コード例 #1
        private static async Task SendConfirmationMail(string from, string fromPassword, string customerMail, string customerName)
            // Construct the e-mail model
            EmailComposer <WelcomeMailModel> composer = new EmailComposer <WelcomeMailModel>();
            EmailRequest <WelcomeMailModel>  request  = composer
                                                        .SetModel(new WelcomeMailModel {
                Email = customerMail, Name = customerName
                                                        .SetSubject("Welcome to the company!")

            // Creating the body using the following components:
            // * Use Scriban as the template syntax
            // * Store templates in the project under the 'Templates' application directory
            // * Map e-mail templates by the mail model name (WelcomeMailModel -> Welcome.sbnhtml)
            IMailBodyBuilder builder = new MailBodyBuilder(
                new ScribanCompiler(),
                new AppDirectoryTemplateProvider("Templates", ".sbnhtml"),
                new ViewModelTemplateResolver());

            EmailRequest populatedRequest = await builder.BuildAsync(request);

            // When using a gmail account: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25215834/1842261
            SmtpCredentials credentials = new("smtp.gmail.com", "587", "false", "true", from, fromPassword);
            IMailer         mailer      = new SmtpMailer(credentials);
            await mailer.SendMailAsync(populatedRequest);
コード例 #2
        public async Task Smtp_SendTemplateMail_SimulateDependencyInjection_ShouldSend()
            SmtpCredentials credentials = new("smtp.mailtrap.io", "587", "false", "true", "d3538ae47a016d", "d4add3690c408c");

            EmailComposer <TestMailModel> composer = new();
            EmailRequest <TestMailModel>  request  = composer
                                                     .SetModel(new TestMailModel {
                Email = "*****@*****.**", Name = "Guy Gadbois"
                                                     .SetSubject("Hello world")

            IMailer mailer = new SmtpMailer(credentials);

            IMailBodyBuilder builder = new MailBodyBuilder(
                new ScribanCompiler(),
                new AppDirectoryTemplateProvider("Templates", ".sbnhtml"),
                new ViewModelTemplateResolver());

            EmailRequest populatedRequest = await builder.BuildAsync(request);

            await mailer.SendMailAsync(populatedRequest);