private void UpdateThroughUserInput() { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(Helper.CnnVal("AssetDB"))) { var equipment = new Equipment { equipmentId = ID, equipmentName = Name, equipmentSystem = BarCode, equipmentType = Type, building = Building, floor = Level, room = Room, zone = Zone, docLink = DocLink, docPhoto = DocPhotoLink, classification = Classification, materialType = MaterialType, consequencePriority = ConsequencePriority, opeationStatus = OpeationStatus, manufacturer = Manufacturer, year = MM.ToShortDateString(), degradationInfo = DegradationInfo, detail = Detail, inspectionStatus = Status, alarmType = AlarmType, collectedBy = CollectedBy, collectedOn = CollectedOn.ToShortDateString(), notes = Notes, inspectionPhotoLink = InspectionPhotoLink, attachmentLink = AttachmentLink }; Equipmentlist.Add(equipment); connection.Execute( "dbo.EquipmentList_Insert " + "@equipmentId, @equipmentName, @equipmentSystem, @equipmentType," + "@building,@floor,@room,@zone," + "@docLink,@docPhoto," + "@classification,@materialType," + "@consequencePriority,@opeationStatus," + "@manufacturer,@year,@degradationInfo,@detail," + "@inspectionStatus,@alarmType,@collectedBy," + "@collectedOn,@notes,@inspectionPhotoLink,@attachmentLink" , Equipmentlist); } MessageBox.Show("The data has been uploaded to the SQL Server!"); Equipmentlist.Clear(); }