protected virtual void AddAssemblies(PackageBuilder builder, IPackageDescriptor descriptor, string assemblyPath) { if (descriptor.Assemblies.Count == 0) { return; } var assemblies = new List <ManifestFile>(); var tempPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(this.AssemblyPath); if (tempPath != null) { assemblyPath = tempPath; } foreach (var path in descriptor.Assemblies) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { continue; } var sourcePath = Path.Combine(assemblyPath, path); if (!File.Exists(sourcePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot add assembly because file cannot be found", sourcePath); } var assembly = new ManifestFile() { Source = sourcePath, Target = "lib" }; assemblies.Add(assembly); } builder.PopulateFiles(assemblyPath, assemblies); }
private void AddOutputLibFiles(IEnumerable <OutputLibFile> libFiles, HashSet <string> allowedExtensions) { var targetFolders = PackTargetArgs.BuildOutputFolder; foreach (var file in libFiles) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FinalOutputPath); // Only look at files we care about if (!allowedExtensions.Contains(extension)) { continue; } var tfm = NuGetFramework.Parse(file.TargetFramework).GetShortFolderName(); var targetPath = file.TargetPath; for (var i = 0; i < targetFolders.Length; i++) { var packageFile = new ManifestFile() { Source = file.FinalOutputPath, Target = IsTool ? Path.Combine(targetFolders[i], targetPath) : Path.Combine(targetFolders[i], tfm, targetPath) }; AddFileToBuilder(packageFile); } } }
private bool AddFileToBuilder(ManifestFile packageFile) { if (!Files.Any(p => packageFile.Target.Equals(p.Target, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(packageFile.Source); if (IncludeSymbols && PackArgs.SymbolPackageFormat == SymbolPackageFormat.Snupkg && !string.Equals(fileExtension, ".pdb", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(false); } else { Files.Add(packageFile); return(true); } } else { Logger.Log(PackagingLogMessage.CreateWarning(string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.FileNotAddedToPackage, packageFile.Source, packageFile.Target), NuGetLogCode.NU5118)); return(false); } }
private void AddSourceFiles() { foreach (var sourcePath in PackTargetArgs.SourceFiles.Keys) { var projectDirectory = PackTargetArgs.SourceFiles[sourcePath]; if (projectDirectory.EndsWith("\\")) { projectDirectory = projectDirectory.Substring(0, projectDirectory.LastIndexOf("\\")); } var projectName = Path.GetFileName(projectDirectory); string targetPath = Path.Combine(SourcesFolder, projectName); if (sourcePath.Contains(projectDirectory)) { var relativePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath).Replace(projectDirectory, string.Empty); if (relativePath.StartsWith("\\")) { relativePath = relativePath.Substring(1, relativePath.Length - 1); } if (relativePath.EndsWith("\\")) { relativePath = relativePath.Substring(0, relativePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); } targetPath = Path.Combine(targetPath, relativePath); } var packageFile = new ManifestFile() { Source = sourcePath, Target = Path.Combine(targetPath, Path.GetFileName(sourcePath)) }; AddFileToBuilder(packageFile); } }
public Form1() { if (File.Exists(RelativePath + "Client.manifest")) { m_ClientManifest = new ManifestFile(File.Open(RelativePath + "Client.manifest", FileMode.Open)); } else { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't find manifest - unable to update!"); Environment.Exit(0); } if (MessageBox.Show("Backup data before updating?", "Backup", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { FileManager.Backup(m_ClientManifest, RelativePath); } InitializeComponent(); this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(Form1_FormClosing); m_Requester = new Requester(""); m_Requester.OnFetchedManifest += new FetchedManifestDelegate(m_Requester_OnFetchedManifest); m_Requester.OnTick += new DownloadTickDelegate(m_Requester_OnTick); m_Requester.OnFetchedFile += new FetchedFileDelegate(m_Requester_OnFetchedFile); Logger.OnMessageLogged += new MessageLoggedDelegate(Logger_OnMessageLogged); m_Requester.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Checks that a manifest matches the files on disk /// </summary> /// <param name="RootDir">Root directory for relative paths in the manifest</param> /// <param name="Manifest">Manifest to check</param> /// <param name="Files">Mapping of filename to timestamp as expected in the manifest</param> static void CheckManifest(DirectoryReference RootDir, TempStorageManifest Manifest, Dictionary <FileReference, DateTime> Files) { if (Files.Count != Manifest.Files.Length) { throw new AutomationException("Number of files in manifest does not match"); } foreach (TempStorageFile ManifestFile in Manifest.Files) { FileReference File = ManifestFile.ToFileReference(RootDir); if (!File.Exists()) { throw new AutomationException("File in manifest does not exist"); } DateTime OriginalTime; if (!Files.TryGetValue(File, out OriginalTime)) { throw new AutomationException("File in manifest did not exist previously"); } double DiffSeconds = (new FileInfo(File.FullName).LastWriteTimeUtc - OriginalTime).TotalSeconds; if (Math.Abs(DiffSeconds) > 2) { throw new AutomationException("Incorrect timestamp for {0}", ManifestFile.RelativePath); } } }
