public static extern bool DeleteMenu(IntPtr hMenu, int uPosition, MF uFlags);
public static extern int InsertMenu(IntPtr hMenu, int Position, MF Flags, int NewId, string text);
public static partial BOOL EnableMenuItem(IntPtr hMenu, SC uIDEnableItem, MF uEnable);
public static MF EnableMenuItem(IntPtr hMenu, SC uIDEnableItem, MF uEnable) { return((MF)Standard.NativeMethods._EnableMenuItem(hMenu, uIDEnableItem, uEnable)); }
public Employ(string position, MF type) { Position = position; Type = type; Announcement += NewAnnouncement; }
public static void RemoveMenu(IntPtr hMenu, SC uPosition, MF uFlags) { if (!_RemoveMenu(hMenu, (uint)uPosition, (uint)uFlags)) { throw new Win32Exception(); } }
private void Home_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { MF.Navigate(typeof(Home)); }
private void Favorite_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { MF.Navigate(typeof(ListFavorite)); }
private void MF_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MF.Navigate(typeof(Pages.Home)); }
private void btnFavorite_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MF.Navigate(typeof(ListFavorite), FavoriteProduct);// chỗ này nè }
private void ListOrder_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { MF.Navigate(typeof(CartList)); }
private static extern int _EnableMenuItem(IntPtr hMenu, SC uIDEnableItem, MF uEnable);
public static partial BOOL RemoveMenu(IntPtr hMenu, uint uPosition, MF uFlags);
public static extern int EnableMenuItem(IntPtr hMenu, SC uIDEnableItem, MF uEnable);
public void setup() { //TextAsset MembershipFunctTextAsset = // Resources.Load("MembershipFunctions") as TextAsset; LinguisticVariable = new LinguisticVariable(); MFs = new List <MembershipFunction>(); LRs = new List <LinguisticRule>(); MFs.Add(MembershipFunction.Generate("EasyFight", "Triangle", new double[] { -1, 3, 5 }, 5)); MFs.Add(MembershipFunction.Generate("NormalFight", "Trapezoid", new double[] { 4, 5, 9, 11 }, 9)); MFs.Add(MembershipFunction.Generate("HardFight", "Triangle", new double[] { 10, 15, 17 }, 15)); LRs.Add(new LinguisticRule( "HardFight", "Health High and Power High", FuzzyImplication.Lukasiewicz, FuzzyOperator.Probabilistic)); LRs.Add(new LinguisticRule( "NormalFight", "Health Low and Power Medium", FuzzyImplication.KleeneDienes, FuzzyOperator.Probabilistic)); LRs.Add(new LinguisticRule( "EasyFight", "Health Medium and Power Low", FuzzyImplication.Larson, FuzzyOperator.MinMax)); JsonLingVar = @" { ""Version"" : """ + Version + @""", ""LinguisticVariable"" : """ + Name + @""", ""Type"" : """ + Type + @""", ""MinimumValue"" : " + minVal + @", ""RangeLength"" : " + RangeLen + @", ""LinguisticValues"" : [ "; foreach (MembershipFunction MF in MFs) { JsonLingVar += MF.encodeLinguisticJson().Print(true); if (!MF.Equals(MFs[MFs.Count - 1])) { JsonLingVar += ","; } } JsonLingVar += @" ], ""LinguisticRule"" : ["; foreach (LinguisticRule LR in LRs) { JsonLingVar += LR.encodeLinguisticJson().Print(true); if (!LR.Equals(LRs[LRs.Count - 1])) { JsonLingVar += ","; } } JsonLingVar += @"] } "; }
static void ShellOperation(IntPtr hwnd, string[] files, string toDir, MF.Win32API.FOFunc func) { MF.Win32API.SHFILEOPSTRUCT shellOpStruct = new MF.Win32API.SHFILEOPSTRUCT(); shellOpStruct.hwnd = hwnd; shellOpStruct.wFunc = func; //var form = string.Join(@"\0", files) + @"\0" + @"\0"; var form = string.Empty; foreach (var f in files) { form += f + '\0'; } form += '\0'; shellOpStruct.pFrom = form; shellOpStruct.pTo = toDir; MF.Win32API.SHFileOperation(ref shellOpStruct); }
private void CaptureStillImages(MediaItem item) { using (var releaser = new ComReleaser()) { MF.CreateVideoDeviceSource(item.DeviceItem.SymLink, out IMFMediaSource source); releaser.Add(source); source.CreatePresentationDescriptor(out IMFPresentationDescriptor presDesc); releaser.Add(presDesc); presDesc.GetStreamDescriptorByIndex(item.DescIndex, out bool selected, out IMFStreamDescriptor strmDesc); releaser.Add(strmDesc); strmDesc.GetMediaTypeHandler(out IMFMediaTypeHandler handler); releaser.Add(handler); handler.GetMediaTypeByIndex(item.TypeIndex, out IMFMediaType type); handler.SetCurrentMediaType(type); MF.CreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource(source, out IMFSourceReader reader); if (reader == null) { return; } releaser.Add(reader); IMFTransform transform = null; MFTOutputDataBuffer[] outSamples = null; IMFSample outRgb24Sample = null; IMFMediaBuffer