コード例 #1
ファイル: slopeShader.cs プロジェクト: venerin/Maya-devkit
        public MObject findShadingEngine(MObject node)
        //	Description:
        //		Given the material MObject this method will
        //	return the shading group that it is assigned to.
        //	if there is no shading group associated with
        //	the material than a null MObject is apssed back.
            MFnDependencyNode nodeFn          = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
            MPlug             srcPlug         = nodeFn.findPlug("outColor");
            MPlugArray        nodeConnections = new MPlugArray();

            srcPlug.connectedTo(nodeConnections, false, true);
            //loop through the connections
            //and find the shading engine node that
            //it is connected to
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeConnections.length; i++)
                if (nodeConnections[i].node.hasFn(MFn.Type.kShadingEngine))

            //no shading engine associated so return a
            //null MObject
            return(new MObject());
コード例 #2
        // get the plug at the node
        MPlug getPlug(string node_name, string attribute_name)
            MFnDependencyNode dn = new MFnDependencyNode(getDependNode(node_name));
            MPlug             pl = dn.findPlug(attribute_name);

コード例 #3
        public static MFnBlendShapeDeformer GetBlendShape(MObject targetObject = null)
            if (targetObject == null)
                targetObject = BasicFunc.GetSelectedObject(0);
            MDagPath          dag_target  = MDagPath.getAPathTo(targetObject);
            MFnDependencyNode node_target = new MFnDependencyNode(targetObject);
            MPlug             plug        = node_target.findPlug("inMesh");

            Debug.Log("node_target:" + node_target.name + " plug:" + plug.name);
            MItDependencyGraph mit = new MItDependencyGraph(plug, MFn.Type.kBlendShape, MItDependencyGraph.Direction.kUpstream);

            //MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath();
            //MItDependencyNodes mitnode = new MItDependencyNodes(MFn.Type.kBlendShape);

            while (!mit.isDone)
                MObject           mo    = mit.currentItem();
                MFnDependencyNode dnode = new MFnDependencyNode(mo);
                Debug.Log("moing:" + dnode.absoluteName);
                if (mo.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlendShape))
                    Debug.Log("find blendshape");
                    return(new MFnBlendShapeDeformer(mo));

コード例 #4
        public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
            if (plug.equalEqual(animCube.outputMesh))
                /* Get time */
                MDataHandle timeData = dataBlock.inputValue(animCube.time);
                MTime       time     = timeData.asTime;

                /* Get output object */

                MDataHandle outputHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(outputMesh);

                MFnMeshData dataCreator   = new MFnMeshData();
                MObject     newOutputData = dataCreator.create();

                createMesh(time, ref newOutputData);


コード例 #5
        public static void RemoveUnusedTextures(MSelectionList list)
            if (list == null)
                Debug.Log("list null");
            List <MObject> deleteList = new List <MObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
                MObject mo = new MObject();
                list.getDependNode((uint)i, mo);
                MFnDependencyNode imageNode     = new MFnDependencyNode(mo);
                MPlug             texOutputPlug = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexOutputColor);
                MPlugArray        destPlugs     = new MPlugArray();
                if (destPlugs.Count == 0)
                    Debug.Log("remove no use:" + imageNode.absoluteName);
                    Debug.Log("still used:" + imageNode.absoluteName);
                    for (int j = 0; j < destPlugs.length; j++)
                        Debug.Log(" by:" + destPlugs[0].partialName(true));
コード例 #6
        private float getMultiplier(MDagPath objPath)
            // Retrieve value of the size attribute from the node
            MObject footprintNode = objPath.node;

            if (!footprintNode.isNull)
                MPlug plug = new MPlug(footprintNode, footPrint.size);
                if (!plug.isNull)
                    MDistance sizeVal = new MDistance();
                    catch (Exception)
                        MGlobal.displayInfo("Error doing getValue on plugin");

コード例 #7
 public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
     factor = springFactor(dataBlock);
     // Note: return "kUnknownParameter" so that Maya spring node can
     // compute spring force for this plug-in simple spring node.
     return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: slopeShader.cs プロジェクト: EricTRocks/Maya-devkit
        //    Description:
        //        Overloaded function from MPxDragAndDropBehavior
        //    this method will assign the correct output from the slope shader
        //    onto the given attribute.
        public override void connectNodeToAttr(MObject sourceNode, MPlug destinationPlug, bool force)
            MFnDependencyNode src = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode);

            //if we are dragging from a slopeShaderNodeCSharp
            //to a shader than connect the outColor
            //plug to the plug being passed in
            if(destinationPlug.node.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLambert)) {
                if (src.typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
                    MPlug srcPlug = src.findPlug("outColor");
                    if(!srcPlug.isNull && !destinationPlug.isNull)
                        string cmd = "connectAttr ";
                        cmd += srcPlug.name + " ";
                        cmd += destinationPlug.name;
            } else {
                //in all of the other cases we do not need the plug just the node
                //that it is on
                MObject destinationNode = destinationPlug.node;
                connectNodeToNode(sourceNode, destinationNode, force);
コード例 #9
 public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock datablock)
 // Since there are no output attributes this is not necessary but
 // if we wanted to compute an output mesh for rendering it would
 // be done here base on the inputs.
コード例 #10
        private MFnDependencyNode getTextureDependencyNode(MFnDependencyNode materialDependencyNode, string plugName)
            MPlug mPlug = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(plugName);

            if (mPlug == null || mPlug.isNull || !mPlug.isConnected)

            MObject           sourceObject          = mPlug.source.node;
            MFnDependencyNode textureDependencyNode = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceObject);

            RaiseMessage(materialDependencyNode.name + "." + plugName, logRankTexture);

            // Bump texture uses an intermediate node
            if (sourceObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBump))
                Print(textureDependencyNode, logRankTexture, "Print bump node");
                return(getTextureDependencyNode(textureDependencyNode, "bumpValue"));

            // If a reverse node is used as an intermediate node
            if (sourceObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kReverse))
                // TODO - reverse?
                return(getTextureDependencyNode(textureDependencyNode, "input"));

コード例 #11
ファイル: simpleSpring.cs プロジェクト: venerin/Maya-devkit
 public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
     factor = springFactor(dataBlock);
     // Note: return "kUnknownParameter" so that Maya spring node can
     // compute spring force for this plug-in simple spring node.
コード例 #12
        protected override bool connectObjectAndConstraint(MDGModifier modifier)
            MObject transform = transformObject();

            if (transform.isNull)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to get transformObject()");

