bool OnWndStartClick() { if (mIsProcessCheck) { return(true); } if (selectWnd.selectedItem != null && !selectWnd.selectedItem.IsFile) { MapItemDescs desc = mMapItems[selectWnd.selectedItem.index]; Pathea.CustomGameData customdata = Pathea.CustomGameData.Mgr.Instance.GetCustomData(desc.UID, desc.Path); if (customdata == null || customdata.humanDescs.Length == 0) { //lz-2016.10.31 Need a player to start MessageBox_N.ShowOkBox(PELocalization.GetString(8000859)); return(true); } MapItemDescs mid = mMapItems[selectWnd.selectedItem.index]; ScenarioIntegrityCheck check = ScenarioMapUtils.CheckIntegrityByPath(mid.Path); StartCoroutine(ProcessIntegrityCheck(check)); selectWnd.HintBox.Msg = "Checking"; selectWnd.HintBox.isProcessing = true; selectWnd.HintBox.Open(); } return(true); }
void OnWndMapItemClick(UICustomGameSelectWnd.CMapInfo mapInfo, UICustomGameSelectWnd.CPlayerInfo playerInfo, UICustomMapItem item) { MapItemDescs desc = mMapItems[item.index]; Pathea.CustomGameData customdata = null; try { customdata = Pathea.CustomGameData.Mgr.Instance.GetCustomData(desc.UID, desc.Path); } catch { mapInfo.texture.mainTexture = null; = "crap"; mapInfo.size.text = "crap"; } finally { mapInfo.texture.mainTexture = customdata.screenshot; =; mapInfo.size.text = customdata.size.x.ToString() + "X" + customdata.size.z.ToString(); //PlayerDesc[] human_descs = customdata.humanDescs; //playerInfo.playerList.items.Clear(); //foreach (PlayerDesc pd in human_descs) //{ // playerInfo.playerList.items.Add(pd.Name); //} //playerInfo.playerList.selection = human_descs[0].Name; } hostCreatCtrl.UID = desc.UID; }
void OnWndPlayerSelectChanged(int playerIndex) { MapItemDescs desc = mMapItems[selectWnd.selectedItem.index]; Pathea.CustomGameData customdata = Pathea.CustomGameData.Mgr.Instance.GetCustomData(desc.UID, desc.Path); if (customdata.DeterminePlayer(playerIndex)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log("Select the player [" + customdata.curPlayer.Name + "]"); #endif } }
void GetMapItemDescs(List <MapItemDescs> mapItemDesces, string dir) { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dir); if (!dirInfo.Exists) { Debug.LogWarning("The dir[" + GameConfig.CustomDataDir + "] is not exsit"); return; } DirectoryInfo[] subDirInfos = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); if (subDirInfos == null || subDirInfos.Length == 0) { return; } mMapDescs.Clear(); ScenarioMapDesc[] map_descs = ScenarioMapUtils.GetMapList(dir); for (int i = 0; i < map_descs.Length; i++) { mMapDescs.Add(map_descs[i].Name, map_descs[i]); } foreach (DirectoryInfo info in subDirInfos) { MapItemDescs midcs = new MapItemDescs(); if (mMapDescs.ContainsKey(info.Name)) { ScenarioMapDesc desc = mMapDescs[info.Name]; midcs.IsDir = false; midcs.Name = desc.Name; midcs.Path = desc.Path; midcs.UID = desc.UID; } else { midcs.IsDir = true; midcs.Name = info.Name; midcs.Path = info.FullName; midcs.UID = null; } mapItemDesces.Add(midcs); } }
void OnWndMapItemClick(UICustomGameSelectWnd.CMapInfo mapInfo, UICustomGameSelectWnd.CPlayerInfo playerInfo, UICustomMapItem item) { if (mMapItems.Count <= item.index) { return; } MapItemDescs desc = mMapItems[item.index]; Pathea.CustomGameData customdata = null; try { customdata = Pathea.CustomGameData.Mgr.Instance.GetCustomData(desc.UID, desc.Path); } catch { mapInfo.texture.mainTexture = null; = "crap"; mapInfo.size.text = "crap"; } finally { mapInfo.texture.mainTexture = customdata.screenshot; =; mapInfo.size.text = customdata.size.x.ToString() + "X" + customdata.size.z.ToString(); PlayerDesc[] human_descs = customdata.humanDescs; if (human_descs.Length > 0 && playerInfo.playerList != null) { playerInfo.playerList.items.Clear(); foreach (PlayerDesc pd in human_descs) { playerInfo.playerList.items.Add(pd.Name); } playerInfo.playerList.selection = human_descs[0].Name; } else { playerInfo.playerList.items.Clear(); playerInfo.playerList.selection = " "; } } }
public bool OnWndStartClick() { if (mIsProcessCheck) { return(true); } if (selectWnd.selectedItem != null && !selectWnd.selectedItem.IsFile) { mIntegrity = null; MapItemDescs mid = mMapItems[selectWnd.selectedItem.index]; ScenarioIntegrityCheck check = ScenarioMapUtils.CheckIntegrityByPath(mid.Path); StartCoroutine(ProcessIntegrityCheck(check)); selectWnd.HintBox.Msg = "Checking"; selectWnd.HintBox.isProcessing = true; selectWnd.HintBox.Open(); mMask.enabled = true; } return(true); }