コード例 #1
        public VersionManagerClass(MOG_ServerManagerMainForm main)
            mainForm = main;
            mainForm.VersionFilesListView.SmallImageList = MogUtil_AssetIcons.Images;
            ListViewSortManager serverVersions = new ListViewSortManager(mainForm.ServerListView, new Type[] {
            ListViewSortManager clientVersions = new ListViewSortManager(mainForm.ClientListView, new Type[] {

            mListViewSort_Manager.Add(new ListViewSortManager(mainForm.VersionFilesListView, new Type[] {

            serverVersions.Sort(0, SortOrder.Descending);
            clientVersions.Sort(0, SortOrder.Descending);

            DeploymentDirectory = MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystem().GetConfigFile().GetString("MOG", "Updates");
            DeploymentDirectory = DeploymentDirectory.ToLower().Replace(MOG_Tokens.GetSystemRepositoryPath().ToLower(), MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemRepositoryPath());
コード例 #2
        private string GetFormattedString(string formatedSource)
            string seeds = "";

            if (MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser() != null)
                seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetPackageTokenSeeds("Game~Packages{All}PackageFile.Pak", "All", "", "", "Packages\\PackageFile.Pak"));

            if (MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject() != null)
                seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetProjectTokenSeeds(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject()));

            if (mAssetFilename != null)
                seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetFilenameTokenSeeds(mAssetFilename));
                seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetRipperTokenSeeds(mAssetFilename.GetEncodedFilename() + "\\Files.Imported", "*.*", mAssetFilename.GetEncodedFilename() + "\\Files.All"));

            seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetSystemTokenSeeds());
            seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetOSTokenSeeds());
            seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetTimeTokenSeeds(new MOG_Time()));

            return(MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(formatedSource, seeds));
コード例 #3
        private void PropertyNameWizardPage_ShowFromNext(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Always reset our tree
            TreeNode root = PropertyContextMenuTreeView.Nodes[0];


            // We need to initialize any previously existing menu
            if (mProperties.PropertyMenu.Length != 0)
                string PropertyMenuFullName = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(mProperties.PropertyMenu, MOG_Tokens.GetProjectTokenSeeds(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject()));

                // Make sure we got a filename with a full path, if we didn't it is probably a relational path
                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(PropertyMenuFullName))
                    PropertyMenuFullName = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetProjectToolsPath() + "\\" + PropertyMenuFullName;

                // Find and open the menu
                if (DosUtils.FileExist(PropertyMenuFullName))
                    MOG_PropertiesIni ripMenu = new MOG_PropertiesIni(PropertyMenuFullName);
                    if (ripMenu.SectionExist("Property.Menu"))
                        string property = "";

                        // Create the sub menu
                        CreateChangePropertiesSubMenu(property, PropertyContextMenuTreeView.Nodes[0], "Property.Menu", ripMenu);
コード例 #4
ファイル: PackageCreator.cs プロジェクト: MOGwareSupport/MOG
        private void UpdateSyncTarget()
            MOG_Properties props = new MOG_Properties(ClassificationTextBox.Text);
            string         seeds = "";

            seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetClassificationTokenSeeds(Classification));
            seeds = MOG_Tokens.AppendTokenSeeds(seeds, MOG_Tokens.GetPropertyTokenSeeds(props.GetPropertyList()));
            string resolvedSyncTargetPath = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(props.SyncTargetPath, seeds);

            SyncTarget = resolvedSyncTargetPath;
コード例 #5
        private void PropertyFilenameWizardPage_CloseFromNext(object sender, MOG_ControlsLibrary.Utils.PageEventArgs e)
            if (PropertyFilenameTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                string PropertyMenuFullName = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(PropertyFilenameTextBox.Text, MOG_Tokens.GetProjectTokenSeeds(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject()));

                string LocatedPropertyMenu = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(PropertyMenuFullName);

                if (LocatedPropertyMenu.Length == 0)
                    // Make sure we got a filename with a full path, if we didn't it is probably a relational path
                    if (!Path.IsPathRooted(PropertyMenuFullName))
                        PropertyMenuFullName = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetProjectToolsPath() + "\\Property.Menus\\" + PropertyMenuFullName;
                    PropertyMenuFullName = LocatedPropertyMenu;