            MFnTransform transformFn   = new MFnTransform(transform);
            MVector      translate     = transformFn.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);
            MPlug        translatePlug = transformFn.findPlug("translate");

            if (MPlug.FreeToChangeState.kFreeToChange == translatePlug.isFreeToChange())
                MFnNumericData nd = new MFnNumericData();

                MObject translateData = nd.create(MFnNumericData.Type.k3Double);
                nd.setData3Double(translate.x, translate.y, translate.z);
                modifier.newPlugValue(translatePlug, translateData);
                connectObjectAttribute(MPxTransform.geometry, GeometrySurfaceConstraint.constraintGeometry, false);

            connectObjectAttribute(MPxTransform.parentInverseMatrix, GeometrySurfaceConstraint.constraintParentInverseMatrix, true, true);

コード例 #13
        public void userCB(object sender, MAttr2PlugFunctionArgs arg)
            MNodeMessage.AttributeMessage msg = arg.msg;
            MPlug plug      = arg.plug;
            MPlug otherPlug = arg.otherPlug;

            if ((msg & MNodeMessage.AttributeMessage.kConnectionMade) != 0)
                MGlobal.displayInfo("Connection made ");
            else if ((msg & MNodeMessage.AttributeMessage.kConnectionBroken) != 0)
                MGlobal.displayInfo("Connection broken ");
            if ((msg & MNodeMessage.AttributeMessage.kOtherPlugSet) != 0)
                if ((msg & MNodeMessage.AttributeMessage.kIncomingDirection) != 0)
                    MGlobal.displayInfo("  <--  " + otherPlug.info);
                    MGlobal.displayInfo("  -->  " + otherPlug.info);
コード例 #14
        public static bool BindBlendShapeCtl(MFnBlendShapeDeformer bs, MDagPath ctlDagPath = null)
            //MFnDependencyNode ctlNode = new MFnDependencyNode(ctlDagPath.node);
            if (bs == null)
                Debug.Log("null blendShape");
            //Debug.Log("here i am");

            if (ctlDagPath == null)
                ctlDagPath = BasicFunc.CreateCTL_Crystal("ctl_bs_" + bs.name);

            MFnDependencyNode ctlNode = new MFnDependencyNode(ctlDagPath.node);

            MPlug weightPlug = bs.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_blendShapeWeight);
            int   count      = (int)weightPlug.numElements;
            //Debug.Log("target count:" + count);

            MDGModifier dGModifier = new MDGModifier();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                //Debug.Log("process:" + i);
                MPlug  singleWeightPlug = weightPlug.elementByLogicalIndex((uint)i);
                string weightName       = singleWeightPlug.name.Split('.').Last();
                MPlug  ctlAttrPlug      = AddFloatAttr(ctlDagPath, weightName);
                dGModifier.connect(ctlAttrPlug, singleWeightPlug);

コード例 #15
        // The compute() method does the actual work of the node using the inputs
        // of the node to generate its output.
        // Compute takes two parameters: plug and data.
        // - Plug is the the data value that needs to be recomputed
        // - Data provides handles to all of the nodes attributes, only these
        //   handles should be used when performing computations.
        public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
            MObject           thisNode   = thisMObject();
            MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode = new MFnDependencyNode(thisNode);

            MGlobal.displayInfo("affects::compute(), plug being computed is \"" + plug.name + "\"");

            if (plug.partialName() == "B")
                // Plug "B" is being computed. Assign it the value on plug "A"
                // if "A" exists.
                MPlug pA = fnThisNode.findPlug("A");

                MGlobal.displayInfo("\t\t... found dynamic attribute \"A\", copying its value to \"B\"");
                MDataHandle inputData = dataBlock.inputValue(pA);

                int value = inputData.asInt;

                MDataHandle outputHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(plug);

コード例 #16
ファイル: affectsNode.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
		// The compute() method does the actual work of the node using the inputs
		// of the node to generate its output.
		// Compute takes two parameters: plug and data.
		// - Plug is the the data value that needs to be recomputed
		// - Data provides handles to all of the nodes attributes, only these
		//   handles should be used when performing computations.
		public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
			MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
			MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode = new MFnDependencyNode(thisNode);
			MGlobal.displayInfo("affects::compute(), plug being computed is \"" + plug.name + "\"");
			if (plug.partialName() == "B") {
				// Plug "B" is being computed. Assign it the value on plug "A"
				// if "A" exists.
				MPlug pA  = fnThisNode.findPlug("A");
				MGlobal.displayInfo("\t\t... found dynamic attribute \"A\", copying its value to \"B\"");
				MDataHandle inputData = dataBlock.inputValue(pA);
				int value = inputData.asInt;

				MDataHandle outputHandle = dataBlock.outputValue( plug );


			} else {
				return false;
			return true;
コード例 #17
        public static MFnDependencyNode GetPlace2dTextureForTex(MFnDependencyNode imageNode, bool createIfNotExist = true)
            if (imageNode == null)
                Debug.Log("image Node null");
            MPlug      uvPlug      = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_texFileUVCoord);
            MPlugArray sourcePlugs = new MPlugArray();

            uvPlug.connectedTo(sourcePlugs, true, false);
            if (sourcePlugs.length == 0)
                //no input
                if (createIfNotExist)
                    MFnDependencyNode place2dTexNode = CreateShadingNode(ShadingNodeType.Utility, "place2dTexture");
                    MPlug             p2tUVOut       = place2dTexNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_place2dOutUV);
                    string            nodeName       = place2dTexNode.absoluteName;
                    MDGModifier       dgModifier     = new MDGModifier();
                    dgModifier.connect(p2tUVOut, uvPlug);
                return(new MFnDependencyNode(sourcePlugs[0].node));
コード例 #18
        public static void DeleteUnusedShadingNode(MSelectionList list)
            if (list == null)
                Debug.Log("list null");
            List <MFnDependencyNode> deleteList = new List <MFnDependencyNode>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
                MObject mo = new MObject();
                list.getDependNode((uint)i, mo);
                if (mo.hasFn(MFn.Type.kShadingEngine))
                    MFnDependencyNode sgNode = new MFnDependencyNode(mo);
                    MPlug             plug_dagSetMemebers = sgNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_dagSetMembers);
                    Debug.Log("numelements:" + plug_dagSetMemebers.numElements);
                    if (plug_dagSetMemebers.numElements == 0)
コード例 #19
        public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
            if (plug.equalEqual(animCube.outputMesh))
                /* Get time */
                MDataHandle timeData = dataBlock.inputValue(animCube.time);
                MTime time = timeData.asTime;

