コード例 #1
        private Func <SymmetricAlgorithm> GetEncryptionAlgorithmFactory()
            return(GetGenericAlgorithmFactory <SymmetricAlgorithm>(
                       configAttributeName: "decryption",
                       configAttributeValue: _machineKeySection.GetDecryptionAttributeSkipValidation(),
                       switchStatement: algorithmName => {
                // We suppress CS0618 since some of the algorithms we support are marked with [Obsolete].
                // These deprecated algorithms are *not* enabled by default. Developers must opt-in to
                // them, so we're secure by default.
#pragma warning disable 618
                switch (algorithmName)
                case "AES":
                case "Auto":         // currently "Auto" defaults to AES
                    return CryptoAlgorithms.CreateAes;

                case "DES":
                    return CryptoAlgorithms.CreateDES;

                case "3DES":
                    return CryptoAlgorithms.CreateTripleDES;

                    return null;         // unknown

#pragma warning restore 618
                       errorResourceString: SR.Wrong_decryption_enum));