protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // list of object that can be add to editor bindDropdownlistModules(); //js.Text = "<script>window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener('onload',loadContent,false):window.attachevent('onload',loadContent);</script>"; //js.Text = "<script>addLoadEvent(loadContent); saveViewstate(); //__doPostBack('LinkButton1', '');</script>"; NewsContent.AssetManagerWidth = "750"; NewsContent.AssetManagerHeight = "530"; NewsContent.AssetManager = "/AssetManager/assetmanager.asp?user="******"Select News_Title From News Where News_Id=" + newsId.ToString()); if (objTitleNews != null) { lblTitleNews.Text = objTitleNews.ToString(); } } } }
public static bool UpdateNews(long _news_id, int _cat_id, string _news_subtitle, string _news_title, string _news_image, string _news_source, string _news_init, string _news_content, bool _news_isfocus, int _news_status, int _news_type, string _related_news, string _other_cat, DateTime _switchtime, bool _isSend, bool _isShowComment, bool _isShowRate, int _template, string _obj_media, string _news_title_image, string _news_icon, string _thread_id) { bool toReturn = false; int old_news_status = -1; MainDB objDb = new MainDB(); objDb.BeginTransaction(); NewsRow objrow; if (_news_init != null) { _news_init = _news_init.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br/>"); } try { #region Gan Thread vao bai // Gan Thread vao bai Threaddetails objThread = new Threaddetails(); objDb.SelectScalar("Delete ThreadDetail Where News_ID = '" + _news_id + "'"); if (_thread_id != null) { string[] strArThread = _thread_id.Split(','); foreach (string str in strArThread) { objThread.AddnewsThread(_news_id.ToString(), int.Parse(str), objDb); } } #endregion objrow = objDb.NewsCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id); old_news_status = objrow.News_Status; if (objrow != null) { #region Gan cac gia tri cho bang News objrow.Cat_ID = _cat_id; objrow.News_Subtitle = _news_subtitle; objrow.News_Title = _news_title; objrow.News_Image = _news_image; objrow.News_Source = _news_source; objrow.News_InitialContent = _news_init; objrow.News_Content = _news_content; objrow.WordCount = NewsHelper.WordCount(objrow.News_Content); //objrow.User_ID = _poster; //objrow.News_Author = _news_author; objrow.News_isFocus = _news_isfocus; //Trang thai cua tin tuy thuoc vao nguoi bien tap. if (_news_status != -1) { objrow.News_Status = _news_status; } objrow.News_Mode = _news_type; //tin lien quan objrow.News_Relation = _related_news; //if (_news_imgfocus != "" && _news_imgfocus!=null) //objrow.News_FocusImage = _news_imgfocus; if (_other_cat != "") { objrow.News_OtherCat = _other_cat; } DateTime dtPublish = _switchtime; if (objrow.News_Status == 3) { if (dtPublish.Year != 9999) { // Neu khong phai la news da published ma khong chon ngay Xuat ban thi update lai ngay gio if (dtPublish.Year != 2000) { objrow.News_PublishDate = dtPublish; } else { objrow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now; } } } objrow.Template = _template; objrow.News_ImageNote = _news_title_image; objrow.isComment = _isShowComment; objrow.isUserRate = _isShowRate; objrow.Icon = _news_icon; objrow.News_ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; #endregion #region Gan cac gia tri cho bang Action //thuc hien luu thong tin vao action. ActionRow objArow = new ActionRow(); objArow.Sender_ID = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; //Gui len. Neu la xoa tam thi khong luu action - Cho nay can phai xem la gui len hay luu lai? string cpMode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"].Replace("add,", string.Empty); switch (objrow.News_Status) { case 1: if (old_news_status != 1) { objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài chờ biên tập"; } else { objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " nhận biên tập"; objArow.Reciver_ID = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; ActionRow tem = new ActionRow(); tem = getLastestAction(_news_id); objArow.Sender_ID = tem.Sender_ID; } break; case 2: if (old_news_status != 2) { objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài chờ duyệt"; } else { objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " nhận duyệt"; objArow.Reciver_ID = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; ActionRow tem = new ActionRow(); tem = getLastestAction(_news_id); objArow.Sender_ID = tem.Sender_ID; } break; case 3: objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " xuất bản bài"; break; } objArow.ActionType = objrow.News_Status; objArow.News_ID = _news_id; objArow.