public override void Render(object opaqueContext, ViewControl vc) { Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix(); if (normWorld == null) { return; } var context = opaqueContext as GUILayer.SimpleRenderingContext; if (context == null) { return; } float RingDiameter = 2 * AxisLength; Color xcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis) ? Color.Gold : XAxisColor; Color ycolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis) ? Color.Gold : YAxisColor; Color Zcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis) ? Color.Gold : ZAxisColor; Color lColor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.LookAxis) ? Color.Gold : Color.Cyan; float s = Util.CalcAxisScale(vc.Camera, normWorld.Translation, RingDiameter, vc.Height); Vec3F axScale = new Vec3F(s, s, s); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(axScale); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawRing(context, xform, Zcolor); rot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawRing(context, xform, xcolor); xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawRing(context, xform, ycolor); Matrix4F billboard = Util.CreateBillboard(normWorld.Translation, vc.Camera.WorldEye, vc.Camera.Up, vc.Camera.LookAt); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); scale.Scale(s * LookRingScale); xform = scale * rot * billboard; Util3D.DrawRing(context, xform, lColor); }
private Matrix4F ComputeZhead(Matrix4F normWorld, float s) { Matrix4F headrot = new Matrix4F(); headrot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, s * (1 - ConeHeight)); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(new Vec3F(s * ConeDiameter, s * ConeHeight, s * ConeDiameter)); Matrix4F xform = scale * headrot * trans * normWorld; return(xform); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the transformation matrix corresponding to the given transform components</summary> /// <param name="translation">Translation</param> /// <param name="rotation">Rotation</param> /// <param name="scale">Scale</param> /// <param name="scalePivot">Translation to origin of scaling</param> /// <param name="scalePivotTranslate">Translation after scaling</param> /// <param name="rotatePivot">Translation to origin of rotation</param> /// <param name="rotatePivotTranslate">Translation after rotation</param> /// <returns>Transformation matrix corresponding to the given transform components</returns> public static Matrix4F CalcTransform( Vec3F translation, Vec3F rotation, Vec3F scale, Vec3F scalePivot, Vec3F scalePivotTranslate, Vec3F rotatePivot, Vec3F rotatePivotTranslate) { Matrix4F M = new Matrix4F(); Matrix4F temp = new Matrix4F(); M.Set(-scalePivot); temp.Scale(scale); M.Mul(M, temp); temp.Set(scalePivot + scalePivotTranslate - rotatePivot); M.Mul(M, temp); if (rotation.X != 0) { temp.RotX(rotation.X); M.Mul(M, temp); } if (rotation.Y != 0) { temp.RotY(rotation.Y); M.Mul(M, temp); } if (rotation.Z != 0) { temp.RotZ(rotation.Z); M.Mul(M, temp); } temp.Set(rotatePivot + rotatePivotTranslate + translation); M.Mul(M, temp); return(M); }
public override void Render(ViewControl vc) { Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix(); if (normWorld == null) { return; } Util3D.RenderFlag = BasicRendererFlags.WireFrame | BasicRendererFlags.DisableDepthTest; Color xcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis) ? Color.LightSalmon : Color.Red; Color ycolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis) ? Color.LightGreen : Color.Green; Color Zcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis) ? Color.LightBlue : Color.Blue; float s; Util.CalcAxisLengths(vc.Camera, normWorld.Translation, out s); Vec3F axScale = new Vec3F(s, s, s); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(axScale); Matrix4F xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCircle(xform, Zcolor); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); rot.RotY(MathHelper.PiOver2); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCircle(xform, xcolor); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCircle(xform, ycolor); }
public override void Render(object opaqueContext, ViewControl vc) { Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix(); if (normWorld == null) { return; } var context = opaqueContext as GUILayer.SimpleRenderingContext; if (context == null) { return; } int axis = (int)m_hitRegion; // axis colors Color saveColor = m_axisColor[axis]; m_axisColor[axis] = m_highlightColor; Color xcolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.XAxis]; Color ycolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.YAxis]; Color zcolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.ZAxis]; Color nxcolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.NegXAxis]; Color nycolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.NegYAxis]; Color nzcolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.NegZAxis]; m_axisColor[axis] = saveColor; if (m_hitRegion != HitRegion.None) { normWorld.Translation = HitMatrix.Translation; } Vec3F pos = normWorld.Translation; float s = Util.CalcAxisScale(vc.Camera, pos, AxisLength, vc.Height); Vec3F sv = new