public static void BindBodySplineIK(MSelectionList jointList = null) { if (jointList == null) { jointList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } //check if all of selected objects are joint int count = (int)jointList.length; if (count < 2) { return; } MDagPath dag_breastJoint = new MDagPath(), dag_hipJoint = new MDagPath(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MDagPath jtDagPath = new MDagPath(); jointList.getDagPath((uint)i, jtDagPath); if (jtDagPath != null) { if (!jtDagPath.hasFn(MFn.Type.kJoint)) { return; } } else { return; } } jointList.getDagPath((uint)(count - 1), dag_breastJoint); jointList.getDagPath(0, dag_hipJoint); MFnIkJoint breastJoint = new MFnIkJoint(dag_breastJoint); MFnIkJoint hipJoint = new MFnIkJoint(dag_hipJoint); MDagPath dag_curve = JointProcess.CreateJointsCurve(jointList); MDagPath dag_jtctl_breast = JointProcess.CreateJoint(breastJoint, "jtctl_breast"); MDagPath dag_jtctl_hip = JointProcess.CreateJoint(hipJoint, "jtctl_hip"); MSelectionList bindSelectionList = new MSelectionList(); bindSelectionList.add(dag_curve); bindSelectionList.add(dag_jtctl_breast); bindSelectionList.add(dag_jtctl_hip); BasicFunc.Select(bindSelectionList); MGlobal.executeCommand("SmoothBindSkin"); string ikName = JointProcess.AddIKHandle(dag_hipJoint, dag_breastJoint, JointProcess.IKSolverType.Spline, dag_curve.fullPathName)[0]; MDagPath dag_ik = BasicFunc.GetDagPathByName(ikName); BasicFunc.ConnectAttr(dag_jtctl_breast.fullPathName + ".rotate.rotateY", dag_ik.fullPathName + ".twist", true, true); }
public static MDagPath CurveToHair(ref MDagPath hairSystemDagPath, MDagPath curveDagPath = null, ConstantValue.HairPointLockType pointLock = ConstantValue.HairPointLockType.Base) { if (curveDagPath == null) { curveDagPath = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); } bool hairSystemReady = !hairSystemDagPath.node.isNull; MSelectionList targetList = new MSelectionList(); targetList.add(curveDagPath); if (hairSystemReady) { Debug.Log("hair system ready"); targetList.add(hairSystemDagPath); } else { Debug.Log("hair system need to be created!"); } BasicFunc.Select(targetList); string cmdStr = "cmds.MakeCurvesDynamic(0,0,0,1,0)"; string resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult(cmdStr); MDagPath result = new MDagPath(); //Debug.Log(curveDagPath.fullPathName); MFnTransform curveTrans = new MFnTransform(curveDagPath); if (curveTrans.parentCount > 0) { MDagPath follicleDagPath = MDagPath.getAPathTo(curveTrans.parent(0)); MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.pointLock {1}", follicleDagPath.fullPathName, (int)pointLock)); if (follicleDagPath.hasFn(MFn.Type.kFollicle)) { Debug.Log("follicle exist!"); ConvertHairSelection(HairSelectionType.OutputCurves, follicleDagPath); result = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); new MFnDependencyNode(result.node).setName("dy_" + curveDagPath.partialPathName); if (!hairSystemReady) { ConvertHairSelection(HairSelectionType.HairSystem); hairSystemDagPath = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); hairSystemReady = true; } } } return(result); }
public void ResetCamera() { //<PerspectiveCamera UpDirection="0,1,0" Position="1,1,1" LookDirection="-1,-1,-1" FieldOfView="45" /> MDagPath cameraPath; try { // Try with a Maya host first cameraPath = M3dView.active3dView.Camera; } catch { // We are in standalone mode (WPF application) MSelectionList list = new MSelectionList(); list.add("persp"); cameraPath = new MDagPath(); list.getDagPath(0, cameraPath); } MFnCamera fnCamera = new MFnCamera(cameraPath); MPoint eyePoint = fnCamera.eyePoint(MSpace.Space.kWorld); MPoint centerOfInterestPoint = fnCamera.centerOfInterestPoint(MSpace.Space.kWorld); MVector direction = centerOfInterestPoint.minus(eyePoint); MVector upDirection = fnCamera.upDirection(MSpace.Space.kWorld); camera.Position = new Point3D(eyePoint.x, eyePoint.y, eyePoint.z); camera.LookDirection = new Vector3D(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z); MAngle fieldOfView = new MAngle(fnCamera.verticalFieldOfView); //verticalFieldOfView / horizontalFieldOfView camera.FieldOfView = fieldOfView.asDegrees; camera.UpDirection = new Vector3D(upDirection.x, upDirection.y, upDirection.z); camera.NearPlaneDistance = fnCamera.nearClippingPlane; camera.FarPlaneDistance = fnCamera.farClippingPlane; camera.Transform = new Transform3DGroup(); (camera.Transform as Transform3DGroup).Children.Add(new TranslateTransform3D(new Vector3D())); }
public MSelectionList RestoreSelectionOnList(MSelectionList targetList = null, bool selectResult = false) { if (targetList == null || targetList.length == 0) { targetList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } MSelectionList resultSelection = new MSelectionList(); for (int i = 0; i < targetList.length; i++) { if (i >= selectedIndicesList.Count) { break; } MDagPath dag = new MDagPath(); targetList.getDagPath((uint)i, dag); MFnSingleIndexedComponent sic = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject components = sic.create(MFn.Type.kMeshPolygonComponent); sic.addElements(new MIntArray(selectedIndicesList[i])); resultSelection.add(dag, components); //resultSelection.add(dag); } if (selectResult) { BasicFunc.Select(resultSelection); } return(resultSelection); }
private static string GetParentName(MFnIkJoint Joint) { // Attempt to result var FullPath = Joint.fullPathName; var SplitPath = FullPath.Substring(1).Split('|'); if (SplitPath.Length > 2) { // We have parents, fetch second to last return(CleanNodeName(SplitPath[SplitPath.Length - 2])); } else if (SplitPath.Length == 2) { // We have parents, ensure this is a joint parent var SelectList = new MSelectionList(); SelectList.add(FullPath.Substring(0, FullPath.IndexOf("|", 1))); // Grab it var Result = new MDagPath(); SelectList.getDagPath(0, Result); // Check if (Result.hasFn(MFn.Type.kJoint)) { return(CleanNodeName(SplitPath[SplitPath.Length - 2])); } } // Root bone return(string.Empty); }
public static void Select(MDagPath dagPath) { MSelectionList list = new MSelectionList(); list.add(dagPath); Select(list); }
void parseArgs(MArgList args) { string arg = ""; MSelectionList list = new MSelectionList(); bool charNameUsed = false; string charName; const string charFlag = "-c"; const string charFlagLong = "-char"; for (uint i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { arg = args.asString(i); if (arg == charFlag || arg == charFlagLong) { // get the char name // if (i == args.length - 1) { arg += ": must specify a character name"; throw new ArgumentException(arg, "args"); } i++; charName = args.asString(i); list.add(charName); charNameUsed = true; } else { arg += ": unknown argument"; throw new ArgumentException(arg, "args"); } } if (charNameUsed) { // get the character corresponding to the node name // MItSelectionList iter = new MItSelectionList(list); for (; iter.isDone; { MObject node = new MObject(); iter.getDependNode(node); if (node.apiType == MFn.Type.kCharacter) { fCharacter = node; break; } } if (fCharacter.isNull) { throw new ApplicationException("Unable to get the character corresponding to the node name."); } } }
// get the dependency node MObject getDependNode(string node_name) { MSelectionList sl = new MSelectionList(); sl.add(node_name, true); MObject o = new MObject(); sl.getDependNode(0, o); return(o); }
public static void Select(List <MObject> list) { MSelectionList sl = new MSelectionList(); foreach (MObject mo in list) { sl.add(mo); } MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(sl); }
// get the dependency node private MObject getDependNode(string node_name) { var sl = new MSelectionList(); sl.add(node_name, true); var o = new MObject(); sl.getDependNode(0, o); return(o); }
// get the DAG node public MDagPath getDagNode(string node_name) { var sl = new MSelectionList(); sl.add(node_name, true); var dp = new MDagPath(); sl.getDagPath(0, dp); return(dp); }
internal static MDagPath GetObjectDagPath(MObject Object) { var SelectionList = new MSelectionList(); SelectionList.add(new MFnDagNode(Object).fullPathName); var Result = new MDagPath(); SelectionList.getDagPath(0, Result); return(Result); }
// Main selection routine // public override bool select(MSelectInfo selectInfo, MSelectionList selectionList, MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts) // // Description: // // Main selection routine // // Arguments: // // selectInfo - the selection state information // selectionList - the list of selected items to add to // worldSpaceSelectPts - // { bool selected = false; bool componentSelected = false; bool hilited = false; hilited = (selectInfo.displayStatus == M3dView.DisplayStatus.kHilite); if (hilited) { componentSelected = selectVertices(selectInfo, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts); selected = selected || componentSelected; } if (!selected) { apiMesh meshNode = (apiMesh)surfaceShape; // NOTE: If the geometry has an intersect routine it should // be called here with the selection ray to determine if the // the object was selected. selected = true; MSelectionMask priorityMask = new MSelectionMask(MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectNurbsSurfaces); MSelectionList item = new MSelectionList(); item.add(selectInfo.selectPath); MPoint xformedPt = new MPoint(); if (selectInfo.singleSelection) { MPoint center = meshNode.boundingBox().center; xformedPt = center; xformedPt.multiplyEqual(selectInfo.selectPath.inclusiveMatrix); } selectInfo.addSelection(item, xformedPt, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false); } return(selected); }
