public ActionResult Create(MPost mPost) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { String strSlug = XString.ToAscii(mPost.Title); mPost.Slug = strSlug; mPost.Type = "post"; mPost.Created_at = DateTime.Now; mPost.Created_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; mPost.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mPost.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; var file = Request.Files["Image"]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { String filename = strSlug + file.FileName.Substring(file.FileName.LastIndexOf(".")); mPost.Image = filename; String Strpath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Path/post/"), filename); file.SaveAs(Strpath); } db.Post.Add(mPost); db.SaveChanges(); Thongbao.set_flash("Đã thêm bài viết mới!", "success"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(mPost)); }
public ActionResult Edit(MPost mPost) { MTopic mTopic = new MTopic(); ViewBag.ListTopic = new SelectList(db.Topic.ToList(), "ID", "Name", 0); if (ModelState.IsValid) { String strSlug = XString.ToAscii(mPost.Title); mPost.Slug = strSlug; mPost.Type = "post"; mPost.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mPost.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; var file = Request.Files["Image"]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { String filename = strSlug + file.FileName.Substring(file.FileName.LastIndexOf(".")); mPost.Image = filename; String Strpath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Path/post/"), filename); file.SaveAs(Strpath); } db.Entry(mPost).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); Thongbao.set_flash("Đã cập nhật lại bài viết!", "success"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(mPost)); }
public PostEditPage(MPost post) { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = PostEditVM = new PostEditViewModel { Post = post }; }
public ActionResult Edit(MPost mPost) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { String strSlug = XString.ToAscii(mPost.Title); mPost.Slug = strSlug; mPost.Type = "page"; mPost.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mPost.Updated_by = int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString()); var file = Request.Files["Image"]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { String filename = strSlug + file.FileName.Substring(file.FileName.LastIndexOf(".")); mPost.Image = filename; String Strpath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Library/images/page/"), filename); file.SaveAs(Strpath); } db.Entry(mPost).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); Thongbao.set_flash("Đã cập nhật lại nội dung trang đơn!", "success"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(mPost)); }
public MPost Delete(int id) { MPost entity = _posts.Where(i => i.PostId == id).FirstOrDefault(); _posts.Remove(entity); return(entity); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { MPost mPost = db.Post.Find(id); db.Post.Remove(mPost); db.SaveChanges(); Thongbao.set_flash("Đã xóa vĩnh viễn", "danger"); return(RedirectToAction("Trash")); }
public JsonResult changeStatus(int id) { MPost mPost = db.Post.Find(id); mPost.Status = (mPost.Status == 1) ? 2 : 1; mPost.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mPost.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; db.Entry(mPost).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { Status = mPost.Status })); }
public ActionResult Undo(int?id) { MPost mPost = db.Post.Find(id); mPost.Status = 2; mPost.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mPost.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; db.Entry(mPost).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); Thongbao.set_flash("Khôi phục thành công!" + " ID = " + id, "success"); return(RedirectToAction("Trash")); }
public ActionResult DelTrash(int?id) { MPost mPost = db.Post.Find(id); mPost.Status = 0; mPost.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mPost.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; db.Entry(mPost).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); Thongbao.set_flash("Đã chuyển vào thùng rác!" + " ID = " + id, "success"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public MPost Insert(PostInsertRequest request) { MPost newPost = new MPost { AccountId = request.AccountId, Content = request.Content, PublishDate = request.PublishDate, Title = request.Title }; _posts.Add(newPost); return(newPost); }
// Edit public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { MTopic mTopic = new MTopic(); ViewBag.ListTopic = new SelectList(db.Topic.ToList(), "ID", "Name", 0); MPost mPost = db.Post.Find(id); if (mPost == null) { Thongbao.set_flash("Không tồn tại bài viết!", "warning"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Post")); } return(View(mPost)); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the score to leader board with my http. /// </summary> /// <returns>The score to leader board with my http.</returns> /// <param name="_username">Username.</param> /// <param name="_score">Score.</param> public IEnumerator SendScoreToLeaderBoardWithMyHttp(string _username, int _score) { MPost post = new MPost(_username, _score); Request request = new Request(HConst.LeaderBoardApi) .AddHeader("Test-Header", "test") .Post(RequestBody.From <MPost>(post)); Client http = new Client(); yield return(http.Send(request)); ProcessResult(http); }