                /* Get output object */

                MDataHandle outputHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(outputMesh);

                MFnMeshData dataCreator = new MFnMeshData();
                MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create();

                createMesh(time, ref newOutputData);

                return false;

            return true;
コード例 #20
        public override bool connectionMade(MPlug plug, MPlug otherPlug, bool asSrc)
            MFnDependencyNode sourceNodePlug = new MFnDependencyNode(plug.node);


            return(base.connectionMade(plug, otherPlug, asSrc));
コード例 #21
ファイル: MPlugExtension.cs プロジェクト: zhoyq/Exporters
 public static float[] asFloatArray(this MPlug mPlug)
     float[] array = new float[mPlug.numChildren];
     for (uint index = 0; index < mPlug.numChildren; index++)
         array[index] = mPlug.child(index).asFloat();
コード例 #22
        public override void connectToDependNode(MObject node)
            // Find the rotate and rotatePivot plugs on the node.  These plugs will
            // be attached either directly or indirectly to the manip values on the
            // rotate manip.
            MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
            MPlug             rPlug  = nodeFn.findPlug("rotate");
            MPlug             rcPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("rotatePivot");

            // If the translate pivot exists, it will be used to move the state manip
            // to a convenient location.
            MPlug tPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("translate");

            // To avoid having the object jump back to the default rotation when the
            // manipulator is first used, extract the existing rotation from the node
            // and set it as the initial rotation on the manipulator.
            MEulerRotation existingRotation    = new MEulerRotation(vectorPlugValue(rPlug));
            MVector        existingTranslation = new MVector(vectorPlugValue(tPlug));

            // The following code configures default settings for the rotate
            // manipulator.

            MFnRotateManip rotateManip = new MFnRotateManip(fRotateManip);


            // Add a callback function to be called when the rotation value changes

            //rotatePlugIndex = addManipToPlugConversionCallback( rPlug, (manipToPlugConversionCallback)&exampleRotateManip::rotationChangedCallback );
            ManipToPlugConverion[rPlug] = rotationChangedCallback;
            // get the index of plug
            rotatePlugIndex = this[rPlug];

            // Create a direct (1-1) connection to the rotation center plug

            // Place the state manip at a distance of 2.0 units away from the object
            // along the X-axis.
            MFnStateManip stateManip = new MFnStateManip(fStateManip);
            MVector       delta      = new MVector(2, 0, 0);

            stateManip.setTranslation(existingTranslation + delta,

コード例 #23
 public override bool getInternalValueInContext(MPlug plug, MDataHandle dataHandle, MDGContext ctx)
     if (plug.equalEqual(aTransparency))
         return true;
     return base.getInternalValueInContext(plug, dataHandle, ctx);
コード例 #24
 public override bool getInternalValueInContext(MPlug plug, MDataHandle dataHandle, MDGContext ctx)
     if (plug.equalEqual(aTransparency))
     return(base.getInternalValueInContext(plug, dataHandle, ctx));
コード例 #25
        public static bool ProjectPlug(MPlug from, MPlug to, float fromMin, float fromMax, float toMin, float toMax)
            MFnDependencyNode remapValueNode = BasicFunc.CreateRemapValueNode(fromMin, fromMax, toMin, toMax);
            MDGModifier       dGModifier     = new MDGModifier();

            dGModifier.connect(from, remapValueNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_remapValueInput));
            dGModifier.connect(remapValueNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_remapValueOutput), to);
コード例 #26
ファイル: slopeShader.cs プロジェクト: venerin/Maya-devkit
        public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
        //	Description:
        //		Computes a color value
        //	from a surface noraml angle.
            if ((plug.notEqual(aOutColor)) && (plug.parent.notEqual(aOutColor)))

            MFloatVector resultColor;

            MFloatVector walkable      = dataBlock.inputValue(aColor1).asFloatVector;
            MFloatVector nonWalkable   = dataBlock.inputValue(aColor2).asFloatVector;
            MFloatVector surfaceNormal = dataBlock.inputValue(aTriangleNormalCamera).asFloatVector;
            MFloatMatrix viewMatrix    = dataBlock.inputValue(aMatrixEyeToWorld).asFloatMatrix;
            float        angle         = dataBlock.inputValue(aAngle).asFloat;

            // Normalize the view vector
            MFloatVector WSVector = surfaceNormal.multiply(viewMatrix);

            // find dot product
            float scalarNormal = WSVector.multiply(new MFloatVector(0, 1, 0));

            // take the absolute value
            if (scalarNormal < 0.0)
                scalarNormal *= -1.0f;

            if (Math.Cos(angle * AWdegreesToRadians) < scalarNormal)
                resultColor = walkable;
                resultColor = nonWalkable;

            // set ouput color attribute
            MDataHandle  outColorHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(aOutColor);
            MFloatVector outColor       = outColorHandle.asFloatVector;

            outColor = resultColor;

コード例 #27
        public override bool setInternalValueInContext(MPlug plug, MDataHandle dataHandle, MDGContext ctx)
            if (plug.equalEqual(aTransparency))
                fTransparency = dataHandle.asDouble;

            return(base.setInternalValueInContext(plug, dataHandle, ctx));
コード例 #28
ファイル: ik2Bsolver.cs プロジェクト: venerin/Maya-devkit
        double twistFromHandle(MDagPath handlePath)
        // This method returns the twist of the IK handle.
            MFnIkHandle handleFn   = new MFnIkHandle(handlePath);
            MPlug       twistPlug  = handleFn.findPlug("twist");
            double      twistValue = 0.0;

