RequestCompletedEventArgs CreateEventArgs() { MapItem[] items = new MapItem[3]; items[1] = new MapPushpin() { Location = route[0], Text = "A", Information = route[0].ToString() }; items[2] = new MapPushpin() { Location = route[route.Count - 1], Text = "B", Information = route[route.Count - 1].ToString() }; MapPolyline polyline = new MapPolyline() { IsGeodesic = true, Stroke = new SolidColorBrush() { Color = Colors.Red }, StrokeStyle = new StrokeStyle() { Thickness = 4 } }; for (int i = 0; i < route.Count; i++) { polyline.Points.Add(route[i]); } items[0] = polyline; return(new RequestCompletedEventArgs(items, null, false, null)); }
public DriveModel(RouteModel parentModel) { this.parentModel = parentModel; routePath = parentModel.RoutePath; itineraryItems = new List <BingItineraryItem>(); itineraryItems.AddRange(parentModel.ItineraryItems); routePushpins = new List <MapPushpin>(); routePushpins.AddRange(parentModel.RoutePushpins); drivePushpin = new MapPushpin(); drivePushpin.Location = routePath[0]; drivePushpin.MarkerTemplate = parentModel.Navigator.DriveMarkerTemplate; drivePath = new MapPolyline(); drivePath.Stroke = parentModel.Navigator.DriveBrush; drivePath.StrokeStyle = new StrokeStyle() { Thickness = 4, StartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round, EndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round }; drivePath.Points.Add(targetLocation); targetLocation = routePath[0]; DriveItems = new ObservableCollection <MapItem>(); DriveItems.Add(drivePath); DriveItems.Add(drivePushpin); this.animationTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); this.animationTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(driveTimeQuant); this.animationTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(AnimationTimer); Advance(); }
private static void ShowLocation() { Window.Navigator.Geolocation.GetCurrentPosition(delegate(Geolocation location) { MapViewOptions viewOptions = new MapViewOptions(); viewOptions.Center = new MapLocation(location.Coordinates.Latitude, location.Coordinates.Longitude); viewOptions.Zoom = 10; viewOptions.Animate = true; _map.SetView(viewOptions); UpdatePhotos(/* newPhotos */ false); if (_currentPushpin == null) { MapPushpinOptions pushpinOptions = new MapPushpinOptions(); pushpinOptions.Icon = "Pushpin.png"; pushpinOptions.Anchor = new MapPoint(12, 14); pushpinOptions.Width = 25; pushpinOptions.Height = 28; pushpinOptions.TypeName = "currentPushpin"; _currentPushpin = new MapPushpin(viewOptions.Center, pushpinOptions); _map.Entities.Push(_currentPushpin); } else { _currentPushpin.SetLocation(viewOptions.Center); } }); }
private void AddPushpin(GeoPoint geoPoint) { MapPushpin pin = new MapPushpin(); pin.Location = geoPoint; pushpins.Items.Add(pin); }
void INavigatorMapViewModel.NewPushpinCreated(MapPushpin newPushpin) { newPushpin.MouseLeftButtonDown += (s, e) => { MapPushpin pushpin = s as MapPushpin; if ((pushpin != null) && (pushpin.State == MapPushpinState.Normal)) { LocationInformation locationInformation = pushpin.Information as LocationInformation; DestinationAddress = locationInformation.Address.FormattedAddress; DestinationLocation = (GeoPoint)pushpin.Location; pushpin.Text = "A"; Regex rx = new Regex("(.*?), (.*?), (.*?) (.*)"); var match = rx.Match(locationInformation.Address.FormattedAddress); string streetLine = match.Groups[1].ToString().Trim(); string city = match.Groups[2].ToString().Trim(); string state = match.Groups[3].ToString().Trim(); string zipcode = match.Groups[4].ToString().Trim(); Destination = new Address { City = city, Line = streetLine, State = state, ZipCode = zipcode, Latitude = DestinationLocation.Latitude, Longitude = DestinationLocation.Longitude }; MapPushpinsService.Clear(); CalculateRouteDriving(); } }; }
