public void UpdateDisplay() { double dUnansuered = 0; double dRight = 0; double dWrong = 0; double dPointsGave = 0; double dPointsLossed = 0; foreach (MTTestModel objTest in _lstTests) { if (objTest.WasCorrect == null) { dUnansuered++; } else if (objTest.WasCorrect == true) { dRight++; dPointsGave += MTControler.LastPoints(objTest.Patch); } else { dWrong++; dPointsLossed += MTControler.LastPoints(objTest.Patch); } } lbUnansuered.Content = dUnansuered.ToString(); lbRight.Content = dRight.ToString(); lbWrong.Content = dWrong.ToString(); lbPointsGave.Content = dPointsGave.ToString(); lbPointsLossed.Content = dPointsLossed.ToString(); }
public virtual void SetAnsuer() { string s_Ansuer = MTControler.GetAdrees(_LstAnsuer, false); string s_Response = _objPatch.Adrees; _dtDate = DateTime.Now; MTStructTest strTest; strTest.Date = this.Date; strTest.Type = this.Type; if (s_Ansuer == s_Response) { WasCorrect = true; strTest.WasCorrect = true; _objPatch.lstTest.Add(strTest); MTClassificator.UpdatePatch(_objPatch); } else { WasCorrect = false; strTest.WasCorrect = false; _objPatch.lstTest.Add(strTest); MTClassificator.UpdateAllPositions(); } MTParser.WritePatch(_objPatch); MTParser.WriteDataTest(_objPatch, this); }
private void btAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MTTestModel objTest = MTControler.GetNextTest(_lstTests); _lstTests.Add(objTest); InitializeTests(objTest); UpdateDisplay(); }
public MTMainView() { InitializeComponent(); MainGrid.DataContext = MTControler.TextManager; _dtlimit = new DateTime(); lbCount.Content = MTControler.GetWaitngList(false); InitializeTimer(); lbPatchCount.Content = "Número de textos: " + MTControler.TextManager.LstPatch.Count().ToString(); }
private void Window_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _lstTests.Clear(); MTControler.MainView.lbCount.Content = MTControler.GetWaitngList(false); MTControler.DlgPositTest.GetPosition(this); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); }
public void Action(MTMapUser ansuerUser) { tbText.Document.Blocks.Clear(); Paragraph parag = MTControler.GetText(_Map.SelectedPatch, "$Verse$"); if (parag != null) { tbText.Document.Blocks.Add(parag); } }
public Paragraph GetCorrectAnsuer() { Paragraph parag = MTControler.GetText(_objPatch.LstAdress, "$Verse$"); Run rCorrect = new Run("Texto correto: "); rCorrect.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; parag.Inlines.InsertBefore(parag.Inlines.FirstInline, rCorrect); parag.LineHeight = 3; return(parag); }
public Paragraph GetParagAsk(string sSeparator) { Run rAsk = new Run("Que texto é esse?\n"); rAsk.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; Paragraph parag = new Paragraph(); parag = MTControler.GetText(_objPatch.LstAdress, sSeparator); parag.Inlines.InsertBefore(parag.Inlines.FirstInline, rAsk); return(parag); }
public MTPatchModel(string sAdress, DateTime dtCreated, string sGUID, bool bTestIsEnabled) { SetLstAdress(MTControler.GetListMap(sAdress)); _lstTest = new List <MTStructTest>(); _dtCreated = dtCreated; _dScore = 0; _dPosition = 0; _sGUID = sGUID; _bTestIsEnabled = bTestIsEnabled; _mgrApply = new MTApplyMgrModel(this); }
public void RumNextTest() { MTParser.ReadNewBible(@"C:\Users\Vitor\OneDrive\Arsenal Technology\Projetos\Adestra\MaindText\bin\Release\Library\Mt\mat.xml"); MTTestModel objTest = MTControler.GetNextTest(MTControler.LstTest); MTControler.AddTestInList(objTest); MTControler.DlgTest.InitializeTests(objTest); if (this.WindowState != WindowState.Minimized && MTControler.LstTest.Count == 1) { MTControler.ShowLstDlgTest(); } }
