コード例 #1
        // <SnippetMatrix3DProjectionSample_code>
        private void ApplyProjection(Object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
            // Translate the image along the negative Z-axis such that it occupies 50% of the
            // vertical field of view.
            double fovY         = Math.PI / 2.0;
            double translationZ = -BeachImage.ActualHeight / Math.Tan(fovY / 2.0);
            double theta        = 20.0 * Math.PI / 180.0;

            // You can create a 3D effect by creating a number of simple
            // tranformation Matrix3D matrixes and then multiply them together.
            Matrix3D centerImageAtOrigin = TranslationTransform(
                -BeachImage.ActualWidth / 2.0,
                -BeachImage.ActualHeight / 2.0, 0);
            Matrix3D invertYAxis             = CreateScaleTransform(1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
            Matrix3D rotateAboutY            = RotateYTransform(theta);
            Matrix3D translateAwayFromCamera = TranslationTransform(0, 0, translationZ);
            Matrix3D perspective             = PerspectiveTransformFovRH(fovY,
                                                                         LayoutRoot.ActualWidth / LayoutRoot.ActualHeight, // aspect ratio
                                                                         1.0,                                              // near plane
                                                                         1000.0);                                          // far plane
            Matrix3D viewport = ViewportTransform(LayoutRoot.ActualWidth, LayoutRoot.ActualHeight);

            Matrix3D m = Matrix3DHelper.Multiply(centerImageAtOrigin, invertYAxis);

            m = Matrix3D.Multiply(m, rotateAboutY);
            m = Matrix3D.Multiply(m, translateAwayFromCamera);
            m = Matrix3D.Multiply(m, perspective);
            m = Matrix3D.Multiply(m, viewport);

            Matrix3DProjection m3dProjection = new Matrix3DProjection();

            m3dProjection.ProjectionMatrix = m;

            BeachImage.Projection = m3dProjection;
コード例 #2
ファイル: BookFlyout3dVM.cs プロジェクト: UB-Mannheim/hbs
        private void UpdateOpenedBookTransform(float progress)
            var openedProgress = 1 - progress;
            var openedScale    = MathUtility.Lerp(SelectedBookScale3D.X, 1, openedProgress);
            var scaleMatrix    = Matrix3D.CreateScale(openedScale);

            var openedBookQuaternion = Matrix3DHelper.Slerp(SelectedBookRotation3D, openedBookTargetQuaternion,
                                                            openedProgress, true);
            var rotationM3D = Matrix3D.CreateFromQuaternion(openedBookQuaternion);

            var openedX = MathUtility.Lerp(SelectedBookTranslation3D.X, OpenedBookRect.X + (float)Book.CoverWidth,
            var openedY           = MathUtility.Lerp(SelectedBookTranslation3D.Y, OpenedBookRect.Y, openedProgress);
            var translationMatrix = Matrix3D.CreateTranslation(openedX, openedY, 0);

            OpenedBook.TransformMatrix3D = rotationM3D * scaleMatrix * translationMatrix;
コード例 #3
        public void UpdateBookPlaneTransforms(double coverWidth = 0, double coverHeight = 0, double spineWidth = 0)
            if (coverWidth == 0)
                coverWidth = CoverWidth;
            if (coverHeight == 0)
                coverHeight = CoverHeight;
            if (spineWidth == 0)
                spineWidth = SpineWidth;

            float      x, y, rotX, rotY;
            Point3D    rotCenter;
            Quaternion rotQuartY;
            Matrix3D   rotMatrixX, rotMatrixY, translationMatrix;

            //front cover
            x                 = (float)spineWidth;
            rotY              = (float)(OpenedProgress * HalfPi);
            rotMatrixY        = Matrix3D.CreateRotationY(rotY);
            translationMatrix = Matrix3D.CreateTranslation(new Point3D(x, 0, 0));
            FrontCover3D.TransformMatrix3D = rotMatrixY * translationMatrix;
            Spine3D.TransformMatrix3D = Matrix3D.Identity;
            //back cover
            x                             = (float)-coverWidth;
            rotY                          = (float)(-OpenedProgress * HalfPi);
            rotQuartY                     = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(yAxis, rotY);
            rotCenter                     = new Point3D((float)coverWidth, 0, 0);
            rotMatrixY                    = Matrix3DHelper.CreateRotationMatrix(ref rotQuartY, ref rotCenter);
            translationMatrix             = Matrix3D.CreateTranslation(new Point3D(x, 0, 0));
            BackCover3D.TransformMatrix3D = rotMatrixY * translationMatrix;
            //top back cover
            x                 = (float)-coverWidth;
            y                 = (float)coverHeight;
            rotX              = -HalfPi;
            rotY              = (float)(-OpenedProgress * HalfPi);
            rotCenter         = new Point3D((float)coverWidth, 0, 0);
            rotQuartY         = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(yAxis, rotY);
            rotMatrixX        = Matrix3D.CreateRotationX(rotX);
            rotMatrixY        = Matrix3DHelper.CreateRotationMatrix(ref rotQuartY, ref rotCenter);
            translationMatrix = Matrix3D.CreateTranslation(new Point3D(x, y, 0));
            TopBackCoverPages3D.TransformMatrix3D = rotMatrixX * rotMatrixY * translationMatrix;
            //top spine pages
            x                 = 0f;
            y                 = (float)(coverHeight - 0.1);
            rotX              = -HalfPi;
            rotMatrixX        = Matrix3D.CreateRotationX(rotX);
            translationMatrix = Matrix3D.CreateTranslation(new Point3D(x, y, 0));
            TopSpinePages3D.TransformMatrix3D = rotMatrixX * translationMatrix;
            //top front cover pages
            x                 = (float)spineWidth;
            y                 = (float)coverHeight;
            rotX              = -HalfPi;
            rotY              = (float)(OpenedProgress * HalfPi);
            rotMatrixX        = Matrix3D.CreateRotationX(rotX);
            rotMatrixY        = Matrix3D.CreateRotationY(rotY);
            translationMatrix = Matrix3D.CreateTranslation(new Point3D(x, y, 0));
            TopFrontCoverPages3D.TransformMatrix3D = rotMatrixX * rotMatrixY * translationMatrix;
            //inner page right
            x                 = (float)(spineWidth * 0.5d);
            rotY              = Pi - (float)(OpenedProgress * HalfPi);
            rotMatrixY        = Matrix3D.CreateRotationY(rotY);
            translationMatrix = Matrix3D.CreateTranslation(new Point3D(x, 0, 0));
            InnerPageRight3D.TransformMatrix3D = rotMatrixY * translationMatrix;

            if (TransformsUpdated != null)