private GraphElement CreateStackNode(MathStackNode mathStackNode, Vector2 pos) { SimpleStackNode graphStackNode = new SimpleStackNode(mathStackNode); graphStackNode.SetPosition(new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, 100, 100)); return(graphStackNode); }
public SimpleStackNode(MathStackNode node) { var visualTree = Resources.Load("SimpleStackNodeHeader") as VisualTreeAsset; m_Header = visualTree.Instantiate(); m_TitleItem = m_Header.Q <Label>(name: "titleLabel"); m_TitleItem.AddToClassList("label"); m_TitleEditor = m_Header.Q(name: "titleField") as TextField; m_TitleEditor.AddToClassList("textfield"); m_TitleEditor.visible = false; m_TitleEditor.RegisterCallback <FocusOutEvent>(e => { OnEditTitleFinished(); }); m_TitleEditor.Q("unity-text-input").RegisterCallback <KeyDownEvent>(OnKeyPressed); headerContainer.Add(m_Header); m_OperationControl = m_Header.Q <EnumField>(name: "operationField"); m_OperationControl.Init(MathStackNode.Operation.Addition); m_OperationControl.value = node.currentOperation; m_OperationControl.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Enum> >(v => { node.currentOperation = (MathStackNode.Operation)v.newValue; MathNode mathNode = userData as MathNode; if (mathNode != null && mathNode.mathBook != null) { mathNode.mathBook.inputOutputs.ComputeOutputs(); } }); var inputPort = InstantiatePort(Orientation.Vertical, Direction.Input, Port.Capacity.Single, typeof(float)); var outputPort = InstantiatePort(Orientation.Vertical, Direction.Output, Port.Capacity.Single, typeof(float)); inputPort.portName = ""; outputPort.portName = ""; inputContainer.Add(inputPort); outputContainer.Add(outputPort); RegisterCallback <MouseDownEvent>(OnMouseUpEvent); userData = node; viewDataKey = node.nodeID.ToString(); title =; inputPort.userData = node; outputPort.userData = node; }
public bool OnSelectEntry(SearchTreeEntry entry, SearchWindowContext context) { if (!(entry is SearchTreeGroupEntry)) { if (!GraphViewStaticBridge.HasGUIView(graphView)) { return(false); } MathNode node = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(entry.userData as Type) as MathNode; AddNode(node); Node nodeUI = CreateNode(node) as Node; if (nodeUI != null) { if (m_InsertStack != null) { MathStackNode stackNode = m_InsertStack.userData as MathStackNode; stackNode.InsertNode(m_InsertIndex, node); m_InsertStack.InsertElement(m_InsertIndex, nodeUI); } else { graphView.AddElement(nodeUI); Vector2 pointInWindow = context.screenMousePosition - position.position; Vector2 pointInGraph = nodeUI.parent.WorldToLocal(pointInWindow); nodeUI.SetPosition(new Rect(pointInGraph,; // it's ok to pass zero here because width/height is dynamic } nodeUI.Select(graphView, false); } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to create element for " + node); return(false); } return(true); } return(false); }
public GraphElement CreateNode(MathNode mathNode) { if (mathNode is MathOperator) { MathOperator add = mathNode as MathOperator; return(CreateMathNode(mathNode,, add.m_Position, 2, 1)); } else if (mathNode is MathStackNode) { MathStackNode mathStackNode = mathNode as MathStackNode; return(CreateStackNode(mathStackNode, mathStackNode.m_Position)); } else if (mathNode is MathFunction) { MathFunction fn = mathNode as MathFunction; Debug.Assert(fn.parameterCount == fn.parameterNames.Length); Node nodeUI = CreateMathNode(mathNode,, mathNode.m_Position, fn.parameterNames.Length, 1); for (int i = 0; i < fn.parameterNames.Length; ++i) { (nodeUI.inputContainer.ElementAt(i) as Port).portName = fn.parameterNames[i]; } return(nodeUI); } else if (mathNode is IMathBookFieldNode) { IMathBookFieldNode mathBookFieldNode = mathNode as IMathBookFieldNode; SimpleTokenNode tokenNode = new SimpleTokenNode(mathBookFieldNode); tokenNode.SetPosition(new Rect(mathNode.m_Position,; tokenNode.RefreshPorts(); tokenNode.visible = true; return(tokenNode); } else if (mathNode is MathConstant) { MathConstant mathConstant = mathNode as MathConstant; Node nodeUI = CreateMathNode( mathNode,, mathConstant.m_Position, 0, 1); var field = new DoubleField() { value = mathConstant.m_Value }; field.SetEnabled(!(mathConstant is PIConstant)); field.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => mathConstant.m_Value = (float)evt.newValue); nodeUI.inputContainer.Add(field); nodeUI.RefreshExpandedState(); return(nodeUI); } else if (mathNode is MathResult) { MathResult mathResult = mathNode as MathResult; Node nodeUI = CreateMathNode( mathNode, "Result", mathResult.m_Position, 1, 0); nodeUI.inputContainer.Add(new Button(() => Debug.Log(mathResult.Evaluate())) { text = "Print result" }); return(nodeUI); } else if (mathNode is MathGroupNode) { MathGroupNode mathGroupNode = mathNode as MathGroupNode; if (mathGroupNode.m_IsScope) { return(CreateScope(mathGroupNode, mathGroupNode.m_Position)); } else { return(CreateGroupNode(mathGroupNode, mathGroupNode.m_Title, mathGroupNode.m_Position)); } } return(null); }