// Main selection routine // public override bool select(MSelectInfo selectInfo, MSelectionList selectionList, MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts) { bool selected = false; bool componentSelected = false; bool hilited = false; apiSimpleShape shapeNode = surfaceShape as apiSimpleShape; if (shapeNode == null) { return(false); } hilited = (selectInfo.displayStatus == M3dView.DisplayStatus.kHilite); if (hilited) { componentSelected = selectVertices(selectInfo, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts); selected = selected || componentSelected; } if (!selected) { // NOTE: If the geometry has an intersect routine it should // be called here with the selection ray to determine if the // the object was selected. selected = true; MSelectionMask priorityMask = new MSelectionMask(MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectNurbsSurfaces); MSelectionList item = new MSelectionList(); item.add(selectInfo.selectPath); MPoint xformedPt; if (selectInfo.singleSelection) { MPoint center = shapeNode.boundingBox().center; xformedPt = center.multiply(selectInfo.selectPath.inclusiveMatrix); } else { xformedPt = new MPoint(); } selectInfo.addSelection(item, xformedPt, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false); } return(selected); }
public static MSelectionList GetMaterialsWithTex(MFnDependencyNode imageNode) { MPlug plug = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexOutputColor); MPlugArray destPlugs = new MPlugArray(); plug.destinations(destPlugs); //BasicFunc.PrintPlugs(destPlugs); MSelectionList newSelection = new MSelectionList(); for (int i = 0; i < destPlugs.length; i++) { newSelection.add(destPlugs[i].node); } //BasicFunc.Select(newSelection); return(newSelection); }
/* override */ public override bool select(MSelectInfo selectInfo, MSelectionList selectionList, MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts) // // Select function. Gets called when the bbox for the object is selected. // This function just selects the object without doing any intersection tests. // { MSelectionMask priorityMask = new MSelectionMask(MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectObjectsMask); MSelectionList item = new MSelectionList(); item.add(selectInfo.selectPath); MPoint xformedPt = new MPoint(); selectInfo.addSelection(item, xformedPt, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false); return(true); }
public static List <MDagPath> AddDynamicChainControlPerChain(MSelectionList rootJointsList = null) { if (rootJointsList == null) { rootJointsList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } MDagPath oneJoint = new MDagPath(); MDagPath hairSystem = new MDagPath(); List <MDagPath> result = new List <MDagPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < rootJointsList.length; i++) { rootJointsList.getDagPath((uint)i, oneJoint); MSelectionList tempList = new MSelectionList(); tempList.add(oneJoint); AddDynamicChainControl(ref hairSystem, tempList); } return(result); }
public MSelectionList RestoreSelectionOnDag(MDagPath targetDag = null, bool selectResult = false) { if (targetDag == null) { return(null); } MSelectionList resultSelection = new MSelectionList(); MFnSingleIndexedComponent sic = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject components = sic.create(MFn.Type.kMeshPolygonComponent); sic.addElements(new MIntArray(selectedIndicesList[0])); resultSelection.add(targetDag, components); //resultSelection.add(targetDag); if (selectResult) { BasicFunc.Select(resultSelection); } return(resultSelection); }
private static void LoadNotetracks(ref XAnim Anim) { try { var SelectList = new MSelectionList(); SelectList.add("SENotes"); if (SelectList.length == 0) { return; } // Get path var NotePath = new MDagPath(); SelectList.getDagPath(0, NotePath); // Get node var Dep = new MFnDependencyNode(NotePath.node); var NotePlug = Dep.findPlug("Notetracks"); var ResultJson = "{}"; NotePlug.getValue(out ResultJson); // Deserialize var ResultNotes = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Dictionary <string, List <int> > >(ResultJson); // Append foreach (var Note in ResultNotes) { foreach (var Frame in Note.Value) { Anim.Notetracks.Add(new Notetrack(Note.Key, Frame)); } } } catch { // Nothing.. } }
public void DoForMultiSelection(Action <MSelectionList> dealMethod, MSelectionList targetList = null) { if (targetList == null || targetList.length == 0) { targetList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } int groupCount = selectedIndicesList.Count; for (int i = 0; i *groupCount < targetList.length; i++) { MSelectionList groupList = new MSelectionList(); for (int j = 0; j < groupCount; j++) { int index = i * groupCount + j; MDagPath dag = new MDagPath(); targetList.getDagPath((uint)index, dag); groupList.add(dag); } dealMethod(RestoreSelectionOnList(groupList)); } }
// // Select function. Gets called when the bbox for the object is selected. // This function just selects the object without doing any intersection tests. // /* override */ public override bool select(MSelectInfo selectInfo, MSelectionList selectionList, MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts) { MSelectionMask priorityMask = new MSelectionMask(MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectObjectsMask); MSelectionList item = new MSelectionList(); item.add(selectInfo.selectPath); MPoint xformedPt = new MPoint(); selectInfo.addSelection(item, xformedPt, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false); return true; }
// // Description: // // Vertex selection. // // Arguments: // // selectInfo - the selection state information // selectionList - the list of selected items to add to // worldSpaceSelectPts - // public bool selectVertices( MSelectInfo selectInfo, MSelectionList selectionList, MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts) { bool selected = false; M3dView view = selectInfo.view; MPoint xformedPoint = new MPoint(); MPoint selectionPoint = new MPoint(); double z = 0.0; double previousZ = 0.0; int closestPointVertexIndex = -1; MDagPath path = selectInfo.multiPath; // Create a component that will store the selected vertices // MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject surfaceComponent = fnComponent.create( MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent ); uint vertexIndex; // if the user did a single mouse click and we find > 1 selection // we will use the alignmentMatrix to find out which is the closest // MMatrix alignmentMatrix = new MMatrix(); MPoint singlePoint = new MPoint(); bool singleSelection = selectInfo.singleSelection; if( singleSelection ) { alignmentMatrix = selectInfo.alignmentMatrix; } // Get the geometry information // apiMesh meshNode = (apiMesh)surfaceShape; apiMeshGeom geom = meshNode.meshGeom(); // Loop through all vertices of the mesh and // see if they lie withing the selection area // uint numVertices = geom.vertices.length; for ( vertexIndex=0; vertexIndex<numVertices; vertexIndex++ ) { MPoint currentPoint = geom.vertices[ (int)vertexIndex ]; // Sets OpenGL's render mode to select and stores // selected items in a pick buffer // view.beginSelect(); OpenGL.glBegin(OpenGL.GL_POINTS); OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)currentPoint[0], (float)currentPoint[1], (float)currentPoint[2] ); OpenGL.glEnd(); if ( view.endSelect() > 0 ) // Hit count > 0 { selected = true; if ( singleSelection ) { xformedPoint = currentPoint; xformedPoint.homogenize(); xformedPoint.multiplyEqual( alignmentMatrix ); z = xformedPoint.z; if ( closestPointVertexIndex < 0 || z > previousZ ) { closestPointVertexIndex = (int)vertexIndex; singlePoint = currentPoint; previousZ = z; } } else { // multiple selection, store all elements // fnComponent.addElement( (int)vertexIndex ); } } } // If single selection, insert the closest point into the array // if ( selected && selectInfo.singleSelection ) { fnComponent.addElement(closestPointVertexIndex); // need to get world space position for this vertex // selectionPoint = singlePoint; selectionPoint.multiplyEqual( path.inclusiveMatrix ); } // Add the selected component to the selection list // if ( selected ) { MSelectionList selectionItem = new MSelectionList(); selectionItem.add( path, surfaceComponent ); MSelectionMask mask = new MSelectionMask( MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectComponentsMask ); selectInfo.addSelection( selectionItem, selectionPoint, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts, mask, true ); } return selected; }
