コード例 #1
        private void HandleOnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float value)
            MLInputController controller = _controllerConnectionHandler.ConnectedController;

            if (controller != null && controller.Id == controllerId)
                MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(value * 2.0f));
                controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);
                Vector3 newPieceLocation = ControllerLocation;
                Vector3 newPieceRotation = ControllerRotation;
                //Vector3 newPieceLocation = ControllerLocation;
                //Vector3 newPieceRotation = ControllerRotation;
                if (!StartPlaced && !touchingObject)
                    StartPoint    = newPieceLocation;
                    ballInstance  = Instantiate(Ball, newPieceLocation, Quaternion.identity);
                    StartPlaced   = true;
                    InfoText.text = "Set end point";
                else if (!EndPlaced && !touchingObject)
                    EndPoint = newPieceLocation;
                    Instantiate(EndModel, newPieceLocation, Quaternion.identity);
                    EndPlaced      = true;
                    InfoText.text  = "Place your track down, and press the bumper to start.";
                    isReadyToStart = true;
                else if (!Started && !touchingObject)
                    Instantiate(SelectedPrefab, newPieceLocation, Quaternion.Euler(newPieceRotation));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the event for trigger down.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller_id">The id of the controller.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value of the trigger button.</param>
        private void HandleOnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float value)
            MLInputController controller = _controllerConnectionHandler.ConnectedController;

            if (controller != null && controller.Id == controllerId)
                MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(value * 2.0f));
                controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);

                //public void SetParent(GameObject Cube)
                //    //Makes the GameObject "newParent" the parent of the GameObject "player".
                //    controller.transform.parent = Cube.transform;

                //    //Display the parent's name in the console.
                //    Debug.Log("Player's Parent: " + controller.transform.parent.name);

                //    // Check if the new parent has a parent GameObject.
                //    if (Cube.transform.parent != null)
                //    {
                //        //Display the name of the grand parent of the player.
                //        Debug.Log("Player's Grand parent: " + controller.transform.parent.parent.name);
                //    }
コード例 #3
ファイル: Projectile.cs プロジェクト: elMakers/Saber
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
        // Check for blade reflect
        if (col.collider.gameObject.layer == 10)
            // Play reflect sound
            var sound = Instantiate(ReflectSound, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            sound.pitch = Random.Range(ReflectMinPitch, ReflectMaxPitch);

            // Add some haptics
            MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity.Medium;
            _controller.Controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);

            // TODO: Reflect instead of destroy

        // Spawn an explosion
        if (Explosion)
            var explosion = Instantiate(Explosion, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            Destroy(explosion, Lifespan);

コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the event for trigger down.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="controller_id">The id of the controller.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value of the trigger button.</param>
 private void HandleOnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float value)
     if (_mlInputController != null && _mlInputController.Id == controllerId)
         MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(value * 2.0f));
         _mlInputController.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the event for trigger down.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller_id">The id of the controller.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value of the trigger button.</param>
        public virtual void HandleOnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float value)
            MLInputController controller = _controllerConnectionHandler.ConnectedController;

            if (controller != null && controller.Id == controllerId)
                MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(value * 2.0f));
                controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);
コード例 #6
    private void Handle_OnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float triggerValue)

        MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(triggerValue * 2.0f));

        _controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);

コード例 #7
 private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     if (other.tag == "picker")
         MLInputController controller = _controllerConnectionHandler.ConnectedController;
         currentSelect = id;
         transform.DOLocalMoveZ(-0.5f, .3f);
         transform.DOScale(initialScale * 1.2f, .3f);
         MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(.8f));
         controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates controller vibration haptics.
 /// </summary>
 private void UpdateHaptics()
     if (_controller.Type == MLInputControllerType.Device)
         // For trigger issue a buzz vibe with appropriate pressure sensitivity to the body.
         if (_controller.TriggerValue > 0.2f) // Adding in some deadzone checking.
             MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(_controller.TriggerValue * 2.0f));
             _controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);
コード例 #9
    private void HandleOnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float value)
        MLInputController controller = connectionHandler.ConnectedController;

        if (controller != null && controller.Id == controllerId)
            MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)value * 2.0f);
            controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);
            debugLog.text = "Start capturing has been enables by the trigger button action";
            startTracking = true;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the event for trigger down.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller_id">The id of the controller.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value of the trigger button.</param>
        private void HandleOnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float value)
            MLInputController controller = _controllerConnectionHandler.ConnectedController;

            if (controller != null && controller.Id == controllerId)
                // NOTE: Hardcoded to 0.1 since there was a bug that would make the controller vibrate max when
                // trigger > 0.8 but < 1.0
                MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)0.1f;
//                controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the event for trigger down.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller_id">The id of the controller.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value of the trigger button.</param>
        private void HandleOnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float value)
            MLInputController controller = _controllerConnectionHandler.ConnectedController;

            if (controller != null && controller.Id == controllerId)
                //Debug.Log("I tried to sync color");

                MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(value * 2.0f));
                controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the event for trigger down.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller_id">The id of the controller.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value of the trigger button.</param>
        private void HandleOnTriggerDown(byte controllerId, float value)
            MLInputController controller = _controllerConnectionHandler.ConnectedController;

            if (controller != null && controller.Id == controllerId)
                MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = (MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity)((int)(value * 2.0f));
                controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);

                if (isActive)
                    island.GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("disappear");
                    GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume = 0;
                    island.GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("appear");
                    GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume = 0.4f;
                isActive = !isActive;
コード例 #13
 public HapticSetting(bool enabled, MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe pattern, MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity)
     this.enabled    = enabled;
     this.pattern    = pattern;
     this.instensity = intensity;
コード例 #14
 public static extern bool MLInputStartControllerFeedbackPatternVibe(byte controllerId, MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe pattern, MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity);
コード例 #15
 //Public Methods:
 public void StartHaptic(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe vibe, MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity)
     controlInput.Control.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(vibe, intensity);
コード例 #16
            public MLResult StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe pattern, MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity)
                if (MLControllerNativeBindings.MLInputStartControllerFeedbackPatternVibe(controllerId, pattern, intensity))

                MLResult result = MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "UnityMagicLeap - MLInputStartControllerFeedbackPatternVibe() returned an error.");

                MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLInputController.StartFeedbackPatternVibe failed. Reason: {0}", result);

コード例 #17
ファイル: Slice.cs プロジェクト: elMakers/Saber
    void Update()
        if (!_extend.Extended())

        var transform = Source.transform;
        var position  = transform.position;
        var direction = transform.up;

        // Raycast to check for surfaces to slice

        // Debug.DrawLine(position, position + direction * Length, Color.yellow, 2.0f, false);
        var wasHit = _isHit;

        _isHit = false;
        var hitCount = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(position, direction, _hits, Length, _layerMask);

        if (hitCount == 0)
            _isFirstHit = true;
        var firstHit = _hits[0];

        Vector3[] interpolateTargets = null;
        _isHit = true;

        // Play Sound
        if (wasHit)
            if (Time.time > _lastCrackleSound + _crackleSoundCooldown)
                _lastCrackleSound  = Time.time;
                CrackleSound.pitch = Random.Range(MinPitch, MaxPitch);
                CrackleSound.transform.position = firstHit.point;
            if (Time.time > _lastSliceSound + _sliceSoundCooldown)
                _lastSliceSound          = Time.time;
                Sound.pitch              = Random.Range(MinPitch, MaxPitch);
                Sound.transform.position = firstHit.point;

        // Add haptics
        if (Time.time > _lastBuzz + SliceBuzzCooldown)
            _lastBuzz = Time.time;
            MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity intensity = MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity.Low;
            var speed = _swing.AverageSpeed;
            if (speed >= SliceBuzzMediumSpeed)
                intensity = MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity.Medium;
            if (speed >= SliceBuzzHighSpeed)
                intensity = MLInputControllerFeedbackIntensity.High;

            _controller.Controller.StartFeedbackPatternVibe(MLInputControllerFeedbackPatternVibe.Buzz, intensity);

        // Check for distance travelled and interpolate
        if (!_isFirstHit)
            var interpolateDirection = (firstHit.point - _lastHit);
            var distance             = interpolateDirection.magnitude;
            if (distance <= DecalMinDistance)
                // Not moved far enough for decals
                // Still want some sparks though
                var particleRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(firstHit.normal);
                PlaySparks(firstHit, particleRotation);

            if (distance >= DecalMinDistance * 2)
                interpolateDirection = interpolateDirection.normalized * DecalMinDistance;
                interpolateTargets   = new Vector3[(int)Math.Ceiling(distance / DecalMinDistance) - 1];
                Vector3 targetLocation = _lastHit + interpolateDirection;
                for (int i = 0; i < interpolateTargets.Length; i++)
                    interpolateTargets[i] = targetLocation;
                    targetLocation       += interpolateDirection;

        _isFirstHit = false;
        _lastHit    = firstHit.point;

        // Check for particle limit
        var particleCount = hitCount;

        if (interpolateTargets != null)
            particleCount *= (interpolateTargets.Length + 1);

        // Check current location
        CheckHits(hitCount, position, direction);

        // Check interpolated locations
        if (interpolateTargets != null)
            foreach (Vector3 target in interpolateTargets)
                var interpolateDirection = target - position;
                hitCount = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(position, interpolateDirection, _hits, Length, _layerMask);
                if (hitCount != 0)
                    CheckHits(hitCount, position, interpolateDirection);