コード例 #1
        public ActionResult UpdateDelete(McCafeLevel3PriceTierViewModel ML3ViewModel, string command)
            string PageAction = "";
            bool   result     = false;

            user = (UserSession)Session["User"];

            if (command == "Save")
                McCafeLevel3PriceTierManager ML3Manager = new McCafeLevel3PriceTierManager();
                result     = ML3Manager.UpdateMcCafeLevel3PriceTier(ML3ViewModel);
                PageAction = "UPDATE";
            else if (command == "Delete")
                McCafeLevel3PriceTierManager ML3Manager = new McCafeLevel3PriceTierManager();
                result     = ML3Manager.DeleteMcCafeLevel3PriceTier(ML3ViewModel);
                PageAction = "DELETE";
            if (result)
                TempData["SuccessMessage"] = PageAction + " successful";
                new AuditLogManager().Audit(user.Username, DateTime.Now, "McCafeLevel3 Price Tier", PageAction, ML3ViewModel.Id, ML3ViewModel.Price_Tier);
                TempData["ErrorMessage"] = PageAction + " failed";
コード例 #2
        // GET: McCafeLevel3PriceTier
        public ActionResult Index()
            // Validate log in and user access
            UserAccessSession UASession = (UserAccessSession)Session["UserAccess"];

            // TIP -> Price Tier
            // Refer to UserAccessSession
            if (UASession == null || !UASession.TIP)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));

            user = (UserSession)Session["User"];
            Session["CurrentPage"] = new CurrentPageSession("TIP_LE3", "HOME", "LOG");

            // Get all data stored in DB table
            McCafeLevel3PriceTierManager   ML3Manager   = new McCafeLevel3PriceTierManager();
            McCafeLevel3PriceTierViewModel ML3ViewModel = new McCafeLevel3PriceTierViewModel();

            ML3ViewModel.M3PTList = ML3Manager.GetML3();
            if (ML3ViewModel.M3PTList == null || ML3ViewModel.M3PTList.Count() == 0)
                ML3ViewModel.M3PTList = new List <McCafeLevel3PriceTierViewModel>();
            // return View with ViewModel