private void SaveMapData() { MapItem item = MapItemStorage.Items.FirstOrDefault(); if (item != null) { MapPushpin pin = (MapPushpin)item; GeoPoint location = (GeoPoint)pin.Location; //If lat and long are zero, then there was no geocode to begin with and the user didn't specify one //during the edit, so don't update the values if (location.Longitude != 0 || location.Latitude != 0) { if (_selectedRecord.GeoCode == null) { _selectedRecord.GeoCode = new GeoCode(); } GeoCode geoCode = _selectedRecord.GeoCode; geoCode.PushLat = location.Latitude; geoCode.PushLong = location.Longitude; geoCode.ManualChecked = true; CoordPoint p1 = MapControl.ScreenPointToCoordPoint(new MapPoint()); CoordPoint p2 = MapControl.ScreenPointToCoordPoint(new MapPoint(MapControl.Width, MapControl.Height)); GeoPoint gp1 = (GeoPoint)p1; GeoPoint gp2 = (GeoPoint)p2; geoCode.NorthLat = gp1.Latitude; geoCode.WestLong = gp1.Longitude; geoCode.SouthLat = gp2.Latitude; geoCode.EastLong = gp2.Longitude; } } }
// 리스트 생성 List <MapItem> GetCapitals() { int storageCount = Clients.Facilities.GetFacilitiesAsync().Result.Count; List <MapItem> mapItems = new List <MapItem>(); var facilities = Clients.Facilities.GetFacilitiesAsync().Result.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < storageCount; i++) { int facilityId = facilities[i].FacilityId; int employeeId = Clients.Facilities.GetFacilityAsync(facilityId).Result.EmployeeId; int regionId = Clients.Facilities.GetFacilityAsync(facilityId).Result.RegionId; string storageName = Clients.Regions.GetRegionAsync(regionId).Result.Town; string employeeName = Clients.Employees.GetEmployeeAsync(employeeId).Result.Name; double latitude = Convert.ToDouble(Clients.Regions.GetRegionAsync(regionId).Result.Latitude); double longitude = Convert.ToDouble(Clients.Regions.GetRegionAsync(regionId).Result.Longitude); MapPushpin pushpin = new MapPushpin() { Text = $"{storageName}", Location = new GeoPoint(latitude, longitude), ToolTipPattern = $"보관소 : {storageName}\n담당직원 : {employeeName}\n" }; mapItems.Add(pushpin); } return(mapItems); }
public void AddItem(MapPushpin pushpin) { pushpins.Add(pushpin); waypoints.Add(new RouteWaypoint( ((LocationInformation)pushpin.Information).DisplayName, (GeoPoint)pushpin.Location) ); pushpin.Text = (currentLatter++).ToString(); }
RequestCompletedEventArgs CreateEventArgs() { MapItem item = new MapPushpin() { Location = address.Location, Information = address.Address.FormattedAddress }; return(new RequestCompletedEventArgs(new MapItem[] { item }, null, false, null)); }
public SCMap AddPushpin(double[] location, string text, PushpinOptions options = null) { options ??= new PushpinOptions(); var mapItem = new MapPushpin(); options.ConfigurePointerItem(this, mapItem, location, text); return(this); }
private void mapControl1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (pin != null) { CoordPoint point = this.mapControl1.ScreenPointToCoordPoint(new MapPoint(e.X, e.Y)); pin.Location = point; this.mapControl1.EnableScrolling = true; pin = null; } }
private void AddPushpin(GeoPoint geoPoint) { MapPushpin pin = new MapPushpin(); pin.Location = geoPoint; VectorItemsLayer layer = (VectorItemsLayer)[2]; ((MapItemStorage)layer.Data).Items.Add(pin); }
void BingGeocodeDataProvider_LayerItemsGenerating(object sender, LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs args) { foreach (var pushpinItem in args.Items) { MapPushpin pushpin = pushpinItem as MapPushpin; if (pushpin != null) { ((INavigatorMapViewModel)DataContext).NewPushpinCreated(pushpin); } } }
