public static bool Init_Server(string configFilename, string name) { MOG_Main.SetName(name); // Make sure we have a valid config filename? if (configFilename.Length == 0) { configFilename = MOG_Main.BuildDefaultConfigFile(); } // Check our bootup precautions if (MOG_Main.CheckInitPrecautions(configFilename)) { // Initialize MOG_REPORT for the server MOG_Time time = new MOG_Time(); // MOG is really stable now so I am shutting off the log files so things will run faster // MOG_Prompt.SetMode(MOG_PROMPT_MODE_TYPE.MOG_PROMPT_FILE); MOG_Report.SetLogFileName(String.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\Logs\\Server\\Server.", time.FormatString(String.Concat("{Day.2}", "-", "{Month.2}", "-", "{Year.2}", " ", "{Hour.2}", ".", "{Minute.2}", "{ampm}")), ".log")); // Create a new system MOG_CommandServerCS server = new MOG_CommandServerCS(); return(MOG_ControllerSystemCS.InitializeServer(configFilename, server)); } return(false); }
private void TodayRadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MOG_Time now = new MOG_Time(); this.ListStartDateTimePicker.Value = new DateTime(now.mYear, now.mMonth, now.mDay, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.ListEndDateTimePicker.Value = new DateTime(now.mYear, now.mMonth, now.mDay, 23, 59, 59, 59); }
public ListViewItem[] RefreshUsersBox(BackgroundWorker worker, string desiredBox, string contentsFileDirectory) { MOG_Time now = new MOG_Time(); ArrayList assets = MOG_DBInboxAPI.InboxGetAssetListWithProperties(desiredBox, MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveUser().GetUserName(), "", ""); ListViewItem[] items = new ListViewItem[assets.Count]; int x = 0; foreach (MOG_DBInboxProperties asset in assets) { // Create the properties for this asset MOG_Properties pProperties = new MOG_Properties(asset.mProperties); string message = "Refreshing:\n" + " " + asset.mAsset.GetAssetClassification() + "\n" + " " + asset.mAsset.GetAssetName(); worker.ReportProgress(x, message); // Update the ListViewItem ListViewItem item = guiAssetManager.NewListViewItem(asset.mAsset, pProperties.Status, pProperties); items[x++] = item; } return(items); }
public bool ToolNewerCheck(MOG_Filename mogAsset, string version, MOG_Project pProject, ref string failedString) { MOG_Time assetTime = new MOG_Time(version); MOG_Time correctAssetTime = new MOG_Time(); DirectoryInfo [] dirs = DosUtils.DirectoryGetList(MOG_ControllerRepository.GetAssetBlessedPath(mogAsset).GetEncodedFilename(), "*.*"); if (dirs != null) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs) { string checkVersion = dir.Name.Substring(dir.Name.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); MOG_Time dirTime = new MOG_Time(checkVersion); // Is this asset equal or newer than this dir version? if (assetTime.Compare(dirTime) < 0) { failedString = "Out of date," + failedString; return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void YesterdayRadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MOG_Time start = new MOG_Time(); start.SubtractDay(1); this.ListStartDateTimePicker.Value = new DateTime(start.mYear, start.mMonth, start.mDay, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.ListEndDateTimePicker.Value = new DateTime(start.mYear, start.mMonth, start.mDay, 23, 59, 59, 59); }
/// <summary> /// Write out our changes back to the TaskInfo /// </summary> public void FinializeTaskInfo() { mTaskInfo.SetName(this.TaskName); mTaskInfo.SetPriority(this.TaskPriority); mTaskInfo.SetAssignedTo(this.TaskAssignedTo); mTaskInfo.SetPercentComplete(this.TaskPercentage); mTaskInfo.SetComment(this.TaskComments); mTaskInfo.SetDueDate(MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp()); }
public void SendSurvey(SurveyForm sfrm) { //MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY priority; mtime = new MOG_Time(); mtime.UpdateTime(); //Controler stuff MOG_ControllerSurvey mController = new MOG_ControllerSurvey(mMog); mController.SetTitle(sfrm.SurveyNameTextBox.Text); mController.SetCategory(sfrm.SurveyCatComboBox.Text); mController.SetCreateTime(mtime.GetTimeStamp()); mController.SetDescription(sfrm.SurveyDescTextBox.Text); // Set the priority MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY priority = MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY.MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY_None; switch (sfrm.SurveyPriorityComboBox.Text) { case "None": priority = MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY.MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY_None; break; case "Low": priority = MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY.MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY_Low; break; case "Medium": priority = MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY.MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY_Medium; break; case "High": priority = MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY.MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY_High; break; case "Urgent": priority = MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY.MOG_SURVEY_PRIORITY_Urgent; break; } mController.SetPriority(priority); //Figure out string users = ""; mController.SetSurveyUsers(users); mController.SetCreator(mMog.GetUser().GetUserName()); mController.SetExpireTime(sfrm.SurveyExpireDateTimePicker.Value.ToString()); mController.Create(); mController.Send(); // Update the surveys window Update(); }