コード例 #29
ファイル: customImagePlane.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
		public override bool setInternalValueInContext(MPlug plug, MDataHandle dataHandle, MDGContext ctx)
			if (plug.equalEqual(aTransparency))
				fTransparency = dataHandle.asDouble;
				return true;

			return base.setInternalValueInContext(plug, dataHandle, ctx);
コード例 #30
        public void sendCurveToMaya(string node_name, Point3DCollection controlVertices, List <double> knots, int degree,
                                    MFnNurbsCurveForm form)
            var dn             = new MFnDagNode(getDagNode(node_name));
            var plCreate       = dn.findPlug("create");
            var plDynamoCreate = new MPlug();

                plDynamoCreate = dn.findPlug("dynamoCreate");
                var tAttr           = new MFnTypedAttribute();
                var ldaDynamoCreate = tAttr.create("dynamoCreate", "dc", MFnData.Type.kNurbsCurve, MObject.kNullObj);
                    dn.addAttribute(ldaDynamoCreate, MFnDependencyNode.MAttrClass.kLocalDynamicAttr);
                    plDynamoCreate = dn.findPlug(ldaDynamoCreate);
                    var dagm = new MDagModifier();
                    dagm.connect(plDynamoCreate, plCreate);

            var ncd    = new MFnNurbsCurveData();
            var oOwner = ncd.create();
            var nc     = new MFnNurbsCurve();

            var p_aControlVertices = new MPointArray();

            foreach (var p in controlVertices)
                p_aControlVertices.Add(new MPoint(p.X, p.Y, p.Z));

            var d_aKnots = new MDoubleArray();

            for (var i = 1; i < knots.Count - 1; ++i)

            nc.create(p_aControlVertices, d_aKnots, (uint)degree, (MFnNurbsCurve.Form)form, false, true, oOwner);


            MGlobal.executeCommandOnIdle(string.Format("dgdirty {0}.create;", node_name));
コード例 #31
        public static string RenameTexFile(MFnDependencyNode imageNode, string newPartialName, string newFolder = null, bool relinkImgNode = false, bool deleteOrigin = false, bool overwrite = false)
            MPlug  plug_fileTexPath = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexPath);
            string originFullPath   = plug_fileTexPath.asString();
            string newFullPath      = BasicFunc.RenameFile(originFullPath, newPartialName, newFolder, deleteOrigin, overwrite);

            if (relinkImgNode)
コード例 #32
        public static MPlug FindFirstNotConnectedElement(MPlug plug)
            uint  i = 0;
            MPlug returnPlug;

                returnPlug = plug.elementByLogicalIndex(i);
            } while (returnPlug.isConnected);

コード例 #33
        public void setLayerType(uint index, int layerType)
            // Get the layerType plug for the given index.
            MPlug layerTypePlug = null;

            // Set the value of the plug to the new value.
            if (getLayerTypePlug(index, out layerTypePlug))
                layeTypeDic.Add(index, layerType);
コード例 #34
        public override bool getInternalValue(MPlug plug, MDataHandle datahandle)
            bool isOk = true;

            if (plug.attribute.equalEqual(radius1))
                isOk = true;
            else if (plug.attribute.equalEqual(radius2))
                isOk = true;
            else if (plug.attribute.equalEqual(height))
                isOk = true;
            else if (plug.attribute.equalEqual(startAngle))
                isOk = true;
            else if (plug.attribute.equalEqual(sweepAngle))
                isOk = true;
            else if (plug.attribute.equalEqual(slices))
                isOk = true;
            else if (plug.attribute.equalEqual(loops))
                isOk = true;
            else if (plug.attribute.equalEqual(stacks))
                isOk = true;
                isOk = base.getInternalValue(plug, datahandle);

コード例 #35
 public bool getLayerTypePlug(uint index, out MPlug layerTypePlug)
         MPlug enumPlug = new MPlug(thisMObject(), exCameraSet.layerTypeAttr);
         layerTypePlug = enumPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(index);
     catch (System.Exception)
         layerTypePlug = null;
コード例 #36
        public int getLayerType(uint index)
            int   layType       = -1;
            MPlug layerTypePlug = null;

            // Get the layerType plug for the given index.
            if (getLayerTypePlug(index, out layerTypePlug))
                layeTypeDic.TryGetValue(index, out layType);

コード例 #37
ファイル: sineNode.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
        override public bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
            bool res = plug.attribute.equalEqual(output);

            if (res)
                MDataHandle inputData;
                inputData = dataBlock.inputValue(input);

                MDataHandle outputHandle = dataBlock.outputValue(output);
                outputHandle.asFloat = 10 * (float)Math.Sin((double)inputData.asFloat);
                return true;

            return false;
コード例 #38
        public override MBoundingBox boundingBox()
            // Get the size
            MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
            MPlug plug = new MPlug( thisNode, size );
            MDistance sizeVal = new MDistance();
            plug.getValue( sizeVal );

            double multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters;

            MPoint corner1 = new MPoint( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 );
            MPoint corner2 = new MPoint( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 );

            corner1 = corner1 * multiplier;
            corner2 = corner2 * multiplier;

            return new MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
コード例 #39
ファイル: rotateManip.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
 // This function is a utility that can be used to extract vector values from
 // plugs.
 private MVector vectorPlugValue(MPlug plug)
     if (plug.numChildren == 3)
         double x, y, z;
         MPlug rx = plug.child(0);
         MPlug ry = plug.child(1);
         MPlug rz = plug.child(2);
         x = rx.asDouble();
         y = ry.asDouble();
         z = rz.asDouble();
         MVector result = new MVector(x, y, z);
         return result;
         MGlobal.displayError("Expected 3 children for plug " + plug.name);
         MVector result = new MVector(0, 0, 0);
         return result;
コード例 #40
ファイル: customImagePlane.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
		public override void loadImageMap(string fileName, int frame, MImage image)

			uint width;
			uint height;
			image.getSize(out width, out height);
			uint size = width * height;

			blendPixel(image, size);

			MPlug depthMap = new MPlug(thisMObject(), useDepthMap);
			bool value = false;
			depthMap.getValue(ref value);

			if (value)
				setDepthMap(image, width, height);
コード例 #41
        // Description
        //    Converts the given component values into a selection list of plugs.
        //    This method is used to map components to attributes.
        // Arguments
        //    component - the component to be translated to a plug/attribute
        //    list      - a list of plugs representing the passed in component
        public override void componentToPlugs(MObject component, MSelectionList list)
            if ( component.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSingleIndexedComponent) ) {

                MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnVtxComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( component );
                MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
                MPlug plug = new MPlug( thisNode, mControlPoints );
                // If this node is connected to a tweak node, reset the
                // plug to point at the tweak node.

                int len = fnVtxComp.elementCount;

                for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
                    plug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex((uint)fnVtxComp.element(i), plug.attribute);
コード例 #42
        // Description
        //    Returns the bounding box for this object.
        //    It is a good idea not to recompute here as this funcion is called often.
        public override MBoundingBox boundingBox()
            MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
            MPlug c1Plug = new MPlug( thisNode, bboxCorner1 );
            MPlug c2Plug = new MPlug( thisNode, bboxCorner2 );
            MObject corner1Object = new MObject();
            MObject corner2Object = new MObject();
            c1Plug.getValue( corner1Object );
            c2Plug.getValue( corner2Object );

            double[] corner1 = new double[3];
            double[] corner2 = new double[3];