public override void doIt(MArgList args) { MSelectionList list = new MSelectionList(); if (args.length > 0) { // Arg list is > 0 so use objects that were passes in // uint last = args.length; for (uint i = 0; i < last; i++) { // Attempt to find all of the objects matched // by the string and add them to the list // string argStr = args.asString(i); list.add(argStr); } } else { // Get arguments from Maya's selection list. MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(list); } MObject node = new MObject(); MObjectArray nodePath = new MObjectArray(); MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(); MFnDependencyNode dgNodeFnSet = new MFnDependencyNode(); for (MItSelectionList iter = new MItSelectionList(list); !iter.isDone; { iter.getDependNode(node); // // The following code shows how to navigate the DG manually without // using an iterator. First, find the attribute that you are // interested. Then connect a plug to it and see where the plug // connected to. Once you get all the connections, you can choose // which route you want to go. // // In here, we wanted to get to the nodes that instObjGroups connected // to since we know that the shadingEngine connects to the instObjGroup // attribute. // nodeFn.setObject(node); MObject iogAttr = null; try { iogAttr = nodeFn.attribute("instObjGroups"); } catch (Exception) { MGlobal.displayInfo( + ": is not a renderable object, skipping"); continue; } MPlug iogPlug = new MPlug(node, iogAttr); MPlugArray iogConnections = new MPlugArray(); // // instObjGroups is a multi attribute. In this example, just the // first connection will be tried. // if (!iogPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(0).connectedTo(iogConnections, false, true)) { MGlobal.displayInfo( + ": is not in a shading group, skipping"); continue; } // // Now we would like to traverse the DG starting from the shadingEngine // since most likely all file texture nodes will be found. Note the // filter used to initialize the DG iterator. There are lots of filter // type available in MF.Type that you can choose to suite your needs. // bool foundATexture = false; for (int i = 0; i < iogConnections.length; i++) { MObject currentNode = iogConnections[i].node; // // Note that upon initialization, the current pointer of the // iterator already points to the first valid node. // MItDependencyGraph dgIt = new MItDependencyGraph(currentNode, MFn.Type.kFileTexture, MItDependencyGraph.Direction.kUpstream, MItDependencyGraph.Traversal.kBreadthFirst, MItDependencyGraph.Level.kNodeLevel); if (dgIt == null) { continue; } dgIt.disablePruningOnFilter(); for ( ; !dgIt.isDone; { MObject thisNode = dgIt.thisNode(); dgNodeFnSet.setObject(thisNode); try { dgIt.getNodePath(nodePath); } catch (Exception) { MGlobal.displayInfo("getNodePath"); continue; } // // append the starting node. // nodePath.append(node); dumpInfo(thisNode, dgNodeFnSet, nodePath); foundATexture = true; } } if (!foundATexture) { MGlobal.displayInfo( + ": is not connected to a file texture"); } } return; }
// get the dependency node MObject getDependNode(string node_name) { MSelectionList sl = new MSelectionList(); sl.add(node_name, true); MObject o = new MObject(); sl.getDependNode(0, o); return o; }
public void ResetCamera() { //<PerspectiveCamera UpDirection="0,1,0" Position="1,1,1" LookDirection="-1,-1,-1" FieldOfView="45" /> MDagPath cameraPath ; try { // Try with a Maya host first cameraPath =M3dView.active3dView.Camera ; } catch { // We are in standalone mode (WPF application) MSelectionList list =new MSelectionList () ; list.add ("persp") ; cameraPath =new MDagPath () ; list.getDagPath (0, cameraPath) ; } MFnCamera fnCamera =new MFnCamera (cameraPath) ; MPoint eyePoint =fnCamera.eyePoint (MSpace.Space.kWorld) ; MPoint centerOfInterestPoint =fnCamera.centerOfInterestPoint (MSpace.Space.kWorld) ; MVector direction =centerOfInterestPoint.minus (eyePoint) ; MVector upDirection =fnCamera.upDirection (MSpace.Space.kWorld) ; camera.Position =new Point3D (eyePoint.x, eyePoint.y, eyePoint.z) ; camera.LookDirection =new Vector3D (direction.x, direction.y, direction.z) ; MAngle fieldOfView =new MAngle (fnCamera.verticalFieldOfView) ; //verticalFieldOfView / horizontalFieldOfView camera.FieldOfView =fieldOfView.asDegrees ; camera.UpDirection =new Vector3D (upDirection.x, upDirection.y, upDirection.z) ; camera.NearPlaneDistance =fnCamera.nearClippingPlane ; camera.FarPlaneDistance =fnCamera.farClippingPlane ; camera.Transform =new Transform3DGroup () ; (camera.Transform as Transform3DGroup).Children.Add (new TranslateTransform3D (new Vector3D ())) ; }
public static void CreateSpiderNetCurves(MSelectionList selected = null, bool convertToHair = true, bool addConstraint = true, bool bindJoints = true) { if (selected == null) { selected = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } List <MDagPath> verticalCurves = new List <MDagPath>(), horizontalCurves = new List <MDagPath>(); List <List <MVector> > colList = new List <List <MVector> >(); List <MDagPath[]> jointPairToBind = new List <MDagPath[]>(); int rowCount = 0; foreach (MDagPath dag in selected.DagPaths()) { List <MFnTransform> transList = BasicFunc.GetHierachyChainTrans(dag); List <MVector> vectorList = new List <MVector>(); if (transList.Count > rowCount) { rowCount = transList.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < transList.Count; i++) { vectorList.Add(transList[i].getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld)); } if (bindJoints) { jointPairToBind.Add(new MDagPath[2] { transList[0].dagPath, transList[transList.Count - 1].dagPath }); } colList.Add(vectorList); verticalCurves.Add(CreateLoopCircleByPos(vectorList, false, false, string.Format("netCurve_column_{0:d4}", (colList.Count - 1)))); } List <List <MVector> > rowList = new List <List <MVector> >(); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { List <MVector> rowCircle = new List <MVector>(); for (int j = 0; j < colList.Count; j++) { rowCircle.Add(colList[j][i]); } rowList.Add(rowCircle); horizontalCurves.Add(CreateLoopCircleByPos(rowCircle, false, true, string.Format("netCurve_row_{0:d4}", (rowCircle.Count - 1)))); } if (convertToHair) { MDagPath hairSystem = new MDagPath(); MSelectionList listToDynamicCurve = new MSelectionList(); Debug.Log("vertical to dynamic count:" + verticalCurves.Count); for (int i = 0; i < verticalCurves.Count; i++) { listToDynamicCurve.add(verticalCurves[i]); } MDagPath[] verticalOutputCurves = CurvesToHairs(ref hairSystem, listToDynamicCurve, ConstantValue.HairPointLockType.Base); Debug.Log("vertical dynamic result count:" + verticalOutputCurves.Length); BasicFunc.RenameDagList(verticalOutputCurves, "netDyCurve_vertical_{0:d2}"); listToDynamicCurve.clear(); Debug.Log("horizontal to dynamic count:" + horizontalCurves.Count); for (int i = 0; i < horizontalCurves.Count; i++) { listToDynamicCurve.add(horizontalCurves[i]); } MDagPath[] horizontalOutputCurves = CurvesToHairs(ref hairSystem, listToDynamicCurve, ConstantValue.HairPointLockType.None); Debug.Log("horizontal dynamic result count:" + horizontalOutputCurves.Length); BasicFunc.RenameDagList(horizontalOutputCurves, "netDyCurve_horizontal_{0:d2}"); if (bindJoints) { for (int i = 0; i < verticalOutputCurves.Length; i++) { JointProcess.AddIKHandle(jointPairToBind[i][0], jointPairToBind[i][1], JointProcess.IKSolverType.Spline, verticalOutputCurves[i].fullPathName); } } if (addConstraint) { MSelectionList outputCurveList = new MSelectionList(); for (int i = 0; i < verticalOutputCurves.Length; i++) { outputCurveList.add(verticalOutputCurves[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < horizontalOutputCurves.Length; i++) { outputCurveList.add(horizontalOutputCurves[i]); } AddDynamicConstraint(outputCurveList); } } else if (bindJoints) { for (int i = 0; i < jointPairToBind.Count; i++) { JointProcess.AddIKHandle(jointPairToBind[i][0], jointPairToBind[i][1], JointProcess.IKSolverType.Spline, verticalCurves[i].fullPathName); } } }
// get the DAG node MDagPath getDagNode(string node_name) { MSelectionList sl = new MSelectionList(); sl.add(node_name, true); MDagPath dp = new MDagPath(); sl.getDagPath(0, dp); return dp; }
// // Description // // Converts the given component values into a selection list of plugs. // This method is used to map components to attributes. // // Arguments // // component - the component to be translated to a plug/attribute // list - a list of plugs representing the passed in component // public override void componentToPlugs(MObject component, MSelectionList list) { if ( component.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSingleIndexedComponent) ) { MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnVtxComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( component ); MObject thisNode = thisMObject(); MPlug plug = new MPlug( thisNode, mControlPoints ); // If this node is connected to a tweak node, reset the // plug to point at the tweak node. // convertToTweakNodePlug(plug); int len = fnVtxComp.elementCount; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { plug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex((uint)fnVtxComp.element(i), plug.attribute); list.add(plug); } } }