static private DialogResult LockMessage(string message, MOG_Command desiredLockInfo, MOG_Command currentLockHolderInfo) { MOG_Time desiredLockTime = new MOG_Time(); desiredLockTime.SetTimeStamp(desiredLockInfo.GetCommand().GetCommandTimeStamp()); string desiredLockName = desiredLockInfo.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetFullName(); // Check if this asset is a classification if (desiredLockName.Length == 0) { desiredLockName = desiredLockInfo.GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename(); } string desiredUser = desiredLockInfo.GetCommand().GetUserName().Length != 0 ? desiredLockInfo.GetCommand().GetUserName() : desiredLockInfo.GetCommand().GetComputerName(); string desiredMachine = desiredLockInfo.GetCommand().GetComputerName(); string desiredDescription = desiredLockInfo.GetCommand().GetDescription().Trim(); // Current lock holder MOG_Time currentLockTime = new MOG_Time(); currentLockTime.SetTimeStamp(currentLockHolderInfo.GetCommandTimeStamp()); string currentLockName = currentLockHolderInfo.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetFullName(); // Check if this asset is a classification if (currentLockName.Length == 0) { currentLockName = currentLockHolderInfo.GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename(); } string currentLockUser = currentLockHolderInfo.GetUserName().Length != 0 ? currentLockHolderInfo.GetUserName() : currentLockHolderInfo.GetComputerName(); string currentLockMachine = currentLockHolderInfo.GetComputerName(); string currentLockDescription = currentLockHolderInfo.GetDescription().Trim(); return(MessageBox.Show(message + "\n\n" + desiredLockName + "\n" + " USER: "******"\n" + " MACHINE: " + desiredMachine + "\n" + " DESCRIPTION: " + desiredDescription + "\n" + " TIME: " + desiredLockTime.FormatString("") + "\n\n Colliding Lock:\n\n" + currentLockName + "\n" + " USER: "******"\n" + " MACHINE: " + currentLockMachine + "\n" + " DESCRIPTION: " + currentLockDescription + "\n" + " TIME: " + currentLockTime.FormatString(""), "Asset Locked!", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question)); }
static public string VersionToString(string version) { string text = ""; if (version.Length > 0) { MOG_Time time = new MOG_Time(version); text = time.FormatString(""); } return(text); }
private string GetLocalFileTimestamp(string localFile) { string localTimeStamp = ""; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(localFile); if (fileInfo != null && fileInfo.Exists) { localTimeStamp = MOG_Time.FormatTimestamp(MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(fileInfo.LastWriteTime), ""); } return(localTimeStamp); }
// public Font GetNodeFont(MOG_ColumnTreeView tree) // { // if (GetTaskInfo() != null) // { // if (GetTaskInfo().GetPercentComplete() >= 100) // { // return new System.Drawing.Font(tree.Font.FontFamily, tree.Font.Size, FontStyle.Strikeout, tree.Font.Unit, tree.Font.GdiCharSet, tree.Font.GdiVerticalFont); // } // } // // return new System.Drawing.Font(tree.Font.FontFamily, tree.Font.Size, FontStyle.Regular, tree.Font.Unit, tree.Font.GdiCharSet, tree.Font.GdiVerticalFont); // } public Color GetNodeFontColor(MOG_ColumnTreeView tree) { MOG_Time current = new MOG_Time(); if (GetTaskInfo() != null) { if (current.Compare(new MOG_Time(GetTaskInfo().GetDueDate())) > 0) { return(Color.Red); } } return(SystemColors.ControlText); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize our fields with the data within this task /// </summary> /// <param name="TaskInfo"></param> public void Initialize(MOG_TaskInfo TaskInfo) { // Make sure we have a valid task if (TaskInfo != null) { // Save the original mOriginalTaskInfo = TaskInfo.Clone(); // Set our task member var mTaskInfo = TaskInfo; // Populate the priorities PopulatePriority(); // Populate the assigned to PopulateAssignTo(); // Set the name this.TaskName = mTaskInfo.GetName(); this.TaskPercentage = mTaskInfo.GetPercentComplete(); this.TaskPriority = mTaskInfo.GetPriority(); this.TaskAssignedTo = mTaskInfo.GetAssignedTo(); this.TaskComments = mTaskInfo.GetComment(); GetAssignedAssets(); // this.TaskAssignedAsset = mTaskInfo.GetAsset(); // Set the due date if (mTaskInfo.GetDueDate() != null) { MOG_Time time = new MOG_Time(mTaskInfo.GetDueDate()); TaskDueDateTimePicker.Value = time.ToDateTime(); } // Set our importance rating TaskImportanceTextBox.Text = mTaskInfo.GetImportanceRating().ToString(); } else { // Clear out our data this.TaskName = ""; this.TaskPriority = ""; this.TaskAssignedTo = ""; this.TaskPercentage = -1; this.TaskComments = ""; // // TaskPriorityComboBox.Enabled = false; // TaskUsersComboBox.Enabled = false; // TaskDueDateTimePicker.Enabled = false; } }
public bool GetTasksFromBox(string box, string section, Color textColor, System.Windows.Forms.ListView listViewToFill) { MOG_Ini contents = new MOG_Ini(); // Get a handle to the inbox\ FileInfo file = new FileInfo(String.Concat(mParent.mMog.GetActiveUser().GetUserPath(), "\\", box, "\\")); // If the .info file exists, open it if (file.Exists) { // Load the file contents.Load(file.FullName); // Find the items in the INBOX section if (contents.SectionExist(section)) { for (int i = 0; i < contents.CountKeys(section); i++) { ListViewItem node = new ListViewItem(); String assetName = contents.GetKeyNameByIndex(section, i); // Set the due date MOG_Time t = new MOG_Time(); t.SetTimeStamp(contents.GetString(assetName, "DUEDATE")); DateTime dueDate = t.ToDateTime(); node.Text = (contents.GetString(assetName, "TITLE")); // Name node.SubItems.Add(dueDate.ToString()); node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "TIME")); node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "CREATOR")); node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "PRIORITY")); node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "STATUS")); node.SubItems.Add(contents.GetString(assetName, "ASSET")); node.SubItems.Add(String.Concat(file.DirectoryName, "\\", assetName)); // Fullname node.SubItems.Add(box); // Current box node.ForeColor = textColor; node.ImageIndex = 0; //SetAssetIcon(String.Concat(mParent.mMog.GetActiveUser().GetUserPath(), "\\", box, "\\", assetName)); listViewToFill.Items.Add(node); } } contents.Close(); } return(true); }
private void PostWhatsNew(string targetFolder) { string versionFilename = mSourceBinaries + "\\" + targetFolder + "\\" + mArchiveVersion + "\\WhatsNew.txt"; WhatsNewLogForm log = new WhatsNewLogForm(); MOG_Time now = new MOG_Time(); log.WhatsNewRichTextBox.RichTextBox.Text = "------------------------------------------------\n" + now.FormatString("") + "\n------------------------------------------------\n"; log.WhatsNewRichTextBox.RichTextBox.Select(log.WhatsNewRichTextBox.RichTextBox.Text.Length, 1); log.TopMost = true; log.ShowDialog(); DosUtils.AppendTextToFile(versionFilename, log.WhatsNewRichTextBox.RichTextBox.Text.Replace("\n", "\r\n")); log.WhatsNewRichTextBox.RichTextBox.SaveFile(mSourceBinaries + "\\" + targetFolder + "\\" + mArchiveVersion + "\\WhatsNew.rtf", System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText); }