            MFnNumericData fnData = new MFnNumericData();
            fnData.setObject( corner1Object );
            fnData.getData(out corner1[0], out corner1[1], out corner1[2]);
            fnData.setObject( corner2Object );
            fnData.getData(out corner2[0], out corner2[1], out corner2[2]);

            MPoint corner1Point = new MPoint( corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2] );
            MPoint corner2Point = new MPoint( corner2[0], corner2[1], corner2[2] );

            return new MBoundingBox( corner1Point, corner2Point );
コード例 #43
        // Description
        //    Transforms the given components. This method is used by
        //    the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode.
        //    The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
        //    any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
        // Arguments
        //    mat           - matrix to transform the components by
        //    componentList - list of components to be transformed,
        //                    or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
        //    cachingMode   - how to use the supplied pointCache
        //    pointCache    - if non-null, save or restore points from this list base
        //                      on the cachingMode
        public override void transformUsing(MMatrix mat,
            MObjectArray componentList,
            MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
            MPointArray pointCache)
            apiMeshGeom geomPtr = meshGeom();

            bool savePoints = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kSavePoints);
            int i = 0, j = 0;
            uint len = componentList.length;

            if (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kRestorePoints) {
                // restore the points based on the data provided in the pointCache attribute
                uint cacheLen = pointCache.length;
                if (len > 0) {
                    // traverse the component list
                    for ( i = 0; i < len && j < cacheLen; i++ )
                        MObject comp = componentList[i];
                        MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                        int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
                        for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && j < cacheLen; idx++, ++j ) {
                            int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex] = pointCache[j];
                } else {
                    // if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
                    // should transform the entire surface
                    len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
                    for ( int idx = 0; idx < len && j < cacheLen; ++idx, ++j ) {
                        geomPtr.vertices[idx] = pointCache[j];
            } else {
                // Transform the surface vertices with the matrix.
                // If savePoints is true, save the points to the pointCache.
                if (len > 0) {
                    // Traverse the componentList
                    for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
                        MObject comp = componentList[i];
                        MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                        uint elemCount = (uint)fnComp.elementCount;

                        if (savePoints && 0 == i) {
                            pointCache.sizeIncrement = elemCount;
                        for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
                            int elemIndex = fnComp.element( (int)idx );
                            if (savePoints) {

                            geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex].multiplyEqual( mat );
                            geomPtr.normals[idx] = geomPtr.normals[idx].transformAsNormal( mat );
                } else {
                    // If the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
                    // should transform the entire surface
                    len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
                    if (savePoints) {
                        pointCache.sizeIncrement = len;
                    for ( int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx ) {
                        if (savePoints) {
                        geomPtr.vertices[idx].multiplyEqual( mat );
                        geomPtr.normals[idx] = geomPtr.normals[idx].transformAsNormal( mat );

            // Retrieve the value of the cached surface attribute.
            // We will set the new geometry data into the cached surface attribute
            // Access the datablock directly. This code has to be efficient
            // and so we bypass the compute mechanism completely.
            // NOTE: In general we should always go though compute for getting
            // and setting attributes.
            MDataBlock datablock = _forceCache();

            MDataHandle cachedHandle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface );
            apiMeshData cached = cachedHandle.asPluginData as apiMeshData;

            MDataHandle dHandle = datablock.outputValue( mControlPoints );

            // If there is history then calculate the tweaks necessary for
            // setting the final positions of the vertices.
            if ( hasHistory() && (null != cached) ) {
                // Since the shape has history, we need to store the tweaks (deltas)
                // between the input shape and the tweaked shape in the control points
                // attribute.
                buildControlPoints( datablock, (int)geomPtr.vertices.length );

                MArrayDataHandle cpHandle = new MArrayDataHandle( dHandle );

                // Loop through the component list and transform each vertex.
                for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
                    MObject comp = componentList[i];
                    MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                    int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
                    for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
                        int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                        cpHandle.jumpToElement( (uint)elemIndex );
                        MDataHandle pntHandle = cpHandle.outputValue();
                        double[] pnt = pntHandle.Double3;

                        MPoint oldPnt = cached.fGeometry.vertices[elemIndex];
                        MPoint newPnt = geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex];
                        MVector offset = newPnt.minus( oldPnt );

                        pnt[0] += offset[0];
                        pnt[1] += offset[1];
                        pnt[2] += offset[2];

                        pntHandle.Double3 = pnt;

            // Copy outputSurface to cachedSurface
            if ( null == cached ) {
                MGlobal.displayInfo("NULL cachedSurface data found");
            else {
                cached.fGeometry = geomPtr;

            MPlug pCPs = new MPlug( thisMObject(), mControlPoints );

            // Moving vertices will likely change the bounding box.
            computeBoundingBox( datablock );

            // Tell Maya the bounding box for this object has changed
            // and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
            childChanged( MChildChanged.kBoundingBoxChanged );
コード例 #44
        // Description
        //    During file save this method is called to determine which
        //    attributes of this node should get written. The default behavior
        //    is to only save attributes whose values differ from the default.
        public override bool shouldSave(MPlug plug, ref bool result)
            if( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlPoints) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueX) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueY) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueZ) )
                if( hasHistory() ) {
                    // Calling this will only write tweaks if they are
                    // different than the default value.
                    return base.shouldSave( plug, ref result );
                else {
                    result = false;
            else if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(cachedSurface) ) {
                if ( hasHistory() ) {
                    result = false;
                else {
                    MObject data = new MObject();
                    plug.getValue( data );
                    result = ( ! data.isNull );
            else {
                return base.shouldSave( plug, ref result );

            return true;
コード例 #45
        public override void validateAndSetValue(MPlug plug, MDataHandle handle, MDGContext context)
            //	Make sure that there is something interesting to process.
            if (plug.isNull)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("plug");

            if (plug.equalEqual(aRockInX))
                MDataBlock block = _forceCache(context);
                MDataHandle blockHandle = block.outputValue(plug);

                // Update our new rock in x value
                double rockInX = handle.asDouble;
                rockXValue = rockInX;

                // Update the custom transformation matrix to the
                // right rock value.
                rockingTransformCheckMatrix ltm = getRockingTransformMatrix();
                if (ltm != null)
                    MGlobal.displayError("Failed to get rock transform matrix");


                // Mark the matrix as dirty so that DG information
                // will update.

