public IList <MakesInfo> GetMakes() { //Decalaring MakesInfo division object collection IList <MakesInfo> MakesInfoIList = new List <MakesInfo>(); string spNameString = string.Empty; //Setting Connection //Global.INSTANCE_NAME = strCurrentConn; IDataReader MakesInfoDataReader = null; //Connect to the database Database dbDatabase = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(Global.INSTANCE_NAME); //Assign stored procedure name spNameString = "[USP_GetAllMakes]"; DbCommand dbCommand = null; try { //Set stored procedure to the command object dbCommand = dbDatabase.GetStoredProcCommand(spNameString); dbDatabase.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@makeID", DbType.Int64, 0); //Executing stored procedure MakesInfoDataReader = dbDatabase.ExecuteReader(dbCommand); while (MakesInfoDataReader.Read()) { //Assign values to the MakesInfo object list MakesInfo ObjMakesInfo_Info = new MakesInfo(); AssignMakesInfoList(MakesInfoDataReader, ObjMakesInfo_Info); MakesInfoIList.Add(ObjMakesInfo_Info); } } catch (Exception ex) { bool rethrow = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, Global.EXCEPTION_POLICY); if (rethrow) { throw; } } finally { MakesInfoDataReader.Close(); } return(MakesInfoIList); }
private void AssignMakesInfoList(IDataReader MakesInfoDataReader, MakesInfo MakesInfo) { try { MakesInfo.MakeID = int.Parse(MakesInfoDataReader["makeID"].ToString()); MakesInfo.Make = Convert.ToString(MakesInfoDataReader["make"]); } catch (Exception ex) { bool rethrow = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, Global.EXCEPTION_POLICY); } }