private ListViewItem InitNewRequestItem(MOG_Command command) { if ((command.GetCommandType() == MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRequest) || (command.GetCommandType() == MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRequest)) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); MOG_Time time = new MOG_Time(); time.SetTimeStamp(command.GetCommandTimeStamp()); item.Text = command.ToString(); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename()); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetComputerIP()); item.SubItems.Add(time.FormatString("")); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetComputerName()); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetUserName()); item.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(command.GetNetworkID())); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetDescription()); item.SubItems.Add(command.ToString()); switch (command.GetCommandType()) { case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRequest: item.Text = "Read Lock"; item.ForeColor = Color.Green; item.ImageIndex = 0; break; case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRequest: item.Text = "Write Lock"; item.ForeColor = Color.Red; item.ImageIndex = 0; break; } return(item); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Get a unique auto generated filename for this reportFile /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string CreateUniqueFilename(string path, string name) { MOG_Time time = new MOG_Time(); return(path + "\\" + name.Substring(0, name.LastIndexOf(".")) + " " + time.FormatString("{Month.2}-{Day.2}-{Year.2} {Hour.2} {Minute.2} {Second.2} {AMPM}") + name.Substring(name.LastIndexOf("."))); }
/// <summary> /// Create Package for each platform in this Project /// </summary> private MOG_Filename CreatePackageForPlatform(NodeLabelEditEventArgs e, MOG_Filename packageName, TreeNode parent) { // Initialize our ArrayList for MOG_Property objects ArrayList targetSyncPath = null; // If our node name already exists, return... if (!ValidateNewNodeName(e, packageName)) { return null; } // If our targetSyncPath is null, even after we try to get a valid one, return... if (targetSyncPath == null && (targetSyncPath = GetValidTargetSyncPath(e, packageName)) == null) { return null; } MOG_Property syncTargetPathProperty = targetSyncPath[0] as MOG_Property; // Create the new package MOG_Filename createdPackageFilename = MOG_ControllerProject.CreatePackage(packageName, syncTargetPathProperty.mValue); if (createdPackageFilename == null) { return null; } RenameNode(e, createdPackageFilename); // Post the projects new assets string jobLabel = "NewPackageCreated." + MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName() + "." + MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(); MOG_ControllerProject.PostAssets(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetBranchName(), jobLabel); // Return our created package return createdPackageFilename; }
public void UpdateCommands(MOG_Command command) { ListViewItem item; MOG_Command action = command.GetCommand(); if (action != null) { bool bAdd = false; bool bRemove = false; switch (action.GetCommandType()) { case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_None: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ConnectionKill: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ConnectionLost: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ConnectionNew: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_InstantMessage: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LaunchSlave: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockCopy: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockMove: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRelease: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRequest: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRelease: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRequest: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LoginProject: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LoginUser: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NetworkBroadcast: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NewBranch: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveCommand: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveConnection: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveLock: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemAlert: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemError: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemException: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RegisterClient: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RegisterCommandLine: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RegisterEditor: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RegisterSlave: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RequestActiveCommands: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RequestActiveConnections: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ShutdownClient: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ShutdownCommandLine: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ShutdownEditor: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ShutdownSlave: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RefreshApplication: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RefreshTools: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RefreshProject: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ViewConnection: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ViewLock: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ActiveViews: case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ViewUpdate: // Eat these commands, we don't need to show them in this window break; case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_Complete: // Drill one more level into this Complete command action = action.GetCommand(); bRemove = true; break; // All other commands can simply be added default: bAdd = true; break; } // Check if we are removing the command? if (bRemove) { // Strip out any matching commands do { // Find it using specific information // item = LocateItem((int)CommandsColumns.COMMANDID, action.GetCommandID().ToString(), mainForm.ConnectionManagerCommandsListView); item = LocateCommandItem(action); if (item != null) { item.Remove(); } } while(item != null); } // Check if we are adding the command? if (bAdd) { // Find it using a generic approach item = LocateCommandItem(action); if (item != null) { // Check if this could replace an existing command? if (action.IsRemoveDuplicateCommands()) { // Remove the duplicate item.Remove(); item = null; } } // Check if the item already exists if (item == null) { //It doesn't already exist, so let's make a new one item = new ListViewItem(); MOG_Time time = new MOG_Time(); time.SetTimeStamp(command.GetCommandTimeStamp()); string assetFullName = "PROJECT: " + action.GetProject() + " ASSET: " + action.