コード例 #1
        protected override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            //Draw the back first
            Color backColor = new Color()
                PackedValue = 0xff4c5452

            var texture = ModContent.GetTexture("TerraScience/Content/UI/fluidgauge back");
            var dims    = GetInnerDimensions();

            spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dims.Position(), null, backColor);

            int       visibleHeight = texture.Height - 12;
            float     height        = visibleHeight - visibleHeight * fluidCur / fluidMax;
            Rectangle source        = new Rectangle(0, 6 + (int)height, texture.Width, texture.Height - (int)height - 6);

            if (fluidColor != Color.Transparent)
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture, dims.Position() + new Vector2(0, 6 + height), source, fluidColor);

            var textureFrame = ModContent.GetTexture("TerraScience/Content/UI/fluidgauge border");

            spriteBatch.Draw(textureFrame, dims.Position(), null, Color.White);

            //Why does this have to be in Draw and not Update?  The world will never know...
            if (ContainsPoint(Main.MouseScreen) && fluidName != null)
                Main.hoverItemName = $"{fluidName}: {MachineUI.UIDecimalFormat(fluidCur)} / {MachineUI.UIDecimalFormat(fluidMax)} L";