private static void AddFileToPackage(string directoryBase, ItemLink node, List <ManifestFile> files) { // Don't add manifest if is directory if (node.IsDirectory) { directoryBase += "/" + node.Filename; foreach (var subNode in node.Children) { AddFileToPackage(directoryBase, subNode, files); } } else { //if (File.Exists(node.SourceFilepath)) { var manifest = new ManifestFile(); manifest.Source = node.SourceFilepath; { var extension = Path.GetExtension(node.SourceFilepath); //var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(node.Filename); //manifest.Target = directoryBase + "/" + filename + "_ll_" + extension; manifest.Target = directoryBase + "/" + node.Filename; } files.Add(manifest); } } }
public bool FileIsUpToDate(string directory, ManifestFile file) { if (file.Flags == ManifestFileFlag.Directory) { return(_fileSystem.Directory.Exists(Path.Join(directory, file.FileName))); } var filePath = _fileSystem.Path.Combine(directory, file.FileName); if (!_fileSystem.File.Exists(filePath)) { return(false); } var length = _fileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(filePath).Length; if (length == 0 && file.TotalSize == 0) { return(true); } using var fileStream = _fileSystem.FileStream.Create(filePath, FileMode.Open); using var bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(fileStream); using var sha1 = new SHA1Managed(); var localFileHash = sha1.ComputeHash(bufferedStream); return(localFileHash.SequenceEqual(file.FileHash)); }
private static List <ManifestFile> GetManifestFilesForDirectory(string baseFolder, string curFolder = null) { List <ManifestFile> mfs = new List <ManifestFile>(); string folder = curFolder ?? baseFolder; var dirs = Directory.GetFiles(folder)?.ToList(); if (dirs == null || dirs.Count == 0) { return(mfs); } foreach (var file in dirs) { FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(file); if ((attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory) { mfs.AddRange(GetManifestFilesForDirectory(baseFolder, file)); } else if (!file.EndsWith(".pdb")) { ManifestFile mf = new ManifestFile(); string relFile = file.Replace(baseFolder, string.Empty); mf.Source = Path.Combine(@"lib\net45", relFile); mf.Target = Path.Combine(@"lib\net45", relFile); mfs.Add(mf); } } return(mfs); }
private ManifestEntry[] CopyChildren() { var list = new List <ManifestEntry>(Children.Count); for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++) { var child = Children[i]; switch (child) { case ManifestSinkDirectory s: case ManifestRootDirectory r: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected manifest node."); case ManifestDirectory d: var grandChildren = d.CopyChildren(); var newDirectory = CreateDirectory(d.Name, grandChildren); list.Add(newDirectory); break; case ManifestFile f: var file = new ManifestFile(f.Name, f.ResourcePath); list.Add(file); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected manifest node."); } } return(list.ToArray()); }
public void ManifestSerialization() { var manifest = new Manifest(); manifest.Metadata.Id = "id"; manifest.Metadata.Authors = "author"; manifest.Metadata.Version = "1.0.0"; manifest.Metadata.Description = "description"; manifest.Files = new List <ManifestFile>(); var file = new ManifestFile(); file.Source = "file_source"; file.Target = "file_target"; manifest.Files.Add(file); var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); manifest.Save(memoryStream); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // read the serialized manifest. var newManifest = Manifest.ReadFrom(memoryStream, validateSchema: true); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Metadata.Id, manifest.Metadata.Id); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Metadata.Authors, manifest.Metadata.Authors); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Metadata.Description, manifest.Metadata.Description); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Files.Count, manifest.Files.Count); for (int i = 0; i < newManifest.Files.Count; ++i) { Assert.Equal(newManifest.Files[i].Source, manifest.Files[i].Source); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Files[i].Target, manifest.Files[i].Target); } }