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetOriginalFullName(); if (string.Compare(action.GetProject(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName(), true) == 0) { assetFullName = action.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetFullName(); } item.Text = action.ToString(); item.SubItems.Add(assetFullName); item.SubItems.Add(action.GetPlatform()); item.SubItems.Add(action.IsCompleted() ? "Working" : ""); item.SubItems.Add(action.GetJobLabel()); item.SubItems.Add(action.GetComputerName().ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(action.GetComputerIP().ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(action.GetNetworkID().ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(action.GetCommandID().ToString()); item.Tag = action; item.ImageIndex = GetImageIndex(action.GetCommandType()); mainForm.ConnectionManagerCommandsListView.Items.Add(item); } } } }
public void RefreshBox(MOG_Filename add, MOG_Filename del, MOG_Command command) { Color textColorAdd = Color.Black; Color textColorDel = Color.Black; // Dont add if we dont have a valid box if (add.GetBoxName().Length == 0 && del.GetBoxName().Length == 0) { return; } ListView currentViewAdd = mParent.IsolateListView(add.GetBoxName(), add.GetType(), add.GetUserName(), ref textColorAdd); ListView currentViewDel = mParent.IsolateListView(del.GetBoxName(), del.GetType(), del.GetUserName(), ref textColorDel); if (currentViewAdd == currentViewDel) { // Check to see if this item already exists? int index = mParent.ListViewItemFindItem(add.GetFilename(), currentViewAdd); if (index != -1) { currentViewAdd.Items[index].SubItems[(int)guiAssetManager.TaskBoxColumns.STATUS].Text = command.GetDescription(); currentViewAdd.Items[index].SubItems[(int)guiAssetManager.TaskBoxColumns.FULLNAME].Text = add.GetFullFilename(); currentViewAdd.Items[index].ForeColor = textColorAdd; for (int x = 0; x < currentViewAdd.Items[index].SubItems.Count; x++) { currentViewAdd.Items[index].SubItems[x].ForeColor = textColorAdd; } } } else { if (currentViewDel != null) { int index = mParent.ListViewItemFindItem(del.GetFilename(), currentViewDel); if (index != -1) { currentViewDel.Items[index].Remove(); } } if (currentViewAdd != null) { // Check to see if this item already exists? int index = mParent.ListViewItemFindItem(add.GetFilename(), currentViewAdd); if (index != -1) { currentViewAdd.Items[index].SubItems[(int)guiAssetManager.TaskBoxColumns.STATUS].Text = command.GetDescription(); currentViewAdd.Items[index].SubItems[(int)guiAssetManager.TaskBoxColumns.FULLNAME].Text = add.GetFullFilename(); currentViewAdd.Items[index].ForeColor = textColorAdd; for (int x = 0; x < currentViewAdd.Items[index].SubItems.Count; x++) { currentViewAdd.Items[index].SubItems[x].ForeColor = textColorAdd; } } else { MOG_ControllerTask assetController = new MOG_ControllerTask(mParent.mMog); if (!assetController.Open(add.GetFullFilename())) { return; } ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = assetController.GetTitle(); MOG_Time t = new MOG_Time(); t.SetTimeStamp(assetController.GetDueDate()); item.SubItems.Add(t.ToDateTime().ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(assetController.GetFileInfo().LastWriteTime.ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(assetController.GetCreator()); item.SubItems.Add(assetController.GetPriority()); item.SubItems.Add(assetController.GetStatus()); item.SubItems.Add(assetController.GetAsset()); item.SubItems.Add(assetController.GetAssetFilename().GetFullFilename()); item.SubItems.Add(assetController.GetAssetFilename().GetBoxName()); item.ForeColor = Color.Black; for (int x = 0; x < item.SubItems.Count; x++) { item.SubItems[x].ForeColor = textColorAdd; } item.ImageIndex = 0; //SetAssetIcon(String.Concat(mParent.mMog.GetActiveUser().GetUserPath(), "\\", box, "\\", assetName)); currentViewAdd.Items.Add(item); assetController.Close(); } } } // Update the tab RefreshTab(command); }
/// <summary> /// Open an explorer window in the target of the selected asset(s) /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> Must be a ListView and have a string[] in its Tag describing the columns</param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void RemoveMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ArrayList selectedItems = ControlGetSelectedItems(); string message = ""; foreach (guiAssetTreeTag tag in selectedItems) { if (tag.Execute) { message = message + tag.FullFilename + "\n"; } } if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Are you sure you want to remove all of these assets from the project?", message, MOGPromptButtons.OKCancel) == MOGPromptResult.OK) { // Obtain a unique bless label string jobLabel = "RemoveAsset." + MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName() + "." + MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(); foreach (guiAssetTreeTag tag in selectedItems) { if (tag.Execute) { MOG_Filename filename = new MOG_Filename(tag.FullFilename); // Make sure we are an asset before showing log if (filename.GetFilenameType() == MOG_FILENAME_TYPE.MOG_FILENAME_Asset) { if (guiAssetController.RemoveBlessed(filename, jobLabel)) { tag.ItemRemove(); } } } } // Start the job MOG_ControllerProject.StartJob(jobLabel); } }