public void Reload(IEnumerable <MathNode> nodesToReload, IEnumerable <MathPlacemat> placemats, IEnumerable <MathStickyNote> stickies, Dictionary <string, string> oldToNewIdMapping = null) { string oldId; var nodes = new Dictionary <MathNode, GraphElement>(); var oldIdToNewNode = new Dictionary <string, ISelectable>(); var newToOldIdMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (oldToNewIdMapping != null) { foreach (var oldIdKV in oldToNewIdMapping) { newToOldIdMapping[oldIdKV.Value] = oldIdKV.Key; } } // Create the nodes. foreach (MathNode mathNode in nodesToReload) { GraphElement node = m_SimpleGraphViewWindow.CreateNode(mathNode); if (node is Group) { = "SimpleGroup"; } else if (node is Scope) { = "SimpleScope"; } else { = "SimpleNode"; } if (node == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not create node " + mathNode); continue; } nodes[mathNode] = node; if (mathNode.groupNode == null) { if (newToOldIdMapping.TryGetValue(mathNode.nodeID.ToString(), out oldId)) { oldIdToNewNode.Add(oldId, node); } } AddElement(node); } // Assign scopes foreach (MathNode mathNode in nodesToReload) { if (mathNode.groupNode == null) { continue; } Scope graphScope = nodes[mathNode.groupNode] as Scope; graphScope.AddElement(nodes[mathNode]); } // Add to stacks foreach (MathNode mathNode in nodesToReload) { MathStackNode stack = mathNode as MathStackNode; if (stack == null) { continue; } StackNode graphStackNode = nodes[stack] as StackNode; for (int i = 0; i < stack.nodeCount; ++i) { MathNode stackMember = stack.GetNode(i); if (stackMember == null) { Debug.LogWarning("null stack member! Item " + i + " of stack " + + " is null. Possibly a leftover from bad previous manips."); } graphStackNode.AddElement(nodes[stackMember]); } } // Connect the presenters. foreach (var mathNode in nodesToReload) { if (mathNode is MathOperator) { MathOperator mathOperator = mathNode as MathOperator; if (!nodes.ContainsKey(mathNode)) { Debug.LogError("No element found for " + mathNode); continue; } var graphNode = nodes[mathNode] as Node; if (mathOperator.left != null && nodes.ContainsKey(mathOperator.left)) { var outputPort = (nodes[mathOperator.left] as Node).outputContainer[0] as Port; var inputPort = graphNode.inputContainer[0] as Port; Edge edge = inputPort.ConnectTo(outputPort); edge.viewDataKey = mathOperator.left.nodeID + "_edge"; AddElement(edge); } else if (mathOperator.left != null) { //add.m_Left = null; Debug.LogWarning("Invalid left operand for operator " + mathOperator + " , " + mathOperator.left); } if (mathOperator.right != null && nodes.ContainsKey(mathOperator.right)) { var outputPort = (nodes[mathOperator.right] as Node).outputContainer[0] as Port; var inputPort = graphNode.inputContainer[1] as Port; Edge edge = inputPort.ConnectTo(outputPort); edge.viewDataKey = mathOperator.right.nodeID + "_edge"; AddElement(edge); } else if (mathOperator.right != null) { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid right operand for operator " + mathOperator + " , " + mathOperator.right); } } else if (mathNode is MathFunction) { MathFunction mathFunction = mathNode as MathFunction; if (!nodes.ContainsKey(mathNode)) { Debug.LogError("No element found for " + mathNode); continue; } var graphNode = nodes[mathNode] as Node; for (int i = 0; i < mathFunction.parameterCount; ++i) { MathNode param = mathFunction.GetParameter(i); if (param != null && nodes.ContainsKey(param)) { var outputPort = (nodes[param] as Node).outputContainer[0] as Port; var inputPort = graphNode.inputContainer[i] as Port; Edge edge = inputPort.ConnectTo(outputPort); edge.viewDataKey = param.nodeID + "_edge"; AddElement(edge); } else if (param != null) { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid parameter for function" + mathFunction + " , " + param); } } } else if (mathNode is MathResult) { MathResult mathResult = mathNode as MathResult; var graphNode = nodes[mathNode] as Node; if (mathResult.root != null) { var outputPort = (nodes[mathResult.root] as Node).outputContainer[0] as Port; var inputPort = graphNode.inputContainer[0] as Port; Edge edge = inputPort.ConnectTo(outputPort); edge.viewDataKey = mathResult.root.nodeID + "_edge"; AddElement(edge); } } } foreach (var matModel in placemats.OrderBy(p => p.zOrder)) { var newPlacemat = placematContainer.CreatePlacemat <SimplePlacemat>(matModel.position, matModel.zOrder, matModel.title); newPlacemat.userData = matModel; newPlacemat.viewDataKey = matModel.identification; newPlacemat.Model = matModel; if (newToOldIdMapping.TryGetValue(matModel.identification, out oldId)) { oldIdToNewNode.Add(oldId, newPlacemat); } } if (stickies != null) { var existingStickies = this.Query <SimpleStickyNote>().ToList(); foreach (var sticky in existingStickies.Where(t => !stickies.Contains(t.model))) { RemoveElement(sticky); } foreach (var stickyModel in stickies.Except(existingStickies.Select(t => t.model))) { var newSticky = new SimpleStickyNote(); newSticky.model = stickyModel; newSticky.userData = stickyModel; AddElement(newSticky); if (newToOldIdMapping.TryGetValue(, out oldId)) { oldIdToNewNode.Add(oldId, newSticky); } } } // Now that all graph elements have been created, init the collapsed elements of each placemat. foreach (var p in this.Query <SimplePlacemat>().ToList()) { p.InitCollapsedElementsFromModel(); } // Make sure collapsed edges are hidden. placematContainer.HideCollapsedEdges(); UpdateSelection(oldIdToNewNode); RebuildBlackboard(); }