private void ApplyToBlock(ref MaterialPropertyBlock block, ShaderIDs bids) { #if USE_PROPERTY_BLOCKS block.AddVector(bids.exposureIBL, exposures); block.AddVector(bids.exposureLM, exposuresLM); block.AddMatrix(bids.skyMatrix, skyMatrix); block.AddMatrix(bids.invSkyMatrix, invMatrix); block.AddVector(bids.skyMin, skyMin); block.AddVector(bids.skyMax, skyMax); if (specularCube) { block.AddTexture(bids.specCubeIBL, specularCube); } else { block.AddTexture(bids.specCubeIBL, blackCube); } block.AddVector(bids.SH[0], SH.cBuffer[0]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[1], SH.cBuffer[1]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[2], SH.cBuffer[2]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[3], SH.cBuffer[3]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[4], SH.cBuffer[4]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[5], SH.cBuffer[5]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[6], SH.cBuffer[6]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[7], SH.cBuffer[7]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[8], SH.cBuffer[8]); #endif }
void Update() { if (_needsReset) { ResetResources(); } // Advance the time variables. _rotationNoiseTime += _rotationNoiseSpeed * Time.deltaTime; // Call the kernels. UpdateKernelShader(); if (_needsReset || _positionUpdateFlag) { Graphics.Blit(null, _positionBuffer, _kernelMaterial, 0); } Graphics.Blit(null, _rotationBuffer, _kernelMaterial, 1); if (_needsReset || _scaleUpdateFlag) { Graphics.Blit(null, _scaleBuffer, _kernelMaterial, 2); } // Make a material property block for the following drawcalls. var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); props.AddTexture("_PositionTex", _positionBuffer); props.AddTexture("_RotationTex", _rotationBuffer); props.AddTexture("_ScaleTex", _scaleBuffer); // Temporary variables. var mesh = _bulkMesh.mesh; var position = transform.position; var rotation = transform.rotation; var material = _material ? _material : _defaultMaterial; var uv = new Vector2(0.5f / _positionBuffer.width, 0); // Draw mesh segments. for (var i = 0; i < _positionBuffer.height; i++) { uv.y = (0.5f + i) / _positionBuffer.height; props.AddVector("_BufferOffset", uv); Graphics.DrawMesh( mesh, position, rotation, material, 0, null, 0, props, _castShadows, _receiveShadows); } // Clear flag variables. _positionUpdateFlag = true; _scaleUpdateFlag = true; _needsReset = false; }
public void InitializeVectorField() { vectorFieldTexture = new Texture2D((int)particleWidth, (int)particleWidth); vectorFieldTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; velocityField = new Color[particleCount]; velocityFieldNew = new Color[particleCount]; pressureField = new Color[particleCount]; pressureFieldNew = new Color[particleCount]; for (uint i = 0; i < particleCount; ++i) { velocityField[i] = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); velocityFieldNew[i] = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); pressureField[i] = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); pressureFieldNew[i] = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } ApplyTextureData(ref vectorFieldTexture, velocityField); MaterialPropertyBlock mp = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); mp.AddTexture(0, vectorFieldTexture); container.MySprite.SetPropertyBlock(mp); vfInitialized = true; }
static int AddTexture(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); Type[] types0 = { typeof(MaterialPropertyBlock), typeof(int), typeof(Texture) }; Type[] types1 = { typeof(MaterialPropertyBlock), typeof(string), typeof(Texture) }; if (count == 3 && LuaScriptMgr.CheckTypes(L, types0, 1)) { MaterialPropertyBlock obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <MaterialPropertyBlock>(L, 1); int arg0 = (int)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2); Texture arg1 = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <Texture>(L, 3); obj.AddTexture(arg0, arg1); return(0); } else if (count == 3 && LuaScriptMgr.CheckTypes(L, types1, 1)) { MaterialPropertyBlock obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <MaterialPropertyBlock>(L, 1); string arg0 = LuaScriptMgr.GetString(L, 2); Texture arg1 = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <Texture>(L, 3); obj.AddTexture(arg0, arg1); return(0); } else { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "invalid arguments to method: MaterialPropertyBlock.AddTexture"); } return(0); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { #if !USE_TEX MaterialPropertyBlock block = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); block.AddTexture("_MainTex", tex); renderer.SetPropertyBlock(block); #endif updateImage(); }
