private static int SetTestRecord(MP3Record mp3Record) { int lastSongID = -1; if (MD5Exist(mp3Record.MD5, true) == false) { try { var context = new MyJukeboxEntities(); // tsongs_tst data var songs = new tSongs_tst(); songs.Album = mp3Record.Album; songs.Artist = mp3Record.Artist; songs.Titel = mp3Record.Titel; songs.Pfad = mp3Record.Path; songs.FileName = mp3Record.FileName; songs.ID_Genre = mp3Record.Genre; songs.ID_Catalog = mp3Record.Catalog; songs.ID_Media = mp3Record.Media; context.tSongs_tst.Add(songs); context.SaveChanges(); lastSongID = GetLastID("tSongs_tst"); // tmd5 data //var md5 = new tMD5_tst(); //md5.MD5 = mp3Record.MD5; //md5.ID_Song = lastSongID; //context.tMD5_tst.Add(md5); //context.SaveChanges(); // tfileinfo data //var file = new tFileInfos_tst(); //file.FileDate = mp3Record.FileDate; //file.FileSize = mp3Record.FileSize; //file.ImportDate = DateTime.Now; //file.ID_Song = lastSongID; //context.tFileInfos_tst.Add(file); //context.SaveChanges(); // tinfos data //var info = new tInfos_tst(); //info.Sampler = mp3Record.IsSample; //info.ID_Song = lastSongID; //context.tInfos_tst.Add(info); //context.SaveChanges(); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print($"SetNewTestRecord_Error: {ex.Message}"); return(0); } } else { return(0); } }
private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsSongChanged == true) { mp3Record = new MP3Record(); mp3Record.Genre = comboBoxGenre.Text; mp3Record.Catalog = comboBoxCatalog.Text; mp3Record.Album = textBoxAlbum.Text; mp3Record.Artist = textBoxInterpret.Text; mp3Record.Titel = textBoxTitel.Text; mp3Record.Path = textBoxPath.Text; mp3Record.FileName = textBoxFilename.Text; bool result = DataGetSet.EditSaveSongChanges(_id, mp3Record); } if (IsFileInfoChanged == true) { mp3Record = new MP3Record(); mp3Record.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxFilesize.Text); mp3Record.FileDate = Convert.ToDateTime(textBoxFiledate.Text); mp3Record.Duration = TimeSpan.Parse(textBoxDuration.Text); bool result = DataGetSet.EditSaveFileinfoChanges(_id, mp3Record); } if (IsSongInfoChanged == true) { mp3Record = new MP3Record(); mp3Record.IsSample = chechBoxSampler.Checked; mp3Record.Error = checkBoxError.Checked; mp3Record.Hide = checkBoxHide.Checked; mp3Record.Comment = textboxComment.Text; mp3Record.Media = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMedia.Text); } #region Zeuch //if (textBoxTitel.Text != (string)textBoxTitel.Tag) //{ //} //foreach( c In Me) //{ // if ( c.BackColor = +HC0C0FF ) // { // // Textfeld wurde bearbeitet; // if ( IsFieldChanged(c) ) // { // SaveChanges c; // } // } //} #endregion }
private List <MP3Record> mp3Records(List <FileDetails> list, bool isSampler) { List <MP3Record> mp3List = new List <MP3Record>(); foreach (FileDetails item in list) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(buttonCancel.Tag) == true) { break; } if (!item.Path.Contains(comboboxAlbum.Text)) { continue; } MP3Record mp3 = new MP3Record(); mp3.Genre = comboboxGenre.SelectedIndex; mp3.Catalog = comboboxCatalog.SelectedIndex; mp3.Media = comboboxMedia.SelectedIndex; mp3.Album = comboboxAlbum.Text; mp3.Titel = item.File; mp3.FileName = item.File + item.Extension; mp3.FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(item.Size); mp3.FileDate = item.LastWrite; mp3.Path = item.Path; mp3.IsSample = isSampler; mp3.MD5 = Helpers.MD5($"{mp3.Path}\\{mp3.FileName}"); if (item.File.Contains('-')) { var ar = item.File.Split('-'); mp3.Titel = ar[1].Trim(); mp3.Artist = ar[0].Trim(); } else { var artist = item.Path.Replace(mp3.Album, ""); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(artist); mp3.Titel = item.File; mp3.Artist = di.Name; } mp3List.Add(mp3); } return(mp3List); }
private void Timer_Speaking_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime time = new DateTime(); DateTime time2 = new DateTime(); TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(); DateTime time3 = new DateTime(); string str = ""; if (this.TestSection != TestingSection.SPEAKING) { if (this.TestSection == TestingSection.WRITING) { switch (this.CurrentWritingStep) { case 0: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = WRITING; this.tabf_writing.SelectedIndex = WDIRECTION; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = @"Tests\Direction\writeA1.mp3"; this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { } } if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentWritingStep = 1; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 1: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { base.btn_nextQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_nextQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("next1"); this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = WRITING; this.tabf_writing.SelectedIndex = WSPEECH; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = @"Tests\Direction\writeA2.mp3"; this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.pb_writingScene.Load(Application.StartupPath + @"\Tests\images\WaitPerson.jpg"); this.wpb_speak.Maximum = this.MP3Player.Duration; this.wtb_speak.Maximum = this.MP3Player.Duration; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { } } this.wpb_speak.Value = this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition; this.wtb_speak.Value = this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition; if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentWritingStep = 2; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 2: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { base.btn_nextQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_nextQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("next1"); base.btn_preQuestion.Enabled = false; base.btn_preQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("back"); this.MP3Player.StopT(); this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = WRITING; this.tabf_writing.SelectedIndex = WINDEPENDENT; this.wrtb_writing2.ReadOnly = true; this.wrtbQuestion2.Rtf = this.WritingQuestions[0]; base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "03:00"; base.lbl_timeremain.