private string SaveGenesisMap(Document document, string folder) { var filename = Path.Combine(folder, document.MapFileName); MapProvider.SaveMapToFile(filename, document.Map); return(filename); }
private void Compare(bool checkDifferent) { if (File.Exists("after.vmf")) { File.Delete("after.vmf"); } MapProvider.SaveMapToFile("after.vmf", _document.Map); var before = File.ReadAllLines("before.vmf"); var after = File.ReadAllLines("after.vmf"); if (checkDifferent) { if (before.Length == after.Length) { for (var i = 0; i < before.Length; i++) { if (before[i] != after[i]) { return; } } Assert.Fail("The two files are the same when they should differ."); } } else { Assert.AreEqual(before.Length, after.Length); for (var i = 0; i < before.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(before[i], after[i]); } } }
private void SaveBefore() { if (File.Exists("before.vmf")) { File.Delete("before.vmf"); } MapProvider.SaveMapToFile("before.vmf", _document.Map); }
public bool SaveFile(string path = null, bool forceOverride = false, bool switchPath = true) { path = forceOverride ? path : path ?? MapFile; if (path == null) { using (var sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { var filter = String.Join("|", FileTypeRegistration.GetSupportedExtensions() .Where(x => x.IsPrimaryFormat).Select(x => x.Description + " (*" + x.Extension + ")|*" + x.Extension)); var all = FileTypeRegistration.GetSupportedExtensions().Where(x => x.IsPrimaryFormat).Select(x => "*" + x.Extension).ToArray(); sfd.Filter = "All supported formats (" + String.Join(", ", all) + ")|" + String.Join(";", all) + "|" + filter; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { path = sfd.FileName; } } } if (path == null) { return(false); } // Save the 3D camera position var cam = ViewportManager.Viewports.OfType <Viewport3D>().Select(x => x.Camera).FirstOrDefault(); if (cam != null) { if (Map.ActiveCamera == null) { Map.ActiveCamera = !Map.Cameras.Any() ? new Camera { LookPosition = Coordinate.UnitX * Map.GridSpacing * 1.5m } : Map.Cameras.First(); if (!Map.Cameras.Contains(Map.ActiveCamera)) { Map.Cameras.Add(Map.ActiveCamera); } } var dist = (Map.ActiveCamera.LookPosition - Map.ActiveCamera.EyePosition).VectorMagnitude(); var loc = cam.Location; var look = cam.LookAt - cam.Location; look.Normalize(); look = loc + look * (float)dist; Map.ActiveCamera.EyePosition = new Coordinate((decimal)loc.X, (decimal)loc.Y, (decimal)loc.Z); Map.ActiveCamera.LookPosition = new Coordinate((decimal)look.X, (decimal)look.Y, (decimal)look.Z); } Map.WorldSpawn.EntityData.SetPropertyValue("wad", string.Join(";", GetUsedTexturePackages().Select(x => x.PackageRoot).Where(x => x.EndsWith(".wad")))); MapProvider.SaveMapToFile(path, Map); if (switchPath) { MapFile = path; MapFileName = Path.GetFileName(MapFile); History.TotalActionsSinceLastSave = 0; Mediator.Publish(EditorMediator.DocumentSaved, this); } return(true); }
public void GenerateInvalidSolidsTest() { var path = @"D:\Github\Chisel\_Resources\InvalidTest"; MapProvider.Register(new RmfProvider()); for (var i = 0.166m; i <= 0.167m; i += 0.0001m) { var map = GenerateInvalidSolidMap(i, 0, 1000); MapProvider.SaveMapToFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, i.ToString("#0.0000") + ".rmf"), map); } }
public void Autosave() { if (!Game.Autosave) { return; } var dir = GetAutosaveFolder(); var fmt = GetAutosaveFormatString(); // Only save on change if the game is configured to do so if (dir != null && fmt != null && (History.TotalActionsSinceLastAutoSave != 0 || !Game.AutosaveOnlyOnChanged)) { var date = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss"); var filename = String.Format(fmt, date); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename)) { System.IO.File.Delete(filename); } // Save the file MapProvider.SaveMapToFile(Path.Combine(dir, filename), Map); // Delete extra autosaves if there is a limit if (Game.AutosaveLimit > 0) { var asFiles = GetAutosaveFiles(dir); foreach (var file in asFiles.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Skip(Game.AutosaveLimit)) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(file.Key)) { System.IO.File.Delete(file.Key); } } } // Publish event Mediator.Publish(EditorMediator.FileAutosaved, this); History.TotalActionsSinceLastAutoSave = 0; if (Game.AutosaveTriggerFileSave && MapFile != null) { SaveFile(); } } // Reschedule autosave var at = Math.Max(1, Game.AutosaveTime); Scheduler.Schedule(this, Autosave, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(at)); }
private string SaveCordonMap(Document document, string folder) { var filename = Path.ChangeExtension(document.MapFileName, ".map"); var map = document.Map; if (document.Map.Cordon) { map = new Map(); map.WorldSpawn.EntityData = document.Map.WorldSpawn.EntityData.Clone(); var entities = document.Map.WorldSpawn.GetAllNodesContainedWithin(document.Map.CordonBounds); foreach (var mo in entities) { var clone = mo.Clone(); clone.SetParent(map.WorldSpawn); } var outside = new Box(map.WorldSpawn.GetChildren().Select(x => x.BoundingBox).Union(new[] { document.Map.CordonBounds })); outside = new Box(outside.Start - Coordinate.One, outside.End + Coordinate.One); var inside = document.Map.CordonBounds; var brush = new Brushes.BlockBrush(); var cordon = (Solid)brush.Create(map.IDGenerator, outside, null, 0).First(); var carver = (Solid)brush.Create(map.IDGenerator, inside, null, 0).First(); cordon.Faces.ForEach(x => x.Texture.Name = "BLACK"); // Do a carve (TODO: move carve into helper method?) foreach (var plane in carver.Faces.Select(x => x.Plane)) { Solid back, front; if (!cordon.Split(plane, out back, out front, map.IDGenerator)) { continue; } front.SetParent(map.WorldSpawn); cordon = back; } if (document.MapFileName.EndsWith(".map")) { filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ""; } } map.WorldSpawn.EntityData.SetPropertyValue("wad", string.Join(";", document.GetUsedTexturePackages().Select(x => x.PackageRoot).Where(x => x.EndsWith(".wad")))); filename = Path.Combine(folder, filename); MapProvider.SaveMapToFile(filename, map); return(filename); }