public override MatchResult matchComponent(MSelectionList item, MAttributeSpecArray spec, MSelectionList list) // // Description: // // Component/attribute matching method. // This method validates component names and indices which are // specified as a string and adds the corresponding component // to the passed in selection list. // // For instance, select commands such as "select shape1.vtx[0:7]" // are validated with this method and the corresponding component // is added to the selection list. // // Arguments // // item - DAG selection item for the object being matched // spec - attribute specification object // list - list to add components to // // Returns // // the result of the match // { MatchResult result = MatchResult.kMatchOk; MAttributeSpec attrSpec = spec[0]; int dim = attrSpec.dimensions; // Look for attributes specifications of the form : // vtx[ index ] // vtx[ lower:upper ] // if ( (1 == spec.length) && (dim > 0) && ( == "vtx") ) { int numVertices = (int)meshGeom().vertices.length; MAttributeIndex attrIndex = attrSpec[0]; int upper = 0; int lower = 0; if ( attrIndex.hasLowerBound ) { attrIndex.getLower( out lower ); } if ( attrIndex.hasUpperBound ) { attrIndex.getUpper( out upper ); } // Check the attribute index range is valid // if ( (lower > upper) || (upper >= numVertices) ) { result = MatchResult.kMatchInvalidAttributeRange; } else { MDagPath path = new MDagPath(); item.getDagPath( 0, path ); MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnVtxComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject vtxComp = fnVtxComp.create( MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent ); for ( int i=lower; i<=upper; i++ ) { fnVtxComp.addElement( i ); } list.add( path, vtxComp ); } } else { // Pass this to the parent class return base.matchComponent( item, spec, list ); } return result; }
override public void doIt(MArgList args) // Parses the given command line arguments and executes them. // { parseArgs(args); bool nothingSet = (!createdUsed && !appendCameraUsed && !appendCameraAndSetUsed && !deleteLayerUsed && !cameraUsed && !layerUsed && !helpUsed && !setUsed && !layerTypeUsed && !numLayersUsed); if (nothingSet) { throw new ArgumentException("A flag must be used. testCameraSet -help for available flags", "args"); } if (helpUsed) { MGlobal.displayInfo("testExCameraSet -help"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\ttestExCameraSet tests the functionality of the exCameraSet node."); MGlobal.displayInfo(""); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-h -help : This message is printed"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-a -active [true/false]: Set/get whether a particular layer is active"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-ac -appendCamera <cameraName>: Append a new camera layer to the cameraSet using the specified camera"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-acs -appendCameraAndSet <cameraName> <setName>: Append a new camera layer to the cameraSet using the specified camera and set"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-cam -camera [<cameraName>]: Set/get the camera for a particular layer"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-c -create : Create a new cameraSet node"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-d -deleteLayer <layerIndex>: Delete the layer at the given index"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-nl -numLayers: Returns the number of layers defined in the specified cameraSet"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-l -layer <layerIndex>: Specifies the layer index to be used when accessing layer information"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-lt -layerType [<layerTypeName>]: Set/get the layer type for a particular layer. Possible values are Mono, Left, and Right."); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-s -set [<setName>]: Set/get the set for a particular layer"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-e -edit : Perform an edit operation"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-q -query : Perform a query operation"); MGlobal.displayInfo(""); } uint nObjs = list.length; if (nObjs == 0) { if (createdUsed) { // Create a new cameraSet node. // MFnDependencyNode dirFn = new MFnDependencyNode(); string noName = ""; try { MObject dirObj = dirFn.create(exCameraSet.type_id, noName);, MGlobal.ListAdjustment.kReplaceList); } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not create a cameraSet node", ex); } return; } if (appendCameraUsed || appendCameraAndSetUsed || deleteLayerUsed || editUsed || cameraUsed || setUsed || layerTypeUsed || activeUsed || numLayersUsed) { throw new ArgumentException("Must specify a cameraSet node", "args"); } } else { if (createdUsed) { throw new ArgumentException("-create cannot have any object specified", "args"); } if (appendCameraUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCamera must have a single cameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCamera must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get a dag path to the specified camera. // MSelectionList camList = new MSelectionList(); camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath = new MDagPath(); camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCamera must have a valid camera node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to append the layer. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.appendLayer(camPath, MObject.kNullObj); return; } if (appendCameraAndSetUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCameraAndSet must have a single cameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get a dag path to the specified camera. // MSelectionList camList = new MSelectionList(); camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath = new MDagPath(); camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid camera node specified", "args"); } // Get the specified set node. // MSelectionList setList = new MSelectionList(); setList.add(setName); MObject setObj = MObject.kNullObj; setList.getDependNode(0, setObj); if (setObj == MObject.kNullObj) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid set node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to append the layer. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.appendLayer(camPath, setObj); return; } if (deleteLayerUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { throw new ArgumentException("-deleteLayer must have a single cameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-deleteLayer must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to delete the layer. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.deleteLayer((uint)cameraLayer); return; } if (numLayersUsed) { if (queryUsed) { // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-numLayers must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the number of layers. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); uint numLayers = dirFn.numLayers; setResult((int)numLayers); } else { throw new ArgumentException("-numLayers requires the query flag to be used", "args"); } return; } if (cameraUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { throw new ArgumentException("-camera must have a cameraSet node and layer specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-camera must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } if (editUsed) { // Get a dag path to the specified camera. // MSelectionList camList = new MSelectionList(); camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath = new MDagPath(); camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid) { throw new ArgumentException("-camera must have a valid camera node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the camera. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerCamera((uint)cameraLayer, camPath); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the camera. // MDagPath camPath = new MDagPath(); MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.getLayerCamera((uint)cameraLayer, camPath); MObject camNode = camPath.node; MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(camNode); setResult(; } } if (setUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { throw new ArgumentException("-set must have a cameraSet node and layer specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-set must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } if (editUsed) { // Get the specified set node. // MObject setObj = MObject.kNullObj; if (setName != "") { MSelectionList setList = new MSelectionList(); setList.add(setName); setList.getDependNode(0, setObj); if (setObj == MObject.kNullObj) { throw new ArgumentException("-set must have a valid set node specified", "args"); } } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the set node. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerSceneData((uint)cameraLayer, setObj); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the set node. // MObject setObj = new MObject(); MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.getLayerSceneData((uint)cameraLayer, setObj); MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(setObj); setResult(; } } if (layerTypeUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { throw new ArgumentException("-layerType must have a cameraSet node and layer specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-layerType must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(dirNode); exCameraSet exDir = nodeFn.userNode as exCameraSet; if (editUsed) { // Get the specified layer type. // int pt = -1; if (layerTypeVal == "Mono") { pt = 0; } else if (layerTypeVal == "Left") { pt = 1; } else if (layerTypeVal == "Right") { pt = 2; } else { throw new ArgumentException("-layerType must have a valid type specified", "args"); } // Call the exCameraSet method to set the layer type. // exDir.setLayerType((uint)cameraLayer, pt); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the exCameraSet method to get the layer type. // try { int lt = exDir.getLayerType((uint)cameraLayer); if (lt == 0) { setResult("Mono"); } else if (lt == 1) { setResult("Left"); } else if (lt == 2) { setResult("Right"); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("exCameraSet node does not have a valid layer type", ex); } } } if (activeUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { throw new ArgumentException("-active must have a cameraSet node and layer specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-active must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } if (editUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the set node. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerActive((uint)cameraLayer, activeVal); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the active value. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); activeVal = dirFn.isLayerActive((uint)cameraLayer); setResult(activeVal); } } } return; }
public void Load(string name, SKLFile skl = null) { MIntArray polygonIndexCounts = new MIntArray((uint)this.Indices.Count / 3); MIntArray polygonIndices = new MIntArray((uint)this.Indices.Count); MFloatPointArray vertices = new MFloatPointArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MFloatArray arrayU = new MFloatArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MFloatArray arrayV = new MFloatArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MVectorArray normals = new MVectorArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MIntArray normalIndices = new MIntArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MFnMesh mesh = new MFnMesh(); MDagPath meshDagPath = new MDagPath(); MDGModifier modifier = new MDGModifier(); MFnSet set = new MFnSet(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count / 3; i++) { polygonIndexCounts[i] = 3; } for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count; i++) { polygonIndices[i] = this.Indices[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++) { SKNVertex vertex = this.Vertices[i]; vertices[i] = new MFloatPoint(vertex.Position.X, vertex.Position.Y, vertex.Position.Z); arrayU[i] = vertex.UV.X; arrayV[i] = 1 - vertex.UV.Y; normals[i] = new MVector(vertex.Normal.X, vertex.Normal.Y, vertex.Normal.Z); normalIndices[i] = i; } //Assign mesh data mesh.create(this.Vertices.Count, this.Indices.Count / 3, vertices, polygonIndexCounts, polygonIndices, arrayU, arrayV, MObject.kNullObj); mesh.setVertexNormals(normals, normalIndices); mesh.getPath(meshDagPath); mesh.assignUVs(polygonIndexCounts, polygonIndices); //Set names mesh.setName(name); MFnTransform transformNode = new MFnTransform(mesh.parent(0)); transformNode.setName("transform_" + name); //Get render partition MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Searching for Render Partition"); MItDependencyNodes itDependencyNodes = new MItDependencyNodes(MFn.Type.kPartition); MFnPartition renderPartition = new MFnPartition(); bool foundRenderPartition = false; for (; !itDependencyNodes.isDone; { renderPartition.setObject(itDependencyNodes.thisNode); MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Iterating through partition: " + + " IsRenderPartition: " + renderPartition.isRenderPartition); if ( == "renderPartition" && renderPartition.isRenderPartition) { MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Found render partition"); foundRenderPartition = true; break; } } //Create Materials for (int i = 0; i < this.Submeshes.Count; i++) { MFnDependencyNode dependencyNode = new MFnDependencyNode(); MFnLambertShader lambertShader = new MFnLambertShader(); SKNSubmesh submesh = this.Submeshes[i]; MObject shader = lambertShader.create(true); lambertShader.setName(submesh.Name); lambertShader.color = MaterialProvider.GetMayaColor(i); MObject shadingEngine = dependencyNode.create("shadingEngine", submesh.Name + "_SG"); MObject materialInfo = dependencyNode.create("materialInfo", submesh.Name + "_MaterialInfo"); if (foundRenderPartition) { MPlug partitionPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("partition"); MPlug setsPlug = MayaHelper.FindFirstNotConnectedElement(renderPartition.findPlug("sets")); modifier.connect(partitionPlug, setsPlug); } else { MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Couldn't find Render Partition for mesh: " + name + "." + submesh.Name); } MPlug outColorPlug = lambertShader.findPlug("outColor"); MPlug surfaceShaderPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("surfaceShader"); modifier.connect(outColorPlug, surfaceShaderPlug); MPlug messagePlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("message"); MPlug shadingGroupPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(materialInfo).findPlug("shadingGroup"); modifier.connect(messagePlug, shadingGroupPlug); modifier.doIt(); MFnSingleIndexedComponent component = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject faceComponent = component.create(MFn.Type.kMeshPolygonComponent); MIntArray groupPolygonIndices = new MIntArray(); uint endIndex = (submesh.StartIndex + submesh.IndexCount) / 3; for (uint j = submesh.StartIndex / 3; j < endIndex; j++) { groupPolygonIndices.append((int)j); } component.addElements(groupPolygonIndices); set.setObject(shadingEngine); set.addMember(meshDagPath, faceComponent); } if (skl == null) { mesh.updateSurface(); } else { MFnSkinCluster skinCluster = new MFnSkinCluster(); MSelectionList jointPathsSelectionList = new MSelectionList(); jointPathsSelectionList.add(meshDagPath); for (int i = 0; i < skl.Influences.Count; i++) { short jointIndex = skl.Influences[i]; SKLJoint joint = skl.Joints[jointIndex]; jointPathsSelectionList.add(skl.JointDagPaths[jointIndex]); MGlobal.displayInfo(string.Format("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Added joint [{0}] {1} to binding selection", joint.ID, joint.Name)); } MGlobal.selectCommand(jointPathsSelectionList); MGlobal.executeCommand("skinCluster -mi 4 -tsb -n skinCluster_" + name); MPlug inMeshPlug = mesh.findPlug("inMesh"); MPlugArray inMeshConnections = new MPlugArray(); inMeshPlug.connectedTo(inMeshConnections, true, false); if (inMeshConnections.length == 0) { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Failed to find the created Skin Cluster"); throw new Exception("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Failed to find the created Skin Cluster"); } MPlug outputGeometryPlug = inMeshConnections[0]; MDagPathArray influencesDagPaths = new MDagPathArray(); skinCluster.setObject(outputGeometryPlug.node); skinCluster.influenceObjects(influencesDagPaths); MIntArray influenceIndices = new MIntArray((uint)skl.Influences.Count); for (int i = 0; i < skl.Influences.Count; i++) { MDagPath influencePath = skl.JointDagPaths[skl.Influences[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < skl.Influences.Count; j++) { if (influencesDagPaths[j].partialPathName == influencePath.partialPathName) { influenceIndices[i] = j; MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNReader:Load:Bind - Added Influence Joint: " + i + " -> " + j); break; } } } MFnSingleIndexedComponent singleIndexedComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject vertexComponent = singleIndexedComponent.create(MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent); MIntArray groupVertexIndices = new MIntArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++) { groupVertexIndices[i] = i; } singleIndexedComponent.addElements(groupVertexIndices); MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.normalizeWeights 0",; MDoubleArray weights = new MDoubleArray((uint)(this.Vertices.Count * skl.Influences.Count)); for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++) { SKNVertex vertex = this.Vertices[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { double weight = vertex.Weights[j]; int influence = vertex.BoneIndices[j]; if (weight != 0) { weights[(i * skl.Influences.Count) + influence] = weight; } } } skinCluster.setWeights(meshDagPath, vertexComponent, influenceIndices, weights, false); MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.normalizeWeights 1",; MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("skinPercent -normalize true {0} {1}",,; mesh.updateSurface(); } }