                // Create or open the existing properties
                MOG_PropertiesIni ripMenu = new MOG_PropertiesIni(PropertyMenuFullName);

                // Reset our menu

                // Add the properties
                SaveOutMenus(ripMenu, PropertyContextMenuTreeView.Nodes[0].Nodes);

                // Save the properties

                // Save our new propertyMenu filename
                mPropertyMenu = PropertyMenuFullName;

            // Skip to the end
            e.Page = PropertyEndWizardPage;
コード例 #6
        public List <string> DrillToAsset_BuildDrillPathParts(MOG_Filename assetFilename, bool includeRevisions)
            List <string> parts = new List <string>();

            if (Nodes != null)
                if (Nodes.Count > 0)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(assetFilename.GetOriginalFilename()))
                        // Add classification elements
                        string classification = assetFilename.GetAssetClassification();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(classification))
                            string[] classificationParts = MOG_Filename.SplitClassificationString(classification);

                            // Add asset name elements
                            string assetName = assetFilename.GetAssetName();
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(assetName))

                                // Check if we have a version?
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp()) && includeRevisions)
                                    // Date format string
                                    string dateFormat = MOG_Tokens.GetMonth_1() + "/" + MOG_Tokens.GetDay_1() + "/" + MOG_Tokens.GetYear_4()
                                                        + " " + MOG_Tokens.GetHour_1() + ":" + MOG_Tokens.GetMinute_2() + " " + MOG_Tokens.GetAMPM();

                                    parts.Add("<" + assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStampString(dateFormat) + ">");

コード例 #7
        public override void MakeAssetCurrent(MOG_Filename assetFilename)
            // Call our parent's MakeAssetCurrent

            // Make sure this assetFilename has the info we want
            if (assetFilename != null &&
                assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp().Length > 0)
                TreeNode foundNode = FindNode(assetFilename.GetAssetFullName());
                if (foundNode != null)
                    // Check if this node was previously marked as a deleted version?
                    if (foundNode.ForeColor == Archive_Color)
                        // Collapse this baby and let it get rebuilt the next time the user expands it because it needs to change it internal structure

                    // Reset the color
                    foundNode.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                    // Update this parent node with the new information concerning this asset
                    Mog_BaseTag assetTag = foundNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                    if (assetTag != null)
                        // Create a dateFormat just like that used in standard MS Windows USA regional date settings
                        string dateFormat = MOG_Tokens.GetMonth_1() + "/" + MOG_Tokens.GetDay_1() + "/" + MOG_Tokens.GetYear_4()
                                            + " " + MOG_Tokens.GetHour_1() + ":" + MOG_Tokens.GetMinute_2() + " " + MOG_Tokens.GetAMPM();

                        // Scan the children nodes looking for other places needing to be fixed up
                        foreach (TreeNode node in foundNode.Nodes)
                            // Make sure this is a valid node?
                            if (node != null)
                                // Checkif this is the 'All Revisions'?
                                if (node.Text == Revisions_Text)
                                    bool bFoundCurrentRevisionNode = false;

                                    // Fixup this list of revisions
                                    foreach (TreeNode revisionNode in node.Nodes)
                                        Mog_BaseTag baseTag = revisionNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                                        if (baseTag != null)
                                            MOG_Filename revisionFilename = new MOG_Filename(baseTag.FullFilename);
                                            if (revisionFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp() == assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp())
                                                revisionNode.ForeColor    = CurrentVersion_Color;
                                                bFoundCurrentRevisionNode = true;
                                                revisionNode.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                                    // Check if we need to add our new revision node?
                                    if (!bFoundCurrentRevisionNode)
                                        // Looks like this is a new revision and needs to be added
                                        // Hey Whipple - What do I do here?
                                        // It seems like this is already added by an earlier event so I suspect we will never hit this.
                                    // Check if this is the 'Current <' node
                                    if (node.Text.StartsWith(Current_Text + " <"))
                                        node.Text = Current_Text + " <" + assetFilename.GetVersionTimeStampString(dateFormat) + ">";

