コード例 #1
    private Dictionary <string, Vector3> PopulateWithShape(MazeFrame mazeFrame, float fracConnSpace, int nNodesPerConnectionObj, string baseShape, string connShape)
        // Set space allowed for connection as fraction of average connection length between nodes
        fracConnSpace = Mathf.Clamp01(fracConnSpace);
        float connSpace = (mazeFrame.Scale[0] + mazeFrame.Scale[1] + mazeFrame.Scale[2]) / 3 * fracConnSpace;

        // Prep storing of object center line nodes
        //int nNodesPerConnectionObj = 3;
        int nNodesPerBaseObj = 2;
        int nNodes           = (mazeFrame.NumberOfConnections() * nNodesPerBaseObj) + (mazeFrame.NumberOfUniquePairwiseConnections() * nNodesPerConnectionObj);
        Dictionary <string, Vector3> objCenterLineNodes = new Dictionary <string, Vector3>(nNodes);

        // Load prefabs and set parent for game objects
        GameObject prefabCyl     = Resources.Load("Prefabs/" + baseShape) as GameObject;
        GameObject prefabCylConn = Resources.Load("Prefabs/" + connShape) as GameObject;
        GameObject mazeObjects   = new GameObject("mazeObjects");

        mazeObjects.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        mazeObjects.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
        mazeObjects.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
        mazeObjects.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        mazeObjects.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = prefabCyl.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial;

        // First, go through each node and built appropriately bended connections
        foreach (MazeNode node in mazeFrame.Nodes)
            // Check whether we're at a dead end
            if (node.ConnectedNeighbors.Count <= 1)
            // Place connection object and pass center line nodes to main dictionary
            Dictionary <string, Vector3> newCenterLineNodes  = PlaceShapeConnectionAtJunction(mazeObjects, node, prefabCylConn, connSpace, nNodesPerConnectionObj);
            Dictionary <string, Vector3> .KeyCollection keys = newCenterLineNodes.Keys;
            foreach (string key in keys)
                objCenterLineNodes.Add(key, newCenterLineNodes[key]);

            // Increment global counter

        // Then, build the base connections (store visit record)
        Dictionary <string, bool> isVisited = new Dictionary <string, bool>(mazeFrame.Nodes.Count);

        foreach (MazeNode nd in mazeFrame.Nodes)
            isVisited.Add(nd.Identifier, false);
        foreach (MazeNode node in mazeFrame.Nodes)
            foreach (MazeNode neighbor in node.ConnectedNeighbors)
                // Check whether all connections involving this neighbor have been built already
                if (isVisited[neighbor.Identifier])

                // set object properties
                Vector3 position = (node.Position + neighbor.Position) / 2;
                float   scale    = Vector3.Distance(node.Position, neighbor.Position);
                scale = scale - connSpace;
                Quaternion rot = prefabCyl.transform.rotation * Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, Vector3.Normalize(neighbor.Position - node.Position));

                // Check dead end ends/start/end
                if (node.ConnectedNeighbors.Count == 1 || node.Identifier == "start" || node.Identifier == "end")
                    position = position + ((node.Position - neighbor.Position).normalized * (connSpace / 4));
                    scale    = scale + (connSpace / 2);
                if (neighbor.ConnectedNeighbors.Count == 1 || neighbor.Identifier == "start" || neighbor.Identifier == "end")
                    position = position + ((neighbor.Position - node.Position).normalized * (connSpace / 4));
                    scale    = scale + (connSpace / 2);

                // Place object and set scale
                GameObject cyl = Object.Instantiate(prefabCyl, position, rot, mazeObjects.transform);
                cyl.transform.localScale = new Vector3(cyl.transform.localScale.x, cyl.transform.localScale.y, cyl.transform.localScale.z * scale);
                cyl.name = "base-" + node.Identifier + "-" + neighbor.Identifier;
                cyl.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
                cyl.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().convex = true;

                // Add two nodes (start/end) to storage with naming scheme: base-<nodeid>-<neighid>
                // If on dead end ends/start/end --> nodes at the extremes
                // If not --> shift nodes from the extremes to the center (as the conn nodes start at the extremes as well
                Vector3 nodeGravPos;
                Vector3 neighbGravPos;
                if (node.ConnectedNeighbors.Count == 1 || node.Identifier == "start" || node.Identifier == "end")
                    nodeGravPos = position + (node.Position - neighbor.Position).normalized * (scale / 2);
                    nodeGravPos = position + (node.Position - neighbor.Position).normalized * (scale / 4);
                if (neighbor.ConnectedNeighbors.Count == 1 || neighbor.Identifier == "start" || neighbor.Identifier == "end")
                    neighbGravPos = position + (neighbor.Position - node.Position).normalized * (scale / 2);
                    { neighbGravPos = position + (neighbor.Position - node.Position).normalized * (scale / 4); }
                objCenterLineNodes.Add("base-" + node.Identifier + "-" + neighbor.Identifier, nodeGravPos);
                objCenterLineNodes.Add("base-" + neighbor.Identifier + "-" + node.Identifier, neighbGravPos);

            // Set current node as visisted
            isVisited[node.Identifier] = true;

            // Increment global counter