public void CreateMedalBoolArrays() { GlobalVars.isMultiplayer = false; if (GlobalVars.numOfLoads == 0) { GlobalVars.isTutorial = true; } if (GlobalVars.isTutorial || GlobalVars.numOfLoads <= 1) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Tutorial"); MedalHandler.InitArrays(); GlobalVars.numOfLoads++; if (GlobalVars.numOfLoads > 1) { introText = "CNOTUINE"; GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = introText; } } else { SceneManager.LoadScene("mainMenu"); } //SceneManager.LoadScene("tutorial"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { bool requiedMetals = (MedalHandler.GetGoldMedals() >= goldMetalsToUnlock); this.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = requiedMetals; //if you have enough medals, be able to click, if not, no click for you closedPrompt.SetActive(!requiedMetals); //prompt apprears if you do not have enough }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { questionNumber = 1; questionText = gameObject.GetComponent <Text> (); setQuestionText(); medalHandler = MedalHandler.Getinstance(); }
void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Destroy(this); } }
//When something hits its 2D collider void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { if (col.gameObject.tag.Equals("Player")) { //----------Special Cases only During Tutorial---------------- if (IsSceneTutorial()) { dButton = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ConvoUIButton").GetComponent <DialogueButton>(); dButton.SwitchingState(); //turns on dialogue when levels is finished } if (GlobalVars.isTutorial) //if a level is completed before the game "crashes" { crashing = true; //activate crashing prompt } //------------------This is normal----------------- else //Display the result values { _text.text = "Final Time Is: " + totalTime.ToString(); _panel.gameObject.SetActive(true); _panel.transform.Find("BronzeText").GetComponent <Text>().text = BronzeTime.ToString() + ".00"; _panel.transform.Find("SilverText").GetComponent <Text>().text = SilverTime.ToString() + ".00"; _panel.transform.Find("GoldText").GetComponent <Text>().text = GoldTime.ToString() + ".00"; } endTime = true; //stop the timer int medalNum = 0; if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != "Tutorial") //calcuates the level time into medals { medalNum = MedalHandler.CalcMedalType(BronzeTime, SilverTime, GoldTime, totalTime); } else //just show the medals if it is the tutorial { medalNum = 3; } switch (medalNum) //activates a medal based upon the number it gets { case 3: goldMedal.gameObject.SetActive(true); goto case 2; case 2: silverMedal.gameObject.SetActive(true); goto case 1; case 1: bronzeMedal.gameObject.SetActive(true); break; default: print(":("); break; } //stop time if the level isn't the tutorial. We need time to still be functioning in the tutorial for animations to play if (!IsSceneTutorial()) { Time.timeScale = 0; } } }
void Start() { goldText.text = MedalHandler.GetGoldMedals().ToString(); silverText.text = MedalHandler.GetSilverMedals().ToString(); bronzeText.text = MedalHandler.GetBronzeMedals().ToString(); }
public GameSocket(ISerializer serializer) : base(serializer) { _achievementHandler = new AchievementHandler(this); _activityHandler = new ActivityHandler(this); _activityFavorHandler = new ActivityFavorHandler(this); _amuletHandler = new AmuletHandler(this); _arenaHandler = new ArenaHandler(this); _attendanceHandler = new AttendanceHandler(this); _bagHandler = new BagHandler(this); _battleHandler = new BattleHandler(this); _cardHandler = new CardHandler(this); _consignmentLineHandler = new ConsignmentLineHandler(this); _crossServerHandler = new CrossServerHandler(this); _dailyActivityHandler = new DailyActivityHandler(this); _demonTowerHandler = new DemonTowerHandler(this); _equipHandler = new EquipHandler(this); _exchangeHandler = new ExchangeHandler(this); _fashionHandler = new FashionHandler(this); _fightLevelHandler = new FightLevelHandler(this); _fleeHandler = new FleeHandler(this); _friendHandler = new FriendHandler(this); _functionHandler = new FunctionHandler(this); _functionOpenHandler = new FunctionOpenHandler(this); _giftOnlineHandler = new GiftOnlineHandler(this); _goddessHandler = new GoddessHandler(this); _guildBlessHandler = new GuildBlessHandler(this); _guildBossHandler = new GuildBossHandler(this); _guildDepotHandler = new GuildDepotHandler(this); _guildHandler = new GuildHandler(this); _guildShopHandler = new GuildShopHandler(this); _guildTechHandler = new GuildTechHandler(this); _hookSetHandler = new HookSetHandler(this); _interactHandler = new InteractHandler(this); _intergalMallHandler = new IntergalMallHandler(this); _itemHandler = new ItemHandler(this); _leaderBoardHandler = new LeaderBoardHandler(this); _limitTimeActivityHandler = new LimitTimeActivityHandler(this); _mailHandler = new MailHandler(this); _mapHandler = new MapHandler(this); _masteryHandler = new MasteryHandler(this); _medalHandler = new MedalHandler(this); _messageHandler = new MessageHandler(this); _mountHandler = new MountHandler(this); _npcHandler = new NpcHandler(this); _offlineAwardHandler = new OfflineAwardHandler(this); _onlineGiftHandler = new OnlineGiftHandler(this); _payGiftHandler = new PayGiftHandler(this); _petHandler = new PetHandler(this); _petNewHandler = new PetNewHandler(this); _playerHandler = new PlayerHandler(this); _prepaidHandler = new PrepaidHandler(this); _rankHandler = new RankHandler(this); _resourceDungeonHandler = new ResourceDungeonHandler(this); _resourceHandler = new ResourceHandler(this); _rewardHandler = new RewardHandler(this); _saleHandler = new SaleHandler(this); _shopMallHandler = new ShopMallHandler(this); _skillHandler = new SkillHandler(this); _skillKeysHandler = new SkillKeysHandler(this); _soloHandler = new SoloHandler(this); _stealHandler = new StealHandler(this); _sysSetHandler = new SysSetHandler(this); _taskHandler = new TaskHandler(this); _teamHandler = new TeamHandler(this); _tradeHandler = new TradeHandler(this); _treasureHandler = new TreasureHandler(this); _upLevelHandler = new UpLevelHandler(this); _vipHandler = new VipHandler(this); _vitalityHandler = new VitalityHandler(this); _wingHandler = new WingHandler(this); _activityRevelryHandler = new ActivityRevelryHandler(this); _auctionHandler = new AuctionHandler(this); _chatHandler = new ChatHandler(this); _daoYouHandler = new DaoYouHandler(this); _entryHandler = new EntryHandler(this); _roleHandler = new RoleHandler(this); _farmHandler = new FarmHandler(this); _five2FiveHandler = new Five2FiveHandler(this); _guildManagerHandler = new GuildManagerHandler(this); _xianYuanHandler = new XianYuanHandler(this); }
void Start() { medalHandler = MedalHandler.Getinstance(); }