public override void doIt(MArgList args) { MSelectionList list = new MSelectionList(); if ( args.length > 0 ) { // Arg list is > 0 so use objects that were passes in // uint last = args.length; for ( uint i = 0; i < last; i++ ) { // Attempt to find all of the objects matched // by the string and add them to the list // string argStr = args.asString(i); list.add(argStr); } } else { // Get arguments from Maya's selection list. MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(list); } MObject node = new MObject(); MObjectArray nodePath = new MObjectArray(); MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(); MFnDependencyNode dgNodeFnSet = new MFnDependencyNode(); for (MItSelectionList iter = new MItSelectionList(list); !iter.isDone; { iter.getDependNode(node); // // The following code shows how to navigate the DG manually without // using an iterator. First, find the attribute that you are // interested. Then connect a plug to it and see where the plug // connected to. Once you get all the connections, you can choose // which route you want to go. // // In here, we wanted to get to the nodes that instObjGroups connected // to since we know that the shadingEngine connects to the instObjGroup // attribute. // nodeFn.setObject( node ); MObject iogAttr = null; try { iogAttr = nodeFn.attribute("instObjGroups"); } catch (Exception) { MGlobal.displayInfo( + ": is not a renderable object, skipping"); continue; } MPlug iogPlug = new MPlug(node, iogAttr); MPlugArray iogConnections = new MPlugArray(); // // instObjGroups is a multi attribute. In this example, just the // first connection will be tried. // if (!iogPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(0).connectedTo(iogConnections, false, true)) { MGlobal.displayInfo( + ": is not in a shading group, skipping"); continue; } // // Now we would like to traverse the DG starting from the shadingEngine // since most likely all file texture nodes will be found. Note the // filter used to initialize the DG iterator. There are lots of filter // type available in MF.Type that you can choose to suite your needs. // bool foundATexture = false; for ( int i=0; i < iogConnections.length; i++ ) { MObject currentNode = iogConnections[i].node; // // Note that upon initialization, the current pointer of the // iterator already points to the first valid node. // MItDependencyGraph dgIt = new MItDependencyGraph(currentNode, MFn.Type.kFileTexture, MItDependencyGraph.Direction.kUpstream, MItDependencyGraph.Traversal.kBreadthFirst, MItDependencyGraph.Level.kNodeLevel); if (dgIt == null) { continue; } dgIt.disablePruningOnFilter(); for ( ; !dgIt.isDone; ) { MObject thisNode = dgIt.thisNode(); dgNodeFnSet.setObject(thisNode); try { dgIt.getNodePath(nodePath); } catch (Exception) { MGlobal.displayInfo("getNodePath"); continue; } // // append the starting node. // nodePath.append(node); dumpInfo( thisNode, dgNodeFnSet, nodePath ); foundATexture = true; } } if ( !foundATexture ) { MGlobal.displayInfo( + ": is not connected to a file texture"); } } return; }
// Parses the given command line arguments and executes them. // public override void doIt(MArgList args) { parseArgs(args); bool nothingSet = (!createdUsed && !appendCameraUsed && !appendCameraAndSetUsed && !deleteLayerUsed && !cameraUsed && !layerUsed && !helpUsed && !setUsed && !layerTypeUsed && !numLayersUsed); if (nothingSet) { throw new ArgumentException("A flag must be used. testCameraSet -help for available flags", "args"); } if (helpUsed) { MGlobal.displayInfo("testExCameraSet -help"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\ttestExCameraSet tests the functionality of the exCameraSet node."); MGlobal.displayInfo(""); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-h -help : This message is printed"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-a -active [true/false]: Set/get whether a particular layer is active"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-ac -appendCamera <cameraName>: Append a new camera layer to the cameraSet using the specified camera"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-acs -appendCameraAndSet <cameraName> <setName>: Append a new camera layer to the cameraSet using the specified camera and set"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-cam -camera [<cameraName>]: Set/get the camera for a particular layer"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-c -create : Create a new cameraSet node"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-d -deleteLayer <layerIndex>: Delete the layer at the given index"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-nl -numLayers: Returns the number of layers defined in the specified cameraSet"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-l -layer <layerIndex>: Specifies the layer index to be used when accessing layer information"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-lt -layerType [<layerTypeName>]: Set/get the layer type for a particular layer. Possible values are Mono, Left, and Right."); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-s -set [<setName>]: Set/get the set for a particular layer"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-e -edit : Perform an edit operation"); MGlobal.displayInfo("\t-q -query : Perform a query operation"); MGlobal.displayInfo(""); } uint nObjs = list.length; if (nObjs == 0) { if (createdUsed) { // Create a new cameraSet node. // MFnDependencyNode dirFn = new MFnDependencyNode(); string noName = ""; try { MObject dirObj = dirFn.create(exCameraSet.type_id, noName);, MGlobal.ListAdjustment.kReplaceList); } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not create a cameraSet node", ex); } return; } if (appendCameraUsed || appendCameraAndSetUsed || deleteLayerUsed || editUsed || cameraUsed || setUsed || layerTypeUsed || activeUsed || numLayersUsed) { throw new ArgumentException("Must specify a cameraSet node", "args"); } } else { if (createdUsed) { throw new ArgumentException("-create cannot have any object specified", "args"); } if (appendCameraUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCamera must have a single cameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCamera must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get a dag path to the specified camera. // MSelectionList camList = new MSelectionList(); camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath = new MDagPath(); camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCamera must have a valid camera node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to append the layer. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.appendLayer(camPath, MObject.kNullObj); return; } if (appendCameraAndSetUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCameraAndSet must have a single cameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get a dag path to the specified camera. // MSelectionList camList = new MSelectionList(); camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath = new MDagPath(); camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid camera node specified", "args"); } // Get the specified set node. // MSelectionList setList = new MSelectionList(); setList.add(setName); MObject setObj = MObject.kNullObj; setList.getDependNode(0, setObj); if (setObj == MObject.kNullObj) { throw new ArgumentException("-appendCameraAndSet must have a valid set node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to append the layer. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.appendLayer(camPath, setObj); return; } if (deleteLayerUsed) { if (nObjs != 1) { throw new ArgumentException("-deleteLayer must have a single cameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-deleteLayer must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to delete the layer. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.deleteLayer((uint)cameraLayer); return; } if (numLayersUsed) { if (queryUsed) { // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-numLayers must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the number of layers. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); uint numLayers = dirFn.numLayers; setResult((int)numLayers); } else { throw new ArgumentException("-numLayers requires the query flag to be used", "args"); } return; } if (cameraUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { throw new ArgumentException("-camera must have a cameraSet node and layer specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-camera must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } if (editUsed) { // Get a dag path to the specified camera. // MSelectionList camList = new MSelectionList(); camList.add(camName); MDagPath camPath = new MDagPath(); camList.getDagPath(0, camPath); if (!camPath.isValid) { throw new ArgumentException("-camera must have a valid camera node specified", "args"); } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the camera. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerCamera((uint)cameraLayer, camPath); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the camera. // MDagPath camPath = new MDagPath(); MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.getLayerCamera((uint)cameraLayer, camPath); MObject camNode = camPath.node; MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(camNode); setResult(; } } if (setUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { throw new ArgumentException("-set must have a cameraSet node and layer specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-set must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } if (editUsed) { // Get the specified set node. // MObject setObj = MObject.kNullObj; if (setName != "") { MSelectionList setList = new MSelectionList(); setList.add(setName); setList.getDependNode(0, setObj); if (setObj == MObject.kNullObj) { throw new ArgumentException("-set must have a valid set node specified", "args"); } } // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the set node. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerSceneData((uint)cameraLayer, setObj); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the set node. // MObject setObj = new MObject(); MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.getLayerSceneData((uint)cameraLayer, setObj); MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(setObj); setResult(; } } if (layerTypeUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { throw new ArgumentException("-layerType must have a cameraSet node and layer specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-layerType must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(dirNode); exCameraSet exDir = nodeFn.userNode as exCameraSet; if (editUsed) { // Get the specified layer type. // int pt = -1; if (layerTypeVal == "Mono") pt = 0; else if (layerTypeVal == "Left") pt = 1; else if (layerTypeVal == "Right") pt = 2; else { throw new ArgumentException("-layerType must have a valid type specified", "args"); } // Call the exCameraSet method to set the layer type. // exDir.setLayerType((uint)cameraLayer, pt); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the exCameraSet method to get the layer type. // try { int lt = exDir.getLayerType((uint)cameraLayer); if (lt == 0) setResult("Mono"); else if (lt == 1) setResult("Left"); else if (lt == 2) setResult("Right"); } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("exCameraSet node does not have a valid layer type", ex); } } } if (activeUsed) { if ((nObjs != 1) || (!layerUsed)) { throw new ArgumentException("-active must have a cameraSet node and layer specified", "args"); } // Get the specified cameraSet node. // MObject dirNode = MObject.kNullObj; if (!getExCameraSetNode(dirNode)) { throw new ArgumentException("-active must have a valid exCameraSet node specified", "args"); } if (editUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to set the set node. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); dirFn.setLayerActive((uint)cameraLayer, activeVal); } else if (queryUsed) { // Call the MFnCameraSet method to get the active value. // MFnCameraSet dirFn = new MFnCameraSet(dirNode); activeVal = dirFn.isLayerActive((uint)cameraLayer); setResult(activeVal); } } } return; }
void parseArgs(MArgList args) { createdUsed = (args.flagIndex(kCreateFlag, kCreateFlagLong) != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); editUsed = (args.flagIndex(kEditFlag, kEditFlagLong) != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); queryUsed = (args.flagIndex(kQueryFlag, kQueryFlagLong) != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); helpUsed = (args.flagIndex(kHelpFlag, kHelpFlagLong) != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); numLayersUsed = (args.flagIndex(kNumLayersFlag, kNumLayersFlagLong) != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); // If flags are used which require no other information, return now. // if (createdUsed || helpUsed) { return; } uint maxArg = args.length - 1; uint activeIndex = args.flagIndex(kActiveFlag, kActiveFlagLong); uint appendCameraIndex = args.flagIndex(kAppendCameraFlag, kAppendCameraFlagLong); uint appendCameraAndSetIndex = args.flagIndex(kAppendCameraAndSetFlag, kAppendCameraAndSetFlagLong); uint cameraIndex = args.flagIndex(kCameraFlag, kCameraFlagLong); uint deleteLayerIndex = args.flagIndex(kDeleteLayerFlag, kDeleteLayerFlagLong); uint layerIndex = args.flagIndex(kLayerFlag, kLayerFlagLong); uint layerTypeIndex = args.flagIndex(kLayerTypeFlag, kLayerTypeFlagLong); uint setIndex = args.flagIndex(kSetFlag, kSetFlagLong); activeUsed = (activeIndex != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); appendCameraUsed = (appendCameraIndex != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); appendCameraAndSetUsed = (appendCameraAndSetIndex != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); cameraUsed = (cameraIndex != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); deleteLayerUsed = (deleteLayerIndex != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); layerUsed = (layerIndex != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); layerTypeUsed = (layerTypeIndex != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); setUsed = (setIndex != MArgList.kInvalidArgIndex); // Process each flag. // bool maxArgUsed = false; if (activeUsed) { if (editUsed) { activeVal = args.asBool((activeIndex + 1)); if ((layerTypeIndex + 1) == maxArg) { maxArgUsed = true; } } } if (appendCameraUsed) { camName = args.asString((appendCameraIndex + 1)); if ((appendCameraIndex + 1) == maxArg) { maxArgUsed = true; } } if (appendCameraAndSetUsed) { camName = args.asString((appendCameraAndSetIndex + 1)); setName = args.asString((appendCameraAndSetIndex + 2)); if ((appendCameraAndSetIndex + 2) == maxArg) { maxArgUsed = true; } } if (cameraUsed) { if (editUsed) { camName = args.asString(cameraIndex + 1); if ((cameraIndex + 1) == maxArg) { maxArgUsed = true; } } } if (deleteLayerUsed) { cameraLayer = args.asInt(deleteLayerIndex + 1); if ((deleteLayerIndex + 1) == maxArg) { maxArgUsed = true; } } if (layerUsed) { cameraLayer = args.asInt(layerIndex + 1); if ((layerIndex + 1) == maxArg) { maxArgUsed = true; } } if (layerTypeUsed) { if (editUsed) { layerTypeVal = args.asString(layerTypeIndex + 1); if ((layerTypeIndex + 1) == maxArg) { maxArgUsed = true; } } } if (setUsed) { if (editUsed) { setName = args.asString(setIndex + 1); if ((setIndex + 1) == maxArg) { maxArgUsed = true; } } } // If all of the arguments have been used, get the cameraSet node from the selection list. // Otherwise, get it from the last argument. // if (maxArgUsed) { MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(list); } else { list.add(args.asString(maxArg)); } }
// // Description: // // Main selection routine // // Arguments: // // selectInfo - the selection state information // selectionList - the list of selected items to add to // worldSpaceSelectPts - // // Main selection routine // public override bool select(MSelectInfo selectInfo, MSelectionList selectionList, MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts) { bool selected = false; bool componentSelected = false; bool hilited = false; hilited = (selectInfo.displayStatus == M3dView.DisplayStatus.kHilite); if ( hilited ) { componentSelected = selectVertices( selectInfo, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts ); selected = selected || componentSelected; } if ( !selected ) { apiMesh meshNode = (apiMesh)surfaceShape; // NOTE: If the geometry has an intersect routine it should // be called here with the selection ray to determine if the // the object was selected. selected = true; MSelectionMask priorityMask = new MSelectionMask( MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectNurbsSurfaces ); MSelectionList item = new MSelectionList(); item.add( selectInfo.selectPath ); MPoint xformedPt = new MPoint(); if ( selectInfo.singleSelection ) { MPoint center = meshNode.boundingBox().center; xformedPt = center; xformedPt.multiplyEqual( selectInfo.selectPath.inclusiveMatrix ); } selectInfo.addSelection( item, xformedPt, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false ); } return selected; }