public override void Action(MTMapUser ansuerUser) { _LstAnsuer = ansuerUser.SelectedPatchClone; _sFragment = ansuerUser.tbSearch.Text; string sText = MTControler.GetAdrees(ansuerUser.SelectedPatch, false); AnsuerToShow = (sText == "" ? _sAnsuer : sText); ListView lvTest = MTControler.DlgTest.lbTest; RichTextBox objRtbox = UtilsTools.GetChild(lvTest, lvTest.Items.IndexOf(this), "rtbText") as RichTextBox; objRtbox.Document.Blocks.Clear(); objRtbox.Document.Blocks.Add(GetParagAsk()); objRtbox.Document.Blocks.Add(GetSearchedText()); }
public Paragraph GetWrongAnsuer() { if (_LstAnsuer == null || _LstAnsuer.Count == 0 || (_LstAnsuer.First() as MTVerseModel) == null) { return(new Paragraph()); } Paragraph parag = MTControler.GetText(_LstAnsuer, "$Verse$"); Run rIncorrect = new Run("Texto da sua resposta: "); rIncorrect.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; parag.Inlines.InsertBefore(parag.Inlines.FirstInline, rIncorrect); parag.LineHeight = 1; return(parag); }
public Paragraph GetParagAsk() { Paragraph parag = new Paragraph(); Run rAsk = new Run("O que está escrito em: "); Run rText = new Run(Patch.Adrees); rText.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; parag.Inlines.Add(rAsk); parag.Inlines.Add(rText); if (Patch.Score < MTControler.Settings.Stg1to2 || WasCorrect != null) { parag.Inlines.Add(MTControler.GetTextsInChapter((_objPatch.LstAdress.First().Parent as MTChapterModel), _objPatch.LstAdress)); } parag.LineHeight = 1; return(parag); }
//this is the method that the deleagte will execute public void RunInLastThread(MTMainView objMainView) { if (MTControler.TimeRemaining == _dtlimit) { MTControler.TimeRemaining = new DateTime().AddMinutes(MTControler.Settings.AutoTestInterval); //Rum methode objMainView.RumNextTest(); if (objMainView.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { MTControler.NiIcon.BalloonTipText = MTControler.GetWaitngList(true); MTControler.NiIcon.ShowBalloonTip(3000); } } else if (MTControler.Settings.AutoTestEnabled) { MTControler.TimeRemaining = MTControler.TimeRemaining.AddSeconds(-1); CultureInfo provider = new CultureInfo("pt-PT"); objMainView.lbTimer.Content = "Próximo teste em " + MTControler.TimeRemaining.ToString("T", provider); } }
private Paragraph GetSearchedText() { string sText = MTControler.GetStringText(_LstAnsuer); if (sText == null || _sFragment == null) { return(new Paragraph()); } sText = sText.Replace("[", ""); sText = sText.Replace("]", ""); sText = sText.Replace("'", ""); sText = sText.Replace("\"", ""); sText = sText.Replace(" ", ""); int iStart = sText.ToLower().IndexOf(_sFragment.ToLower()); int iEnd = iStart + _sFragment.Length; Run rStart = new Run(sText.Substring(0, iStart)); Run rMid = new Run(sText.Substring(iStart, iEnd - iStart)); Run rEnd = new Run(sText.Substring(iEnd)); rMid.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow); Paragraph paragText = new Paragraph(); paragText.Inlines.Add(rStart); paragText.Inlines.Add(rMid); paragText.Inlines.Add(rEnd); paragText.LineHeight = 3; if (paragText != null) { return(paragText); } else { return(new Paragraph()); } }
public void RumSelectedTest() { if (lvTexts.Items.Count == 0) { return; } if (this.lvTexts.SelectedIndex > -1) { foreach (MTPatchModel objPatch in lvTexts.SelectedItems) { MTTestModel objTest = objPatch.NextTest; MTControler.LstTest.Add(objTest); MTControler.DlgTest.InitializeTests(objTest); } MTControler.ShowLstDlgTest(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Selecione pelomenos im item na lista.", "Selecione um item", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } }
public void SetLstAdress(List <MTMapModel> lstAdres) { if (_LstAdress != null) { foreach (MTMapModel objMap in _LstAdress) { objMap.RemoveOccurrence(1); } } _LstAdress = lstAdres; _sText = MTControler.GetStringText(_LstAdress); _sAdrees = MTControler.GetAdrees(_LstAdress, false); _sShortAdrees = MTControler.GetAdrees(_LstAdress, true); FirePropertyChanged("Text"); FirePropertyChanged("Adrees"); FirePropertyChanged("AdreesAbrevied"); foreach (MTMapModel objMap in _LstAdress) { objMap.AddOccurrence(1); } }
private void SetNextPatch(bool bToFront) { bool bSet = false; if (bToFront) { for (int i = 0; i < _dicSearch.Count(); i++) { if (bSet) { SelectedPatch = _dicSearch.ElementAt(i).Key.LstAdress; lbNumb.Content = (i + 1).ToString(); break; } if (MTControler.IsEqual(_dicSearch.ElementAt(i).Key.LstAdress, SelectedPatch)) { bSet = true; } } } else { for (int i = _dicSearch.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (bSet) { SelectedPatch = _dicSearch.ElementAt(i).Key.LstAdress; lbNumb.Content = (i + 1).ToString(); break; } if (MTControler.IsEqual(_dicSearch.ElementAt(i).Key.LstAdress, SelectedPatch)) { bSet = true; } } } Action(this); }
public string GetAdrees() { string sText = ""; if (lvMap.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { if ((lvMap.SelectedItems[0] as MTBookModel) != null) { MTBookModel objBook = lvMap.SelectedItem as MTBookModel; sText = MTControler.GetAdrees(objBook, false); } else if ((lvMap.SelectedItems[0] as MTChapterModel) != null) { MTChapterModel objChapter = lvMap.SelectedItem as MTChapterModel; sText = MTControler.GetAdrees(objChapter, false); } else if ((lvMap.SelectedItems[0] as MTVerseModel) != null) { sText = MTControler.GetAdrees(SelectedPatch, false); } } return(sText); }
//################# Ask Adrees by Text ##################### private void tbTextAdres_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { string sText = tbTextAdres.Text.ToLower(); sText = sText.Trim(); if (sText == "") { tblockTextAdres.Text = ""; SelectedPatch.Clear(); return; } string sFirstchar = sText.Substring(0, 1); sText = sText.Substring(1); char[] arr = sText.ToCharArray(); arr = Array.FindAll <char>(arr, (c => (char.IsLetter(c) || char.IsWhiteSpace(c)))); sText = new string(arr); sText = sFirstchar + sText; sText = sText.Trim(); if (sText == "") { tblockTextAdres.Text = ""; Action(this); return; } MTBookModel objSelBook = null; foreach (MTBookModel objBook in MTControler.Library.LstBooks) { string sBookAbrev = objBook.Abbrev.ToLower(); if (sText.Length <= sBookAbrev.Length) { if (sText.StartsWith(sBookAbrev.Substring(0, sText.Length))) { objSelBook = objBook; } } string sBookFull = objBook.Name.ToLower(); if (sText.Length <= sBookFull.Length) { if (sText.StartsWith(sBookFull.Substring(0, sText.Length))) { objSelBook = objBook; } } } if (objSelBook == null) { tblockTextAdres.Text = "Texto Inválido!"; SelectedPatch.Clear(); Action(this); return; } string sChapterVerses = tbTextAdres.Text.ToLower().Replace(sText, ""); sChapterVerses = sChapterVerses.Replace(" ", ""); tblockTextAdres.Text = objSelBook.Name + " " + sChapterVerses; List <MTMapModel> lstMap = MTControler.GetListMap(objSelBook.Abbrev + " " + sChapterVerses); if (lstMap != null) { SelectedPatch = lstMap; } else { SelectedPatch.Clear(); } Action(this); }
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { MTControler.Initialize(); }