private void checkPrice(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { MarketClientConnection pc = new MarketClientConnection(); MarketCommodityOffer query = (MarketCommodityOffer)pc.SendQueryMarketRequest(commodity); if (buyRequest) //buy when price of ask of commidity id is lower then extremePrice { int stockPrice = query.ask; if (stockPrice <= extremePrice) { pc.SendBuyRequest(stockPrice, commodity, amount); aTimer.Enabled = false; keepingProcces = false; return; // comment } } else { int stockOffer =; if (stockOffer >= extremePrice) { pc.SendSellRequest(stockOffer, commodity, amount); aTimer.Enabled = false; keepingProcces = false; return; } } }
}//Main private static void runTrading(MarketClientConnection mc) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------------\nWelcome to Algo-Trading application. to go back to main menu, you can press -1 at any point"); Console.WriteLine("What do you wish to do?"); Console.WriteLine("1- Buy\n2- Sell\n3- Cancel\n4- Queries\n5- delete all open requests"); int command = checkInputValid(); // the first choose of the client if (command == -1) { } //want to buy else if (command == 1) { buyingProcces(mc); } // want to sell else if (command == 2) { sellingProcces(mc); } // want to cancel else if (command == 3) { cancelingProcces(mc); } // want to cancel all the request else if (command == 5) { if (mc.cancelAllRequests() == true) { Console.WriteLine("all your asks are canceled"); } } else if (command == 4) { Console.WriteLine("Which query would yo like to send?"); Console.WriteLine("1- Buy/Sell status\n2- User status\n3- Market Status"); command = checkInputValid(); // want go back if (command == -1) { } //Buy/Sell status else if (command == 1) { Console.WriteLine("please enter the transaction ID"); int id = checkInputValid(); if (id != -1) { Console.WriteLine(mc.SendQueryBuySellRequest(id)); } //user status } else if (command == 2) { Console.WriteLine(mc.SendQueryUserRequest()); } //Market Status else if (command == 3) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the stock number you wish to ask about"); int commodity = checkInputValid(); if (commodity != -1) { Console.WriteLine(mc.SendQueryMarketRequest(commodity)); } else { Console.WriteLine("You have entered invaild number, please follow the instructions"); } } } }//while }