private void GeocodeLayerItemsGenerating(object sender, LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs args) { foreach (MapItem item in args.Items) { MapPushpin pushpin = item as MapPushpin; if (pushpin != null) { pushpin.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(PushpinMouseLeftButtonDown); } } }
void GenerateItems(IEnumerable <LocationInformation> locations) { UpdateStorage(); foreach (var location in locations) { MapPushpin pushpin = new MapPushpin() { Location = location.Location, Information = location }; Storage.Items.Add(pushpin); } }
private void PushpinMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MapPushpin pushpin = sender as MapPushpin; if ((pushpin != null) && (pushpin.State == MapPushpinState.Normal)) { LocationInformation locationInformation = pushpin.Information as LocationInformation; AddWaypoint(locationInformation == null ? string.Empty : locationInformation.DisplayName, pushpin.Location); geocodeInformationLayer.ClearResults(); } e.Handled = true; }
private void MapControl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (_pin != null) { CoordPoint point = MapControl.ScreenPointToCoordPoint(new MapPoint(e.X, e.Y)); _pin.Location = point; MapControl.EnableScrolling = true; DisplayPointCoordinates((GeoPoint)point); SaveMapData(); _pin = null; } }
private void routeProvider_LayerItemsGenerating(object sender, LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs args) { char letter = 'A'; foreach (MapItem item in args.Items) { MapPushpin pushpin = item as MapPushpin; if (pushpin != null) { pushpin.Text = letter++.ToString(); } } }
RequestCompletedEventArgs CreateEventArgs() { MapItem[] items = new MapItem[addresses.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { items[i] = new MapPushpin() { Location = addresses[i].Location, Information = addresses[i].Address.FormattedAddress, Text = (i + 1).ToString() } } ; return(new RequestCompletedEventArgs(items, null, false, null)); }
void pushpin_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MapPushpin pushpin = sender as MapPushpin; if (pushpin == null) { return; } e.Handled = true; helper.AddItem(pushpin); routeProvider.CalculateRoute(helper.Waypoints); pushpin.MouseLeftButtonDown -= pushpin_MouseLeftButtonDown; }
void GenerateItems(IEnumerable <LocationInformation> locations) { UpdateStorage(); foreach (var location in locations) { MapPushpin pushpin = new MapPushpin() { Location = location.Location, Information = location }; pushpin.MouseLeftButtonDown += pushpin_MouseLeftButtonDown; storage.Items.Add(pushpin); } }
void GeoCodeAndSearchLayerItemsGenerating(object sender, LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs args) { int pushpinsCount = 0; foreach (MapItem item in args.Items) { MapPushpin pushpin = item as MapPushpin; if (pushpin != null) { pushpin.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(PushpinMouseLeftButtonDown); pushpinsCount++; } } this.RouteModel.RaiseSearchPushpinsChanged(pushpinsCount); }
private void CreatePushPin() { ClearPushPins(); var p = GetGeoPointOfCursor(); var pushPin = new MapPushpin() { Location = p, Text = "Здесь", ToolTipPattern = "Месторасположение магазина" }; mapItemStorage1.Items.Add(pushPin); ShopLocation = p; }
private void RouteLayerItemsGenerating(object sender, LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs args) { if ((args.Error == null) && !args.Cancelled) { waypointIndex = 0; foreach (MapItem item in args.Items) { MapPushpin pushpin = item as MapPushpin; if (pushpin != null) { pushpin.Text = NextWaypointLetter(); } } Helpers.Clear(); } }