void Update() { if (_needsReset) { ResetResources(); } // Call the kernels. UpdateKernelShader(); Graphics.Blit(null, _positionBuffer, _kernelMaterial, 0); Graphics.Blit(null, _rotationBuffer, _kernelMaterial, 1); Graphics.Blit(null, _scaleBuffer, _kernelMaterial, 2); // Make a material property block for the following drawcalls. var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); props.AddTexture("_PositionTex", _positionBuffer); props.AddTexture("_RotationTex", _rotationBuffer); props.AddTexture("_ScaleTex", _scaleBuffer); props.SetVector("_ColumnRow", new Vector2(_columns, _rows)); props.SetVector("_UVOffset", UVOffset); // Temporary variables. var mesh = _bulkMesh.mesh; var position = transform.position; var rotation = transform.rotation; var material = _material ? _material : _defaultMaterial; var uv = new Vector2(0.5f / _positionBuffer.width, 0); position += transform.right * XOffset; position += transform.up * YOffset; // Draw mesh segments. for (var i = 0; i < _positionBuffer.height; i++) { uv.y = (0.5f + i) / _positionBuffer.height; props.AddVector("_BufferOffset", uv); Graphics.DrawMesh( mesh, position, rotation, material, 0, null, 0, props, _castShadows, _receiveShadows); } }
public override void SetTexture(Texture2D texture) { base.SetTexture(texture); MaterialPropertyBlock props = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); #if UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 props.AddTexture("_MainTex", texture); #else props.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture); #endif spriteRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(props); }
void updateImage() { #if USE_TEX int BALL_SIZE = tex.width / 2; int TEX_SIZE = tex.width; Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE); texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; float[] v = new float[3]; for (int ix = 0; ix < BALL_SIZE; ix++) { for (int iy = 0; iy < BALL_SIZE; iy++) { float x = (2 * ix - BALL_SIZE) / (float)BALL_SIZE; float y = (2 * iy - BALL_SIZE) / (float)BALL_SIZE; float z2 = (x * x + y * y); if (z2 < 1.0f) { float z = (float)Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f - z2); v[0] = x; v[1] = y; v[2] = z; rotate(rot, v); float theta = (float)Mathf.Acos(v[2]); float phi = (float)(Mathf.Atan2(v[1], v[0]) + Mathf.PI); int ty = (int)((theta / Mathf.PI) * TEX_SIZE); int dty = (int)(0.5f * (phi / Mathf.PI) * TEX_SIZE); int tx = TEX_SIZE - dty; tx &= TEX_SIZE - 1; ty &= TEX_SIZE - 1; texture.SetPixel(ix, iy, tex.GetPixel(tx, ty)); } else { texture.SetPixel(ix, iy, trans); } } } texture.Apply(); MaterialPropertyBlock block = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); block.AddTexture("_MainTex", texture); renderer.SetPropertyBlock(block); #else renderer.material.SetVector("_Rotation", new Vector4(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3])); #endif }
public void SetTile(MaterialPropertyBlock matPropertyBlock, int level, int tx, int ty) { if (!m_producer.IsGPUProducer()) { return; } RenderTexture tex = null; Vector3 coords =, size =; SetTile(ref tex, ref coords, ref size, level, tx, ty); matPropertyBlock.AddTexture(m_uniforms.tile, tex); matPropertyBlock.AddVector(m_uniforms.tileCoords, coords); matPropertyBlock.AddVector(m_uniforms.tileSize, size); }
void Awake() { mb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); mb.AddTexture("_MainTex", texture); foreach (Transform child in transform) { defaultColor = child.renderer.material.color; Color newColor = defaultColor; //newColor.a = (1-child.localPosition.y*8)/2f; mb.AddColor("_Color", newColor); mb.AddColor("_TintColor", newColor); child.renderer.SetPropertyBlock(mb); child.renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture); } }
private GameObject GenerateBlocksJoined(int xOffest, int yOffest) { var rand = new SimpleRNG(Util.Hash(Seed, xOffest, yOffest)); _vertices.Clear(); _uvs.Clear(); _triangles.Clear(); _lightAbsorptionColors.Clear(); _lightEmissionColors.Clear(); var meshObj = (GameObject)Instantiate(MeshObjectPrefab); = "Block Mesh { X = " + xOffest / ChunkSize + "; Y = " + yOffest / ChunkSize + " }"; var meshObjTransform = meshObj.transform; meshObjTransform.position = meshObjTransform.position.WithXY(xOffest, yOffest); meshObjTransform.parent = Container; var collMap = new CollMapPoint[ChunkSize, ChunkSize]; for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSize; y++) { collMap[x, y] = GetCollMapPoint(x + xOffest, y + yOffest); } } for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSize; y++) { var blockInfo = collMap[x, y].BlockInfo; if (blockInfo.AditionalObjectPrefab != null && blockInfo.AditionalObjectProbability >= rand.value) { var addObj = (GameObject)Instantiate(blockInfo.AditionalObjectPrefab); addObj.transform.parent = meshObjTransform; addObj.transform.localPosition = blockInfo.AditionalObjectPrefab .transform.position.WithXY(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f); } if (blockInfo.SpriteInfo.