コード例 #1
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent2F(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "A sign on the portal says, 'Entrance to the Gallery'.");
     TeleportParty(player, type, doMsgs, 6, 1, 195, Direction.West);
コード例 #2
 protected override void FnEvent17(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You step into a pool of lava.");
     DoDamage(player, type, doMsgs, GetHealthMax(player, type, doMsgs));
コード例 #3
 protected override void FnEvent01(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     TeleportParty(player, type, doMsgs, 9, 1, 113, Direction.East);
コード例 #4
 protected override void FnEvent13(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "To the west you see the General Store; to the east, the Magic Shop.");
コード例 #5
 protected override void FnEvent15(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "Hocus Pocus Stables");
コード例 #6
 protected override void FnEvent0E(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You marvel at the splendor of this wizard's home.");
コード例 #7
 protected override void FnEvent11(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You enter a modest home.");
コード例 #8
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent3F(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "This is the Ingress to the Night Elves' Domain. The southern gateway will take you back to the Main Entrance.");
コード例 #9
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent40(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     TeleportParty(player, type, doMsgs, 1, 1, 222, Direction.North);
コード例 #10
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent3B(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     FntnPic(player, type, doMsgs);
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "The fresh waters of Sunrise Fountain restore your mana.");
     ModifyMana(player, type, doMsgs, 5000);
コード例 #11
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent3C(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "Enter the Rat Race.");
     TeleportParty(player, type, doMsgs, 6, 3, 241, Direction.West);
コード例 #12
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent03(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You step into a stream of lava.");
     DamXit(player, type, doMsgs);
コード例 #13
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent37(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "On the plaque you see EPRY.");
コード例 #14
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent32(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You lose your footing on a loose rock and your bag of gold falls to the ground.");
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You manage to gather all but 1000 pieces, which fall through cracks in the floor.");
     ModifyGold(player, type, doMsgs, -1000);
コード例 #15
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 private void WallBlock(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     SetWallBlock(player, type, doMsgs, GetTile(player, type, doMsgs), GetFacing(player, type, doMsgs));
コード例 #16
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent44(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You find a sheet of music with a song written in the key of C. The lyrics tell of two areas where race is the key to discovering treasure.");
コード例 #17
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 private void FntnPic(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowPortrait(player, type, doMsgs, FOUNTAIN);
コード例 #18
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent05(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You lose your footing and tumble down a slope, landing safely in the Infirmary.");
     TeleportParty(player, type, doMsgs, 5, 1, 61, Direction.West);
コード例 #19
 protected override void FnEvent10(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "To the west is the Alchemy Shop; to the east, the Armory.");
コード例 #20
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent06(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You step into a pit and fall to your death.");
     DamXit(player, type, doMsgs);
コード例 #21
 protected override void FnEvent12(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowPortrait(player, type, doMsgs, ELFRANGER);
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You pass a resident tending the garden where the wizards grow ingredients for their spells.");
コード例 #22
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 private void Skey(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "The key is made of bone. The grasp is shaped like a skull and the shaft like two crossed, bony arms.");
コード例 #23
 protected override void FnEvent14(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "A sign reads -");
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "'See the town clerk for information on training.'");
コード例 #24
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 private void EmptyRoom(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "The room is empty.");
コード例 #25
 protected override void FnEvent16(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "A plaque reads -");
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "'Items at the shops are not free.'");
コード例 #26
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 private void DoorHere(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     SetWallItem(player, type, doMsgs, DOOR, GetTile(player, type, doMsgs), GetFacing(player, type, doMsgs));
コード例 #27
 protected override void FnEvent18(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "The pit is bottomless.");
     DoDamage(player, type, doMsgs, GetHealthMax(player, type, doMsgs));
コード例 #28
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 private void DamXit(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     DoDamage(player, type, doMsgs, GetHealthMax(player, type, doMsgs));
コード例 #29
 protected override void FnEvent1A(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "Hocus Pocus Herb Garden");
コード例 #30
ファイル: TwMap08.cs プロジェクト: ZaneDubya/YserbiusData
 protected override void FnEvent2C(TwPlayerServer player, MapEventType type, bool doMsgs)
     ShowText(player, type, doMsgs, "You can hear the rushing waters of Lake Despair.");
     TeleportParty(player, type, doMsgs, 5, 1, 147, Direction.North);