            base.validateAndSetValue(plug, handle, context);
コード例 #46
        // Description
        //    Whenever a connection is made to this node, this method
        //    will get called.
        public override bool connectionMade(MPlug plug, MPlug otherPlug, bool asSrc)
            if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(inputSurface) ) {
                MObject thisObj = thisMObject();
                MPlug historyPlug = new MPlug( thisObj, mHasHistoryOnCreate );
                historyPlug.setValue( true );

            return base.connectionMade( plug, otherPlug, asSrc );
コード例 #47
        // Description
        //    Compute the outputSurface attribute.
        //    If there is no history, use cachedSurface as the
        //    input surface. All tweaks will get written directly
        //    to it. Output is just a copy of the cached surface
        //    that can be connected etc.
        public void computeOutputSurface( MPlug plug, MDataBlock datablock )
            // Check for an input surface. The input surface, if it
            // exists, is copied to the cached surface.
            computeInputSurface( plug, datablock );

            // Get a handle to the cached data
            MDataHandle cachedHandle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface );
            apiMeshData cached = cachedHandle.asPluginData as apiMeshData;
            if ( null == cached ) {
                MGlobal.displayInfo( "NULL cachedSurface data found" );

            datablock.setClean( plug );

            // Apply any vertex offsets.
            if ( hasHistory() ) {
                applyTweaks( datablock, cached.fGeometry );
            else {
                MArrayDataHandle cpHandle = datablock.inputArrayValue( mControlPoints );

            // Create some output data
            MFnPluginData fnDataCreator = new MFnPluginData();
            fnDataCreator.create(new MTypeId(apiMeshData.id));
            apiMeshData newData = (apiMeshData)fnDataCreator.data();

            // Copy the data
            if ( null != cached ) {
                newData.fGeometry = cached.fGeometry;
            else {
                MGlobal.displayInfo( "computeOutputSurface: NULL cachedSurface data" );

            // Assign the new data to the outputSurface handle
            MDataHandle outHandle = datablock.outputValue( outputSurface );
            outHandle.set( newData );

            // Update the bounding box attributes
            computeBoundingBox( datablock );
コード例 #48
ファイル: filteredAsciiFile.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
 protected override bool writesConnectAttr(MPlug srcPlug, MPlug destPlug)
     return (writesCreateNode(srcPlug.node) && !isNodeNameExcluded(destPlug.node));
コード例 #49
ファイル: filteredAsciiFile.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
 protected override bool writesSetAttr(MPlug srcPlug)
     return writesCreateNode(srcPlug.node);
コード例 #50
        public override bool compute( MPlug plug, MDataBlock block)
            if ( plug.equalEqual(constraintGeometry) )
                MArrayDataHandle targetArray = block.inputArrayValue( compoundTarget );
                uint targetArrayCount = targetArray.elementCount();
                double weight,selectedWeight = 0;
                if ( weightType == GeometrySurfaceConstraintCommand.ConstraintType.kSmallestWeight )
                    selectedWeight = float.MaxValue;
                MObject selectedMesh = null;
                uint i;
                for ( i = 0; i < targetArrayCount; i++ )
                    MDataHandle targetElement = targetArray.inputValue();
                    weight = targetElement.child(targetWeight).asDouble;
                    if ( !equivalent(weight,0.0))
                        if ( weightType == GeometrySurfaceConstraintCommand.ConstraintType.kLargestWeight )
                            if ( weight > selectedWeight )
                                MObject mesh = targetElement.child(targetGeometry).asMesh;
                                if ( !mesh.isNull )
                                    selectedMesh = mesh;
                                    selectedWeight =  weight;
                            if  ( weight < selectedWeight )
                                MObject mesh = targetElement.child(targetGeometry).asMesh;
                                if ( !mesh.isNull )
                                    selectedMesh = mesh;
                                    selectedWeight =  weight;
                if( selectedMesh == null )
                    // The transform node via the geometry attribute will take care of
                    // updating the location of the constrained geometry.
                    MDataHandle outputConstraintGeometryHandle = block.outputValue(constraintGeometry);
                return false;

            return true;
コード例 #51
ファイル: maTranslator.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
		protected void getSetAttrCmds(MObject node, MStringArray cmds)
			// Get rid of any garbage already in the array.

			// Run through the node's attributes.
			MFnDependencyNode	nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
			uint numAttrs = nodeFn.attributeCount;
			uint i;

			for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++)
				// Use the attribute ordering which Maya uses when doing I/O.
				MObject			attr = nodeFn.reorderedAttribute(i);
				MFnAttribute	attrFn = new MFnAttribute(attr);
                bool            isChild;
				attrFn.parent(out isChild);
				// We don't want attributes which are children of other attributes
				// because they will be processed when we process the parent.
				// And we only want storable attributes which accept inputs.
				if (!isChild && attrFn.isStorable && attrFn.isWritable)
					// Get a plug for the attribute.
					MPlug	plug = new MPlug(node, attr);

					// Get setAttr commands for this attribute, and any of its
					// children, which have had their values changed by the scene.
					MStringArray	newCmds = new MStringArray();

					plug.getSetAttrCmds(newCmds, MPlug.MValueSelector.kChanged, false);

					uint numCommands = newCmds.length;
					int c;

					for (c = 0; c < numCommands; c++)
						if (newCmds[c] != "")
コード例 #52
        public override void postConstructor()
            //	Make sure the parent takes care of anything it needs.

            // 	The baseTransformationMatrix pointer should be setup properly
            //	at this point, but just in case, set the value if it is missing.
            if (null == baseTransformationMatrix)
                MGlobal.displayWarning("NULL baseTransformationMatrix found!");
                baseTransformationMatrix = new rockingTransformCheckMatrix();

            MPlug aRockInXPlug = new MPlug(thisMObject(), aRockInX);
コード例 #53
 // Description
 //    When input attributes are dirty this method will be called to
 //    recompute the output attributes.
 // Arguments
 //    plug      - the attribute that triggered the compute
 //    datablock - the nodes data
 // Returns
 //    kSuccess          - this method could compute the dirty attribute,
 //    kUnknownParameter - the dirty attribute can not be handled at this level
 public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock datablock)
     if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(outputSurface) ) {
         computeOutputSurface( plug, datablock );
         return true;
     else if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(cachedSurface) ) {
         computeOutputSurface( plug, datablock );
         return true;
     else if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(worldSurface) ) {
         computeWorldSurface( plug, datablock );
         return true;
     else {
         return false;
コード例 #54
ファイル: dynExprField.cs プロジェクト: meshdgp/MeshDGP
		public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
		//	Descriptions:
		//		compute output force.
			if (plug.notEqual(mOutputForce))
                return false;

			// get the logical index of the element this plug refers to.
			uint multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex;

			// Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not
			// want to evaluate both inputs, only the one related to the
			// requested multiIndex. Evaluating both inputs at once would cause
			// a dependency graph loop.

