コード例 #1
        public void TestNull()
            //base class?

            Media.Rtp.RtpClient rtpClient = default(Media.Rtp.RtpClient);

            try { rtpClient = Media.Rtp.RtpClient.FromSessionDescription(default(Media.Sdp.SessionDescription)); }
            catch { }

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rtpClient == null, "Must not have created a RtpClient from a null SessionDescription");

            //Create a client
            using (rtpClient = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient())
                //Attempt to find a context
                Media.Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext contextAvailable = rtpClient.GetTransportContexts().FirstOrDefault();

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(contextAvailable == null, "Found a Context when there was no Session or Media Description");

                using (contextAvailable = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext(0, 1, 0))
                    //Usually indicated by the profile
                    bool padding = false, extension = false;

                    //Create a RtpPacket from the
                    using (var rtpPacket = new Media.Rtp.RtpPacket(contextAvailable.Version, padding, extension, null))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rtpClient.SendRtpPacket(rtpPacket) == 0, "Sent a packet when there was no Session or Media Description or TransportContext");
コード例 #2
                public TestFramework()
                    //  Create a receiving socket.
                    _receiving = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(_rtspServer.AddressFamily, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp);

                    //  Connect to the server.
                    System.IAsyncResult connectResult = null;
                    connectResult = _receiving.BeginConnect(_rtspServer, new System.AsyncCallback((iar) =>
                        try { _receiving.EndConnect(iar); }
                        catch { }
                    }), null);

                    //  Get the sender socket to be used by the "server".
                    _sender = _listenSocket.Accept();

                    //  RtspClient default size
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

                    _client = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient(new Media.Common.MemorySegment(buffer, Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage.MaximumLength, buffer.Length - Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage.MaximumLength));
                    _client.OutOfBandData      += ProcessInterleaveData;
                    _client.RtpPacketReceieved += ProcessRtpPacket;

                    Media.Sdp.MediaDescription md = new Media.Sdp.MediaDescription(Media.Sdp.MediaType.video, 999, "H.264", 0);

                    Media.Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext tc = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext(0, 1,
                                                                                                       Media.RFC3550.Random32(9876), md, false, _senderSSRC);
                    //  Create a Duplexed reciever using the RtspClient socket.

コード例 #3
        internal static void TestInterleavedFraming()

            //Create a rtp client to mock the test
            using (Media.Rtp.RtpClient test = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient())
                Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage lastInterleaved = null;

                int rtspOut = 0, rtspIn = 0;

                //Setup an even to see what data was transmited.
                test.OutOfBandData += (sender, data, offset, count) =>
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                    Console.WriteLine("\tInterleaved (@" + offset + ", count=" + count + ") =>" + System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset, count));

                    Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage interleaved = new Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage(data, offset, count);

                    if (interleaved.RtspMessageType == Media.Rtsp.RtspMessageType.Invalid && lastInterleaved != null)

                        interleaved = null;

                        int lastLength = lastInterleaved.Length;

                        using (var memory = new Media.Common.MemorySegment(data, offset, count))
                            int used = lastInterleaved.CompleteFrom(null, memory);

                            if (used == 0 || lastLength == lastInterleaved.Length)

                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                            Console.WriteLine("Added Data (" + used + ") Bytes");
                        lastInterleaved = interleaved;

                    if (lastInterleaved.IsComplete)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

                        Console.WriteLine("Complete Message: " + lastInterleaved);
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;

                        Console.WriteLine("Incomplete Message: " + lastInterleaved);

                    int totalLength = lastInterleaved.Length;

                    if (totalLength < count)
                        offset += totalLength;
                        count  -= totalLength;
                        goto GetMessage;

                //Loop 255 times
                foreach (var testIndex in Enumerable.Range(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue))
                    //reset rtsp count
                    rtspOut = rtspIn = 0;

                    //Declare a channel randomly
                    int channel = Media.Utility.Random.Next(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue);

                    //Declare a random length
                    int length = Media.Utility.Random.Next(ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue);

                    //Determine an actual length
                    int actualLength = 0;

                    //Make a header
                    var header = new byte[] { Media.Rtp.RtpClient.BigEndianFrameControl, (byte)channel, 0, 0 };

                    //Write the length in the header
                    Media.Common.Binary.Write16(header, 2, Common.Binary.IsLittleEndian, (short)length);

                    //Get the data indicated
                    //var data = header.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(default(byte), actualLength));

                    List <byte> allData = new List <byte>();