/* override */ public override bool select(MSelectInfo selectInfo, MSelectionList selectionList, MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts) // // Select function. Gets called when the bbox for the object is selected. // This function just selects the object without doing any intersection tests. // { MSelectionMask priorityMask = new MSelectionMask(MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectObjectsMask); MSelectionList item = new MSelectionList(); item.add(selectInfo.selectPath); MPoint xformedPt = new MPoint(); selectInfo.addSelection(item, xformedPt, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false); return true; }
public bool selectVertices(MSelectInfo selectInfo, MSelectionList selectionList, MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts) // // Description: // // Vertex selection. // // Arguments: // // selectInfo - the selection state information // selectionList - the list of selected items to add to // worldSpaceSelectPts - // { bool selected = false; M3dView view = selectInfo.view; MPoint xformedPoint = new MPoint(); MPoint selectionPoint = new MPoint(); double z = 0.0; double previousZ = 0.0; int closestPointVertexIndex = -1; MDagPath path = selectInfo.multiPath; // Create a component that will store the selected vertices // MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject surfaceComponent = fnComponent.create(MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent); uint vertexIndex; // if the user did a single mouse click and we find > 1 selection // we will use the alignmentMatrix to find out which is the closest // MMatrix alignmentMatrix = new MMatrix(); MPoint singlePoint = new MPoint(); bool singleSelection = selectInfo.singleSelection; if (singleSelection) { alignmentMatrix = selectInfo.alignmentMatrix; } // Get the geometry information // apiMesh meshNode = (apiMesh)surfaceShape; apiMeshGeom geom = meshNode.meshGeom(); // Loop through all vertices of the mesh and // see if they lie withing the selection area // uint numVertices = geom.vertices.length; for (vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < numVertices; vertexIndex++) { MPoint currentPoint = geom.vertices[(int)vertexIndex]; // Sets OpenGL's render mode to select and stores // selected items in a pick buffer // view.beginSelect(); OpenGL.glBegin(OpenGL.GL_POINTS); OpenGL.glVertex3f((float)currentPoint[0], (float)currentPoint[1], (float)currentPoint[2]); OpenGL.glEnd(); if (view.endSelect() > 0) // Hit count > 0 { selected = true; if (singleSelection) { xformedPoint = currentPoint; xformedPoint.homogenize(); xformedPoint.multiplyEqual(alignmentMatrix); z = xformedPoint.z; if (closestPointVertexIndex < 0 || z > previousZ) { closestPointVertexIndex = (int)vertexIndex; singlePoint = currentPoint; previousZ = z; } } else { // multiple selection, store all elements // fnComponent.addElement((int)vertexIndex); } } } // If single selection, insert the closest point into the array // if (selected && selectInfo.singleSelection) { fnComponent.addElement(closestPointVertexIndex); // need to get world space position for this vertex // selectionPoint = singlePoint; selectionPoint.multiplyEqual(path.inclusiveMatrix); } // Add the selected component to the selection list // if (selected) { MSelectionList selectionItem = new MSelectionList(); selectionItem.add(path, surfaceComponent); MSelectionMask mask = new MSelectionMask(MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectComponentsMask); selectInfo.addSelection( selectionItem, selectionPoint, selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts, mask, true); } return(selected); }
/// <summary> /// return Dynamic Output Curve /// </summary> /// <param name="hairSystemDagPath">exist hairsystem or container of created hairsystem</param> /// <param name="curveList"></param> /// <param name="pointLock">0-none, 1-base, 2-end,3-both</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MDagPath[] CurvesToHairs(ref MDagPath hairSystemDagPath, MSelectionList curveList = null, ConstantValue.HairPointLockType pointLock = ConstantValue.HairPointLockType.Base) { if (curveList == null) { curveList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } bool hairSystemReady = false; if (!hairSystemDagPath.node.isNull) { //Debug.Log("hairSystem node is not null:" + hairSystemDagPath.fullPathName); curveList.add(hairSystemDagPath); hairSystemReady = true; } else { //Debug.Log("hairsystem node is null"); } MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(curveList); string cmdStr = "cmds.MakeCurvesDynamic(0,0,0,1,0)"; string resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult(cmdStr); if (hairSystemReady) { //Debug.Log("remove hairSystem Selection"); curveList.remove(curveList.length - 1); } List <MDagPath> results = new List <MDagPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < curveList.length; i++) { MDagPath curveDagPath = new MDagPath(); curveList.getDagPath((uint)i, curveDagPath); //Debug.Log(curveDagPath.fullPathName); MFnTransform curveTrans = new MFnTransform(curveDagPath); if (curveTrans.parentCount > 0) { MDagPath follicleDagPath = MDagPath.getAPathTo(curveTrans.parent(0)); MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.pointLock {1}", follicleDagPath.fullPathName, (int)pointLock)); if (follicleDagPath.hasFn(MFn.Type.kFollicle)) { Debug.Log("follicle exist!"); ConvertHairSelection(HairSelectionType.OutputCurves, follicleDagPath); MDagPath result = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); new MFnDependencyNode(result.node).setName("dy_" + curveDagPath.partialPathName); results.Add(result); if (!hairSystemReady) { ConvertHairSelection(HairSelectionType.HairSystem); hairSystemDagPath = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); //Debug.Log("assign hairSystem:" + hairSystemDagPath.fullPathName); hairSystemReady = true; } } } } //error return(results.ToArray()); }
// // Description: // // Component/attribute matching method. // This method validates component names and indices which are // specified as a string and adds the corresponding component // to the passed in selection list. // // For instance, select commands such as "select shape1.vtx[0:7]" // are validated with this method and the corresponding component // is added to the selection list. // // Arguments // // item - DAG selection item for the object being matched // spec - attribute specification object // list - list to add components to // // Returns // // the result of the match // public override MatchResult matchComponent(MSelectionList item, MAttributeSpecArray spec, MSelectionList list) { MatchResult result = MatchResult.kMatchOk; MAttributeSpec attrSpec = spec[0]; int dim = attrSpec.dimensions; // Look for attributes specifications of the form : // vtx[ index ] // vtx[ lower:upper ] // if ( (1 == spec.length) && (dim > 0) && ( == "vtx") ) { int numVertices = (int)meshGeom().vertices.length; MAttributeIndex attrIndex = attrSpec[0]; int upper = 0; int lower = 0; if ( attrIndex.hasLowerBound ) { attrIndex.getLower( out lower ); } if ( attrIndex.hasUpperBound ) { attrIndex.getUpper( out upper ); } // Check the attribute index range is valid // if ( (lower > upper) || (upper >= numVertices) ) { result = MatchResult.kMatchInvalidAttributeRange; } else { MDagPath path = new MDagPath(); item.getDagPath( 0, path ); MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnVtxComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject vtxComp = fnVtxComp.create( MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent ); for ( int i=lower; i<=upper; i++ ) { fnVtxComp.addElement( i ); } list.add( path, vtxComp ); } } else { // Pass this to the parent class return base.matchComponent( item, spec, list ); } return result; }
public override void componentToPlugs(MObject component, MSelectionList list) // // Description // // Converts the given component values into a selection list of plugs. // This method is used to map components to attributes. // // Arguments // // component - the component to be translated to a plug/attribute // list - a list of plugs representing the passed in component // { if ( component.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSingleIndexedComponent) ) { MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnVtxComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( component ); MObject thisNode = thisMObject(); MPlug plug = new MPlug( thisNode, mControlPoints ); // If this node is connected to a tweak node, reset the // plug to point at the tweak node. // convertToTweakNodePlug(plug); int len = fnVtxComp.elementCount; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { plug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex((uint)fnVtxComp.element(i), plug.attribute); list.add(plug); } } }