public RowWithHSTemplate(M_Cerificate MCertificate, string LOGOpath, string DocPath) { this.LOGOimgPath = LOGOpath; this.Model = MCertificate; this.CertificateSavePath = DocPath; this.CertificateId = MCertificate.RefferencNo; }
public M_Cerificate getRequestDetails(string CertifiateNo) { try { M_Cerificate req = new M_Cerificate(); using (DBLinqDataContext datacontext = new DBLinqDataContext()) { datacontext.Connection.ConnectionString = Connection_; var result = datacontext._getCertificateStatus(CertifiateNo).SingleOrDefault(); if (result != null) { req.Consignor_Exporter = result.CustomerName; req.InvoiceDate = result.InvoiceDate.Value.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); req.Consignee = result.Consignee; req.InvoiceNo = result.InvoiceNo; req.TotalInvoiceValue = result.TotalInvoiceValue; return(req); } } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); return(null); } }
public ActionResult ApproveC(string Req, string Ctyp) { bool r = false; if (_session.C_Password != "") { if (Ctyp.Equals("W")) { CRHeader = objCr.getSavedCertificateRequest(Req); SupList = objCr.getSupportingDOCfRequest(Req); r = CreateCertificate(CRHeader.TemplateId); } else if (Ctyp.Equals("U")) { CRHeader = objCr.getUploadedCertificateRequest(Req); SupList = objCr.getSupportingDOCfRequest(Req); r = Approve_UCertificateRequest(CRHeader.Client_Id, CRHeader.RequestReff, CRHeader.CertificateUploadPath, CRHeader.SealRequired); } if (r) { return(RedirectToAction("Pending", "CertificateRequest")); } else { return(PartialView("P_Error")); } } ViewBag.A_ID = Req; ViewBag.A_Type = Ctyp; return(PartialView("P_SignatoryPassword")); }
public M_Cerificate getUploadedCertificateRequest(string RequestId) { try { M_Cerificate Cu = new M_Cerificate(); using (DBLinqDataContext datacontext = new DBLinqDataContext()) { datacontext.Connection.ConnectionString = Connection_; var lst = datacontext._getUploadBCrequest(RequestId).SingleOrDefault(); if (lst != null) { Cu.Client_Id = lst.CustomerId; Cu.InvoiceNo = lst.InvoiceNo; Cu.SealRequired = Convert.ToBoolean(lst.SealRequired);; Cu.RequestReff = lst.RequestId; Cu.CertificateUploadPath = lst.UploadPath; } } return(Cu); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); return(null); } }
public JsonResult Approve_Certificate(M_Signatory Model) { String result = "Error"; bool r = false; _session.C_Password = Model.Password_; if (Model.RequestType.Equals("W")) { CRHeader = objCr.getSavedCertificateRequest(Model.RequestID); SupList = objCr.getSupportingDOCfRequest(Model.RequestID); r = CreateCertificate(CRHeader.TemplateId); } else if (Model.RequestType.Equals("U")) { CRHeader = objCr.getUploadedCertificateRequest(Model.RequestID); SupList = objCr.getSupportingDOCfRequest(Model.RequestID); r = Approve_UCertificateRequest(CRHeader.Client_Id, CRHeader.RequestReff, CRHeader.CertificateUploadPath, CRHeader.SealRequired); } if (r) { result = "Success"; } return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult BulkSign(M_Signatory Model) { string result = "Error"; //var strin = new JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject(Model.RequestID); _session.C_Password = Model.Password_; var strin = Model.RequestID; string[] arr = strin.ToString().Split(','); for (int a = 0; a < arr.Length; a++) { string[] s = arr[a].Split('_'); if (s[1].Equals("U")) { CRHeader = objCr.getUploadedCertificateRequest(s[0]); SupList = objCr.getSupportingDOCfRequest(s[0]); bool r = Approve_UCertificateRequest(CRHeader.Client_Id, CRHeader.RequestReff, CRHeader.CertificateUploadPath, CRHeader.SealRequired); result = r.ToString(); } else if (s[1].Equals("W")) { CRHeader = objCr.getSavedCertificateRequest(s[0]); SupList = objCr.getSupportingDOCfRequest(s[0]); bool r = CreateCertificate(CRHeader.TemplateId); result = r.ToString(); } } return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public M_Cerificate getCleintNTemplate(string CustomerId, string ParentId) { try { M_Cerificate Cu = new M_Cerificate(); using (DBLinqDataContext datacontext = new DBLinqDataContext()) { datacontext.Connection.ConnectionString = Connection_; var lst = datacontext.getClientTemplateNName(CustomerId, ParentId).SingleOrDefault(); if (lst != null) { Cu.Consignor_Exporter = lst.CustomerName.Replace("<br />", "\r\n"); Cu.TemplateId = lst.TemplateId; Cu.Client_Id = lst.CustomerId; Cu.ClientContact_Name = lst.ContactPersonName; Cu.ClientContact_Designation = lst.ContactPersonDesignation; Cu.ClientContact_Telephone = lst.ContactPersonDirectPhoneNumber; } } return(Cu); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); return(null); } }
public ActionResult LoadRefferenceByReq(string Reff) { M_Cerificate C = new M_Cerificate(); C = objCr.getSavedCertificateRequest(Reff); C.Support_Docs = objCr.getTemplateSupportingDocs(C.Client_Id, C.TemplateId); C.SealRequired = true; return(PartialView("P_CertificateRequstForm", C)); }
public ColumnWithHSTemplate(M_Cerificate MCertificate, string LOGOpath, string DocPath, string AuthOffer, string SignDate) { this.LOGOimgPath = LOGOpath; this.Model = MCertificate; this.CertificateSavePath = DocPath; this.CertificateId = Model.RefferencNo; this.AuthoirzedOfficer = AuthOffer; this.SignedDate = SignDate; }
public ActionResult LoadUBTemplate(string Reff) { M_Cerificate C = new M_Cerificate(); C = objCr.getCleintNTemplate(Reff, _session.Customer_ID); C.Support_Docs = objCr.getTemplateSupportingDocs(C.Client_Id, C.TemplateId); C.SealRequired = true; return(PartialView("P_UploadBaseCRequest", C)); }
public NidroCertificateTemplate(M_Cerificate MCertificate, string LOGOpath, string DocPath, string AuthOffer, string SignedD) { this.LOGOimgPath = LOGOpath; this.Model = MCertificate; this.CertificateSavePath = DocPath; this.CertificateId = MCertificate.RefferencNo; this.AuthoirzedOfficer = AuthOffer; this.SignedDate = SignedD; }
public ColumnWithHSTemplate(string CertificateID, M_Cerificate MCertificate, string LOGOpath, string DocPath, string AuthOffer, string Telephone) { this.LOGOimgPath = LOGOpath; this.Model = MCertificate; this.CertificateSavePath = DocPath; this.AuthoirzedOfficer = AuthOffer; this.AuthTelephone = Telephone; this.CertificateId = CertificateID; }
public RowWithHSTemplate(string Certificateid, M_Cerificate MCertificate, string LOGOpath, string DocPath, string AuthOffer, string SignDate) { this.LOGOimgPath = LOGOpath; this.Model = MCertificate; this.CertificateSavePath = DocPath; this.CertificateId = Certificateid; this.AuthoirzedOfficer = AuthOffer; this.SignedDate = SignDate; }
public string setUploadBasedCertificateRequest(M_Cerificate EmR, string Filename) { try { string certificatereqno = string.Empty; using (DBLinqDataContext dbContext = new DBLinqDataContext()) { dbContext.Connection.ConnectionString = Connection_; dbContext.Connection.Open(); try { dbContext.Transaction = dbContext.Connection.BeginTransaction(); B_RecordSequence CParentId = new B_RecordSequence(); Int64 RequestNo = CParentId.getNextSequence("CertificateRequestNo", dbContext); certificatereqno = "CRN" + RequestNo.ToString(); dbContext._setUploadBasedCRequests(certificatereqno, EmR.Client_Id, "P", EmR.Createdby, EmR.CertificateUploadPath + certificatereqno + "/" + Filename, EmR.InvoiceNo, EmR.SealRequired.ToString()); dbContext.SubmitChanges(); dbContext.Transaction.Commit(); return(certificatereqno); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); dbContext.Transaction.Rollback(); return(null); } finally { dbContext.Connection.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); return(null); } }