private void MapControl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { MapHitInfo info = this.MapControl.CalcHitInfo(e.Location); if (info.InMapPushpin) { MapControl.EnableScrolling = false; foreach (object obj in info.HitObjects) { if (obj.GetType() == typeof(MapPushpin)) { _pin = (MapPushpin)obj; } } } }
private void OnPinHoverd(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip(); MapPushpin pin = sender as MapPushpin; if (pin == null) { return; } if (pin.Text == null) { return; } toolTip.SetToolTip(mapControl, "h"); }
private void mapControl1_MapItemClick(object sender, MapItemClickEventArgs e) { MapPushpin pushpin = e.Item as MapPushpin; if (pushpin == null) { return; } if (helper.Pushpins.Contains(pushpin)) { return; } helper.AddItem(pushpin); CalculateRoute(); e.Handled = true; }
public void AddWaypoint(string description, GeoPoint location) { RouteWaypoint waypoint = new RouteWaypoint(description, location); if (!waypoints.Contains(waypoint)) { MapPushpin pushpin = new MapPushpin(); pushpin.Location = location; pushpin.Information = description; pushpin.Text = NextWaypointLetter(); pushpin.TraceDepth = 0; pushpin.State = MapPushpinState.Busy; Helpers.Add(pushpin); waypoints.Add(waypoint); SendRouteRequest(); } RaisePropertyChanged("ActionText"); RaisePropertyChanged("Waypoints"); }
public MapItem CreateMapItem(MapItemType type, object obj) { DataRowView rowView = (DataRowView)obj; Color newColor = (Color)rowView["Color"]; Image image = (Image)baseImage.Clone(); ImageAttributes imageAttributes = GetImageAttributes(newColor); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image); g.DrawImage(image, rect, 0, 0, rect.Width, rect.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttributes); MapPushpin pushpin = new MapPushpin(); pushpin.Image = image; pushpin.RenderOrigin = new MapPoint(0.5, 0.8); pushpin.TextOrigin = new Point(22, 14); return(pushpin); }
private MapPushpin AddOrMovePushpin(GeoPoint geoPoint) { MapItem item = MapItemStorage.Items.FirstOrDefault(); MapPushpin pin; if (item == null) { pin = new MapPushpin(); MapItemStorage.Items.Add(pin); } else { pin = (MapPushpin)item; } pin.Location = geoPoint; MapControl.CenterPoint = geoPoint; DisplayPointCoordinates(geoPoint); return(pin); }
private void AddBotVisual(SBot bot) { lock (this) { //Program.BM.Bots stc_Cord found = new stc_Cord(); if (OnlineList.TryGetValue(bot.CharName, out found)) return; this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { DevExpress.XtraMap.MapPushpin mp = new MapPushpin() { //Image = global::SbotControl.Properties.Resources.Info, Location = ConvertToGeoPoint(Convert.ToInt32(bot.PosX), Convert.ToInt32(bot.PosY)), Text = bot.CharName, TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime, TextGlowColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray, ToolTipPattern = string.Format("Lv. {0}\n\r{1}\n\r{2}\n\rKills: {3}\n\rXP Gained: {4}\n\rSP Gained: {5}\n\rGold: {6}\n\rDied: {7}\n\rDrops: {8}", bot.Level, bot.SilkroadServerStatus, bot.BotStatus, bot.Kills, bot.XPGained, bot.SPGained, bot.Gold, bot.Died, bot.ItemDrops), UseAnimation = true, }; ((DevExpress.XtraMap.InformationLayer)MCMain.Layers[0]).Data.Items.Add(mp); stc_Cord stc = new stc_Cord() { bot = bot, mp = mp }; //Create Context menu item DevExpress.XtraBars.BarButtonItem bbiNew = new DevExpress.XtraBars.BarButtonItem(); barManagerMain.Items.Add(bbiNew); bsiSetFocus.LinksPersistInfo.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraBars.LinkPersistInfo[] {new DevExpress.XtraBars.LinkPersistInfo(bbiNew)}); bbiNew.Caption = bot.CharName; bbiNew.Glyph = global::SbotControl.Properties.Resources.geopoint_16x16; //bbiNew.Id = 1; bbiNew.Tag = stc; bbiNew.ItemClick += BbiSetFocus_ItemClick; bbiNew.Name = "bbiNew" + bot.CharName; = bbiNew; OnlineList.Add(bot.CharName, stc); })); } }