outRgb24Buffer = null; int rgbSize = item.Width * item.Height * 3; var needToConvert = item.SubType != MFMediaType.RGB24; if (needToConvert) { var processor = new VideoProcessorMFT(); releaser.Add(processor); transform = (IMFTransform)processor; HR(transform.SetInputType(0, type, MFTSetTypeFlags.None)); var rgbMediaType = MF.CreateMediaType(); releaser.Add(rgbMediaType); HR(type.CopyAllItems(rgbMediaType)); HR(rgbMediaType.SetGUID(MFAttributesClsid.MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFMediaType.RGB24)); HR(rgbMediaType.SetUINT32(MFAttributesClsid.MF_MT_DEFAULT_STRIDE, 3 * item.Width)); HR(rgbMediaType.SetUINT32(MFAttributesClsid.MF_MT_SAMPLE_SIZE, rgbSize)); HR(transform.SetOutputType(0, rgbMediaType, MFTSetTypeFlags.None)); outSamples = new MFTOutputDataBuffer[1]; outSamples[0] = new MFTOutputDataBuffer(); outRgb24Sample = MF.CreateSample(); releaser.Add(outRgb24Sample); outRgb24Buffer = MF.CreateMemoryBuffer(rgbSize); releaser.Add(outRgb24Buffer); outRgb24Sample.AddBuffer(outRgb24Buffer); outSamples[0].pSample = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(outRgb24Sample); } int frames = 0; while (!stopEvent.WaitOne(0)) { var hrRS = reader.ReadSample( (int)MF_SOURCE_READER.AnyStream, MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG.None, out int streamIndex, out MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG flags, out long timeStamp, out IMFSample sample ); if (sample != null) { try { IMFSample rgbSample = sample; if (transform != null) { while (true) { var hrPO = transform.ProcessOutput( MFTProcessOutputFlags.None, 1, outSamples, out ProcessOutputStatus status ); if (hrPO.Succeeded()) { ConsumeBuffer(outRgb24Buffer, item); frames++; } else { break; } } var hrPI = transform.ProcessInput(0, sample, 0); continue; } rgbSample.GetBufferByIndex(0, out IMFMediaBuffer buff); if (ConsumeBuffer(buff, item)) { frames++; } else { return; } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sample); } } } } }
public static MF EnableMenuItem(IntPtr hMenu, SC uIDEnableItem, MF uEnable) { // Returns the previous state of the menu item, or -1 if the menu item does not exist. int iRet = _EnableMenuItem(hMenu, uIDEnableItem, uEnable); return (MF)iRet; }
private static void OnLoadingComplete() { if (ObjectManager.Player == null) { return; } buff.OnGameLoad(); try { switch (GameObjects.Player.CharacterName) { case "Jayce": Jayce.OnGameLoad(); break; case "DrMundo": DrMundo.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Veigar": veigar.OnGameLoad(); break; case "MonkeyKing": Wukong.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Lux": lux.OnGameLoad(); break; case "MissFortune": MF.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Ivern": ivern.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Trundle": Trundle.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Warwick": Warwick.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Ryze": ryze.OnGameLoad(); break; case "RekSai": RekSai.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Taliyah": Taliyah.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Gangplank": gankplank.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Tryndamere": Tryndamere.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Anivia": Anivia.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Garen": Garen.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Gwen": Gwen.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Illaoi": Illaoi.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Mordekaiser": Mordekaiser.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Rumble": Rumble.OnGameLoad(); break; case "XinZhao": XinZhao.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Renekton": Renekton.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Chogath": Chogath.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Urgot": Urgot.OnGameLoad(); break; case "Kayle": Kayle.OnGameLoad(); break; default: Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>SimpleAIO Does Not Support :" + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + "</font>"); Console.WriteLine("Not Supported " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Game.Print("Error in loading"); Console.WriteLine("Error in loading :"); Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public static extern Boolean AppendMenu( IntPtr hMenu, MF uFlags, UIntPtr uIDNewItem, String lpNewItem);