public M_Cerificate getSavedCertificateRequest(string RequestId) { try { M_Cerificate Cu = new M_Cerificate(); using (DBLinqDataContext datacontext = new DBLinqDataContext()) { datacontext.Connection.ConnectionString = Connection_; var lst = datacontext._getSavedCertificateRequest(RequestId).SingleOrDefault(); if (lst != null) { Cu.Consignor_Exporter = lst.Consignor.Replace("<br />", "\r\n"); Cu.Consignee = lst.Consignee.Replace("<br />", "\r\n"); Cu.TemplateId = lst.TemplateId; Cu.Client_Id = lst.CustomerId; Cu.CountyOfOrigin = lst.CountryCode; Cu.Goods_Item = lst.GoodItem; Cu.HSCode = lst.HSCode; Cu.InvoiceDate = lst.InvoiceDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MMM/dd"); Cu.InvoiceNo = lst.InvoiceNo; Cu.OtherComments = lst.OtherComments; Cu.PackageType = lst.PackageType; Cu.PlaceOfDelivery = lst.PlaceOfDelivery; Cu.PortOfDischarge = lst.PortOfDischarge; Cu.PortOfLoading = lst.LoadingPort; Cu.QtyNUnit = lst.Quantity; Cu.Remarks = lst.OtherDetails; Cu.SealRequired = Convert.ToBoolean(lst.SealRequired); Cu.ShippingMarks = lst.ShippingMark; Cu.SummaryDescription = lst.SummaryDesc; Cu.TotalInvoiceValue = lst.TotalInvoiceValue; Cu.TotalQuantity = lst.TotalQuantity; Cu.Vessel = lst.Vessel; Cu.RequestReff = lst.RequestId; } } return(Cu); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); return(null); } }
public List <M_Cerificate> getAllPendingCertificateRequest(string ClientId, string ParentId) { try { List <M_Cerificate> lstSD = new List <M_Cerificate>(); using (DBLinqDataContext datacontext = new DBLinqDataContext()) { datacontext.Connection.ConnectionString = Connection_; System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult <getAllPendingCertificateRequestsResult> lst = datacontext.getAllPendingCertificateRequests(ClientId, ParentId); foreach (getAllPendingCertificateRequestsResult result in lst) { M_Cerificate SD = new M_Cerificate(); SD.CertificateType = result.CertificateType; SD.CertificateUploadPath = result.CertificatePath; SD.Client_Id = result.CustomerId; SD.ClientContact_Company = result.CustomerName; SD.Ctype = result.CType; SD.RequestReff = result.RequestId; SD.RequestDate = result.RequestDate; SD.ClientContact_Email = result.ContactPersonEmail; SD.InvoiceNo = result.InvoiceNo; SD.Status = result.Status; SD.TemplateId = result.TemplateId; SD.SealRequired = Convert.ToBoolean(result.SealRequired); SD.Createdby = result.Createdby; SD.SummaryDescription = result.SummaryDesc; SD.ParentId = result.ParentCustomer; lstSD.Add(SD); } } return(lstSD); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); return(null); } }
public ActionResult Index(M_Cerificate Model) { B_CertificateRequest objCreq = new B_CertificateRequest(); string r = "Error"; Model.Createdby = _session.User_Id; Model.ParentId = _session.Customer_ID; Model.Status = "G";/// need to be change if the save certificate implemented including the CreateSample() string reff = objCreq.setCertificateRequest(Model); if (reff != null) { var DocumentUpload = Model.Support_Docs; if (DocumentUpload != null) { string DirectoryPath = "~/Uploads/Web_SDcouments/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd") + "/" + reff; if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath)); } foreach (var Doc in DocumentUpload) { string strFileUpload = "file_" + Doc.SupportingDocument_Id; HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[strFileUpload]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName.Replace(" ", "_")); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath), fileName); M_SupportDocumentUpload Su = new M_SupportDocumentUpload(); Su.RequestRefNo = reff; Su.SignatureRequired = false; Su.SupportingDocumentID = Doc.SupportingDocument_Id; Su.UploadedBy = _session.User_Id; Su.UploadedPath = DirectoryPath + "/" + fileName; Su.DocumentName = fileName; if (Doc.Signature_Required) { Su.SignatureRequired = true; Su.Remarks = "NCE_Certification"; } else { Su.SignatureRequired = false; } objCreq.setSupportingDocumentFRequest(Su); file.SaveAs(path); } } } CreateSample(Model, reff); ViewBag._Result = "Succes"; r = "Succes"; } var result = new { Msg = r, Cid = Model.Client_Id, RqId = reff }; return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public List <M_Cerificate> getCertificateRequestStatus(string requestid, string customerid, string status, string Startdate, string Enddate, string type, string InvoiceNo) { try { List <M_Cerificate> lstpackage = new List <M_Cerificate>(); using (DBLinqDataContext datacontext = new DBLinqDataContext()) { datacontext.Connection.ConnectionString = Connection_; System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult <_getCertificateRequestStatusResult> lst = datacontext._getCertificateRequestStatus(requestid, customerid, status, Startdate, Enddate, type, InvoiceNo); foreach (_getCertificateRequestStatusResult result in lst) { string statuss = null; if (result.Status.ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { statuss = "Yes"; } else if (result.Status == "A") { statuss = "Approved"; } else if (result.Status == "R") { statuss = "Reject"; } else if (result.Status == "P") { statuss = "Pending"; } else if (result.Status == "G") { statuss = "Pending"; } M_Cerificate pt = new M_Cerificate(); pt.InvoiceNo = result.InvoiceNo; pt.Client_Id = result.CustomerId + " : " + result.CustomerName; pt.RequestReff = result.RequestId;; pt.Ctype = result.Method; pt.Status = statuss; DateTime a; if (result.CreatedDate == null) { a = DateTime.Now; } else { a = result.CreatedDate.Value; } pt.RequestDate = a; pt.ParentId = result.Parent; lstpackage.Add(pt); } } return(lstpackage); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); return(null); } }
public void CreateSample(M_Cerificate Model, string Reff) { bool Created = false; string Template = Model.TemplateId; string LogoPath = Server.MapPath("~/Images/NCELOGO.PNG"); // NCE Certificate logo Image path string DirectoryPath = "~/Temp/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + "/Web_Certificates/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd") + "/" + Reff; //HeaderR.Customer_Telephone = usrSessiong.Telephone_; //HeaderR.CustomerName1 = usrSessiong.Customer_Name; //DirectoryPath which will save the NOT singed PDF File as NOT_Signed.pdf in the given Path if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath)); } /**PDF Cerator * Parameters * M_Certificate * Document Save Path * */ if (Template.Equals(ROWWITH_HS)) { RowWithHSTemplate Certificate = new RowWithHSTemplate(Reff, Model, LogoPath, Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf"), "", ""); Created = Certificate.CreateCertificate(""); } else if (Template.Equals(ROWWITHOUTHS)) { RowWithoutHSTemplate Certificate = new RowWithoutHSTemplate(Reff, Model, LogoPath, Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf"), "", ""); Created = Certificate.CreateCertificate(""); } else if (Template.Equals(GOLOBALTMP)) { OrientGlobalCertificateTemplate Certificate = new OrientGlobalCertificateTemplate(Reff, Model, LogoPath, Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf"), "", ""); Created = Certificate.CreateCertificate(""); } else if (Template.Equals(MASSACTIVE)) { MassActiveCertificateTemplate Certificate = new MassActiveCertificateTemplate(Reff, Model, LogoPath, Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf"), "", ""); Created = Certificate.CreateCertificate(""); } else if (Template.Equals(NINDROTMP)) { NidroCertificateTemplate Certificate = new NidroCertificateTemplate(Reff, Model, LogoPath, Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf"), "", ""); Created = Certificate.CreateCertificate(""); } else if (Template.Equals(COLUMNWITHOUTHS)) { ColumnWithoutHSTemplate Certificate = new ColumnWithoutHSTemplate(Reff, Model, LogoPath, Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf"), "", ""); Created = Certificate.CreateCertificate(""); } else if (Template.Equals(COLUMNWITHOUTHS2)) { ColumnWithoutHSTemplate Certificate = new ColumnWithoutHSTemplate(Reff, Model, LogoPath, Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf"), "", ""); Created = Certificate.CreateCertificate(""); } else { ColumnWithHSTemplate Certificate = new ColumnWithHSTemplate(Reff, Model, LogoPath, Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf"), "", ""); Created = Certificate.CreateCertificate(""); } if (Created) { objCr.setWebBasedCertificateCreation(Reff, DirectoryPath + "/" + Reff + "_Sample.pdf", Reff + "_Sample.pdf"); } }