public FileWriter(MultipleFilesHandler handler, ManifestFile manifestFile, FileTarget target, ulong expectedBytes) { _handler = handler; Target = target; ManifestFile = manifestFile; ExpectedBytes = expectedBytes; }
/// <summary> /// Specifies a file to be included in the package /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The location of the file or files to include. The path is relative to the NuSpec file unless an absolute path is specified. The wildcard character, *, is allowed. Using a double wildcard, **, implies a recursive directory search.</param> /// <param name="target">This is a relative path to the directory within the package where the source files will be placed.</param> /// <param name="exclude">The file or files to exclude. This is usually combined with a wildcard value in the `src` attribute. The `exclude` attribute can contain a semi-colon delimited list of files or a file pattern. Using a double wildcard, **, implies a recursive exclude pattern.</param> public void AddFile(string source, string target, string exclude = "") { var mf = new ManifestFile() { Exclude = exclude, Source = source, Target = target }; _manifest.Files.Add(mf); }
private static void TryAppendManifestVersion(StringBuilder builder, ModContentPack modContentPack) { var manifestFile = ManifestFile.TryParse(modContentPack); if (manifestFile != null && manifestFile.Version != null) { builder.AppendFormat("[mv:{0}]", manifestFile.Version); } }
public SpecificationBuilder WithFiles(ManifestFile files) { if (files == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(files)); } Specification.Files.Add(files); return(this); }
private bool CheckAssemblyAndIncludeIfReferenced(Assembly ass) { if (NuspecDefinition.IsToolsOnly) { return(true); } string fileName; string pbdFileName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ass.Location)) { fileName = ass.GetName().Name + ".dll"; pbdFileName = ass.GetName().Name + ".pbd"; } else { var assFileInfo = new FileInfo(ass.Location); fileName = assFileInfo.Name; pbdFileName = assFileInfo.Name.Replace(assFileInfo.Extension, ".pdb"); } var assemblyInBuildFolder = Path.Combine(_outputPath, fileName); if (!File.Exists(assemblyInBuildFolder)) { return(false); } if (CheckAssemblyFoundInPackagesFolders(fileName)) { return(false); } var target = _libTargets[_assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion]; var mf = new ManifestFile { Source = assemblyInBuildFolder, Target = string.Format(@"lib\{0}", target) }; NuspecDefinition.ManifestFiles.Add(mf); var pdbFullName = Path.Combine(_outputPath, pbdFileName); if (NuspecDefinition.IncludePdb && File.Exists(pdbFullName)) { var pbd = new ManifestFile { Source = pdbFullName, Target = string.Format(@"lib\{0}", target) }; NuspecDefinition.ManifestFiles.Add(pbd); } return(true); }
private void Initialize() { Game.FadeScreenOut(0); GameFiber.Wait(1000); Log.Info("Intializing AsiSupport version " + this.Version + "..."); Log.Info("Using PursuitLib " + typeof(Log).GetVersion()); Log.Info("Using PursuitLib.RPH " + typeof(RPHPlugin).GetVersion()); ResourceManager.RegisterProvider("data", new DirectoryResourceProvider(this.DataDirectory)); this.EnsureResourcesAvailable(); if (this.IsStopped) { return; } ManifestFile gameVersions = new ManifestFile(Path.Combine(this.DataDirectory, "Versions.manifest")); string versionStr = Game.ProductVersion.ToString(); bool isSteamVer = File.Exists("steam_api64.dll"); for (int i = 0; i < gameVersions.Entries.Count; i++) { string entry = gameVersions.Entries[i]; bool isSteam = entry[0] == 's'; string version = entry.Substring(1); if (isSteam == isSteamVer && versionStr == version) { this.GameVersion = i; break; } } this.Loader = new AsiLoader(Path.Combine("", "AsiPlugins")); this.TextureManager = new TextureManager(); this.KeyboardManager = new KeyboardManager(); AsiInterface.Initialize(); Log.Info("AsiSupport initialized."); if (this.Config.LoadAllPluginsOnStartup) { this.Loader.LoadAllPlugins(); } if (this.Config.EnableSHVDNSupport) { SHVDN.Init(); } Log.Info("All scripts are loaded. Fading screen back in..."); Game.FadeScreenIn(1000); this.initialized = true; }
