コード例 #1
         * Returns a prototype with highest similarity (score) -- which was not used yet.
         * The score is counted for a particular instance Ek and all the prototypes.
         * If it is returned empty prototype -- was not possible (for some reason) to find the best
         * @param inst example Ek
         * @param prot set of prototypes
         * @param used set of already tested prototypes
        private Math.DynamicVector<float> bestPrototype2A(Math.DynamicVector<float> inst, List<Math.DynamicVector<float>> prot, List<Math.DynamicVector<float>> used)
            // prototypes with the same score
            List<Math.DynamicVector<float>> sameScore;
            Math.DynamicVector<float> empty;
            int usize;
            int psize;
            float[] score;
            int i, j;
            float higher;

            sameScore = new List<Math.DynamicVector<float>>();
            empty = new Math.DynamicVector<float>(0); // ASK< is size 0 right? >

            usize = used.Count;
            psize = prot.Count;

            // if the number of already used prototypes and the number of
            //  prototypes are the same return empty protot. (no best protot.)
            if( used.Count==prot.Count )
                return empty;

            score = new float[psize];
            // setting initial value(the minimum for type double for this particular architecture) for scoring prototypes
            for( i = 0; i < psize; i++ )
                score[i] = float.MinValue;

            // set score for every prototype
            for( i = 0; i < psize; i++ )
                bool usedb;
                // search if prototype is not among already used prototypes
                for( j = 0; j < usize; j++ )
                    if( prot[i] == used[j] )

                // is proto[i] among the used ??
                if( usedb )
                // if not count it's score
                    score[i] = countScore(prot[i], inst);

            //find prototype with highest score
            higher = float.MinValue;

            for( i = 0; i < psize; i++ )
               	            if( score[i] == higher )
                    if( score[i] > higher )
               		                // erase the old list
               		                higher = score[i];

            if( sameScore.Count == 0 )
                // the result is an empty prototype
                return empty;
            else if( sameScore.Count == 1 )
                // the result is the only one possible best prototype
                return sameScore[0];
                int index;
                // if there is more best prototypes with the same score -- random choosing
                index = random.Next(sameScore.Count);

                return sameScore[index];
コード例 #2
         * Add an example (Ek) to a particular cluster.
         * It means that it moves the prototype toward the example.
         * The prototype will be more similar with the example.
         * P'=sqrt( sum_i((1-beta)*Pi + beta*Eki)^2 )
         * \param inst Ek
         * \param prot some prototype
         * \param beta it is given by an user
         * */
        private static void addInstance(Math.DynamicVector<float> instance, Math.DynamicVector<float> prototype, float beta)
            Math.DynamicVector<float> temp;
            float norm;
            int i;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(beta <= 0.0f && beta <= 1.0f);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(instance.array.Length == prototype.array.Length);

            norm = 0.0f;
            temp = new Math.DynamicVector<float>(prototype.array.Length);

            // make vector  tmp=(1-beta)*P + beta*Ek
            for( i = 0; i < instance.array.Length; i++ )
                temp[i] = (1.0f-beta)*prototype[i] + beta*instance[i];

            // count vector norm semi = sqrt(tmp^2)
            for( i = 0; i < instance.array.Length; i++ )
                norm += temp[i]*temp[i];

            norm = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(norm);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(norm != 0.0f);
            norm = 1.0f/norm;

            // count prototype
            for( i = 0; i < instance.array.Length; i++ )
                prototype[i] = norm*temp[i];