public JsonResult Upload(M_Cerificate Model) { string r = "Error"; Model.Createdby = _session.User_Id; Model.ParentId = _session.Customer_ID; Model.Status = "P"; string CertificateFile = "Certificate_File"; HttpPostedFileBase Cfile = Request.Files[CertificateFile]; string DirectoryPath = "~/Uploads/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + "/Upload_Certificates/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd") + "/"; Model.CertificateUploadPath = DirectoryPath; string reff = string.Empty; if (Cfile != null && Cfile.ContentLength > 0) { reff = objCr.setUploadBasedCertificateRequest(Model, Cfile.FileName.Replace(" ", "_")); if (reff != null) { DirectoryPath = DirectoryPath + reff; if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath)); } var DocumentUpload = Model.Support_Docs; if (DocumentUpload != null) { string UDirectoryPath = "~/Uploads/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + "/Upload_CSDcouments/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd") + "/" + reff; if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(UDirectoryPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(UDirectoryPath)); } foreach (var Doc in DocumentUpload) { string strFileUpload = "file_" + Doc.SupportingDocument_Id; HttpPostedFileBase Ufile = Request.Files[strFileUpload]; if (Ufile != null && Ufile.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(Ufile.FileName.Replace(" ", "_")); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(UDirectoryPath), fileName); M_SupportDocumentUpload Su = new M_SupportDocumentUpload(); Su.RequestRefNo = reff; Su.SignatureRequired = false; Su.SupportingDocumentID = Doc.SupportingDocument_Id; Su.UploadedBy = _session.User_Id; Su.UploadedPath = UDirectoryPath + "/" + fileName; Su.DocumentName = fileName; if (Doc.Signature_Required) { Su.SignatureRequired = true; Su.Remarks = "NCE_Certification"; } else { Su.SignatureRequired = false; } objCr.setSupportingDocumentFRequest(Su); Ufile.SaveAs(path); } } } var CfileName = Path.GetFileName(Cfile.FileName.Replace(" ", "_")); var Cpath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(DirectoryPath), CfileName); Cfile.SaveAs(Cpath); r = "Succes"; } } var result = new { Msg = r, Cid = Model.Client_Id, RqId = reff }; return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public string setCertificateRequest(M_Cerificate hdr) { try { string certificatereqno = string.Empty; using (DBLinqDataContext dbContext = new DBLinqDataContext()) { dbContext.Connection.ConnectionString = Connection_; dbContext.Connection.Open(); try { dbContext.Transaction = dbContext.Connection.BeginTransaction(); B_RecordSequence CParentId = new B_RecordSequence(); Int64 RequestNo = CParentId.getNextSequence("CertificateRequestNo", dbContext); certificatereqno = "CRN" + RequestNo.ToString(); dbContext._setCertifcateRequestHeader(certificatereqno, hdr.TemplateId, hdr.Client_Id, hdr.Createdby, hdr.Status, hdr.Consignor_Exporter, hdr.Consignee, hdr.InvoiceNo, Convert.ToDateTime(hdr.InvoiceDate), hdr.CountyOfOrigin, hdr.PortOfLoading, hdr.PortOfDischarge, hdr.Vessel, hdr.PlaceOfDelivery, hdr.TotalInvoiceValue, hdr.TotalQuantity, hdr.OtherComments, hdr.Remarks, hdr.SealRequired.ToString()); dbContext._setCertificateRequestDetails(certificatereqno, hdr.Goods_Item, hdr.ShippingMarks, hdr.PackageType, hdr.SummaryDescription, hdr.QtyNUnit, hdr.HSCode, hdr.Createdby); if (hdr.AddAsReff) { dbContext._setReffrennceRequest(hdr.Consignee, hdr.Client_Id, certificatereqno, hdr.ParentId, hdr.CTemplateName); } dbContext.SubmitChanges(); dbContext.Transaction.Commit(); return(certificatereqno); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); dbContext.Transaction.Rollback(); return(null); } finally { dbContext.Connection.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); return(null); } }