                                    // Update it's tag
                                    Mog_BaseTag currentTag = node.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                                    if (currentTag != null)
                                        assetTag.FullFilename = assetFilename.GetOriginalFilename();

                                    // Finally collapse this baby and let it get rebuilt the next time the user expands it
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing ListView node for the asset manager inboxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pProperties"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeColor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void UpdateListViewItem(ListViewItem item, MOG_Filename asset, string status, MOG_Properties pProperties)
            string date    = "";
            string size    = "";
            string creator = "";
            string owner   = "";
            string group   = "";
            string target  = "";

            // Check if we have a properties?
            if (pProperties != null)
                // If we have a valid gameDataController, set our platform scope
                if (MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController() != null)
                    // Set our current platform

                // Gather the following info from our properties
                date    = MOG_Time.FormatTimestamp(pProperties.CreatedTime, "");
                size    = guiAssetController.FormatSize(pProperties.Size);
                creator = pProperties.Creator;
                owner   = pProperties.Owner;
                group   = pProperties.Group;

                // Check if this is a packaged asset?
                if (pProperties.IsPackagedAsset)
                    // Check if we have have any package assignments in our propeerties?
                    ArrayList packages = pProperties.GetPackages();
                    if (packages.Count == 0)
                        // Indicate this is a packaged asset w/o any package assignments
                        target = "Missing package assignment...";
                    else if (packages.Count == 1)
                        MOG_Property package          = packages[0] as MOG_Property;
                        MOG_Filename packageName      = new MOG_Filename(MOG_ControllerPackage.GetPackageName(package.mPropertyKey));
                        string       packageGroupPath = MOG_ControllerPackage.GetPackageGroups(package.mPropertyKey);
                        string       displayString    = MOG_ControllerPackage.CombinePackageAssignment(packageName.GetAssetLabel(), packageGroupPath, "");
                        target = "{Package} " + displayString + "  in  " + MOG_Filename.GetAdamlessClassification(packageName.GetAssetClassification());
                        target = "{Package} " + packages.Count + " Assignments...";
                else if (pProperties.SyncFiles)
                    // Get the formatted SyncTarget of this asset
                    target = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString("{Workspace}\\" + pProperties.SyncTargetPath, asset, pProperties.GetPropertyList());

            item.Text = asset.GetAssetLabel();

            // Populate the item's SubItems
            // I tried for a long time to be smart here and use ColumnNameFind(thisListView.Columns, "Name") but
            // I kept running into walls because this function is used by a lot of workers outside of the ListView's thread.
            // So, I gave up and am just going to do it the ugly brute force way!  YUCK!!
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.NAME].Text       = asset.GetAssetLabel();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.CLASS].Text      = asset.GetAssetClassification();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.TARGETPATH].Text = target;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.DATE].Text       = date;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.SIZE].Text       = size;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.PLATFORM].Text   = asset.GetAssetPlatform();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.STATE].Text      = status;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.CREATOR].Text    = creator;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.RESPPARTY].Text  = owner;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.OPTIONS].Text    = "";
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.FULLNAME].Text   = asset.GetEncodedFilename();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.BOX].Text        = asset.GetBoxName();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.GROUP].Text      = group;

            // Set the item's Icons
            item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetFileIconIndex(asset.GetEncodedFilename(), pProperties);

            if (MogMainForm.MainApp != null &&
                MogMainForm.MainApp.mAssetManager != null)
                // mAssetStatus.GetStatusInfo() is sort of a black sheep and should maybe become static
                item.StateImageIndex = MogMainForm.MainApp.mAssetManager.mAssetStatus.GetStatusInfo(status).IconIndex;