			MArrayDataHandle hInputArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mInputData);

			// get children of aInputData.

			MDataHandle hCompond = hInputArray.inputValue();

			MDataHandle hPosition = hCompond.child(mInputPositions);
			MObject dPosition = hPosition.data();
			MFnVectorArrayData fnPosition = new MFnVectorArrayData(dPosition);
			MVectorArray points = fnPosition.array();

			// The attribute mInputPPData contains the attribute in an array form 
			// prepared by the particleShape if the particleShape has per particle 
			// attribute fieldName_attrName.  
			// Suppose a field with the name dynExprField1 is connecting to 
			// particleShape1, and the particleShape1 has per particle float attribute
			// dynExprField1_magnitude and vector attribute dynExprField1_direction,
			// then hInputPPArray will contains a MdoubleArray with the corresponding
			// name "magnitude" and a MvectorArray with the name "direction".  This 
			// is a mechanism to allow the field attributes being driven by dynamic 
			// expression.
			MArrayDataHandle mhInputPPData = dataBlock.inputArrayValue(mInputPPData);
			MDataHandle hInputPPData = mhInputPPData.inputValue();
			MObject dInputPPData = hInputPPData.data();
			MFnArrayAttrsData inputPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dInputPPData);

			MDataHandle hOwnerPPData = dataBlock.inputValue(mOwnerPPData);
			MObject dOwnerPPData = hOwnerPPData.data();
			MFnArrayAttrsData ownerPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dOwnerPPData);

			string magString = "magnitude";
			MFnArrayAttrsData.Type doubleType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kDoubleArray;

			bool arrayExist;
			MDoubleArray magnitudeArray;
			arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType);
            if (arrayExist)
                magnitudeArray = inputPPArray.getDoubleData(magString);
                magnitudeArray = new MDoubleArray();
			MDoubleArray magnitudeOwnerArray;
			arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType);
			if (arrayExist)
				magnitudeOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getDoubleData(magString);
                magnitudeOwnerArray = new MDoubleArray();

			string dirString = "direction";
			MFnArrayAttrsData.Type vectorType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kVectorArray;
			MVectorArray directionArray;
			arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType);
            if (arrayExist)
                directionArray = inputPPArray.getVectorData(dirString);
                directionArray = new MVectorArray();
			MVectorArray directionOwnerArray;
			arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType);
            if (arrayExist)
                directionOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getVectorData(dirString);
                directionOwnerArray = new MVectorArray();

			// Compute the output force.
			MVectorArray forceArray = new MVectorArray();

			apply(dataBlock, points.length, magnitudeArray, magnitudeOwnerArray,
				   directionArray, directionOwnerArray, forceArray);

			// get output data handle
			MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mOutputForce);
			MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder();

			// get output force array from block.
			MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex);
			MFnVectorArrayData fnOutputForce = new MFnVectorArrayData();
			MObject dOutputForce = fnOutputForce.create(forceArray);

			// update data block with new output force data.

			return true;
コード例 #55
        // Description
        //    If there is input history, evaluate the input attribute
        public void computeInputSurface( MPlug plug, MDataBlock datablock )
            // Get the input surface if there is history
            if ( hasHistory() ) {
                MDataHandle inputHandle = datablock.inputValue( inputSurface );
                apiMeshData surf = inputHandle.asPluginData as apiMeshData;
                if ( null == surf ) {
                    throw new ArgumentException("NULL inputSurface data found", "datablock");

                apiMeshGeom geomPtr = surf.fGeometry;

                // Create the cachedSurface and copy the input surface into it
                MFnPluginData fnDataCreator = new MFnPluginData();
                fnDataCreator.create(new MTypeId(apiMeshData.id));
                apiMeshData newCachedData = (apiMeshData)fnDataCreator.data();
                newCachedData.fGeometry = geomPtr;

                MDataHandle cachedHandle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface );
                cachedHandle.set( newCachedData );
コード例 #56
        // Description
        //    Horribly abuse the purpose of this method to notify the Viewport 2.0
        //  renderer that something about this shape has changed and that it should
        //  be retranslated.
        public override void setDependentsDirty(MPlug plug, MPlugArray plugArray)
            // if the dirty attribute is the output mesh then we need to signal the
            // the renderer that it needs to update the object

            if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(inputSurface) ) {
コード例 #57
        // Description
        //    Compute the worldSurface attribute.
        public void computeWorldSurface( MPlug plug, MDataBlock datablock )
            computeOutputSurface( plug, datablock );
            MDataHandle inHandle = datablock.outputValue( outputSurface );
            apiMeshData outSurf = inHandle.asPluginData as apiMeshData;
            if ( null == outSurf ) {
                throw new ArgumentException("computeWorldSurface: outSurf NULL", "datablock");

            // Create some output data
            MFnPluginData fnDataCreator = new MFnPluginData();
            fnDataCreator.create(new MTypeId(apiMeshData.id));
            apiMeshData newData = (apiMeshData)fnDataCreator.data();

            // Get worldMatrix from MPxSurfaceShape and set it to MPxGeometryData
            MMatrix worldMat = getWorldMatrix(datablock, 0);

            // Copy the data
            newData.fGeometry = outSurf.fGeometry;

            // Assign the new data to the outputSurface handle
            uint arrayIndex = plug.logicalIndex;

