コード例 #1
        public void Set(MaterialCommodityData.CatType cat, string fdname, int num, double price)
            MaterialCommodities mc = GetNewCopyOf(cat, fdname);

            mc.Count = num;
            if (price > 0)
                mc.Price = price;
コード例 #2
        public void Set(MaterialCommodityData.CatType cat, string fdname, int num, double price)
            MaterialCommodities mc = GetNewCopyOf(cat, fdname);

            mc.Count = num;
            if (price > 0)
                mc.Price = price;

            //log.WriteLine("MC Set:" + cat + " " + fdname + " " + num + " " + mc.count);
コード例 #3
        // ignore cat is only used if you don't know what it is
        public void Change(MaterialCommodityData.CatType cat, string fdname, int num, long price, bool ignorecatonsearch = false)
            MaterialCommodities mc = GetNewCopyOf(cat, fdname, ignorecatonsearch);

            double costprev = mc.Count * mc.Price;
            double costnew  = num * price;

            mc.Count = Math.Max(mc.Count + num, 0);

            if (mc.Count > 0 && num > 0)                    // if bought (defensive with mc.count)
                mc.Price = (costprev + costnew) / mc.Count; // price is now a combination of the current cost and the new cost. in case we buy in tranches
            //log.WriteLine("MC Change:" + cat + " " + fdname + " " + num + " " + mc.count);
コード例 #4
        // ignore cat is only used if you don't know what it is
        public void Change(DateTime utc, MaterialCommodityData.CatType cat, string fdname, int num, long price, bool ignorecatonsearch = false)
            MaterialCommodities mc = GetNewCopyOf(cat, fdname, ignorecatonsearch);

            double costprev = mc.Count * mc.Price;
            double costnew  = num * price;

            //if (mc.Count == 0 && num < 0) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Error, removing {1} {2} but nothing counted", utc, fdname, num);

            mc.Count = Math.Max(mc.Count + num, 0);

            if (mc.Count > 0 && num > 0)                    // if bought (defensive with mc.count)
                mc.Price = (costprev + costnew) / mc.Count; // price is now a combination of the current cost and the new cost. in case we buy in tranches
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("In {0} At {1} MC Change {2} {3} {4} = {5}", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name, utc, cat, fdname, num,mc.Count);
コード例 #5
        // ifnorecatonsearch is used if you don't know if its a material or commodity.. for future use.

        private MaterialCommodities GetNewCopyOf(MaterialCommodityData.CatType cat, string fdname, bool ignorecatonsearch = false)
            int index = List.FindIndex(x => x.Details.FDName.Equals(fdname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && (ignorecatonsearch || x.Details.Category == cat));

            if (index >= 0)
                List[index] = new MaterialCommodities(List[index]);    // fresh copy..
                MaterialCommodityData mcdb = MaterialCommodityData.EnsurePresent(cat, fdname); // get a MCDB of this
                MaterialCommodities   mc   = new MaterialCommodities(mcdb);                    // make a new entry