コード例 #1
    void CalcMove(Vector3 waypoint, ref Vector3 refMovement, ref Quaternion refRotation)
        Vector3 dir = waypoint - transform.position;

        dir.y = dir.y - PathHeight;

        Vector3 vDirection = Vector3.Project(dir, transform.up);
        Vector3 lDirection = dir - vDirection;

        // Get rotation based on yaw angle.
        float yaw = MathHelper.AngleAroundAxis(transform.forward, lDirection, transform.up);

        refRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(yaw, transform.up);

        float moveSpeed = rootMotionMovement.magnitude / Time.deltaTime;

        if (moveSpeed == 0f)
            moveSpeed = MovementSpeed;

        // Set the final velocity based on the rotation we'll look at.
        Quaternion toRotation = transform.rotation * refRotation;

        refMovement = toRotation.Forward() * (moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);