Vec3F(s, s, s); Vec3F axscale = new Vec3F(s * AxisThickness, s, s * AxisThickness); bool negativeAxis = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegXAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegYAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegZAxis; Vec3F dragScale = new Vec3F(Math.Abs(m_scale.X), Math.Abs(m_scale.Y), Math.Abs(m_scale.Z)); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s : s * dragScale.X; scale.Scale(axscale); rot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, xcolor); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s : s * dragScale.Y; scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, ycolor); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s : s * dragScale.Z; scale.Scale(axscale); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, zcolor); rot.RotZ(MathHelper.PiOver2); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s * dragScale.X : s; scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, nxcolor); rot.RotZ(MathHelper.Pi); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s * dragScale.Y : s; scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, nycolor); rot.RotX(-MathHelper.PiOver2); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s * dragScale.Z : s; scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, nzcolor); // draw center cube scale.Scale(s * (1.0f / 16.0f)); xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, Color.White); Vec3F handle = sv * AxisHandle; float handleWidth = handle.X / 2; scale.Scale(handle); Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); // X handle float drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis ? dragScale.X : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(drag * sv.X - handleWidth, 0, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, xcolor); // y handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis ? dragScale.Y : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, drag * sv.Y - handleWidth, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, ycolor); // z handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis ? dragScale.Z : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, drag * sv.Z - handleWidth); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, zcolor); // -x handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegXAxis ? dragScale.X : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(-sv.X * drag + handleWidth, 0, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, nxcolor); // -y handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegYAxis ? dragScale.Y : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, -sv.Y * drag + handleWidth, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, nycolor); // -z handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegZAxis ? dragScale.Z : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, -sv.Z * drag + handleWidth); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, nzcolor); }
public override void Render(ViewControl vc) { Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix(); if (normWorld == null) return; Util3D.RenderFlag = BasicRendererFlags.WireFrame | BasicRendererFlags.DisableDepthTest; Color xcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis ) ? Color.LightSalmon : Color.Red; Color ycolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis ) ? Color.LightGreen : Color.Green; Color Zcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis ) ? Color.LightBlue : Color.Blue; float s; Util.CalcAxisLengths(vc.Camera, normWorld.Translation, out s); Vec3F axScale = new Vec3F(s, s, s); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(axScale); Matrix4F xform = scale*normWorld; Util3D.DrawCircle(xform, Zcolor); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); rot.RotY(MathHelper.PiOver2); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCircle(xform, xcolor); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCircle(xform,ycolor); }
public override void Render(ViewControl vc) { Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix(); if (normWorld == null) return; Vec3F pos = normWorld.Translation; float s = Util.CalcAxisScale(vc.Camera, pos, AxisLength, vc.Height); Color xcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.CenterCube ) ? Color.Gold : XAxisColor; Color ycolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.CenterCube ) ? Color.Gold : YAxisColor; Color zcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.CenterCube ) ? Color.Gold : ZAxisColor; Color centerCubeColor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.CenterCube) ? Color.Gold : Color.White; Vec3F sv = new Vec3F(s, s, s); Vec3F axscale = new Vec3F(s * AxisThickness, s, s * AxisThickness); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); axscale.Y = Math.Abs(s * m_scale.X); scale.Scale(axscale); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); rot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, xcolor); axscale.Y = Math.Abs(s * m_scale.Y); scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, ycolor); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); axscale.Y = Math.Abs(s * m_scale.Z); scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, zcolor); Vec3F centerCubeScale = sv * CenterCubeSize; scale.Scale(centerCubeScale); Matrix4F centerCubeXform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(centerCubeXform, centerCubeColor); Vec3F handleScale = new Vec3F(Math.Abs(s * m_scale.X), Math.Abs(s * m_scale.Y), Math.Abs(s * m_scale.Z)); Vec3F handle = sv * AxisHandle; float handleWidth = handle.X / 2; scale.Scale(handle); Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(handleScale.X - handleWidth, 0, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, xcolor); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, handleScale.Y - handleWidth, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, ycolor); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, handleScale.Z - handleWidth); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, zcolor); }
private Matrix4F ComputeZhead(Matrix4F normWorld, float s) { Matrix4F headrot = new Matrix4F(); headrot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, s * (1 - hr)); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(new Vec3F(s * br, s * hr, s * br)); Matrix4F xform = scale * headrot * trans * normWorld; return xform; }
public void Render(ViewControl vc, Matrix4F normWorld) { float s = Util.CalcAxisScale(vc.Camera, normWorld.Translation, Manipulator.AxisLength, vc.Height); Color xcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XYSquare || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XZSquare) ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.XAxisColor; Color ycolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XYSquare || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YZSquare) ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.YAxisColor; Color Zcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XZSquare || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YZSquare) ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.ZAxisColor; Color XYx = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XYSquare ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.XAxisColor; Color XYy = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XYSquare ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.YAxisColor; Color XZx = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XZSquare ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.XAxisColor; Color XZz = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XZSquare ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.ZAxisColor; Color YZy = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YZSquare ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.YAxisColor; Color YZz = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YZSquare ? Color.Gold : Manipulator.ZAxisColor; var axisScale = new Matrix4F(); axisScale.Scale(new Vec3F(s * Manipulator.AxisThickness, s * (1 - ConeHeight), s * Manipulator.AxisThickness)); var axisrot = new Matrix4F(); // Draw X axis axisrot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F scaleRot = axisScale * axisrot; Matrix4F axisXform = scaleRot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(axisXform, xcolor); // draw y axisXform = axisScale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(axisXform, ycolor); // draw z axisrot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); scaleRot = axisScale * axisrot; axisXform = scaleRot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(axisXform, Zcolor); // draw center cube. Matrix4F cubeScale = new Matrix4F(); cubeScale.Scale(CenterCube * s); var cubexform = cubeScale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(cubexform, Color.White); Matrix4F arrowHead = ComputeXhead(normWorld, s); Util3D.DrawCone(arrowHead, xcolor); arrowHead = ComputeYhead(normWorld, s); Util3D.DrawCone(arrowHead, ycolor); arrowHead = ComputeZhead(normWorld, s); Util3D.DrawCone(arrowHead, Zcolor); // draw xy rect. Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(s * Manipulator.AxisThickness, s * SquareLength, s * Manipulator.AxisThickness); Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, s * SquareLength, 0); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); rot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F squareXform = scale * rot * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(squareXform, XYy); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(s * SquareLength, 0, 0); squareXform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(squareXform, XYx); // draw xz rect. trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, s * SquareLength); rot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); squareXform = scale * rot * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(squareXform, XZz); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(s * SquareLength, 0, 0); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); squareXform = scale * rot * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(squareXform, XZx); // draw yz trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, s * SquareLength, 0); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); squareXform = scale * rot * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(squareXform, YZy); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, s * SquareLength); squareXform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(squareXform, YZz); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the transformation matrix corresponding to the given transform components /// </summary> /// <param name="translation">Translation</param> /// <param name="rotation">Rotation</param> /// <param name="scale">Scale</param> /// <param name="scalePivot">Translation to origin of scaling</param> /// <param name="scalePivotTranslate">Translation after scaling</param> /// <param name="rotatePivot">Translation to origin of rotation</param> /// <param name="rotatePivotTranslate">Translation after rotation</param> /// <returns>transformation matrix corresponding to the given transform components</returns> public static Matrix4F CalcTransform( Vec3F translation, Vec3F rotation, Vec3F scale, Vec3F pivot) { Matrix4F M = new Matrix4F(); Matrix4F temp = new Matrix4F(); M.Set(-pivot); temp.Scale(scale); M.Mul(M, temp); if (rotation.X != 0) { temp.RotX(rotation.X); M.Mul(M, temp); } if (rotation.Y != 0) { temp.RotY(rotation.Y); M.Mul(M, temp); } if (rotation.Z != 0) { temp.RotZ(rotation.Z); M.Mul(M, temp); } temp.Set(pivot + translation); M.Mul(M, temp); return M; }
/// <summary> /// Performs initialization when the adapter's node is set. /// This method is called each time the adapter is connected to its underlying node. /// Typically overridden by creators of DOM adapters.</summary> protected override void OnNodeSet() { base.OnNodeSet(); // get trans, scale, and rot. foreach (DomNode domNode in this.DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.scaleChild)) { m_scale = Tools.GetVector3(domNode, Schema.TargetableFloat3.Attribute); break; } foreach (DomNode domNode in this.DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.translateChild)) { m_translation = Tools.GetVector3(domNode, Schema.TargetableFloat3.Attribute); break; } const float PiOver180 = (float)(Math.PI / 180.0f); foreach (DomNode node in DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.rotateChild)) { double[] arr = (double[])node.GetAttribute(Schema.rotate.Attribute); float angle = (float)arr[3] * PiOver180; string sid = node.GetAttribute(Schema.rotate.sidAttribute) as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sid)) { continue; } if (sid == "rotateX") { m_rotation.X = angle; } else if (sid == "rotateY") { m_rotation.Y = angle; } else if (sid == "rotateZ") { m_rotation.Z = angle; } } Matrix4F M = new Matrix4F(); Matrix4F temp = new Matrix4F(); temp.Scale(Scale); M.Mul(M, temp); if (m_rotation.X != 0) { temp.RotX(m_rotation.X); M.Mul(M, temp); } if (m_rotation.Y != 0) { temp.RotY(m_rotation.Y); M.Mul(M, temp); } if (m_rotation.Z != 0) { temp.RotZ(m_rotation.Z); M.Mul(M, temp); } temp.Set(Translation); M.Mul(M, temp); Transform = M; m_boundingBox = new Cached <Box>(CalculateBoundingBox); Visible = true; }
public override void Render(object opaqueContext, ViewControl vc) { Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix(); if (normWorld == null) { return; } var context = opaqueContext as GUILayer.SimpleRenderingContext; if (context == null) { return; } Vec3F pos = normWorld.Translation; float s = Util.CalcAxisScale(vc.Camera, pos, AxisLength, vc.Height); Color xcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.CenterCube) ? Color.Gold : XAxisColor; Color ycolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.CenterCube) ? Color.Gold : YAxisColor; Color zcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.CenterCube) ? Color.Gold : ZAxisColor; Color centerCubeColor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.CenterCube) ? Color.Gold : Color.White; Vec3F sv = new Vec3F(s, s, s); Vec3F axscale = new Vec3F(s * AxisThickness, s, s * AxisThickness); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); axscale.Y = Math.Abs(s * m_scale.X); scale.Scale(axscale); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); rot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, xcolor); axscale.Y = Math.Abs(s * m_scale.Y); scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, ycolor); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); axscale.Y = Math.Abs(s * m_scale.Z); scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(context, xform, zcolor); Vec3F centerCubeScale = sv * CenterCubeSize; scale.Scale(centerCubeScale); Matrix4F centerCubeXform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, centerCubeXform, centerCubeColor); Vec3F handleScale = new Vec3F(Math.Abs(s * m_scale.X), Math.Abs(s * m_scale.Y), Math.Abs(s * m_scale.Z)); Vec3F handle = sv * AxisHandle; float handleWidth = handle.X / 2; scale.Scale(handle); Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(handleScale.X - handleWidth, 0, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, xcolor); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, handleScale.Y - handleWidth, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, ycolor); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, handleScale.Z - handleWidth); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(context, xform, zcolor); }
