コード例 #1
        public static void CreateMagicItemJSON(string magicDefPath, string outputPath)
            MagicItemsFile           magicItemsFile = new MagicItemsFile(magicDefPath);
            List <MagicItemTemplate> magicItems     = magicItemsFile.MagicItemsList;
            string json = SaveLoadManager.Serialize(magicItems.GetType(), magicItems);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, json);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a regular non-artifact magic item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chosenItem">An integer index of the item to create, or -1 for a random one.</param>
        /// <param name="playerLevel">The player level to create an item for.</param>
        /// <param name="gender">The gender to create an item for.</param>
        /// <param name="race">The race to create an item for.</param>
        /// <returns>DaggerfallUnityItem</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">When a base item cannot be created.</exception>
        public static DaggerfallUnityItem CreateRegularMagicItem(int chosenItem, int playerLevel, Genders gender, Races race)
            byte[] itemGroups0 = { 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14, 25 };
            byte[] itemGroups1 = { 2, 3, 6, 12, 25 };

            DaggerfallUnityItem newItem = null;

            // Get the list of magic item templates read from MAGIC.DEF
            MagicItemsFile           magicItemsFile = new MagicItemsFile(Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, "MAGIC.DEF"));
            List <MagicItemTemplate> magicItems     = magicItemsFile.MagicItemsList;

            // Reduce the list to only the regular magic items.
            MagicItemTemplate[] regularMagicItems = magicItems.Where(template => template.type == MagicItemTypes.RegularMagicItem).ToArray();
            if (chosenItem > regularMagicItems.Length)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Magic item subclass {0} does not exist", chosenItem));

            // Pick a random one if needed.
            if (chosenItem == chooseAtRandom)
                chosenItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, regularMagicItems.Length);

            // Get the chosen template
            MagicItemTemplate magicItem = regularMagicItems[chosenItem];

            // Get the item group. The possible groups are determined by the 33rd byte (magicItem.group) of the MAGIC.DEF template being used.
            ItemGroups group = 0;

            if (magicItem.group == 0)
                group = (ItemGroups)itemGroups0[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 7)];
            else if (magicItem.group == 1)
                group = (ItemGroups)itemGroups1[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 5)];
            else if (magicItem.group == 2)
                group = ItemGroups.Weapons;

            // Create the base item
            if (group == ItemGroups.Weapons)
                newItem = CreateRandomWeapon(playerLevel);

                // No arrows as enchanted items
                while (newItem.GroupIndex == 18)
                    newItem = CreateRandomWeapon(playerLevel);
            else if (group == ItemGroups.Armor)
                newItem = CreateRandomArmor(playerLevel, gender, race);
            else if (group == ItemGroups.MensClothing || group == ItemGroups.WomensClothing)
                newItem = CreateRandomClothing(gender, race);
            else if (group == ItemGroups.ReligiousItems)
                newItem = CreateRandomReligiousItem();
            else if (group == ItemGroups.Gems)
                newItem = CreateRandomGem();
            else // Only other possibility is jewellery
                newItem = CreateRandomJewellery();

            if (newItem == null)
                throw new Exception("CreateRegularMagicItem() failed to create an item.");

            // Replace the regular item name with the magic item name
            newItem.shortName = magicItem.name;

            // Add the enchantments
            newItem.legacyMagic = new DaggerfallEnchantment[magicItem.enchantments.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < magicItem.enchantments.Length; ++i)
                newItem.legacyMagic[i] = magicItem.enchantments[i];

            // Set the condition/magic uses
            newItem.maxCondition     = magicItem.uses;
            newItem.currentCondition = magicItem.uses;

            // Set the value of the item. This is determined by the enchantment point cost/spell-casting cost
            // of the enchantments on the item.
            int value = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < magicItem.enchantments.Length; ++i)
                if (magicItem.enchantments[i].type != EnchantmentTypes.None &&
                    magicItem.enchantments[i].type < EnchantmentTypes.ItemDeteriorates)
                    switch (magicItem.enchantments[i].type)
                    case EnchantmentTypes.CastWhenUsed:
                    case EnchantmentTypes.CastWhenHeld:
                    case EnchantmentTypes.CastWhenStrikes:
                        // Enchantments that cast a spell. The parameter is the spell index in SPELLS.STD.
                        value += Formulas.FormulaHelper.GetSpellEnchantPtCost(magicItem.enchantments[i].param);

                    case EnchantmentTypes.RepairsObjects:
                    case EnchantmentTypes.AbsorbsSpells:
                    case EnchantmentTypes.EnhancesSkill:
                    case EnchantmentTypes.FeatherWeight:
                    case EnchantmentTypes.StrengthensArmor:
                        // Enchantments that provide an effect that has no parameters
                        value += enchantmentPointCostsForNonParamTypes[(int)magicItem.enchantments[i].type];

                    case EnchantmentTypes.SoulBound:
                        // Bound soul
                        MobileEnemy mobileEnemy = GameObjectHelper.EnemyDict[magicItem.enchantments[i].param];
                        value += mobileEnemy.SoulPts;     // TODO: Not sure about this. Should be negative? Needs to be tested.

                        // Enchantments that provide a non-spell effect with a parameter (parameter = when effect applies, what enemies are affected, etc.)
                        value += enchantmentPtsForItemPowerArrays[(int)magicItem.enchantments[i].type][magicItem.enchantments[i].param];

            newItem.value = value;
