コード例 #1
        /// <summary> Build the information to display about the street, depending on what
        /// values are present in the Strongly typed street datarow </summary>
        /// <param name="thisStreet"> Strongly typed street datarow </param>
        /// <returns> text string (non-HTML) </returns>
        private string street_display(Map_Streets_DataSet.StreetsRow thisStreet)
            // Start the return
            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(5000);

            // If there is a start and end streets, start with that
            if ((!thisStreet.IsStartAddressNull()) && (thisStreet.StartAddress > 0) && (!thisStreet.IsEndAddressNull()) && (thisStreet.EndAddress > 0))
                // Add this to the string
                html.Append(thisStreet.StartAddress + " - " + thisStreet.EndAddress);

            // Add segment info if there is some
            if ((!thisStreet.IsSegmentDescriptionNull()) && (thisStreet.SegmentDescription.Length > 0))
                // If there is already start and end info, add a comma
                if (html.Length > 0)
                    html.Append(", ");

                // Add this segment info

            // Return this built string
コード例 #2
        /// <summary> Insert the HTML for a single street column into the Stringbuilder </summary>
        /// <param name="streets"> Dataset containig all of the streets linked to this item </param>
        /// <param name="Output"> Response stream to write directly to </param>
        /// <param name="startRow"> Row of the set of streets to begin on </param>
        /// <param name="endRow"> Last row in the set of streets </param>
        protected internal void Insert_One_Street_Column(TextWriter Output, Map_Streets_DataSet streets, int startRow, int endRow)
            // Declare some variables for looping
            string lastStreetName = "%";

            // Start the table for this row
            Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t<table width=\"100%\"> <!-- Table to display a single column of street information -->");

            // Now, loop through all the results
            int i = startRow;

            while (i < endRow)
                // Get this street
                Map_Streets_DataSet.StreetsRow thisStreet = streets.Streets[i++];

                // If this street name starts with a new letter, add the letter now
                if (thisStreet.StreetName.Trim()[0] != lastStreetName[0])
                    // Add a row for the letter
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t<tr> <td colspan=\"3\" class=\"bigletter\" align=\"center\">" + (thisStreet.StreetName.Trim())[0] + "</td> </tr>");
                    lastStreetName = thisStreet.StreetName.Trim();

                // Start this row
                Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t<tr class=\"index\">");

                // Add the street name and direction
                if ((!thisStreet.IsStreetDirectionNull()) && (thisStreet.StreetDirection.Length > 0))
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t<td>" + thisStreet.StreetName + ", " + thisStreet.StreetDirection + "<td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t<td>" + thisStreet.StreetName + "<td>");

                // Determine the second column of data and add it
                Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t<td align=\"right\">" + street_display(thisStreet) + "</td>");

                // Add the link to the sheet
                CurrentMode.ViewerCode = thisStreet.PageSequence.ToString();
                Output.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t<td><a href=\"" + CurrentMode.Redirect_URL() + "\">" + thisStreet.PageName.Replace("Sheet", "").Trim() + "</a></td>");

                // End this row

            // End this table