public void CreateResFile(string output, out string resFile) { int code; string mcexe = "mc.exe"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_toolsBin)) { mcexe = Path.Combine(_toolsBin, mcexe); } using (ProcessRunner mc = new ProcessRunner(mcexe, "-U", "{0}", "-r", "{1}", "-h", "{1}")) using (StringWriter stdio = new StringWriter()) { mc.OutputReceived += delegate(object o, ProcessOutputEventArgs e) { stdio.WriteLine(e.Data); }; if (0 != (code = mc.RunFormatArgs(_mcFile, IntermediateFiles))) { Trace.WriteLine(stdio.ToString()); throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("mc.exe failed ({0:x}):\r\n{1}", code, stdio)); } } string rcFile = Path.Combine(IntermediateFiles, Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(_mcFile), ".rc")); VersionInfo.AppendToRc(Path.GetFileName(output), rcFile); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(IconFile) && File.Exists(IconFile)) { File.AppendAllText(rcFile, String.Format("\r\n1 ICON \"{0}\"\r\n", IconFile.Replace(@"\", @"\\"))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ManifestFile) && File.Exists(ManifestFile)) { File.AppendAllText(rcFile, String.Format("\r\n1 24 \"{0}\"\r\n", ManifestFile.Replace(@"\", @"\\"))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ResourceScript)) { File.AppendAllText(rcFile, "\r\n" + ResourceScript + "\r\n"); } string rcexe = "rc.exe"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_toolsBin)) { rcexe = Path.Combine(_toolsBin, rcexe); } using (ProcessRunner rc = new ProcessRunner(rcexe, "{0}")) using (StringWriter stdio = new StringWriter()) { rc.OutputReceived += delegate(object o, ProcessOutputEventArgs e) { stdio.WriteLine(e.Data); Trace.WriteLine(e.Data, rcexe); }; if (0 != (code = rc.RunFormatArgs(rcFile))) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("mc.exe failed ({0:x}):\r\n{1}", code, stdio)); } } resFile = Path.ChangeExtension(rcFile, ".res"); }
public void TraversingAFile_ReturnsUnknownPath() { // Arrange var file = new ManifestFile("a", "a.b.c"); // Act var result = file.Traverse("."); // Assert Assert.Equal(ManifestEntry.UnknownPath, result); }
private static void EntryPointResumeSession(Session previousSession) { CurrentSession = previousSession; IWoWRepository repository = RepositoriesManager.GetRepositoryByMfil(CurrentSession.MFil); ManifestFile manifest = ManifestFile.FromRepository(repository); CurrentSession.SaveSession(); StartProcess(manifest); }
private static void EntryPointNewSession() { IWoWRepository repository = UserInputs.SelectRepository(); ManifestFile manifest = ManifestFile.FromRepository(repository); string locale = UserInputs.SelectLocale(manifest); string os = UserInputs.SelectOs(); CurrentSession = new Session(repository.GetMFilName(), locale, os); CurrentSession.SaveSession(); StartProcess(manifest); }
public void ManifestFileReturnsNoValidationResultIfSourceContainsWildCardCharacters() { // Arrange var manifestFile = new ManifestFile { Source = @"b?n\**\*.dll", Target = @"lib" }; var validationContext = new ValidationContext(new object(), null, null); // Act var result = manifestFile.Validate(validationContext); // Assert Assert.False(result.Any()); }
public void ManifestFileReturnsNoValidationResultsIfSourceAndTargetPathAreValid() { // Arrange var manifestFile = new ManifestFile { Source = @"bin\release\MyLib.dll", Target = @"lib" }; var validationContext = new ValidationContext(new object(), null, null); // Act var result = manifestFile.Validate(validationContext); // Assert Assert.False(result.Any()); }
public void ManifestFileReturnsValidationResultIfTargetContainsInvalidCharacters() { // Arrange var manifestFile = new ManifestFile { Source = @"bin\\**\\*.dll", Target = @"lib\\|\\net40" }; var validationContext = new ValidationContext(new object(), null, null); // Act var result = manifestFile.Validate(validationContext).ToList(); // Assert Assert.Equal(1, result.Count); Assert.Equal(@"Target path 'lib\\|\\net40' contains invalid characters.", result.Single().ErrorMessage); }
private static Assembly FindAssembly(Options options, Manifest manifest) { string id = manifest.Metadata.Id; ManifestFile asmf = manifest.Files.FirstOrDefault(f => Path.GetFileName(f.Source) == id + ".exe"); if (asmf == null) { return(null); } string fullPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(options.NuSpec), asmf.Source); return(Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(fullPath)); }
public void ManifestFileReturnsNoValidationResultsIfSourceAndTargetPathAreValid() { // Arrange var manifestFile = new ManifestFile { Source = @"bin\release\MyLib.dll".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), Target = @"lib" }; // Act var result = manifestFile.Validate(); // Assert Assert.False(result.Any()); }
public void ManifestFileReturnsNoValidationResultIfSourceContainsWildCardCharacters() { // Arrange var manifestFile = new ManifestFile { Source = @"b?n\**\*.dll".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), Target = @"lib" }; // Act var result = manifestFile.Validate(); // Assert Assert.False(result.Any()); }
