public static void Prefix(MainTabWindow_Research __instance, ref ResearchTabDef tab, ref Vector2 __result)
     if (ResearchSubTabUtility.CurSubTab.IsSubTabOf(tab))
         tab = ResearchSubTabUtility.CurSubTab;
コード例 #2
        public static void Postfix(MainTabWindow_Research __instance, ref ResearchProjectDef ___selectedProject)
            if (BlindResearch.CanSeeCurrent())

            ___selectedProject = null;
            //__instance.selectedProject = null;
            SetCurTab.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { ResearchTabDefOf.Main });
            //__instance.CurTab = ResearchTabDefOf.Main;
コード例 #3
 public static bool Prefix(MainTabWindow_Research __instance, ResearchProjectDef project, Rect rect, ref float __result)
     if (project.HasModExtension <AnyPrerequisiteResearchExtension>())
         AnyPrerequisiteResearchExtension ext = project.GetModExtensionFast <AnyPrerequisiteResearchExtension>();
         if (project.prerequisites.NullOrEmpty <ResearchProjectDef>() && ext.RequiredResearch.NullOrEmpty())
         float xMin = rect.xMin;
         float yMin = rect.yMin;
         Widgets.LabelCacheHeight(ref rect, "ResearchPrerequisites".Translate() + ":", true, false);
         rect.yMin += rect.height;
         rect.xMin += 6f;
         for (int i = 0; i < project.prerequisites.Count; i++)
             SetPrerequisiteStatusColor(project.prerequisites[i].IsFinished, project);
             Widgets.LabelCacheHeight(ref rect, project.prerequisites[i].LabelCap, true, false);
             rect.yMin += rect.height;
         GUI.color = Color.white;
         Widgets.LabelCacheHeight(ref rect, "and ONE of the following" + ":", true, false);
         rect.yMin += rect.height;
         rect.xMin += 6f;
         if (ext.RequiredResearch != null)
             for (int j = 0; j < ext.RequiredResearch.Count; j++)
                 SetPrerequisiteStatusColor(ext.RequiredResearch[j].IsFinished, project);
                 Widgets.LabelCacheHeight(ref rect, ext.RequiredResearch[j].LabelCap, true, false);
                 rect.yMin += rect.height;
         GUI.color = Color.white;
         rect.xMin = xMin;
         __result  = rect.yMin - yMin;
        public static void Postfix(MainTabWindow_Research __instance, ResearchPrerequisitesUtility.UnlockedHeader headerProject, ref string __result)
            if (headerProject.unlockedBy.NullOrEmpty() || headerProject.unlockedBy.Count == 1)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < headerProject.unlockedBy.Count; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    stringBuilder.Append(", ");
                ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef = headerProject.unlockedBy[i];
                string             text = researchProjectDef.LabelCap;
                if (!researchProjectDef.IsFinished)
                    text = text.Colorize(MissingPrerequisiteColor);
            __result = stringBuilder.ToString();
コード例 #5
        public void DrawLockedMissionInfo(Rect rect)
            Rect InfoRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width / 3f, rect.height);

            StoryUtils.DrawMenuSectionColor(InfoRect, 1, new ColorInt(55, 55, 55), new ColorInt(135, 135, 135));
            float TotalHeight = InfoHeightFor(InfoRect.width, selectedLockedMission);
            Rect  ViewRect    = new Rect(InfoRect.x, InfoRect.y, InfoRect.width, TotalHeight);

            Widgets.BeginScrollView(InfoRect, ref missionInfoScrollPos, ViewRect, false);
            InfoRect = InfoRect.ContractedBy(5f);
            float      CurY           = 0f;
            Requisites requisites     = selectedLockedMission.requisites;
            string     MainInfo       = requisites.anyList ? "MissionInfoMainAny_SMO".Translate("'" + selectedLockedMission.label + "'") : "MissionInfoMain_SMO".Translate("'" + selectedLockedMission.label + "'");
            float      MainInfoHeight = Text.CalcHeight(MainInfo, InfoRect.width);
            Rect       MainInfoRect   = new Rect(0, 0, InfoRect.width, MainInfoHeight);

            Widgets.Label(MainInfoRect, MainInfo);
            CurY += MainInfoRect.height;

            GeneralInfo(new Rect(0f, CurY, InfoRect.width, 0f), ref CurY, requisites.researchProjects, requisites.anyResearch ? "MissionInfoResearchAny_SMO".Translate() : "MissionInfoResearch_SMO".Translate(), delegate(ResearchProjectDef def)
                Find.MainTabsRoot.SetCurrentTab(MainButtonDefOf.Research, true);
                MainTabWindow_Research window = (Find.WindowStack.Windows.Where(w => w is MainTabWindow_Research).FirstOrDefault() as MainTabWindow_Research);
            GeneralInfo(new Rect(0f, CurY, InfoRect.width, 0f), ref CurY, requisites.missions, requisites.anyMission ? "MissionInfoMissionsAny_SMO".Translate() : "MissionInfoMissions_SMO".Translate(), delegate(MissionDef def)
                SelectedMission       = StoryManager.GetMission(def);
                selectedLockedMission = null;
            GeneralInfo(new Rect(0f, CurY, InfoRect.width, 0f), ref CurY, requisites.objectives, requisites.anyObjective ? "MissionInfoObjectivesAny_SMO".Translate() : "MissionInfoObjectives_SMO".Translate(), delegate(ObjectiveDef def)
                SelectedMission       = StoryManager.GetMission(def);
                SelectedObjective     = SelectedMission.objectives.Find(o => o.def == def);
                selectedLockedMission = null;
            GeneralInfo(new Rect(0f, CurY, InfoRect.width, 0f), ref CurY, requisites.things, requisites.anyThing ? "MissionInfoThingsAny_SMO".Translate() : "MissionInfoThings_SMO".Translate(), null, delegate(Rect selection, ThingValue tv)
                ThingDef thingDef   = tv.ThingDef;
                string stuffLabel   = tv.Stuff != null ? tv.ResolvedStuff.LabelCap : "Any_SMO".Translate();
                string qualityLabel = !thingDef.CountAsResource ? tv.CustomQuality ? " (" + tv.QualityCategory.GetLabel() + ")" : "" : "";
                string fullLabel    = "  - " + (tv.ResolvedStuff != null ? stuffLabel + " " : "") + thingDef.LabelCap + qualityLabel + " (x" + tv.value + ")";
                Vector2 labelSize   = Text.CalcSize(fullLabel);
                bool oversized      = labelSize.x > selection.width;
                string label        = oversized ? "  - " + tv.ThingDef.LabelCap + "(...)" : fullLabel;
                Widgets.Label(selection, label);
                if (oversized)
                    TooltipHandler.TipRegion(selection, fullLabel);
            GeneralInfo(new Rect(0f, CurY, InfoRect.width, 0f), ref CurY,, "MissionInfoJobs_SMO".Translate(), null, delegate(Rect selection, JobDef def)
                string label = "  ..." + def.reportString;
                Widgets.Label(selection, label);