            MArrayDataHandle worldHandle = datablock.outputArrayValue( worldSurface );
            MArrayDataBuilder builder = worldHandle.builder();
            MDataHandle outHandle = builder.addElement( arrayIndex );
            outHandle.set( newData );
コード例 #58
        public override bool setInternalValue(MPlug plug, MDataHandle handle)
            bool isOk = true;

            if( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlPoints) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueX) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueY) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueZ) )
                // If there is input history then set the control points value
                // using the normal mechanism. In this case we are setting
                // the tweak or offset that will get applied to the input
                // history.
                // If there is no input history then ignore the controlPoints
                // attribute and set the vertex position directly in the
                // cachedMesh.
                if ( hasHistory() ) {
                    return base.setInternalValue( plug, handle );
                else {
                    if( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlPoints) && !plug.isArray) {
                        int index = (int)plug.logicalIndex;
                        MPoint point = new MPoint();
                        double[] ptData = handle.Double3;
                        point.x = ptData[0];
                        point.y = ptData[1];
                        point.z = ptData[2];
                        setValue( index, point );
                    else if( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueX) ) {
                        MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent;
                        int index = (int)parentPlug.logicalIndex;
                        setValue( index, 0, handle.asDouble );
                    else if( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueY) ) {
                        MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent;
                        int index = (int)parentPlug.logicalIndex;
                        setValue( index, 1, handle.asDouble );
                    else if( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueZ) ) {
                        MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent;
                        int index = (int)parentPlug.logicalIndex;
                        setValue( index, 2, handle.asDouble );
            // This inherited attribute is used to specify whether or
            // not this shape has history. During a file read, the shape
            // is created before any input history can get connected.
            // This attribute, also called "tweaks", provides a way to
            // for the shape to determine if there is input history
            // during file reads.
            else if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mHasHistoryOnCreate) ) {
                fHasHistoryOnCreate = handle.asBool;
            else {
                isOk = base.setInternalValue( plug, handle );

            return isOk;
コード例 #59
        // Description
        //    Handle internal attributes.
        //    Attributes that require special storage, bounds checking,
        //    or other non-standard behavior can be marked as "Internal" by
        //    using the "MFnAttribute.setInternal" method.
        //    The get/setInternalValue methods will get called for internal
        //    attributes whenever the attribute values are stored or retrieved
        //    using getAttr/setAttr or MPlug getValue/setValue.
        //    The inherited attribute mControlPoints is internal and we want
        //    its values to get stored only if there is input history. Otherwise
        //    any changes to the vertices are stored in the cachedMesh and outputMesh
        //    directly.
        //    If values are retrieved then we want the controlPoints value
        //    returned if there is history, this will be the offset or tweak.
        //    In the case of no history, the vertex position of the cached mesh
        //    is returned.
        public override bool getInternalValue(MPlug plug, MDataHandle result)
            bool isOk = true;

            if( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlPoints) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueX) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueY) ||
                plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueZ) )
                // If there is input history then the control point value is
                // directly returned. This is the tweak or offset that
                // was applied to the vertex.
                // If there is no input history then return the actual vertex
                // position and ignore the controlPoints attribute.
                if ( hasHistory() ) {
                    return base.getInternalValue( plug, result );
                else {
                    double val = 0.0;
                    if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlPoints) && !plug.isArray ) {
                        MPoint pnt = new MPoint();
                        int index = (int)plug.logicalIndex;
                        value( index, ref pnt );
                        result.set( pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2] );
                    else if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueX) ) {
                        MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent;
                        int index = (int)parentPlug.logicalIndex;
                        value( index, 0, ref val );
                        result.set( val );
                    else if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueY) ) {
                        MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent;
                        int index = (int)parentPlug.logicalIndex;
                        value( index, 1, ref val );
                        result.set( val );
                    else if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mControlValueZ) ) {
                        MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent;
                        int index = (int)parentPlug.logicalIndex;
                        value( index, 2, ref val );
                        result.set( val );
            // This inherited attribute is used to specify whether or
            // not this shape has history. During a file read, the shape
            // is created before any input history can get connected.
            // This attribute, also called "tweaks", provides a way to
            // for the shape to determine if there is input history
            // during file reads.
            else if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(mHasHistoryOnCreate) ) {
                result.set( fHasHistoryOnCreate );
            else {
                isOk = base.getInternalValue( plug, result );

            return isOk;
コード例 #60
        //    Calls applyRotationLocks && applyRotationLimits
        //    This method verifies that the passed value can be set on the
        //    rotate plugs. In the base class, limits as well as locking are
        //    checked by this method.
        //    The compute, validateAndSetValue, and rotateTo functions
        //    all use this method.
        protected override void checkAndSetRotation(MDataBlock block, MPlug plug, MEulerRotation newRotation, MSpace.Space space)
            MDGContext context = block.context;

            MEulerRotation outRotation = newRotation;
            if (context.isNormal) {
                //	For easy reading.
                MPxTransformationMatrix xformMat = baseTransformationMatrix;

                //	Get the current translation in transform space for
                //	clamping and locking.
                MEulerRotation savedRotation =

                //	Translate to transform space, since the limit test needs the
                //	values in transform space. The locking test needs the values
                //	in the same space as the savedR value - which is transform
                //	space as well.
                baseTransformationMatrix.rotateTo(newRotation, space);

                outRotation = xformMat.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Now that everything is in the same space, apply limits
                //	and change the value to adhere to plug locking.
                outRotation = applyRotationLimits(outRotation, block);
                outRotation = applyRotationLocks(outRotation, savedRotation);

                //	The value that remain is in transform space.
                xformMat.rotateTo(outRotation, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Get the value that was just set. It needs to be in transform
                //	space since it is used to set the datablock values at the
                //	end of this method. Getting the vaolue right before setting
                //	ensures that the transformation matrix and data block will
                //	be synchronized.
                outRotation = xformMat.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);
                //	Get the rotation for clamping and locking. This will get the
                //	rotate value in transform space.
                double[] s3 = block.inputValue(rotate).Double3;
                MEulerRotation savedRotation = new MEulerRotation(s3[0], s3[1], s3[2]);

                //	Create a local transformation matrix for non-normal context
                //	calculations.
                MPxTransformationMatrix local = createTransformationMatrix();
                if (null == local)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("rockingTransformCheck::checkAndSetRotation internal error");

                //	Fill the newly created transformation matrix.
                computeLocalTransformation(local, block);

                //	Translate the values to transform space. This will allow the
                //	limit and locking tests to work properly.
                local.rotateTo(newRotation, space);

                outRotation = local.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Apply limits
                outRotation = applyRotationLimits(outRotation, block);

                outRotation = applyRotationLocks(outRotation, savedRotation);

                local.rotateTo(outRotation, MSpace.Space.kTransform);

                //	Get the rotate value in transform space for placement in the
                //	data block.
                outRotation = local.eulerRotation(MSpace.Space.kTransform);


            MDataHandle handle = block.outputValue(plug);

            if (plug.equalEqual(rotate)) {
                handle.set(outRotation.x, outRotation.y, outRotation.z);
            } else if (plug.equalEqual(rotateX)) {
            } else if (plug.equalEqual(rotateY)) {
            } else {