            // Set the item's color
            item.ForeColor = MOG_AssetStatus.GetColor(status);
            // Check if this is a local item that has been blessed?
            if (asset.IsLocal() &&
                string.Compare(status, MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Blessed), true) == 0)
                // Mark local blessed items with light gray
                item.ForeColor = Color.LightGray;
コード例 #9
        public void View(MOG_Filename filename, AssetDirectories AssetDirectoryType, string viewer)
            viewer = viewer.ToLower();

            // Onlcy create viewer processes for real viewers, not none
            if (viewer.Length > 0)
                    viewer = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(viewer, MOG_Tokens.GetProjectTokenSeeds(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject()));

                    // Does this viewer have an extension
                    if (Path.GetExtension(viewer).Length == 0)
                        // Try tacking on an exe just for good measure
                        viewer += ".exe";

                    // Check to see if we can find the tool with the path provided
                    if (!DosUtils.Exist(viewer))
                            string locatedViewer = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(Path.GetDirectoryName(viewer), Path.GetFileName(viewer));
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locatedViewer))
                                viewer = locatedViewer;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Located Viewer", e.Message, e.StackTrace, MOG.PROMPT.MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);
                catch (Exception e2)
                    MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Located Viewer", e2.Message, e2.StackTrace, MOG.PROMPT.MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);

                // Get the binary files for this asset
                ArrayList binaryFiles = LocateAssetBinary(filename, AssetDirectoryType);

                if (binaryFiles.Count > 5)
                    if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Asset View", "There are (" + binaryFiles.Count.ToString() + ") files to be viewed in this asset.\n\nShould we continue and launch one viewer per file?", MOGPromptButtons.OKCancel) == MOGPromptResult.Cancel)

                // Make sure viewer exists
                foreach (string binary in binaryFiles)
                    AssetView assetViewer = new AssetView();
                    assetViewer.Asset = filename;

                    // If we have a viewer, we need to put quotes around our binary so that its arguments line up
                    if (viewer.Length > 0)
                        assetViewer.Binary = "\"" + binary + "\"";
                        assetViewer.Viewer = viewer;
                        //    // If we don't have a viewer, we will be launching the biniary its self.
                        //    // Therefore, set the binary without quotes
                        //    assetViewer.Binary = binary;
                        //    assetViewer.Viewer = "";

                    Thread viewerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(assetViewer.ShellSpawnWithLock));
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("View", "No viewer defined for this asset!", "", MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ALERT);
コード例 #10
ファイル: guiAssetTree.cs プロジェクト: MOGwareSupport/MOG
        static protected void assetTreeViewCreate_AddVersionNodes(TreeView tree, TreeNode parent, int defaultIndex)
            // Add version nodes
            TreeNode versionRoot = new TreeNode(VERSION_TOKEN, defaultIndex, 0);

            versionRoot.Tag = parent.Tag;

            // Date format string
            string dateFormat = MOG_Tokens.GetMonth_1() + "/" + MOG_Tokens.GetDay_1() + "/" + MOG_Tokens.GetYear_4()
                                + " " + MOG_Tokens.GetHour_1() + ":" + MOG_Tokens.GetMinute_2() + " " + MOG_Tokens.GetAMPM();

            // Create a tag for ease of use
            guiAssetTreeTag parentTag = (guiAssetTreeTag)parent.Tag;

            // Get the lastest version string
            string versionStr = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAssetVersion(new MOG_Filename(parentTag.FullFilename));

            // Populate HDD versions
            DirectoryInfo[] hddVersions = DosUtils.DirectoryGetList(parentTag.FullFilename, "");
            // Arrange it latest date first

            // Populate DB versions
            ArrayList dbVersions = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAllAssetRevisions(new MOG_Filename(parentTag.FullFilename));

