コード例 #1
        public HttpResponseMessage MyMatchList([FromBody] MatchParameter3Model match)
            MatchLogic matchLogic = new MatchLogic();

            jsonResult = matchLogic.MyMatchList(match);

            returnResult.Content = new StringContent(jsonResult, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
コード例 #2
        public string MyMatchList(MatchParameter3Model match)
            string               result       = "";
            MessageModel         message      = new MessageModel();
            JavaScriptSerializer jss          = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            HashSet <object>     returnResult = new HashSet <object>();
            List <MyMatchModel>  myMatchList  = new List <MyMatchModel>();

            using (HiGame_V1Entities context = new HiGame_V1Entities())
                string teamID = Team.MyAllTeamID(match.UserID);
                string sql;
                if (match.State == 0)
                    sql = "SELECT" +
                          " t1.ResultID as MatchID," +
                          " t1.GameStage as MatchName," +
                          " t1.HomeTeamID as STeamID," +
                          " t2.TeamName as STeamName," +
                          " t2.TeamPicture as STeamLogo," +
                          " t1.CustomerTeamID as ETeamID," +
                          " t3.TeamName as ETeamName," +
                          " t3.TeamPicture as ETeamLogo," +
                          "  CONVERT(varchar(100), t1.EndTime, 20) as EndTime," +
                          " t1.Result " +
                          " FROM db_FightResult t1" +
                          " LEFT JOIN db_Team t2 ON t1.HomeTeamID=t2.TeamID" +
                          " LEFT JOIN db_Team t3 ON t1.CustomerTeamID=t3.TeamID" +
                          " WHERE (t1.HomeTeamID IN " + teamID +
                          " OR t1.CustomerTeamID IN " + teamID + ")" +
                          " AND t1.Result='未开赛' " +
                          " ORDER BY t1.EndTime DESC";
                    sql = "SELECT" +
                          " t1.ResultID as MatchID," +
                          " t1.GameStage as MatchName," +
                          " t1.HomeTeamID as STeamID," +
                          " t2.TeamName as STeamName," +
                          " t2.TeamPicture as STeamLogo," +
                          " t1.CustomerTeamID as ETeamID," +
                          " t3.TeamName as ETeamName," +
                          " t3.TeamPicture as ETeamLogo," +
                          "  CONVERT(varchar(100), t1.EndTime, 20) as EndTime," +
                          " t1.Result " +
                          " FROM db_FightResult t1" +
                          " LEFT JOIN db_Team t2 ON t1.HomeTeamID=t2.TeamID" +
                          " LEFT JOIN db_Team t3 ON t1.CustomerTeamID=t3.TeamID" +
                          " WHERE (t1.HomeTeamID IN " + teamID +
                          " OR t1.CustomerTeamID IN " + teamID + ")" +
                          " AND t1.Result<>'未开赛' " +
                          " ORDER BY t1.EndTime DESC";

                myMatchList = context.Database.SqlQuery <MyMatchModel>(sql)
                              .Skip((match.StartPage - 1) * match.PageCount)
            message.MessageCode = MESSAGE.OK_CODE;
            message.Message     = MESSAGE.OK;
            result = jss.Serialize(returnResult);