private void CreateAssetConfigs_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; MOG_ControllerProject.LoginUser("Admin"); // Construct a new common timestamp for all of these assets string timestamp = MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(); // Activate the properties cache to help save time during the importation process MOG_Properties.ActivatePropertiesCache(true); for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < assetFilenameNodes.Count; nodeIndex++) { classTreeNode tn = assetFilenameNodes[nodeIndex] as classTreeNode; string fullAssetName = tn.FullPath; //tn.Parent.FullPath + tn.Text; string fileList = Utils.ArrayListToString(tn.importFiles, ""); // Check if this is a library asset? bool bIsInLibrary = false; if (tn.TreeView != null) { string fullPath = tn.FullPath + tn.TreeView.PathSeparator; string testPath = tn.TreeView.PathSeparator + "Library" + tn.TreeView.PathSeparator; if (fullPath.IndexOf(testPath, 0, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1) { bIsInLibrary = true; } } MOG_Filename repositoryName = null; if (bIsInLibrary && tn.importFiles.Count > 0) { // Use the timestamp of the file (Needed for out-of-date checks with library assets) String libraryTimestamp = ""; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(tn.importFiles[0] as string); if (file != null && file.Exists) { libraryTimestamp = MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(file.LastWriteTime); } repositoryName = MOG_ControllerRepository.GetAssetBlessedVersionPath(new MOG_Filename(fullAssetName), libraryTimestamp); } else { // Use the common timestamp for all the assets repositoryName = MOG_ControllerRepository.GetAssetBlessedVersionPath(new MOG_Filename(fullAssetName), timestamp); } MOG_Filename createdAssetFilename = null; string message = "Importing:\n" + " " + repositoryName.GetAssetClassification() + "\n" + " " + repositoryName.GetAssetName(); worker.ReportProgress(nodeIndex * 100 / assetFilenameNodes.Count, message); if (worker.CancellationPending) { if (Utils.ShowMessageBoxConfirmation("Are you sure you want to cancel asset importation?", "Cancel Asset Importation?") == MOGPromptResult.Yes) { return; } } try { string dirScope = MOG_ControllerAsset.GetCommonDirectoryPath(this.projectRootPath, tn.importFiles); // Construct our list non-inherited asset assuming none ArrayList props = null; if (tn.props != null) { // Ask the tn.props for the list of non-inherited properties props = tn.props.GetNonInheritedProperties(); } else { props = new ArrayList(); // Setup SyncTargetPath Property string assetDirectoryScope = MOG_ControllerAsset.GetCommonDirectoryPath(this.projectRootPath, tn.importFiles); if (assetDirectoryScope.Length > this.projectRootPath.Length) { string syncTargetPath = assetDirectoryScope.Substring(this.projectRootPath.Length + 1); props.Add(MOG.MOG_PropertyFactory.MOG_Sync_OptionsProperties.New_SyncTargetPath(syncTargetPath)); } } // Proceed to import the asset createdAssetFilename = MOG_ControllerAsset.CreateAsset(repositoryName, dirScope, tn.importFiles, null, props, false, false); if (createdAssetFilename == null) { // it's probably a network problem (TODO: Check for sure) // build a list of files for error message string files = "\n\nFiles contained in " + tn.Text + "\n"; foreach (string fname in tn.importFiles) { files += "\t" + fname + "\n"; } MOGPromptResult r = MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Import Error", "Importation of " + tn.FullPath + " failed. Please ensure that the file is accessible and click Retry." + files, MOGPromptButtons.AbortRetryIgnore); if (r == MOGPromptResult.Retry) { --nodeIndex; // stay on the same node (continue auto-increments) continue; } else if (r == MOGPromptResult.Abort) { RaiseAssetImport_Finish(); MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Cancelled", "Importation Cancelled", Environment.StackTrace, MOGPromptButtons.OK, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.MESSAGE); return; } else if (r == MOGPromptResult.Ignore) { continue; } } // Schedule this asset for posting under this project name MOG_ControllerProject.AddAssetForPosting(createdAssetFilename, MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName()); } catch (Exception ex) { MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Create Asset", "Could not correctly create asset.\nMessage=" + ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL); continue; } } // Shut off the properties cache MOG_Properties.ActivatePropertiesCache(false); }
/// <summary> /// Update an existing ListView node for the asset manager inboxes /// </summary> /// <param name="pProperties"></param> /// <param name="nodeColor"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static void UpdateListViewItem(ListViewItem item, MOG_Filename asset, string status, MOG_Properties pProperties) { string date = ""; string size = ""; string creator = ""; string owner = ""; string group = ""; string target = ""; // Check if we have a properties? if (pProperties != null) { // If we have a valid gameDataController, set our platform scope if (MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController() != null) { // Set our current platform pProperties.SetScope(MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController().GetPlatformName()); } // Gather the following info from our properties date = MOG_Time.FormatTimestamp(pProperties.CreatedTime, ""); size = guiAssetController.FormatSize(pProperties.Size); creator = pProperties.Creator; owner = pProperties.Owner; group = pProperties.Group; // Check if this is a packaged asset? if (pProperties.IsPackagedAsset) { // Check if we have have any package assignments in our propeerties? ArrayList packages = pProperties.GetPackages(); if (packages.Count == 0) { // Indicate this is a packaged asset w/o any package assignments target = "Missing package assignment..."; } else if (packages.Count == 1) { MOG_Property package = packages[0] as MOG_Property; MOG_Filename packageName = new MOG_Filename(MOG_ControllerPackage.GetPackageName(package.mPropertyKey)); string packageGroupPath = MOG_ControllerPackage.GetPackageGroups(package.mPropertyKey); string displayString = MOG_ControllerPackage.CombinePackageAssignment(packageName.GetAssetLabel(), packageGroupPath, ""); target = "{Package} " + displayString + " in " + MOG_Filename.GetAdamlessClassification(packageName.GetAssetClassification()); } else { target = "{Package} " + packages.Count + " Assignments..."; } } else if (pProperties.SyncFiles) { // Get the formatted SyncTarget of this asset target = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString("{Workspace}\\" + pProperties.SyncTargetPath, asset, pProperties.GetPropertyList()); } } item.Text = asset.GetAssetLabel(); // Populate the item's SubItems // I tried for a long time to be smart here and use ColumnNameFind(thisListView.Columns, "Name") but // I kept running into walls because this