コード例 #1
        private ImageSource GenerateMapImage()
            Collection <Layer> layersToDraw = new Collection <Layer>();

            // Create the background world maps using vector tiles stored locally in our MBTiles file and also set the styling though a json file
            ThinkGeoMBTilesLayer mbTilesLayer = new ThinkGeoMBTilesLayer(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "Data/Mbtiles/Frisco.mbtiles"), new Uri(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "Data/Json/thinkgeo-world-streets-light.json"), UriKind.Relative));


            // Create the new layer and set the projection as the data is in srid 2276 and our background is srid 3857 (spherical mercator).
            ShapeFileFeatureLayer zoningLayer = new ShapeFileFeatureLayer(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "Data/Shapefile/Zoning.shp"));

            zoningLayer.FeatureSource.ProjectionConverter = new ProjectionConverter(2276, 3857);

            // Create an Area style on zoom level 1 and then apply it to all zoom levels up to 20.
            zoningLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle    = new AreaStyle(new GeoPen(GeoBrushes.Blue));
            zoningLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20;

            // Create a GeoCanvas to do the drawing
            GeoCanvas canvas = GeoCanvas.CreateDefaultGeoCanvas();

            // Create a GeoImage as the image to draw on
            GeoImage geoImage = new GeoImage(800, 600);

            // Start the drawing by specifying the image, extent and map units
            canvas.BeginDrawing(geoImage, MapUtil.GetDrawingExtent(zoningLayer.GetBoundingBox(), 800, 600), GeographyUnit.Meter);

            // This collection is used during drawing to pass labels in between layers so we can track collisions
            Collection <SimpleCandidate> labels = new Collection <SimpleCandidate>();

            // Loop through all the layers and draw them to the GeoCanvas
            // The flush is to compact styles that use different drawing levels
            foreach (var layer in layersToDraw)
                layer.Draw(canvas, labels);

            // End drawing, we can now use the GeoImage

            // Create a memory stream and save the GeoImage as a standard PNG formatted image
            MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream();

            geoImage.Save(imageStream, GeoImageFormat.Png);

            // Reset the image stream back to the beginning
            imageStream.Position = 0;

            return(ImageSource.FromStream(() =>
                return imageStream;
        private void mapView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Load the well depth points and depth data from a text file into the dictionary
            //We cache this at the class level to prevent form loading it multiple times
            string wellDepthPointDataFilePath = SampleHelper.Get("GrayCountyIrrigationWellDepths.csv");
            Dictionary <PointShape, double> wellDepthPointData = GetWellDepthPointDataFromCSV(wellDepthPointDataFilePath);

            //Get the current extent since we use that to gerenate the grid.  Of course this is just for
            //the demo and in the real world you can use any extent you like
            RectangleShape currentDrawingExtent = MapUtil.GetDrawingExtent(mapView.CurrentExtent, (float)mapView.ActualWidth, (float)mapView.ActualHeight);

            //Calculate the cell size based on how many rows and columns you specified
            double cellSize = Math.Min(currentDrawingExtent.Width / 4, currentDrawingExtent.Height / 4);

            //Greate the grid definition based on the extent, cell size etc.
            GridDefinition gridDefinition = new GridDefinition(currentDrawingExtent, cellSize, -9999, wellDepthPointData);

            //Generate the grid based on Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation model.  You can define your own model if needed.
            GridCell[,] gridCellMatrix = GridFeatureSource.GenerateGridMatrix(gridDefinition, new InverseDistanceWeightedGridInterpolationModel(2, double.MaxValue));

            //Load a new GridFeatureLayer based on the current grid file
            InMemoryGridFeatureLayer gridFeatureLayer = new InMemoryGridFeatureLayer(gridCellMatrix);

            var currentExtent = gridFeatureLayer.GetBoundingBox();


            gridFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle    = AreaStyle.CreateSimpleAreaStyle(GeoColors.Transparent, GeoColors.Black);
            gridFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20;

            //Add the grid layer, the grid cells, and the well points to the map
            LayerOverlay layerOverlay = new LayerOverlay();


            mapView.ZoomLevelSet  = new ThinkGeoCloudMapsZoomLevelSet();
            mapView.CurrentExtent = currentExtent;
            mapView.MapUnit       = GeographyUnit.Meter;