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("Sprite Info is broken"); continue; } var compactInfo = (SafeIndex(collMap, x, y + 1, ChunkSize, ChunkSize, () => GetCollMapPoint(x + xOffest, y + yOffest)) .BlockType == BlockSetProfile.BlockType.CollidingWall ? 1 : 0) + (SafeIndex(collMap, x + 1, y, ChunkSize, ChunkSize, () => GetCollMapPoint(x + xOffest, y + yOffest)) .BlockType == BlockSetProfile.BlockType.CollidingWall ? 2 : 0) + (SafeIndex(collMap, x, y - 1, ChunkSize, ChunkSize, () => GetCollMapPoint(x + xOffest, y + yOffest)) .BlockType == BlockSetProfile.BlockType.CollidingWall ? 4 : 0) + (SafeIndex(collMap, x - 1, y, ChunkSize, ChunkSize, () => GetCollMapPoint(x + xOffest, y + yOffest)) .BlockType == BlockSetProfile.BlockType.CollidingWall ? 8 : 0); CreatePoint(x, y, blockInfo, compactInfo, false, rand); } } var blockMesh = new Mesh(); blockMesh.vertices = _vertices.ToArray(); blockMesh.uv = _uvs.ToArray(); blockMesh.triangles = _triangles.ToArray(); blockMesh.RecalculateBounds(); blockMesh.Optimize(); var meshFilter = meshObj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.mesh = blockMesh; var meshRenderer = meshObj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); var texture = BlockSet.BlockInfos .First(bi => bi.SpriteInfo.Any(si => si != null)) .SpriteInfo.First(ti => ti != null) .texture; var mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); mpb.AddTexture("_MainTex", texture); meshRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(mpb); for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++) { var yStart = 0; for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSize; y++) { if (collMap[x, y].BlockInfo.BlockType != BlockSetProfile.BlockType.CollidingWall) { if (y - yStart > 0) { var obj = new GameObject(); obj.layer = meshObj.layer; obj.transform.parent = meshObjTransform; obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, 0); = "Collider x = " + x; var coll = obj.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); coll.size = new Vector2(1, (y - yStart)); coll.offset = new Vector2(0.5f, yStart + coll.size.y / 2f); } yStart = y + 1; } } if (ChunkSize - yStart > 0) { var obj = new GameObject(); obj.layer = meshObj.layer; obj.transform.parent = meshObjTransform; obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, 0); = "Collider x = " + x; var coll = obj.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); coll.size = new Vector2(1, (ChunkSize - yStart)); coll.offset = new Vector2(0.5f, yStart + coll.size.y / 2f); } } var lightObstaclesObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(LightObstaclesPrefab); lightObstaclesObject.transform.parent = meshObjTransform; lightObstaclesObject.transform.localPosition =; //lightObstaclesObject.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, 0, -10); var lightObstaclesMeshFilter = lightObstaclesObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); lightObstaclesMeshFilter.mesh = ChunkMeshFromColors(_lightAbsorptionColors); var ambientLightObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(AmbientLightPrefab); ambientLightObject.transform.parent = meshObjTransform; ambientLightObject.transform.localPosition =; //ambientLightObject.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, 0, -5); var ambientLightMeshFilter = ambientLightObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); ambientLightMeshFilter.mesh = ChunkMeshFromColors(_lightEmissionColors); return(meshObj); }
public void InitializeVectorField() { velocityField = new ComputeBuffer((int)particleCount, 2 * sizeof(float)); velocityFieldNew = new ComputeBuffer((int)particleCount, 2 * sizeof(float)); pressureField = new ComputeBuffer((int)particleCount, sizeof(float)); pressureFieldNew = new ComputeBuffer((int)particleCount, sizeof(float)); jacobiHelper = new ComputeBuffer((int)particleCount, 2 * sizeof(float)); particleData = new ComputeBuffer((int)particleCount, 4 * sizeof(float)); dyeField = new ComputeBuffer((int)particleCount, sizeof(float)); cbArray[0] = velocityField; cbArray[1] = velocityFieldNew; cbArray[2] = pressureField; cbArray[3] = pressureFieldNew; cbArray[4] = jacobiHelper; cbArray[5] = particleData; cbArray[6] = dyeField; for (int i = 0; i < CB_COUNT; ++i) { } velocityField.SetData(new Vector2[particleCount]); velocityFieldNew.SetData(new