private string GetDestFilePath(ManifestFile manifestFile) { string dest = String.IsNullOrEmpty(manifestFile.InstallPath) ? this.manifest.InstallRoot : manifestFile.InstallPath; // resolve any tokens in the base path information string baseDestPath = this.reservedTokenResolver.Resolve(dest, this.manifest.InstallRoot); baseDestPath = this.environmentalTokenResolver.Resolve(baseDestPath); // ensure that files get installed into the correct location if they have specific InstallPath // irrespective of any folder structure within the manifest file. return(Path.Combine(baseDestPath, String.IsNullOrEmpty(manifestFile.InstallPath) ? manifestFile.File : Path.GetFileName(manifestFile.File))); }
public void ManifestFileReturnsValidationResultIfSourceContainsInvalidCharacters() { // Arrange var manifestFile = new ManifestFile { Source = @"bin\\|\\*.dll".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), Target = @"lib" }; // Act var result = manifestFile.Validate().ToList(); // Assert Assert.Equal(1, result.Count); Assert.Equal(@"Source path 'bin\\|\\*.dll' contains invalid characters.".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), result.Single()); }
public void ManifestFileReturnsValidationResultsIfTargetPathContainsWildCardCharacters() { // Arrange var manifestFile = new ManifestFile { Source = @"bin\\**\\*.dll".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), Target = @"lib\\**\\net40".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) }; // Act var result = manifestFile.Validate().ToList(); // Assert Assert.Equal(1, result.Count); Assert.Equal(@"Target path 'lib\\**\\net40' contains invalid characters.".Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), result.Single()); }
private static void StartProcess(ManifestFile manifest) { Program.Log("Generating file list"); IWoWRepository repository = RepositoriesManager.GetRepositoryByMfil(CurrentSession.MFil); List <FileObject> files = manifest.GenerateFileList(); var downloader = new FileDownloader(repository, files); downloader.Start(); CurrentSession.SessionCompleted = true; CurrentSession.SaveSession(); CurrentSession.Destroy(); Program.Log("Download Complete !!", ConsoleColor.Green); }
public NuspecBuilder(string assemblyName) { var file = new ManifestFile { Source = assemblyName + ".dll", Target = "lib" }; _manifest = new Manifest { Metadata = new ManifestMetadata { Id = assemblyName, Title = assemblyName, Description = assemblyName }, Files = new List<ManifestFile> {file} }; FilePath = assemblyName + Constants.ManifestExtension; }
public void ProductTest() { Product theProduct = new Product { Manifest = "Manifest.xml", Name = "ClearCanvas Test", Suffix = "SP1", Version = "1.2.12011.33333" }; ProductManifest theManfest = new ProductManifest { Product = theProduct }; ManifestFile theFile = new ManifestFile { Checksum = "111", Filename = "Test.dll", Timestamp = DateTime.Now }; theManfest.Files.Add(theFile); ClearCanvasManifest manifest = new ClearCanvasManifest { ProductManifest = theManfest }; XmlSerializer theSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ClearCanvasManifest)); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("ProductTest.xml", FileMode.Create)) { XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(fs); if (writer != null) theSerializer.Serialize(writer, manifest); fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); } }
private void AssertFile(ManifestFile expected, ManifestFile actual) { Assert.Equal(expected.Source, actual.Source); Assert.Equal(expected.Target, actual.Target); Assert.Equal(expected.Exclude, actual.Exclude); }
public void ManifestSerialization() { var manifest = new Manifest(); manifest.Metadata.Id = "id"; manifest.Metadata.Authors = "author"; manifest.Metadata.Version = "1.0.0"; manifest.Metadata.Description = "description"; manifest.Files = new List<ManifestFile>(); var file = new ManifestFile(); file.Source = "file_source"; file.Target = "file_target"; manifest.Files.Add(file); var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); manifest.Save(memoryStream); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // read the serialized manifest. var newManifest = Manifest.ReadFrom(memoryStream, validateSchema: true); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Metadata.Id, manifest.Metadata.Id); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Metadata.Authors, manifest.Metadata.Authors); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Metadata.Description, manifest.Metadata.Description); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Files.Count, manifest.Files.Count); for (int i = 0; i < newManifest.Files.Count; ++i) { Assert.Equal(newManifest.Files[i].Source, manifest.Files[i].Source); Assert.Equal(newManifest.Files[i].Target, manifest.Files[i].Target); } }