function is used by a lot of workers outside of the ListView's thread. // So, I gave up and am just going to do it the ugly brute force way! YUCK!! item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.NAME].Text = asset.GetAssetLabel(); item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.CLASS].Text = asset.GetAssetClassification(); item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.TARGETPATH].Text = target; item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.DATE].Text = date; item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.SIZE].Text = size; item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.PLATFORM].Text = asset.GetAssetPlatform(); item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.STATE].Text = status; item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.CREATOR].Text = creator; item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.RESPPARTY].Text = owner; item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.OPTIONS].Text = ""; item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.FULLNAME].Text = asset.GetEncodedFilename(); item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.BOX].Text = asset.GetBoxName(); item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.GROUP].Text = group; // Set the item's Icons item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetFileIconIndex(asset.GetEncodedFilename(), pProperties); if (MogMainForm.MainApp != null && MogMainForm.MainApp.mAssetManager != null) { // mAssetStatus.GetStatusInfo() is sort of a black sheep and should maybe become static item.StateImageIndex = MogMainForm.MainApp.mAssetManager.mAssetStatus.GetStatusInfo(status).IconIndex; } // Set the item's color item.ForeColor = MOG_AssetStatus.GetColor(status); // Check if this is a local item that has been blessed? if (asset.IsLocal() && string.Compare(status, MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Blessed), true) == 0) { // Mark local blessed items with light gray item.ForeColor = Color.LightGray; } }
public static void BlessAssets_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; List <object> parameters = e.Argument as List <object>; List <MOG_Filename> filenames = parameters[0] as List <MOG_Filename>; string comment = parameters[1] as string; bool maintainLock = (bool)parameters[2]; bool bUserAltered = false; string loginUser = MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName(); string activeUser = MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveUser().GetUserName(); // Make sure the inbox that we are in matches the logged in user if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveUser().GetUserName(), true) != 0) { // Login as this user so that his bless targets will be respected during this bless! MOG_ControllerProject.LoginUser(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveUser().GetUserName()); bUserAltered = true; } // Obtain a unique bless jobLabel string timestamp = MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(); string jobLabel = "Bless." + MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName() + "." + timestamp; // Changed to a for-loop to facilitate the loop breakout box on bless failure below for (int assetIndex = 0; assetIndex < filenames.Count; assetIndex++) { MOG_Filename asset = filenames[assetIndex] as MOG_Filename; if (asset != null) { string message = "Blessing:\n" + " " + asset.GetAssetClassification() + "\n" + " " + asset.GetAssetName(); worker.ReportProgress(assetIndex * 100 / filenames.Count, message); // Try to bless each asset and report if there is a failure try { if (MOG_ControllerInbox.BlessAsset(asset, comment, maintainLock, jobLabel, worker)) { WorkspaceManager.MarkLocalAssetBlessed(asset, timestamp); } else { // If there are more assets to bless, ask the user how to proceed if (assetIndex < filenames.Count - 1) { MOGPromptResult result = MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Bless Error", "An error has occurred while blessing " + asset.GetAssetFullName() + "\nWould you like to continue blessing assets?", MOGPromptButtons.YesNo); if (result == MOGPromptResult.Yes) { // continue with the next asset continue; } else if (result == MOGPromptResult.No) { // bail return; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Send this Exception back to the server MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Bless", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL); // Check if we are logged in an anyone? if (MOG_ControllerProject.IsUser()) { // Send a notification to the ofending user MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Bless", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL); } } } } // Start the job MOG_ControllerProject.StartJob(jobLabel); // Restore user if changed if (bUserAltered) { MOG_ControllerProject.LoginUser(loginUser); MOG_ControllerProject.SetActiveUserName(activeUser); } }
private string GetAutoVersion() { return(MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; MOG_Post poster = new MOG_Post(); poster.PopulateVersions(); MOG_Time current = new MOG_Time(); poster.mArchiveVersion = current.FormatString("{month.2}.{day.2}.{year.2} {hour.2}.{minute.2}.{second.2} {AMPM}"); string selection = ""; while (selection != "0") { selection = poster.DisplayMenu(); switch (selection) { case "1": // Client poster.PostClient(); break; case "2": // Server poster.PostServer(); break; case "3": // Bridge poster.PostBridge(); break; case "4": // All poster.PostClient(); poster.PostBridge(); poster.PostServer(); break; case "5": // Toggle type if (poster.mBuildType == "Release") { poster.mBuildType = "Debug"; } else { poster.mBuildType = "Release"; } break; case "6": poster.PostToMOGTools(); break; case "7": break; case "0": break; } } return; }