Vector2[particleCount]); pressureField.SetData(new float[particleCount]); pressureFieldNew.SetData(new float[particleCount]); jacobiHelper.SetData(new Vector2[particleCount]); particleData.SetData(new Vector2[particleCount]); dyeField.SetData(new Vector2[particleCount]); velocityFieldBuffer = new Vector2[particleCount]; particleDataBuffer = new Vector4[particleCount]; pressureFieldBuffer = new float[particleCount]; dyeFieldBuffer = new float[particleCount]; finalTexture = new Texture2D((int)particleWidth, (int)particleWidth, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false); finalTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; _DfinalTexture = new Texture2D((int)particleWidth, (int)particleWidth, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false); _DfinalTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; MaterialPropertyBlock mp = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); mp.AddTexture(0, finalTexture); container.MySprite.SetPropertyBlock(mp); kernelIDs[0] = cShader.FindKernel("Advect"); kernelIDs[1] = cShader.FindKernel("Diffuse"); kernelIDs[2] = cShader.FindKernel("ApplyForces"); kernelIDs[3] = cShader.FindKernel("Pressure"); kernelIDs[4] = cShader.FindKernel("SubtractPressure"); kernelIDs[5] = cShader.FindKernel("SwapOldToNew"); kernelIDs[6] = cShader.FindKernel("SwapNewToOld"); kernelIDs[7] = cShader.FindKernel("Clear"); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.ADVECT], "VelocityField", velocityField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.ADVECT], "VelocityFieldNew", velocityFieldNew); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.ADVECT], "DyeField", dyeField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.DIFFUSE], "VelocityField", velocityFieldNew); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.DIFFUSE], "VelocityFieldNew", velocityField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.APPLY_FORCE], "VelocityField", velocityField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.APPLY_FORCE], "VelocityFieldNew", velocityFieldNew); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.APPLY_FORCE], "DyeField", dyeField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.PRESSURE], "VelocityField", velocityFieldNew); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.PRESSURE], "VelocityFieldNew", velocityField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.PRESSURE], "PressureField", pressureField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.PRESSURE], "PressureFieldNew", pressureFieldNew); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.SWAP_TO_NEW], "VelocityField", velocityField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.SWAP_TO_NEW], "VelocityFieldNew", velocityFieldNew); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.SWAP_TO_OLD], "VelocityField", velocityFieldNew); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.SWAP_TO_OLD], "VelocityFieldNew", velocityField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.SUBTRACT_PRESSURE], "VelocityField", velocityField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.SUBTRACT_PRESSURE], "VelocityFieldNew", velocityFieldNew); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.SUBTRACT_PRESSURE], "PressureField", pressureField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.CLEAR], "PressureField", pressureField); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.CLEAR], "PressureFieldNew", pressureFieldNew); cShader.SetFloat("DeltaTime", Time.fixedDeltaTime); float dx = container.containerBase / (float)particleWidth; cShader.SetFloat("Dx", dx); cShader.SetInt("Width", (int)particleWidth); cShader.SetFloat("ContainerElasticity", (float)container.elasticity); cShader.SetFloat("DropperInsertedDensity", dropper.InsertedDensity); cShader.SetFloat("Dissipation", DISSIPATION); // setup particle data to texture for (uint i = 0; i < particleWidth; ++i) { for (uint j = 0; j < particleWidth; ++j) { uint flatCoord = i * particleWidth + j; particleDataBuffer[flatCoord].x = particles[flatCoord].transform.position.x; particleDataBuffer[flatCoord].y = particles[flatCoord].transform.position.y; particleDataBuffer[flatCoord].z = (float)particles[flatCoord].viscosity; particleDataBuffer[flatCoord].w = (float)particles[flatCoord].mass; } } particleData.SetData(particleDataBuffer); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.ADVECT], "ParticleData", particleData); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.DIFFUSE], "ParticleData", particleData); cShader.SetBuffer(kernelIDs[(int)KernelIDs.APPLY_FORCE], "ParticleData", particleData); vfInitialized = true; }