            // Turn off sorting for this part of the tree
            tree.Sorted = false;
            foreach (DirectoryInfo version in hddVersions)
                // Create a new versionNode
                MOG_Filename versionFile = new MOG_Filename(version.FullName);
                string       textLabel   = "<" + versionFile.GetVersionTimeStampString(dateFormat) + ">";
                TreeNode     versionNode = new TreeNode(textLabel, defaultIndex, 0);
                // Add guiAssetTreeTag and change color to indicate HDD-only status
                versionNode.Tag = new guiAssetTreeTag(version.FullName,
                                                      guiAssetTreeTag.TREE_FOCUS.VERSION, true);

                // If this is a version matched in the DB, color is black
                if (assetTreeViewCreate_IsAssetVersionInDB(dbVersions, version.Name))
                    versionNode.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                // Else, turn color gray
                    versionNode.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray;

//glk:  This still needs to be tested against the case where there is no directory that matches the verion in versionStr

                // If this is the most recent asset, display it as such
                if (versionStr == versionFile.GetVersionTimeStamp())
                    versionNode.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
                    // Create a currentVersion node, manually cloning versionNode
                    //  glk: object.Clone() does not function properly
                    TreeNode currentVersion = new TreeNode(textLabel,
                                                           versionNode.ImageIndex, versionNode.SelectedImageIndex);
                    currentVersion.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
                    currentVersion.Tag       = new guiAssetTreeTag(version.FullName,
                                                                   guiAssetTreeTag.TREE_FOCUS.VERSION, true);

                    // Keep tree from drawing itself for a bit

                    // Document the horizontal and vertical
                    //  positions of tree's scrollbar using extern functions
                    int horizPos = GetHScrollPosition(tree);
                    int vertPos  = GetVScrollPosition(tree);

                    // Expand the tree: This is the operation which causes
                    //  really erratic behavior from TreeView Control

                    // Add ghost node for further expansion
                    currentVersion.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(""));

                    // Set the scrollbar horizontal and vertical positions
                    //  back to what they were.
                    SetHScrollPosition(tree, horizPos);
                    SetVScrollPosition(tree, vertPos);

                    // Allow tree to draw itself
                // Add new placeholder for further expansion
                versionNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(""));
            // Turn sorting back on
            tree.Sorted = true;
コード例 #11
        private MOG_PropertiesIni Post(string targetFolder, MOG_PropertiesIni fileList)
            bool title = false;
            MOG_PropertiesIni copiedFiles    = new MOG_PropertiesIni();
            string            fullTargetPath = mSourceBinaries + "\\" + targetFolder + "\\" + mArchiveVersion;

            Console.WriteLine("Create " + targetFolder + " VERSION: " + mArchiveVersion);

            // Make our target directory

            Console.WriteLine("Posting new " + targetFolder + " version");

            if (fileList.SectionExist("Files"))
                for (int i = 0; i < fileList.CountKeys("Files"); i++)
                    string label    = fileList.GetKeyByIndexSLOW("Files", i);
                    string filename = fileList.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("Files", i);
                    string path     = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), "{BuildType}=" + mBuildType);
                    string file     = Path.GetFileName(filename);

                    if (!title && mVerbose)
                        title = true;

                    // Copy the files
                    foreach (FileInfo fileHandle in DosUtils.FileGetList(path, file))
                        if (!title && !mVerbose)
                            title = true;

                            fileHandle.CopyTo(fullTargetPath + "\\" + fileHandle.Name, true);
                            copiedFiles.PutSectionString("FILES", fullTargetPath + "\\" + fileHandle.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("	POSTED: " +
                                              "<" +
                                              fileHandle.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString().ToString() +
                                              " " +
                                              fileHandle.LastWriteTime.ToShortTimeString().ToString() +
                                              ">\t" +
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("	ERROR POSTING: " + fileHandle.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("		ERROR MESSAGE: "+ e.Message);

                    title = false;