public void Render(Camera cam) { GameEngine.SetRendererFlag(BasicRendererFlags.WireFrame); IGrid grid = this.As <IGrid>(); if (grid.Visible == false) { return; } float s = grid.Size; Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(new Vec3F(s, s, s)); Matrix4F gridXform = new Matrix4F(); if (cam.Frustum.IsOrtho) { float dist = cam.ViewMatrix.Translation.Z; ViewTypes vt = cam.ViewType; if (vt == ViewTypes.Top) { gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(0, dist, 0); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Bottom) { gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(0, -dist, 0); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Right) { gridXform.RotZ(MathHelper.PiOver2); gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(dist, 0, 0); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Left) { gridXform.RotZ(MathHelper.PiOver2); gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(-dist, 0, 0); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Front) { gridXform.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, dist); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Back) { gridXform.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, -dist); } gridXform.Mul(scale, gridXform); } else { Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, grid.Height, 0); gridXform = Matrix4F.Multiply(scale, trans); } GameEngine.DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType.LineList, m_gridVBId, 0, m_gridVertexCount, Color.LightGray, gridXform); }
public void Render(Camera cam) { GameEngine.SetRendererFlag(BasicRendererFlags.WireFrame); IGrid grid = this.As<IGrid>(); if (grid.Visible == false) return; float s = grid.Size; Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(new Vec3F(s, s, s)); Matrix4F gridXform = new Matrix4F(); if (cam.Frustum.IsOrtho) { float dist = cam.ViewMatrix.Translation.Z; ViewTypes vt = cam.ViewType; if (vt == ViewTypes.Top) { gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(0, dist, 0); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Bottom) { gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(0, -dist, 0); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Right) { gridXform.RotZ(MathHelper.PiOver2); gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(dist, 0, 0); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Left) { gridXform.RotZ(MathHelper.PiOver2); gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(-dist, 0, 0); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Front) { gridXform.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, dist); } else if (vt == ViewTypes.Back) { gridXform.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); gridXform.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, -dist); } gridXform.Mul(scale, gridXform); } else { Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, grid.Height, 0); gridXform = Matrix4F.Multiply(scale, trans); } GameEngine.DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType.LineList, m_gridVBId, 0, m_gridVertexCount, Color.LightGray, Matrix4F.Multiply(gridXform, cam.AxisSystem)); GameEngine.DrawPrimitive(PrimitiveType.LineList, m_basisAxesVBId, 0, m_basisAxesVertexCount, Color.White, gridXform); }
public override void Render(ViewControl vc) { Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix(); if (normWorld == null) return; int axis = (int)m_hitRegion; // axis colors Color saveColor = m_axisColor[axis]; m_axisColor[axis] = m_highlightColor; Color xcolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.XAxis]; Color ycolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.YAxis]; Color zcolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.ZAxis]; Color nxcolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.NegXAxis]; Color nycolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.NegYAxis]; Color nzcolor = m_axisColor[(int)HitRegion.NegZAxis]; m_axisColor[axis] = saveColor; if (m_hitRegion != HitRegion.None) { normWorld.Translation = HitMatrix.Translation; } Vec3F pos = normWorld.Translation; float s = Util.CalcAxisScale(vc.Camera, pos, AxisLength, vc.Height); Vec3F sv = new Vec3F(s, s, s); Vec3F axscale = new Vec3F(s*AxisThickness, s, s*AxisThickness); bool negativeAxis = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegXAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegYAxis || m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegZAxis; Vec3F dragScale = new Vec3F(Math.Abs(m_scale.X), Math.Abs(m_scale.Y), Math.Abs(m_scale.Z)); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s : s * dragScale.X; scale.Scale(axscale); rot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, xcolor); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s : s * dragScale.Y; scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, ycolor); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s : s * dragScale.Z; scale.Scale(axscale); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, zcolor); rot.RotZ(MathHelper.PiOver2); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s * dragScale.X : s; scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, nxcolor); rot.RotZ(MathHelper.Pi); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s * dragScale.Y : s; scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, nycolor); rot.RotX(-MathHelper.PiOver2); axscale.Y = negativeAxis ? s * dragScale.Z : s; scale.Scale(axscale); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCylinder(xform, nzcolor); // draw center cube scale.Scale(s*(1.0f / 16.0f)); xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, Color.White); Vec3F handle = sv*AxisHandle; float handleWidth = handle.X/2; scale.Scale(handle); Matrix4F trans = new Matrix4F(); // X handle float drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis ? dragScale.X : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(drag * sv.X - handleWidth, 0, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, xcolor); // y handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis ? dragScale.Y : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, drag * sv.Y - handleWidth, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, ycolor); // z handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis ? dragScale.Z : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, drag * sv.Z - handleWidth); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, zcolor); // -x handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegXAxis ? dragScale.X : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(-sv.X * drag + handleWidth, 0, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, nxcolor); // -y handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegYAxis ? dragScale.Y : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, -sv.Y * drag + handleWidth, 0); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, nycolor); // -z handle drag = m_hitRegion == HitRegion.NegZAxis ? dragScale.Z : 1.0f; trans.Translation = new Vec3F(0, 0, -sv.Z * drag + handleWidth); xform = scale * trans * normWorld; Util3D.DrawCube(xform, nzcolor); }
public override void Render(object opaqueContext, ViewControl vc) { Matrix4F normWorld = GetManipulatorMatrix(); if (normWorld == null) return; var context = opaqueContext as GUILayer.SimpleRenderingContext; if (context == null) return; float RingDiameter = 2 * AxisLength; Color xcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.XAxis) ? Color.Gold : XAxisColor; Color ycolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.YAxis ) ? Color.Gold : YAxisColor; Color Zcolor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.ZAxis ) ? Color.Gold : ZAxisColor; Color lColor = (m_hitRegion == HitRegion.LookAxis) ? Color.Gold : Color.Cyan; float s = Util.CalcAxisScale(vc.Camera, normWorld.Translation, RingDiameter, vc.Height); Vec3F axScale = new Vec3F(s, s, s); Matrix4F rot = new Matrix4F(); Matrix4F scale = new Matrix4F(); scale.Scale(axScale); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); Matrix4F xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawRing(context, xform, Zcolor); rot.RotZ(-MathHelper.PiOver2); xform = scale * rot * normWorld; Util3D.DrawRing(context, xform, xcolor); xform = scale * normWorld; Util3D.DrawRing(context, xform, ycolor); Matrix4F billboard = Util.CreateBillboard(normWorld.Translation, vc.Camera.WorldEye, vc.Camera.Up, vc.Camera.LookAt); rot.RotX(MathHelper.PiOver2); scale.Scale(s * LookRingScale); xform = scale * rot * billboard; Util3D.DrawRing(context, xform, lColor); }
/// <summary> /// Performs initialization when the adapter's node is set. /// This method is called each time the adapter is connected to its underlying node. /// Typically overridden by creators of DOM adapters.</summary> protected override void OnNodeSet() { base.OnNodeSet(); // get trans, scale, and rot. foreach (DomNode domNode in this.DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.scaleChild)) { m_scale = Tools.GetVector3(domNode, Schema.TargetableFloat3.Attribute); break; } foreach (DomNode domNode in this.DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.translateChild)) { m_translation = Tools.GetVector3(domNode, Schema.TargetableFloat3.Attribute); break; } const float PiOver180 = (float)(Math.PI / 180.0f); foreach (DomNode node in DomNode.GetChildList(Schema.node.rotateChild)) { double[] arr = (double[])node.GetAttribute(Schema.rotate.Attribute); float angle = (float)arr[3] * PiOver180; string sid = node.GetAttribute(Schema.rotate.sidAttribute) as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sid)) continue; if (sid == "rotateX") m_rotation.X = angle; else if (sid == "rotateY") m_rotation.Y = angle; else if (sid == "rotateZ") m_rotation.Z = angle; } Matrix4F M = new Matrix4F(); Matrix4F temp = new Matrix4F(); temp.Scale(Scale); M.Mul(M, temp); if (m_rotation.X != 0) { temp.RotX(m_rotation.X); M.Mul(M, temp); } if (m_rotation.Y != 0) { temp.RotY(m_rotation.Y); M.Mul(M, temp); } if (m_rotation.Z != 0) { temp.RotZ(m_rotation.Z); M.Mul(M, temp); } temp.Set(Translation); M.Mul(M, temp); Transform = M; m_boundingBox = new Cached<Box>(CalculateBoundingBox); Visible = true; }