public MPost Update(int id, PostUpdateRequest request) { var found = _posts.Where(i => i.PostId == id).FirstOrDefault(); MPost updatePost = new MPost { PostId = found.PostId, AccountId = found.AccountId, Content = found.Content, PublishDate = found.PublishDate, Title = found.Title }; return(found); }
public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { Thongbao.set_flash("Không tồn tại bài viết!", "warning"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Post")); } MPost mPost = db.Post.Find(id); if (mPost == null) { Thongbao.set_flash("Không tồn tại bài viết!", "warning"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Post")); } return(View(mPost)); }
public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { Thongbao.set_flash("Không tồn tại trang đơn!", "warning"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Page")); } MPost mPost = db.Post.Find(id); if (mPost == null) { Thongbao.set_flash("Không tồn tại trang đơn!", "warning"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Page")); } return(View(mPost)); }
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection data) { ViewBag.ListCat = db.Category.Where(m => m.Status == 1).ToList(); ViewBag.ListTopic = db.Topic.Where(m => m.Status == 1).ToList(); ViewBag.ListPage = db.Post.Where(m => m.Status == 1 && m.Type == "page").ToList(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["AddCat"])) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["itemCat"])) { var itemcat = data["itemCat"]; var arr = itemcat.Split(','); int count = 0; foreach (var i in arr) { int id = int.Parse(i); MCategory mCategory = db.Category.Find(id); MMenu mMenu = new MMenu(); mMenu.Name = mCategory.Name; mMenu.Link = mCategory.Slug; mMenu.Type = "category"; mMenu.TableID = id; mMenu.Orders = 1; mMenu.Positon = data["Position"]; mMenu.ParentID = 0; mMenu.Status = 2; mMenu.Created_at = DateTime.Now; mMenu.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; mMenu.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mMenu.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; db.Menu.Add(mMenu); db.SaveChanges(); count++; } Thongbao.set_flash("Đã thêm " + count + " menu mới!", "success"); } else { Thongbao.set_flash("Chưa chọn menu cần thêm!", "warning"); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["AddTopic"])) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["itemTopic"])) { var itemtopic = data["itemTopic"]; var arr = itemtopic.Split(','); int count = 0; foreach (var i in arr) { int id = int.Parse(i); MTopic mTopic = db.Topic.Find(id); MMenu mMenu = new MMenu(); mMenu.Name = mTopic.Name; mMenu.Link = mTopic.Slug; mMenu.Type = "topic"; mMenu.TableID = id; mMenu.Orders = 1; mMenu.Positon = data["Position"]; mMenu.ParentID = 0; mMenu.Status = 2; mMenu.Created_at = DateTime.Now; mMenu.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; mMenu.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mMenu.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; db.Menu.Add(mMenu); db.SaveChanges(); count++; } Thongbao.set_flash("Đã thêm " + count + " menu mới!", "success"); } else { Thongbao.set_flash("Chưa chọn menu cần thêm!", "warning"); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["AddPage"])) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["itemPage"])) { var itempage = data["itemPage"]; var arr = itempage.Split(','); int count = 0; foreach (var i in arr) { int id = int.Parse(i); MPost mPost = db.Post.Find(id); MMenu mMenu = new MMenu(); mMenu.Name = mPost.Title; mMenu.Link = mPost.Slug; mMenu.Type = "page"; mMenu.TableID = id; mMenu.Orders = 1; mMenu.Positon = data["Position"]; mMenu.ParentID = 0; mMenu.Status = 2; mMenu.Created_at = DateTime.Now; mMenu.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; mMenu.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mMenu.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; db.Menu.Add(mMenu); db.SaveChanges(); count++; } Thongbao.set_flash("Đã thêm " + count + " menu mới!", "success"); } else { Thongbao.set_flash("Chưa chọn menu cần thêm!", "warning"); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["AddCustom"])) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["name"]) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(data["link"])) { MMenu mMenu = new MMenu(); mMenu.Name = data["name"]; mMenu.Link = data["link"]; mMenu.Type = "custom"; mMenu.Orders = 1; mMenu.Positon = data["Position"]; mMenu.ParentID = 0; mMenu.Status = 2; mMenu.Created_at = DateTime.Now; mMenu.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; mMenu.Updated_at = DateTime.Now; mMenu.Updated_by = 1 /*int.Parse(Session["Admin_ID"].ToString());*/; db.Menu.Add(mMenu); db.SaveChanges(); Thongbao.set_flash("Đã thêm 1 menu mới!", "success"); } else { Thongbao.set_flash("Vui lòng nhập tên menu và link!", "warning"); } } return(View(db.Menu.Where(m => m.Status != 0).ToList())); }