                    //Add more data until actualLength is less then length
                    while (actualLength < length)
                        //Make a message
                        var rtspBytes = new Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage(Media.Rtsp.RtspMessageType.Response, 1.0, Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage.DefaultEncoding)
                            RtspStatusCode = Media.Rtsp.RtspStatusCode.OK,
                            CSeq           = Media.Utility.Random.Next(byte.MinValue, int.MaxValue),
                            UserAgent      = "$UserAgent $007\r\n$\0\0\aRTSP/1.0",
                            Body           = "$00Q\r\n$\0:\0"

                        byte[] data = new byte[Media.Utility.Random.Next(1, length)];


                        //determine if there is more space
                        actualLength += data.Length;

                        //Put a message here

                        //Increment the outgoing message count

                        //Put some data

                        //Put a message

                        //Increment the outgoing message count

                        //If there is more space put another binary frame
                        if (actualLength < length)
                            int needed = length - actualLength;

                            //Randomize needed
                            needed = Media.Utility.Random.Next(0, needed);

                            var headerLast = new byte[] { 0x24, (byte)channel, 0, 0 };

                            Media.Common.Binary.Write16(headerLast, 2, Common.Binary.IsLittleEndian, (short)needed);

                            data = new byte[needed];



                            actualLength += needed;

                    //Start at 0
                    int offset = 0;

                    byte[] buffer = allData.ToArray();

                    int max = buffer.Length, remains = actualLength;

                    //Enumerate the buffer looking for data to parse

                    //TODO Improve test by setting expections of packets to receive

                    while (remains > 0)
                        //Parse the data "received" which should always be 4 bytes longer then what was actually present.
                        int foundLen = test.ProcessFrameData(buffer, offset, remains, null);

                        Console.WriteLine("Indicated: " + actualLength + " Actual: " + max + " Found: " + foundLen);

                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(foundLen <= max);

                        if (foundLen > 0)
                            //Move the offset
                            offset += foundLen;

                            max -= foundLen;

                            remains -= foundLen;



                    //Some Rtsp messages may have been hidden by invalid tcp frames which indicated a longer length then they actually had.
                    if (rtspOut > rtspIn)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                        Console.WriteLine("Missed:" + (rtspOut - rtspIn) + " Messages of" + rtspOut);
                    else if (rtspIn == 0)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                        Console.WriteLine("Missed All Messages");
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                        Console.WriteLine("Missed No Messages");
コード例 #4
        public void TestNull()
            //base class?

            Media.Rtp.RtpClient rtpClient = default(Media.Rtp.RtpClient);

            try { rtpClient = Media.Rtp.RtpClient.FromSessionDescription(default(Media.Sdp.SessionDescription)); }
            catch { }

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rtpClient == null, "Must not have created a RtpClient from a null SessionDescription");

            //Create a client
            using (rtpClient = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient())
                //Attempt to find a context
                Media.Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext contextAvailable = rtpClient.GetTransportContexts().FirstOrDefault();

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(contextAvailable == null, "Found a Context when there was no Session or Media Description");

                using (contextAvailable = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext(0, 1, 0))
                    //Usually indicated by the profile
                    bool padding = false, extension = false;

                    //Create a RtpPacket from the
                    using (var rtpPacket = new Media.Rtp.RtpPacket(contextAvailable.Version, padding, extension, null))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rtpClient.SendRtpPacket(rtpPacket) == 0, "Sent a packet when there was no Session or Media Description or TransportContext");
コード例 #5
                public TestFramework()
                    //  Create a receiving socket.
                    _receiving = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(_rtspServer.AddressFamily, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType.Stream, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType.Tcp);

                    //  Connect to the server.
                    System.IAsyncResult connectResult = null;
                    connectResult = _receiving.BeginConnect(_rtspServer, new System.AsyncCallback((iar) =>
                        try { _receiving.EndConnect(iar); }
                        catch { }
                    }), null);

                    //  Get the sender socket to be used by the "server".
                    _sender = _listenSocket.Accept();

                    //  RtspClient default size
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

                    _client = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient(new Media.Common.MemorySegment(buffer, Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage.MaximumLength, buffer.Length - Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage.MaximumLength));
                    _client.InterleavedData += ProcessInterleaveData;
                    _client.RtpPacketReceieved += ProcessRtpPacket;

                    Media.Sdp.MediaDescription md = new Media.Sdp.MediaDescription(Media.Sdp.MediaType.video, 999, "H.264", 0);

                    Media.Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext tc = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient.TransportContext(0, 1,
                        Media.RFC3550.Random32(9876), md, false, _senderSSRC);
                    //  Create a Duplexed reciever using the RtspClient socket.
                    tc.Initialize(_receiving, _receiving);

