PreviewColumns, Thumbs.PreviewRows);

/*      string ExtractorArgs =
        string.Format("-loglevel quiet -ss {0} ", preGapSec) +
        string.Format("-i \"{0}\" ", aVideoPath) +
        string.Format("-vf {0} ", ffmpegArgs) +
        string.Format("-vframes 1 -vsync 0 ") +
        string.Format("-an \"{0}_s.jpg\"", strFilenamewithoutExtension);
      string ExtractorFallbackArgs =
        string.Format("-loglevel quiet -ss 5 ") +
        string.Format("-i \"{0}\" ", aVideoPath) +
        string.Format("-vf {0} ", ffmpegFallbackArgs) +
        string.Format("-vframes 1 -vsync 0 ") +
        string.Format("-an \"{0}_s.jpg\"", strFilenamewithoutExtension);

        // Use this for the working dir to be on the safe side
        string TempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
        string OutputThumb = string.Format("{0}{1}", Path.ChangeExtension(aVideoPath, null), ".jpg");
        ShareThumb = OutputThumb.Replace(".jpg", ".jpg");
        // Use Temp folder 
        string strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp = Path.GetTempPath() + Path.GetFileName(strFilenamewithoutExtension);
        string ShareThumbTemp = Path.GetTempPath() + Path.GetFileName(ShareThumb);

        if ((Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb && !File.Exists(ShareThumb)) // No thumb in share although it should be there
            || (!Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb && !File.Exists(aThumbPath))) // No thumb cached and no chance to find it in share
          List<string> pictureList = new List<string>();
          string ffmpegArgs = null;
          string ExtractorArgs = null;
          int TimeOffset = 0;
          int i;

          for (i = 0; i < (Thumbs.PreviewColumns * Thumbs.PreviewRows); i++)
            TimeOffset = preGapSec + i * TimeIntBwThumbs;

            ffmpegArgs = string.Format("select=isnan(prev_selected_t)+gte(t-prev_selected_t" + "\\" + ",{0}),yadif=0:-1:0,scale=600:337,setsar=1:1,tile={1}x{2}", 1, 1, 1);
            ExtractorArgs = string.Format("-loglevel quiet -ss {0} -i \"{1}\" -vf {2} -vframes 1 -vsync 0 -an \"{3}_{4}.jpg\"", TimeOffset, aVideoPath, ffmpegArgs, strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp, i);
            Success = StartProcess(_extractorPath, ExtractorArgs, TempPath, 120000, true, GetMtnConditions());
            Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: thumb creation {0}", ExtractorArgs);
            if (!Success)
              Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: failed, try to fallback {0}", strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp);
              pictureList.Add(string.Format("{0}_{1}.jpg", strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp, i));
          // generate thumb if all sub pictures was created
          if (i == Thumbs.PreviewColumns * Thumbs.PreviewRows)
            if (CreateTileThumb(pictureList, string.Format("{0}.jpg", strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp), Thumbs.PreviewColumns, Thumbs.PreviewRows))
              Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: thumb creation success {0}", ShareThumbTemp);
              File.SetAttributes(ShareThumbTemp, File.GetAttributes(ShareThumbTemp) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);
              Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: failed, try to fallback {0}", strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp);
            // Maybe the pre-gap was too large or not enough sharp & light scenes could be caught
            Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: 1st trying was not success, 2nd trying in progress with ExtractorFallbackArgs: {0}", ExtractorFallbackArgs);
            Success = StartProcess(_extractorPath, ExtractorFallbackArgs, TempPath, 120000, true, GetMtnConditions());
           if (!Success)
              Log.Info("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: {0} has not been executed successfully with arguments: {1}", _extractApp,
          // give the system a few IO cycles
          // make sure there's no process hanging
          KillProcess(Path.ChangeExtension(_extractApp, null));

            // Move Final Thumbnail from Temp folder to Thumbs folder
            File.Move(ShareThumbTemp, aThumbPath);
            File.SetAttributes(aThumbPath, File.GetAttributes(aThumbPath) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);
          catch (FileNotFoundException)
            Log.Info("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: {0} did not extract a thumbnail to: {1}", _extractApp, ShareThumbTemp);
          catch (Exception)
              // Clean up
            catch (Exception)

          if (Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb)
            if (File.Exists(aThumbPath))
                File.Copy(aThumbPath, ShareThumb);
                File.SetAttributes(ShareThumb, File.GetAttributes(ShareThumb) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);
              catch (Exception)
                Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: Exception on File.Copy({0}, {1})", ShareThumbTemp, ShareThumb);
          // We have a thumbnail in share but the cache was wiped out - make sure it is recreated
          if (Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb && !File.Exists(aThumbPath)) // && !File.Exists(aThumbPath))
            Success = true;