private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsInformationValid()) { string[] platforms = Platform.Split(",".ToCharArray()); // Make sure there was something specified before we do anything if (platforms.Length > 0) { bool bPromptUser = true; bool bCreatePackage = true; bool bRebuildPackage = false; foreach (string platform in platforms) { // Create the new package name MOG_Filename assetName = MOG_Filename.CreateAssetName(Classification, platform.Trim(), PackageName); // Check if we should prompt the user? if (bPromptUser) { // Don't bother the user again bPromptUser = false; // Check if this was a platform specific package? if (assetName.IsPlatformSpecific()) { // Check if there are ANY assiciated assets with this new platform-specific package? if (MOG_ControllerPackage.GetAssociatedAssetsForPackage(assetName).Count > 0) { // Prompt the user if they wish to automatically populate this new platform-specific packages? string message = "Whenever new platform-specific packages are created, they sometimes need to be populated if existing package assignments exist.\n\n" + "MOG has detected this to be the case and recommends you to automatically populated this package."; MOGPromptResult result = MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Automatically populate this new platform-specific package?", message, MOGPromptButtons.YesNo); switch (result) { case MOGPromptResult.Yes: bCreatePackage = true; bRebuildPackage = true; break; case MOGPromptResult.No: bCreatePackage = true; bRebuildPackage = false; break; case MOGPromptResult.Cancel: bCreatePackage = false; bRebuildPackage = false; break; } } } } // Check if we should create the package? if (bCreatePackage) { MOG_Filename newPackage = MOG_ControllerProject.CreatePackage(assetName, SyncTarget); if (newPackage != null) { // Post the new package into the project mAssetName = newPackage; string jobLabel = "NewPackageCreated." + MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName() + "." + MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(); MOG_ControllerProject.PostAssets(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetBranchName(), jobLabel); // Check if we should rebuild the package? if (bRebuildPackage) { jobLabel = "PopulateNewPackage." + MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName() + "." + MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(); // Schedule the rebuild command MOG_ControllerPackage.RebuildPackage(assetName, jobLabel); // Start the job MOG_ControllerProject.StartJob(jobLabel); } // Well, this is a bit of a hack but was the easiest and safest way to ensure unique JobIDs... // JobIDs are only accurate to the microsecond so lets sleep for a very short time. Thread.Sleep(10); // Setting the dialog's result will automatically close the dialog since we proceeded to create the package DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } } } } } }
bool CanObtainLicense(MOG_Command pCommand) { bool bLicense = false; // Get our server command manager? MOG_CommandServerCS commandServer = (MOG_CommandServerCS)(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetCommandManager()); if (commandServer != null) { // This client is not accounted for, check the license file to see if he can fit into the current situation if (EnsureValidLicense()) { // We have a license file if (!mTimeBomb.IsValidMacAddress()) { //The Mac address is bad String message = String.Concat("This MOG Server's machine hasn't been properly licensed.\n", "You will be limited to 2 client connections.\n", "Contact Mogware to transfer this license."); MOG_Command pBroadcast = MOG_CommandFactory.Setup_NetworkBroadcast("", message); commandServer.SendToConnection(pCommand.GetNetworkID(), pBroadcast); } else { // Since the Mac address is ok, what about the expiration? DateTime commandDate = MOG_Time.GetDateTimeFromTimeStamp(pCommand.GetCommandTimeStamp()); if (mTimeBomb.HasExpired() || mTimeBomb.HasExpired(commandDate)) { //Oh man this license file is expired String message = String.Concat("The MOG Server has been unable to renew the MOG License.\n", "You will be limited to 2 client connections.\n", "Please make sure the MOG Server machine has internet access."); MOG_Command pBroadcast = MOG_CommandFactory.Setup_NetworkBroadcast("", message); commandServer.SendToConnection(pCommand.GetNetworkID(), pBroadcast); } // Check if we are going to expire soon? else if (mTimeBomb.WillExpireSoon()) { // Inform the user of our impending doom String message = String.Concat("The MOG Server has been unable to renew the MOG License.\n", "EXPIRATION DATE: ", mTimeBomb.GetExpireDate().ToString(), "\n", "Please make sure the MOG Server machine has internet access."); MOG_Command pBroadcast = MOG_CommandFactory.Setup_NetworkBroadcast("", message); commandServer.SendToConnection(pCommand.GetNetworkID(), pBroadcast); } } } else { // There is no license file at all String message = String.Concat("You're using an unlicensed server.\n", "You will be limited to 2 client connections.\n", "Licensing can be performed in the ServerManager."); MOG_Command pBroadcast = MOG_CommandFactory.Setup_NetworkBroadcast("", message); commandServer.SendToConnection(pCommand.GetNetworkID(), pBroadcast); } // Call this to see if any more clients can be licensed if (IsLicenseAvailable()) { bLicense = true; } else { // Notify client of failed command request string message = String.Concat("No more available licenses on the server.\n\n", "This client cannot be launched until another client is closed.\n", "Additional seats can be licensed in the ServerManager."); MOG_Command pBroadcast = MOG_CommandFactory.Setup_NetworkBroadcast("", message); commandServer.SendToConnection(pCommand.GetNetworkID(), pBroadcast); } } return(bLicense); }
/// <summary> /// Load a report form from a file and populate it /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> public void LoadReportList(string filename) { MOG_Ini report = new MOG_Ini(filename); // Set the form title Text = Path.GetFileName(filename); if (report.SectionExist("ASSETS")) { ListListView.Items.Clear(); ListListView.BeginUpdate(); ProgressMax(report.CountKeys("ASSETS")); for (int x = 0; x < report.CountKeys("ASSETS"); x++) { MOG_Filename mogAsset = new MOG_Filename(report.