コード例 #6
        internal static void TestInterleavedFraming()

            //Create a rtp client to mock the test
            using (Media.Rtp.RtpClient test = new Media.Rtp.RtpClient())

                Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage lastInterleaved = null;

                int rtspOut = 0, rtspIn = 0;

                //Setup an even to see what data was transmited.
                test.InterleavedData += (sender, data, offset, count) =>
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                    //Console.WriteLine("\tInterleaved (@" + offset + ", count=" + count + ") =>" + System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset, count));

                    int usedBytes = 0;

                    Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage interleaved = new Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage(data, offset, count);
                    //Todo, revise to create segment then attempt completion

                    if ((interleaved.MessageType == Media.Rtsp.RtspMessageType.Invalid
                        lastInterleaved != null)
                        count >= Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage.MinimumStatusLineSize)

                        interleaved = null;

                        using (var memory = new Media.Common.MemorySegment(data, offset, count))
                            usedBytes = lastInterleaved.CompleteFrom(null, memory);

                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

                            Console.WriteLine("Added Data (" + usedBytes + ") Bytes");
                        lastInterleaved = interleaved;
                        usedBytes = lastInterleaved.Length;

                    if (lastInterleaved.IsComplete)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

                        Console.WriteLine("Complete Message: " + lastInterleaved);
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;

                        Console.WriteLine("Incomplete Message: " + lastInterleaved);

                    if (usedBytes > 0 && usedBytes < count)
                        offset += usedBytes;
                        count -= usedBytes;
                        if(count > 0) goto GetMessage;


                //Loop 255 times
                foreach (var testIndex in Enumerable.Range(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue))

                    //reset rtsp count
                    rtspOut = rtspIn = 0;

                    //Declare a channel randomly
                    int channel = Media.Utility.Random.Next(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue);

                    //Declare a random length
                    int length = Media.Utility.Random.Next(ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue);

                    //Determine an actual length
                    int actualLength = 0;

                    //Make a header
                    var header = new byte[] { Media.Rtp.RtpClient.BigEndianFrameControl, (byte)channel, 0, 0 };

                    //Write the length in the header
                    Media.Common.Binary.Write16(header, 2, BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (short)length);

                    //Get the data indicated
                    //var data = header.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(default(byte), actualLength));

                    List<byte> allData = new List<byte>();

                    //Add more data until actualLength is less then length
                    while (actualLength < length)
                        //Make a message
                        var rtspBytes = new Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage(Media.Rtsp.RtspMessageType.Response, 1.0, Media.Rtsp.RtspMessage.DefaultEncoding)
                            StatusCode = Media.Rtsp.RtspStatusCode.OK,
                            CSeq = Media.Utility.Random.Next(byte.MinValue, int.MaxValue),
                            UserAgent = "$UserAgent $007\r\n$\0\0\aRTSP/1.0",
                            Body = "$00Q\r\n$\0:\0"

                        byte[] data = new byte[Media.Utility.Random.Next(1, length)];


                        //determine if there is more space
                        actualLength += data.Length;

                        //Put a message here

                        //Increment the outgoing message count

                        //Put some data

                        //Put a message

                        //Increment the outgoing message count

                        //If there is more space put another binary frame
                        if (actualLength < length)
                            int needed = length - actualLength;

                            //Randomize needed
                            needed = Media.Utility.Random.Next(0, needed);

                            var headerLast = new byte[] { 0x24, (byte)channel, 0, 0 };

                            Media.Common.Binary.Write16(headerLast, 2, BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (short)needed);

                            data = new byte[needed];



                            actualLength += needed;

                    //Start at 0
                    int offset = 0;

                    byte[] buffer = allData.ToArray();

                    int max = buffer.Length;

                    //Enumerate the buffer looking for data to parse

                    //TODO Improve test by setting expections of packets to receive

                    while (offset < max)
                        //Parse the data "received" which should always be 4 bytes longer then what was actually present.
                        int foundLen = test.ProcessFrameData(buffer, offset, max - offset, null);

                        if (foundLen > max) throw new Exception("TestInterleavedFraming found an invalid length.");

                        //Move the offset
                        offset += foundLen;

                        Console.WriteLine(" Found: " + foundLen);

                    //Some Rtsp messages may have been hidden by invalid 'tcp' framing which indicated a longer length then they actually had.
                    if (rtspOut > rtspIn)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                        Console.WriteLine("Missed:" + (rtspOut - rtspIn) + " Messages of" + rtspOut);
                    else if (rtspIn == 0)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                        Console.WriteLine("Missed All Messages");
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                        Console.WriteLine("Missed No Messages");