        if (File.Exists(ShareThumbTemp))
          if (Success)
            int width = (int)Thumbs.ThumbLargeResolution;
            CreateThumbnail(ShareThumbTemp, aThumbPath, width, width, 0);
            //CreateThumbnail(ShareThumb, Utils.ConvertToLargeCoverArt(aThumbPath),
            //                        (int)Thumbs.ThumbLargeResolution, (int)Thumbs.ThumbLargeResolution, 0, false);

          if (Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb)
            if (File.Exists(aThumbPath))
                File.Copy(aThumbPath, ShareThumb);
                File.SetAttributes(ShareThumb, File.GetAttributes(ShareThumb) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);
              catch (Exception)
                Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: Exception on File.Copy({0}, {1})", aThumbPath, ShareThumb);
      catch (Exception ex)
        Log.Error("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: Thumbnail generation failed - {0}!", ex.ToString());
      if (File.Exists(aThumbPath) || File.Exists(ShareThumb))
        return true;
        //TODO Blacklist stuff
        //if (blacklist != null)
        //  blacklist.Add(aVideoPath);
        return false;
コード例 #2
        public static bool CreateVideoThumb(string aVideoPath, string aThumbPath, bool aOmitCredits)
            if (!File.Exists(aVideoPath))
                Log.Info("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: File {0} not found!", aVideoPath);

            if (!File.Exists(_extractorPath))
                Log.Info("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: No {0} found to generate thumbnails of your video!", _extractorPath);

            //TODO Blacklist stuff

            /*bool isCachedThumbBlacklisted = IsCachedThumbBlacklisted(aVideoPath);
             * IVideoThumbBlacklist blacklist = GlobalServiceProvider.Get<IVideoThumbBlacklist>();
             * if (blacklist != null && blacklist.Contains(aVideoPath))
             * if (isCachedThumbBlacklisted)
             * {
             *  Log.Info("Skipped creating thumbnail for {0}, it has been blacklisted because last attempt failed", aVideoPath);
             *  return false;
             * }*/

            string ShareThumb = "";

            int TimeIntBwThumbs = 0;

            int TimeToSeek = 3;

            int preGapSec = Thumbs.TimeOffset * 60;

            Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: preGapSec: {0}", preGapSec);

            MediaInfo = new MediaInfoWrapper.MediaInfoWrapper(aVideoPath);

            int Duration = MediaInfo.VideoDuration / 1000;

            if (Duration == 0)
                Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: the {0} is corrupt.", aVideoPath);

            if (preGapSec > Duration)
                preGapSec = (Duration / 100) * 20; // 20% of the duration

            TimeIntBwThumbs = (Duration - preGapSec) / ((Thumbs.PreviewColumns * Thumbs.PreviewRows) + 1);;

            Log.Debug("{0} duration is {1}, TimeIntBwThumbs is {2}", aVideoPath, Duration, TimeIntBwThumbs);

            bool   Success = false;
            string strFilenamewithoutExtension = Path.ChangeExtension(aVideoPath, null);

            string ffmpegFallbackArgs =
                string.Format("yadif=0:-1:0,") +
                string.Format("scale={0}:{1},", 600, 337) +
                string.Format("setsar=1:1,") +
                string.Format("tile={0}x{1}", Thumbs.PreviewColumns, Thumbs.PreviewRows);

            string ExtractorFallbackArgs =
                string.Format("-loglevel quiet -ss 5 ") +
                string.Format("-i \"{0}\" ", aVideoPath) +
                string.Format("-y -vf {0} ", ffmpegFallbackArgs) +
                string.Format("-ss {0} ", TimeToSeek) +
                string.Format("-vframes 1 -vsync 0 ") +
                string.Format("-an \"{0}_s.jpg\"", strFilenamewithoutExtension);

                // Use this for the working dir to be on the safe side
                string TempPath    = Path.GetTempPath();
                string OutputThumb = string.Format("{0}{1}", Path.ChangeExtension(aVideoPath, null), ".jpg");
                ShareThumb = OutputThumb.Replace(".jpg", ".jpg");
                // Use Temp folder
                string strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp = Path.GetTempPath() + Path.GetFileName(strFilenamewithoutExtension);
                string ShareThumbTemp = Path.GetTempPath() + Path.GetFileName(ShareThumb);

                if ((Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb && !File.Exists(ShareThumb)) || // No thumb in share although it should be there
                    (!Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb && !File.Exists(aThumbPath))) // No thumb cached and no chance to find it in share
                    List <string> pictureList   = new List <string>();
                    string        ffmpegArgs    = null;
                    string        ExtractorArgs = null;
                    int           TimeOffset    = 0;
                    int           i;

                    for (i = 0; i < (Thumbs.PreviewColumns * Thumbs.PreviewRows); i++)
                        TimeOffset = preGapSec + i * TimeIntBwThumbs;