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("ASSETS", x)); string extraInfo = report.GetKeyByIndexSLOW("ASSETS", x); MOG_Properties pProperties = new MOG_Properties(mogAsset); string version = mogAsset.GetVersionTimeStamp(); string currentVersion = MOG_DBAssetAPI.GetAssetVersion(mogAsset); //mCurrentInfo.GetString("ASSETS", mogAsset.GetAssetName()); MOG_Time assetTime = new MOG_Time(version); MOG_Time currentAssetTime = new MOG_Time(currentVersion); ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); // We have support for the old lists as well as the new ones that have extra information stored. if (string.Compare(extraInfo, "ReportList", true) != 0) { string [] extraItems = extraInfo.Split(",".ToCharArray()); foreach (string extra in extraItems) { if (item.Text.Length == 0) { item.Text = extra; } else { item.SubItems.Add(extra); } } // Update the version if (assetTime.Compare(currentAssetTime) != 0) { item.SubItems[FindColumn("Version")].Text = currentAssetTime.FormatString(""); item.SubItems[FindColumn("Version")].ForeColor = Color.Red; } } else { item = AddItemToListView(mogAsset, pProperties, MOG_ControllerRepository.GetAssetBlessedVersionPath(mogAsset, version).GetEncodedFilename()); // Get version if (assetTime.Compare(currentAssetTime) != 0) // Version { item.SubItems[FindColumn("Version")].Text = currentAssetTime.FormatString(""); item.SubItems[FindColumn("Version")].ForeColor = Color.Red; version = currentVersion; } else { item.SubItems[FindColumn("Version")].Text = assetTime.FormatString(""); } } // Icon item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetAssetIconIndex(mogAsset.GetAssetFullName()); ListListView.Items.Add(item); ProgressStep(); } UpdateAssetTotals(); ListListView.EndUpdate(); ProgressReset(); } }
private void UpdateItem(ListViewItem item) { string status = ""; string username = ""; string comment = ""; string localTimestamp = ""; // Find our desired columns int statusIdx = FindColumn("Status"); int userIdx = FindColumn("User"); int commentIdx = FindColumn("Comment"); int localTimestampIdx = FindColumn("Local Timestamp"); int serverTimestampIdx = FindColumn("Server Timestamp"); int localFileIdx = FindColumn("LocalFile"); int repositoryFileIdx = FindColumn("RepositoryFile"); string repositoryFile = item.SubItems[repositoryFileIdx].Text; MOG_Filename repositoryAssetFilename = new MOG_Filename(repositoryFile); // Check if this file exist locally? string localFile = item.SubItems[localFileIdx].Text; if (localFile.Length != 0) { // Obtain the localFile info FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(localFile); // Does this local file exist? if (fileInfo != null && fileInfo.Exists) { // Compare our local file's timestamp to the server's revision localTimestamp = MOG_Time.GetVersionTimestamp(fileInfo.LastWriteTime); if (localTimestamp == repositoryAssetFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp()) { // Indicate this item is synced and up-to-date status = "Up-to-date"; } else { // Indicate this item is synced status = "Out-of-date"; } } else { // Indicate this item is not synced status = "unSynced"; } } else { // Indicate this item is not synced status = "unSynced"; } // Check if this file exists in the repository? if (repositoryFile.Length != 0) { // Check the lock statusIdx of the asset MOG_Command sourceLock = MOG_ControllerProject.PersistentLock_Query(repositoryAssetFilename.GetAssetFullName()); if (sourceLock.IsCompleted() && sourceLock.GetCommand() != null) { MOG_Command lockHolder = sourceLock.GetCommand(); // Obtain the lock info item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetLockedBinaryIcon(repositoryFile); username = lockHolder.GetUserName(); comment = lockHolder.GetDescription(); // Check if this is locked by me? if (username == MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName()) { status = "CheckedOut"; } else { status = "Locked"; } } else { // Update this file's icon item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetFileIconIndex(repositoryFile); } } // Update the item with the new information item.SubItems[statusIdx].Text = status; item.SubItems[userIdx].Text = username; item.SubItems[commentIdx].Text = comment; item.SubItems[localTimestampIdx].Text = MogUtils_StringVersion.VersionToString(localTimestamp); item.SubItems[serverTimestampIdx].Text = MogUtils_StringVersion.VersionToString(repositoryAssetFilename.GetVersionTimeStamp()); // Update the color for this locked item UpdateListViewItemColors(item, status); }
private ListViewItem InitNewLockItem(MOG_Command command) { if (command != null) { if ((command.GetCommandType() == MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRequest) || (command.GetCommandType() == MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRequest)) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); MOG_Time time = new MOG_Time(); time.SetTimeStamp(command.GetCommandTimeStamp()); // Gather appropriate lock info from the command's MOG_Filename string label = ""; string classification = ""; // Check if this is an asset? if (command.GetAssetFilename().GetFilenameType() == MOG_FILENAME_TYPE.MOG_FILENAME_Asset) { // Get the label and classifciation of the asset label = command.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetLabel(); classification = command.GetAssetFilename().GetAssetClassification(); // Obtain the proper icon item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetAssetIconIndex(command.GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename()); } // Check if this is a classification-level by seeing if it ends with a '*'? else if (command.GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename().EndsWith("*")) { // Do our best to illustrate a classification-level lock label = "*"; classification = command.GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename().Trim("*".ToCharArray()); // Obtain the proper icon item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetClassIconIndex(classification); } //LOCK_COLUMNS {LABEL, CLASSIFICATION, USER, DESCRIPTION, MACHINE, IP, ID, TIME, FULLNAME, TYPE}; item.Text = label; item.SubItems.Add(classification); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetUserName()); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetDescription()); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetComputerName()); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetComputerIP()); item.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(command.GetNetworkID())); item.SubItems.Add(time.FormatString("")); item.SubItems.Add(command.GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename()); switch (command.GetCommandType()) { case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRequest: item.SubItems.Add("Read Lock"); item.ForeColor = Color.Green; break; case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRequest: item.SubItems.Add("Write Lock"); item.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; } return(item); } } return(null); }