コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the replay file json.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapname">Required</param>
        /// <param name="username">Optional, must provide username or rank</param>
        /// <param name="rank">Optional, must provide username or rank</param>
        /// <returns>Empty string on error, else replay json</returns>
        public static string GetReplayJson(string mapname, string username, int?rank)
            string replayJson = string.Empty;
            long?  mapId      = GetMapIdFromMapName(mapname);

            if (mapId.HasValue)
                if (rank.HasValue && rank.Value > 0 && rank <= _cacheMaptimes[mapId.Value].Count)
                    MapTimeModel maptime = _cacheMaptimes[mapId.Value][rank.Value - 1];
                    long         userId  = maptime.UserId;

                    string replayFile = GetReplayFilename(mapname, userId);
                    if (File.Exists(replayFile))
                        replayJson = File.ReadAllText(replayFile);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                    long?userId = GetUserIdFromUserName(username);
                    if (userId.HasValue)
                        string replayFile = GetReplayFilename(mapname, userId.Value);
                        if (File.Exists(replayFile))
                            replayJson = File.ReadAllText(replayFile);
コード例 #2
        public static void LoadAllStatistics(IDbConnection connection)
            // Get all servers
            Dictionary <long, string> serverIdsShortNames = new Dictionary <long, string>(); // <serverId, shortName>
            var command = connection.CreateCommand();

            command.CommandText = $@"
                SELECT ServerId, ServerNameShort FROM Servers
            var reader = command.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                long   serverId        = (long)reader[0];
                string serverShortName = (string)reader[1];
                serverIdsShortNames.Add(serverId, serverShortName);

            // Get all maps
            Dictionary <long, string> mapIdsNames = new Dictionary <long, string>(); // <mapId, mapName>

            command             = connection.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = $@"
                SELECT MapId, MapName FROM Maps
            reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            while (reader.Read())
                long   mapId   = (long)reader[0];
                string mapName = (string)reader[1];
                mapIdsNames.Add(mapId, mapName);

            // Get all users
            Dictionary <long, string> userIdsNames = new Dictionary <long, string>(); // <userId, userName>

            command             = connection.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = $@"
                SELECT UserId, UserName FROM Users
            reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            while (reader.Read())
                long   userId   = (long)reader[0];
                string userName = (string)reader[1];
                userIdsNames.Add(userId, userName);

            // Get highscores list for each map
            Dictionary <long, List <MapTimeModel> > maptimes = new Dictionary <long, List <MapTimeModel> >(); // <mapId, sorted times>

            foreach (var mapIdName in mapIdsNames)
                maptimes.Add(mapIdName.Key, new List <MapTimeModel>());
                command             = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = $@"
                    SELECT UserId, ServerId, TimeMs, PMoveTimeMs, Date FROM MapTimes
                    WHERE MapId = {mapIdName.Key}
                    ORDER BY TimeMs
                reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    MapTimeModel time = new MapTimeModel();
                    time.MapId       = mapIdName.Key;
                    time.UserId      = (long)reader[0];
                    time.ServerId    = (long)reader[1];
                    time.TimeMs      = (long)reader[2];
                    time.PmoveTimeMs = (long)reader[3];
                    time.Date        = (string)reader[4];

            // Calculate global playertimes (top 15)
            const int MaxHighscores = 15;
            Dictionary <long, int[]> userHighscores = new Dictionary <long, int[]>(); // <userId, highscores[15]>

            foreach (var userIdName in userIdsNames)
                long  userId     = userIdName.Key;
                int[] highscores = new int[MaxHighscores];
                userHighscores.Add(userId, highscores);
            foreach (var maptime in maptimes)
                int maxIndex = MaxHighscores;
                if (maptime.Value.Count < maxIndex)
                    maxIndex = maptime.Value.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; ++i)
                    long userId = maptime.Value[i].UserId;

            // Calculate score for each user
            Dictionary <long, int> totalScores = new Dictionary <long, int>(); // <userId, score>

            foreach (var userHighscore in userHighscores)
                long userId = userHighscore.Key;
                int  score  = CalculateScore(userHighscore.Value);
                totalScores.Add(userId, score);
            var sortedScores = totalScores.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToList();

            // Calculate the maps completed by each user
            Dictionary <long, List <MapTimeModel> > userMapCompletions = new Dictionary <long, List <MapTimeModel> >(); // <userId, all maps>

            foreach (var userIdName in userIdsNames)
                userMapCompletions.Add(userIdName.Key, new List <MapTimeModel>());
            foreach (var maptime in maptimes)
                foreach (var record in maptime.Value)
            var sortedMapCompletions = userMapCompletions.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Count).ToList();

            // Calculate playerscores
            Dictionary <long, double> playerScores = new Dictionary <long, double>(); // <userId, % score>

            foreach (var userIdName in userIdsNames)
                playerScores.Add(userIdName.Key, 0.0);
            foreach (var totalScore in totalScores)
                long   userId      = totalScore.Key;
                int    completions = userMapCompletions[userId].Count;
                int    score       = totalScore.Value;
                double percent     = 0.0;
                if (completions >= 50)
                    percent = (double)score / (completions * 25) * 100;
                playerScores[userId] = percent;
            var sortedPlayerScores = playerScores.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToList();

            // Update the cached statistics
            _cacheServerIdsShortNames = serverIdsShortNames;
            _cacheUserIdsNames        = userIdsNames;
            _cacheMapIdsNames         = mapIdsNames;
            _cacheMaptimes            = maptimes;
            _cacheUserHighscores      = userHighscores;
            _cacheTotalScores         = sortedScores;
            _cacheUserMapCompletions  = userMapCompletions;
            _cacheCompletions         = sortedMapCompletions;
            _cachePercentScores       = sortedPlayerScores;
            _cacheLastUpdated         = DateTime.UtcNow;