                        ffmpegArgs    = string.Format("yadif=0:-1:0,scale=600:337,setsar=1:1,tile={0}x{1}", 1, 1);
                        ExtractorArgs = string.Format("-loglevel quiet -ss {0} -i \"{1}\" -y -ss {2} -vf {3} -vframes 1 -vsync 0 -an \"{4}_{5}.jpg\"", TimeOffset, aVideoPath, TimeToSeek, ffmpegArgs, strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp, i);
                        Success       = StartProcess(_extractorPath, ExtractorArgs, TempPath, 120000, true, GetMtnConditions());
                        Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: thumb creation {0}", ExtractorArgs);
                        if (!Success)
                            Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: failed, try to fallback {0}", strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp);
                            pictureList.Add(string.Format("{0}_{1}.jpg", strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp, i));
                    // generate thumb if all sub pictures was created
                    if (i == Thumbs.PreviewColumns * Thumbs.PreviewRows)
                        if (CreateTileThumb(pictureList, string.Format("{0}.jpg", strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp), Thumbs.PreviewColumns, Thumbs.PreviewRows))
                            Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: thumb creation success {0}", ShareThumbTemp);
                            File.SetAttributes(ShareThumbTemp, File.GetAttributes(ShareThumbTemp) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);
                            Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: failed, try to fallback {0}", strFilenamewithoutExtensionTemp);
                        // Maybe the pre-gap was too large or not enough sharp & light scenes could be caught
                        Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: 1st trying was not success, 2nd trying in progress with ExtractorFallbackArgs: {0}", ExtractorFallbackArgs);
                        Success = StartProcess(_extractorPath, ExtractorFallbackArgs, TempPath, 120000, true, GetMtnConditions());

                        if (!Success)
                            Log.Info("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: {0} has not been executed successfully with arguments: {1}", _extractApp,
                    // give the system a few IO cycles
                    // make sure there's no process hanging
                    KillProcess(Path.ChangeExtension(_extractApp, null));

                        // Move Final Thumbnail from Temp folder to Thumbs folder
                        File.Move(ShareThumbTemp, aThumbPath);
                        File.SetAttributes(aThumbPath, File.GetAttributes(aThumbPath) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);
                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        Log.Info("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: {0} did not extract a thumbnail to: {1}", _extractApp, ShareThumbTemp);
                    catch (Exception)
                            // Clean up
                        catch (Exception)

                    if (Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb)
                        if (File.Exists(aThumbPath))
                                File.Copy(aThumbPath, ShareThumb);
                                File.SetAttributes(ShareThumb, File.GetAttributes(ShareThumb) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);
                            catch (Exception)
                                Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: Exception on File.Copy({0}, {1})", ShareThumbTemp, ShareThumb);
                    // We have a thumbnail in share but the cache was wiped out - make sure it is recreated
                    if (Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb && !File.Exists(aThumbPath)) // && !File.Exists(aThumbPath))
                        Success = true;


                if (File.Exists(ShareThumbTemp))
                    if (Success)
                        int width = (int)Thumbs.ThumbLargeResolution;
                        CreateThumbnail(ShareThumbTemp, aThumbPath, width, width, 0);
                        //CreateThumbnail(ShareThumb, Utils.ConvertToLargeCoverArt(aThumbPath),
                        //                        (int)Thumbs.ThumbLargeResolution, (int)Thumbs.ThumbLargeResolution, 0, false);

                    if (Thumbs.LeaveShareThumb)
                        if (File.Exists(aThumbPath))
                                File.Copy(aThumbPath, ShareThumb);
                                File.SetAttributes(ShareThumb, File.GetAttributes(ShareThumb) & ~FileAttributes.Hidden);
                            catch (Exception)
                                Log.Debug("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: Exception on File.Copy({0}, {1})", aThumbPath, ShareThumb);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("TvThumbnails.VideoThumbCreator: Thumbnail generation failed - {0}!", ex.ToString());
            if (File.Exists(aThumbPath) || File.Exists(ShareThumb))
                //TODO Blacklist stuff
                //if (blacklist != null)
                //  blacklist.Add(aVideoPath);