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; // chỉ khi tin đổi trạng thái // hoặc // không phải tin ở trong danh sách nhận duyệt, nhận biên tập // thì mới lưu action // [bacth, 11:00 AM 5/31/2008] if (old_news_status != objrow.News_Status || (cpMode.ToLower().Equals("approvalwaitlist") || cpMode.ToLower().Equals("editwaitlist"))) { if (objrow.News_Status == 1 || objrow.News_Status == 2 || objrow.News_Status == 3) { objDb.ActionCollection.Insert(objArow); } } #endregion #region Gan cac gia tri cho bang NewsPublished NewsPublishedRow objpublishRow; // Get lai nhung gia tri cua cua News Published objpublishRow = objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id); // Neu khong ton tai news_id trong NewsPUblished thi khoi tao lai if (objpublishRow == null) { objpublishRow = new NewsPublishedRow(); } // Gan cac gia tri cho News Published if (_news_status == 3) { objrow.News_Approver = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " xuất bản bài"; objArow.ActionType = 3; //thuc hien chuyen du lieu qua bang newspublished objpublishRow.Icon = _news_icon; objpublishRow.News_ID = _news_id; objpublishRow.Cat_ID = _cat_id; objpublishRow.News_Subtitle = _news_subtitle; objpublishRow.News_Title = _news_title; if (_news_image != "" && _news_image != null) { objpublishRow.News_Image = _news_image; } else { objpublishRow.News_Image = objrow.News_Image; } objpublishRow.News_Source = _news_source; objpublishRow.News_InitContent = objrow.News_InitialContent; objpublishRow.News_Content = _news_content; objpublishRow.News_Athor = objrow.News_Author; objpublishRow.News_Approver = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; objpublishRow.News_Status = 3; if (dtPublish.Year != 9999) { // Neu khong phai la news da published ma khong chon ngay Xuat ban thi update lai ngay gio if (dtPublish.Year != 2000) { objpublishRow.News_PublishDate = dtPublish; } else { objpublishRow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now; } } objpublishRow.News_isFocus = _news_isfocus; objpublishRow.News_Mode = _news_type; if (_related_news != "" && _related_news != null) { objpublishRow.News_Relation = objrow.News_Relation; } else { objpublishRow.News_Relation = _related_news; } if (_other_cat != "" && _other_cat != null) { objpublishRow.News_OtherCat = objrow.News_OtherCat; } else { objpublishRow.News_OtherCat = _other_cat; } objpublishRow.Template = _template; objpublishRow.isComment = _isShowComment; objpublishRow.isUserRate = _isShowRate; objpublishRow.News_ImageNote = _news_title_image; } #endregion if (!objDb.NewsCollection.Update(objrow)) { throw new Exception("Không cập nhật được bản tin"); } #region Cap nhap vao bang News, Action va NewsPublished NewsPublishedRow objCurrRow; //neu la send thi moi cap nhat Action if (objrow.News_Status == 3) { //thuc hien xoa neu ton tai tin do va chen moi vao bang xuat ban objCurrRow = objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id); if (objCurrRow != null) { objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.DeleteByPrimaryKey(_news_id); } objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.Insert(objpublishRow); } #endregion #region Cap nhap vao bang MediaObject // Xoa tat ca News_Media cu theo NewsID string strObjectId = NewsMediaHelper.Get_ObjectId_By_NewsId(_news_id); if (strObjectId != null && strObjectId != "") { string[] mediaIds = strObjectId.Split(",".ToCharArray()); foreach (string strMediaId in mediaIds) { NewsMediaHelper.Delete_News_Media_ByNewsIdAndObjectId(_news_id, strMediaId, objDb); } } //truong hop co media object if (_obj_media != null && _obj_media != "") { News_MediaRow objMrow = null; string[] mediaIds = _obj_media.Split(",".ToCharArray()); foreach (string strMediaId in mediaIds) { objMrow = new News_MediaRow(); objMrow.News_ID = _news_id; objMrow.Object_ID = int.Parse(strMediaId); objDb.News_MediaCollection.Insert(objMrow); } } #endregion objDb.CommitTransaction(); toReturn = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["newsid"] != null) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Remove("newsid"); } objDb.Close(); } return(toReturn);; }