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } time = DateTime.ParseExact("00:01", "mm:ss", null); span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) - time); base.lbl_timeremain.Text = span.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + span.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); if (DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) <= DateTime.ParseExact("00:00", "mm:ss", null)) { this.CurrentWritingStep = 3; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 3: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { if (this.rb_PracticeMode.Checked) { base.btn_preQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_preQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("back1"); } base.btn_nextQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_nextQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("next1"); this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = WRITING; this.tabf_writing.SelectedIndex = WSPEECH; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "20:00"; base.lbl_timeremain.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; str = @"Tests\" + this.TPONO + @"\Writing\Speech.mp3"; this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.wpb_speak.Maximum = this.MP3Player.Duration; this.wtb_speak.Maximum = this.MP3Player.Duration; this.pb_writingScene.Load(Application.StartupPath + @"\Tests\images\write" + this.TPONO.ToString() + ".jpg"); this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } this.wpb_speak.Value = this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition; this.wtb_speak.Value = this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition; if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentWritingStep = 4; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 4: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { if (this.rb_PracticeMode.Checked) { base.btn_preQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_preQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("back1"); } base.btn_nextQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_nextQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("next1"); this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = WRITING; this.tabf_writing.SelectedIndex = WINDEPENDENT; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = @"Tests\Direction\writeA3.mp3"; this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.wrtb_writing2.ReadOnly = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } this.wpb_speak.Value = this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition; this.wtb_speak.Value = this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition; if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentWritingStep = 5; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 5: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { if (this.rb_PracticeMode.Checked) { base.btn_preQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_preQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("back1"); } base.btn_nextQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_nextQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("next1"); this.MP3Player.StopT(); this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = WRITING; this.tabf_writing.SelectedIndex = WINDEPENDENT; base.lbl_questionNO.Text = "Question 1 of 2"; this.wrtbQuestion2.Rtf = this.WritingQuestions[0]; this.wrtb_writing2.ReadOnly = false; this.lbl_writeDirection.Text = "Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.\n Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage."; base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "20:00"; base.lbl_timeremain.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } time = DateTime.ParseExact("00:01", "mm:ss", null); span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) - time); base.lbl_timeremain.Text = span.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + span.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); time3 = DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null); this.WriteWritingAnswers("write1.txt", this.wrtb_writing2.Text); if (time3 <= DateTime.ParseExact("00:00", "mm:ss", null)) { this.Timer_Speaking.Stop(); if (MessageBox.Show("Time over", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK) == DialogResult.OK) { this.Timer_Speaking.Start(); } this.CurrentWritingStep = 6; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 6: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { this.MP3Player.StopT(); if (this.rb_PracticeMode.Checked) { base.btn_preQuestion.Enabled = true; base.btn_preQuestion.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("back1"); } this.WriteWritingAnswers("write1.txt", this.wrtb_writing2.Text); this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = WRITING; this.tabf_writing.SelectedIndex = WINDEPENDENT; this.lbl_writeDirection.Text = "Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words."; this.wrtb_writing2.Text = ""; this.wrtb_writing2.ReadOnly = false; this.wrtbQuestion2.Rtf = this.WritingQuestions[1]; base.lbl_questionNO.Text = "Question 2 of 2"; base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "30:00"; base.lbl_timeremain.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } this.WriteWritingAnswers("write2.txt", this.wrtb_writing2.Text); time = DateTime.ParseExact("00:01", "mm:ss", null); span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) - time); base.lbl_timeremain.Text = span.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + span.