コード例 #1
        public ManageWatchDetailViewModel PrepopulateEditValue(Watch watch, List <Movement> movement, List <WatchModel> watchModel)
            var oldValue = db.Watches.Where(w => w.WatchID == watch.WatchID)
                           .Select(w => new { w.WatchCode, w.Thumbnail }).FirstOrDefault();

            var viewModel = new ManageWatchDetailViewModel
                Movement         = movement,
                WatchModel       = watchModel,
                WatchId          = watch.WatchID,
                WatchCode        = oldValue.WatchCode, //giá trị cũ do giá trị mới bị trùng
                WatchDescription = watch.WatchDescription,
                Quantity         = watch.Quantity,
                Price            = watch.Price,
                MovementId       = watch.MovementID,
                ModelId          = watch.ModelID,
                WaterResistant   = watch.WaterResistant,
                BandMaterial     = watch.BandMaterial,
                CaseRadius       = watch.CaseRadius,
                CaseMaterial     = watch.CaseMaterial,
                PublishedTime    = watch.PublishedTime,
                PublishedBy      = watch.PublishedBy,
                Discount         = watch.Discount,
                LedLight         = watch.LEDLight,
                Guarantee        = watch.Guarantee,
                Alarm            = watch.Alarm,
                Thumbnail        = oldValue.Thumbnail, //load lại thumbnail cũ
                Status           = watch.Status

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult EditWatch([Bind(Include = "WatchId, WatchCode, WatchDescription, Quantity, Price, " +
                                                      "MovementID, ModelID, BandMaterial, CaseMaterial, " +
                                                      "CaseRadius, Discount, Guarantee, PublishedBy, PublishedTime")]
                                      Watch watch, HttpPostedFileBase thumbnail)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                watch.WaterResistant = Request["water"] == "yes";
                watch.LEDLight       = Request["led"] == "yes";
                watch.Alarm          = Request["alarm"] == "yes";
                watch.Status         = Request["status"] == "yes";
                watch.WatchCode      = watch.WatchCode.ToUpper();
                bool duplicateCode = watchService.IsDuplicatedWatchCode(watch.WatchCode, watch.WatchID);

                bool validImage = true;
                if (thumbnail != null)
                    validImage = FileTypeDetector.IsImageFile(thumbnail);

                if (duplicateCode || !validImage)
                    var movement   = movementService.GetMovementList();
                    var watchModel = watchModelService.GetModelsList();
                    ManageWatchDetailViewModel viewModel =
                        watchService.PrepopulateEditValue(watch, movement, watchModel);
                    if (duplicateCode)
                        viewModel.DuplicateErrorMessage =
                            "Watch with code '" + watch.WatchCode + "' already existed. Please choose another one";

                    if (!validImage)
                        viewModel.InvalidImageFileMessage = "Invalid Thumbnail. Upload file is not image";

                    return(View("~/Views/Admin/admin_manage_watch_detail.cshtml", viewModel));

                String oldValue = watchService.SerializeOldValue(watch.WatchID);
                //thumbnail.InputStream.Position = 0;

                if (watchService.UpdateWatchInfo(watch, thumbnail))
                    //save old value to modification table
                    String userId = Session.GetCurrentUserInfo("Username");
                    if (modificationService.CreateNewModificationHistory(watch.WatchID, oldValue, userId))
                        TempData["SHOW_MODAL"] = @"<script>$('#successModal').modal();</script>";
                        return(RedirectToAction("ViewWatch", "Admin"));

                return(Content("Unexpected Error")); //change to 404

            return(RedirectToAction("NotFound", "Home"));