コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: mocosha/csharp-70-483
        private static void Benchmark(MaxDelegate myMethod, int[] data)
            Stopwatch sw     = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var       result = myMethod.DynamicInvoke(data);

            Console.WriteLine("\tTime taken: {0}ms, result: {1}", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, result);
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool         isLoaded   = false;
            const string moduleName = "CppDynamicLinkLibrary";

            // Check whether or not the module is loaded.
            isLoaded = IsModuleLoaded(moduleName);
            Console.WriteLine("Module \"{0}\" is {1}loaded", moduleName,
                              isLoaded ? "" : "not ");

            // Load the DLL module.
            Console.WriteLine("Load the library");
            using (UnmanagedLibrary lib = new UnmanagedLibrary(moduleName))
                // Check whether or not the module is loaded.
                isLoaded = IsModuleLoaded(moduleName);
                Console.WriteLine("Module \"{0}\" is {1}loaded", moduleName,
                                  isLoaded ? "" : "not ");

                // Access the global data exported from the module.

                // The solution does not allow you to access the global data
                // exported from a DLL module.

                // Call the functions exported from the module.

                string str = "HelloWorld";
                int    length;

                // Call int /*__cdecl*/ GetStringLength1(PWSTR pszString);
                GetStringLength1Delegate GetStringLength1 =
                    lib.GetUnmanagedFunction <GetStringLength1Delegate>(
                if (GetStringLength1 == null)
                    throw new EntryPointNotFoundException(
                              "Unable to find an entry point named 'GetStringLength1'");
                length = GetStringLength1(str);
                Console.WriteLine("GetStringLength1(\"{0}\") => {1}", str, length);

                // Call int __stdcall GetStringLength2(PWSTR pszString);
                GetStringLength2Delegate GetStringLength2 =
                    lib.GetUnmanagedFunction <GetStringLength2Delegate>(
                if (GetStringLength2 == null)
                    throw new EntryPointNotFoundException(
                              "Unable to find an entry point named 'GetStringLength2'");
                length = GetStringLength2(str);
                Console.WriteLine("GetStringLength2(\"{0}\") => {1}", str, length);

                // Call the callback functions exported from the module.

                CompareCallback cmpFunc = new CompareCallback(CompareInts);
                MaxDelegate     Max     = lib.GetUnmanagedFunction <MaxDelegate>("Max");
                if (Max == null)
                    throw new EntryPointNotFoundException(
                              "Unable to find an entry point named 'Max'");
                int max = Max(2, 3, cmpFunc);
                Console.WriteLine("Function: Max(2, 3) => {0}", max);

                // Use the class exported from a module.

                // The solution does not allow you to use the class exported
                // from the DLL.

                // Attempt to free the library on exit.
                Console.WriteLine("Unload the dynamically-loaded DLL");
            } // The DLL module should be unloaded here.

            // Check whether or not the module is loaded.
            isLoaded = IsModuleLoaded(moduleName);
            Console.WriteLine("Module \"{0}\" is {1}loaded", moduleName,
                              isLoaded ? "" : "not ");