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); if (DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) <= DateTime.ParseExact("00:00", "mm:ss", null)) { this.WriteWritingAnswers("write2.txt", this.wrtb_writing2.Text); this.Timer_Speaking.Stop(); if (MessageBox.Show("Time over", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK) == DialogResult.OK) { this.btn_mainmenu_Click(sender, e); } this.CurrentWritingStep = 6; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; } } } else { XMLFileReader reader = new XMLFileReader(@"Tests\" + this.TPONO + @"\Speaking\questions.xml"); string attr = reader.GetAttr("//question[@NO=" + this.QuestionNO + "]/@SpeakingIntro"); string str3 = reader.GetAttr("//question[@NO=" + this.QuestionNO + "]/@SpeakingMP3"); string str4 = reader.GetAttr("//question[@NO=" + this.QuestionNO + "]/@ReadingMP3"); string str5 = reader.GetAttr("//question[@NO=" + this.QuestionNO + "]/@SpeakingQuestion"); string str6 = reader.GetAttr("//question[@NO=" + this.QuestionNO + "]/@BeepPrepare"); string str7 = reader.GetAttr("//question[@NO=" + this.QuestionNO + "]/@BeepSpeak"); switch (this.CurrentSpeakingStep) { case 0: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SDIRECTION; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = @"Tests\Direction\Speaking_Introduction.mp3"; this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.HasLoadMP3 = true; this.srtb_introduction.Rtf = this.SpeakingQuestions[this.QuestionNO - 1].ToString(); this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = false; this.srtb_timer.Visible = false; this.spb.Visible = false; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 1; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 1: if (this.CONTINUECLICKED) { if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { this.pb_speakingScene.Load(Application.StartupPath + @"\Tests\images\WaitPerson.jpg"); base.lbl_questionNO.Text = "Question " + this.QuestionNO + " of 6"; this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = true; this.srtb_introduction.Visible = false; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = string.Concat(new object[] { @"Tests\", this.TPONO, @"\Speaking\", attr }); this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = false; this.srtb_timer.Visible = false; this.spb.Visible = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { if ((((this.QuestionNO == 1) || (this.QuestionNO == 2)) || (this.QuestionNO == 5)) || (this.QuestionNO == 6)) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 4; } else if ((this.QuestionNO == 3) || (this.QuestionNO == 4)) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 2; } this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } } break; case 2: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = string.Concat(new object[] { @"Tests\", this.TPONO, @"\Speaking\", str4 }); this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = false; base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "00:45"; this.srtb_timeindicator.Text = "READING TIME"; this.srtb_introduction.Rtf = this.SReadingMaterials[this.QuestionNO - 3]; this.srtb_timer.Text = "00:" + base.lbl_timeremain.Text; this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = true; this.srtb_timer.Visible = true; this.spb.Visible = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 3; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 3: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.srtb_introduction.Rtf = this.SReadingMaterials[this.QuestionNO - 3]; this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = false; base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "00:45"; this.srtb_timeindicator.Text = "READING TIME"; this.srtb_timer.Text = "00:" + base.lbl_timeremain.Text; this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = true; this.srtb_timer.Visible = true; this.spb.Visible = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } time = DateTime.ParseExact("00:01", "mm:ss", null); span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) - time); base.lbl_timeremain.Text = span.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + span.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); this.srtb_timeindicator.Text = "READING TIME"; this.srtb_timer.Text = "00:" + base.lbl_timeremain.Text; if (DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) <= DateTime.ParseExact("00:00", "mm:ss", null)) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 4; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 4: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = string.Concat(new object[] { @"Tests\", this.TPONO, @"\Speaking\", str3 }); this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.spb.Maximum = this.MP3Player.Duration; if (this.QuestionNO > 2) { this.spb.Visible = true; } else { this.spb.Visible = false; } this.srtb_introduction.Rtf = this.SpeakingQuestions[this.QuestionNO - 1]; if ((this.QuestionNO == 1) || (this.QuestionNO == 2)) { this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = false; } else { this.srtb_introduction.Visible = false; this.pb_speakingScene.Load(string.Concat(new object[] { Application.StartupPath, @"\Tests\images\speak", this.QuestionNO, ".jpg" })); this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = false; this.srtb_timer.Visible = false; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = true; } this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } this.spb.Value = this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition; if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { if ((this.QuestionNO == 1) || (this.QuestionNO == 2)) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 6; this.spb.Visible = false; base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "00:15"; this.srtb_timeindicator.Text = "PREPARATION TIME"; this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = true; this.srtb_timer.Text = "00:" + base.lbl_timeremain.Text; this.srtb_timer.Visible = true; } else { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 5; } this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 5: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = string.Concat(new object[] { @"Tests\", this.TPONO, @"\Speaking\", str5 }); this.spb.Visible = false; this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.srtb_introduction.Rtf = this.SpeakingQuestions[this.QuestionNO - 1]; this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = false; if ((this.QuestionNO == 3) || (this.QuestionNO == 4)) { base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "00:30"; } else { base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "00:20"; } this.srtb_timeindicator.Text = "PREPARATION TIME"; this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = true; this.srtb_timer.Text = "00:" + base.lbl_timeremain.Text; this.srtb_timer.Visible = true; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 6; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 6: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = string.Concat(new object[] { @"Tests\", this.TPONO, @"\Speaking\", str6 }); this.spb.Visible = false; this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 7; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 7: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } time = DateTime.ParseExact("00:01", "mm:ss", null); span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) - time); base.lbl_timeremain.Text = span.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + span.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); this.srtb_timer.Text = "00:" + base.lbl_timeremain.Text; if (DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) <= DateTime.ParseExact("00:00", "mm:ss", null)) { if ((this.QuestionNO == 1) || (this.QuestionNO == 2)) { base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "00:45"; } else { base.lbl_timeremain.Text = "01:00"; } this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = true; this.srtb_timer.Visible = true; this.srtb_timeindicator.Text = "RESPONSE TIME"; this.srtb_timer.Text = "00:" + base.lbl_timeremain.Text; this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 8; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 8: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { try { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); str = string.Concat(new object[] { @"Tests\", this.TPONO, @"\Speaking\", str7 }); this.MP3Player.FileName = str;; this.MP3Player.SetVolume(base.tb_sound.Value.ToString()); this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("open" + str + "出错!"); } } if (this.MP3Player.CurrentPosition >= this.MP3Player.Duration) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 9; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 9: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { this.tabf_test.SelectedIndex = SPEAKING; this.tabf_speaking.SelectedIndex = SQUESTION; this.MP3Recorder = new MP3Record(); this.MP3Recorder.SetFilePath(string.Concat(new object[] { @"users\", USERNAME, @"\", this.TPONO, @"\SpeakingAnswer", this.QuestionNO, ".wav" })); this.MP3Recorder.Start(); this.srtb_introduction.Visible = true; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = true; } time = DateTime.ParseExact("00:01", "mm:ss", null); span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) - time); base.lbl_timeremain.Text = span.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + span.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = true; this.srtb_timer.Visible = true; this.srtb_timer.Text = "00:" + base.lbl_timeremain.Text; if (DateTime.ParseExact(base.lbl_timeremain.Text.ToString(), "mm:ss", null) <= DateTime.ParseExact("00:00", "mm:ss", null)) { this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 10; this.MP3Recorder.Stop(); this.HasLoadMP3 = false; } break; case 10: if (!this.HasLoadMP3) { if (this.QuestionNO >= 6) { this.TestSection = TestingSection.WRITING; this.btn_LoadTest_Click(new Button(), e); break; } this.QuestionNO++; this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 1; this.srtb_introduction.Visible = false; this.pb_speakingScene.Visible = true; this.srtb_timeindicator.Visible = false; this.srtb_timer.Visible = false; } break; } } }
public void InitialParas() { if (!ISACTIVED) { Application.Exit(); } this.CONTINUECLICKED = false; this.MP3Player.StopT(); this.MP3Player = new MP3MCI(); this.MP3Recorder = new MP3Record(); this.Timer_reading.Stop(); this.tb_reading.Visible = false; this.bn_readText.Visible = false; this.btn_stopReading.Visible = false; this.Timer_Listening.Stop(); this.flash_timer.Stop(); this.Timer_Speaking.Stop(); this.btn_pause.BackgroundImage = (Image)this.resmgr.GetObject("pause"); this.btn_pause.Visible = false; this.llbl_rightAnswer.Visible = false; base.btn_mainmenu.Visible = false; base.btn_quit.Visible = false; this.lbl_testingSection.Visible = false; this.btn_ShowText.Visible = false; base.lbl_mode.Visible = false; base.lbl_questionNO.Visible = false; base.Sound_icon.Visible = false; base.tb_sound.Visible = false; base.btn_review.Visible = false; base.btn_preQuestion.Visible = false; base.btn_nextQuestion.Visible = false; this.ckb_viewSpeakingText.Visible = false; this.ckb_viewSpeakingText.Checked = false; this.ckb_ShowAnswer.Visible = false; this.ckb_ShowAnswer.Checked = false; base.lbl_timeremain.Visible = false; this.CurrentReadingStep = 0; this.RSpiltQuestionNO = 0; this.ReviewSelectedQuestionNO = -1; this.TestMode = 0; this.PartCount = 0; this.PassageCount = 0; this.QuestionCount = 0; this.PassageLastQuestionIndex = 0; this.PartLastPassageIndex = 0; this.InsertSetenceRtf = ""; this.PreInsertPosition = -1; this.IsRepeated = false; this.IsQuestionAfter = false; this.HasLoadMP3 = false; this.CurrentSpeakingStep = 0; this.CurrentWritingStep = 0; this.SummarySelectedAnswerIndex = -1; this.ShowPassage = false; }