コード例 #1
        public void SuggestTreatment(List <GameObject> objsToMesh, Material[] resultMaterials, List <ShaderTextureProperty> _customShaderPropNames)
            this._customShaderPropNames = _customShaderPropNames;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Dictionary <int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[]> meshAnalysisResultsCache = new Dictionary <int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[]>(); //cache results

            for (int i = 0; i < objsToMesh.Count; i++)
                GameObject obj = objsToMesh[i];
                if (obj == null)
                Material[] ms = MB_Utility.GetGOMaterials(objsToMesh[i]);
                if (ms.Length > 1)
                { // and each material is not mapped to its own layer
                    sb.AppendFormat("\nObject {0} uses {1} materials. Possible treatments:\n", objsToMesh[i].name, ms.Length);
                    sb.AppendFormat("  1) Collapse the submeshes together into one submesh in the combined mesh. Each of the original submesh materials will map to a different UV rectangle in the atlas(es) used by the combined material.\n");
                    sb.AppendFormat("  2) Use the multiple materials feature to map submeshes in the source mesh to submeshes in the combined mesh.\n");
                Mesh m = MB_Utility.GetMesh(obj);

                MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[] mar;
                if (!meshAnalysisResultsCache.TryGetValue(m.GetInstanceID(), out mar))
                    mar = new MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[m.subMeshCount];
                    MB_Utility.doSubmeshesShareVertsOrTris(m, ref mar[0]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < m.subMeshCount; j++)
                        MB_Utility.hasOutOfBoundsUVs(m, ref mar[j], j);
                        //DRect outOfBoundsUVRect = new DRect(mar[j].uvRect);
                        mar[j].hasOverlappingSubmeshTris  = mar[0].hasOverlappingSubmeshTris;
                        mar[j].hasOverlappingSubmeshVerts = mar[0].hasOverlappingSubmeshVerts;
                    meshAnalysisResultsCache.Add(m.GetInstanceID(), mar);

                for (int j = 0; j < ms.Length; j++)
                    if (mar[j].hasOutOfBoundsUVs)
                        DRect r = new DRect(mar[j].uvRect);
                        sb.AppendFormat("\nObject {0} submesh={1} material={2} uses UVs outside the range 0,0 .. 1,1 to create tiling that tiles the box {3},{4} .. {5},{6}. This is a problem because the UVs outside the 0,0 .. 1,1 " +
                                        "rectangle will pick up neighboring textures in the atlas. Possible Treatments:\n", obj, j, ms[j], r.x.ToString("G4"), r.y.ToString("G4"), (r.x + r.width).ToString("G4"), (r.y + r.height).ToString("G4"));
                        sb.AppendFormat("    1) Ignore the problem. The tiling may not affect result significantly.\n");
                        sb.AppendFormat("    2) Use the 'fix out of bounds UVs' feature to bake the tiling and scale the UVs to fit in the 0,0 .. 1,1 rectangle.\n");
                        sb.AppendFormat("    3) Use the Multiple Materials feature to map the material on this submesh to its own submesh in the combined mesh. No other materials should map to this submesh. This will result in only one texture in the atlas(es) and the UVs should tile correctly.\n");
                        sb.AppendFormat("    4) Combine only meshes that use the same (or subset of) the set of materials on this mesh. The original material(s) can be applied to the result\n");
                if (mar[0].hasOverlappingSubmeshVerts)
                    sb.AppendFormat("\nObject {0} has submeshes that share vertices. This is a problem because each vertex can have only one UV coordinate and may be required to map to different positions in the various atlases that are generated. Possible treatments:\n", objsToMesh[i]);
                    sb.AppendFormat(" 1) Ignore the problem. The vertices may not affect the result.\n");
                    sb.AppendFormat(" 2) Use the Multiple Materials feature to map the submeshs that overlap to their own submeshs in the combined mesh. No other materials should map to this submesh. This will result in only one texture in the atlas(es) and the UVs should tile correctly.\n");
                    sb.AppendFormat(" 3) Combine only meshes that use the same (or subset of) the set of materials on this mesh. The original material(s) can be applied to the result\n");
            Dictionary <Material, List <GameObject> > m2gos = new Dictionary <Material, List <GameObject> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < objsToMesh.Count; i++)
                if (objsToMesh[i] != null)
                    Material[] ms = MB_Utility.GetGOMaterials(objsToMesh[i]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < ms.Length; j++)
                        if (ms[j] != null)
                            List <GameObject> lgo;
                            if (!m2gos.TryGetValue(ms[j], out lgo))
                                lgo = new List <GameObject>();
                                m2gos.Add(ms[j], lgo);
                            if (!lgo.Contains(objsToMesh[i]))

            for (int i = 0; i < resultMaterials.Length; i++)
                string resultMatShaderName = resultMaterials[i] != null ? "None" : resultMaterials[i].shader.name;
                MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data = LoadPipelineData(resultMaterials[i], new List <ShaderTextureProperty>(), objsToMesh, new List <Material>(), new List <MB_TexSet>());
                MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline._CollectPropertyNames(data, LOG_LEVEL);
                foreach (Material m in m2gos.Keys)
                    for (int j = 0; j < data.texPropertyNames.Count; j++)
                        if (m.HasProperty(data.texPropertyNames[j].name))
                            Texture txx = MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.GetTextureConsideringStandardShaderKeywords(resultMatShaderName, m, data.texPropertyNames[j].name);
                            if (txx != null)
                                Vector2 o = m.GetTextureOffset(data.texPropertyNames[j].name);
                                Vector3 s = m.GetTextureScale(data.texPropertyNames[j].name);
                                if (o.x < 0f || o.x + s.x > 1f ||
                                    o.y < 0f || o.y + s.y > 1f)
                                    sb.AppendFormat("\nMaterial {0} used by objects {1} uses texture {2} that is tiled (scale={3} offset={4}). If there is more than one texture in the atlas " +
                                                    " then Mesh Baker will bake the tiling into the atlas. If the baked tiling is large then quality can be lost. Possible treatments:\n", m, PrintList(m2gos[m]), txx, s, o);
                                    sb.AppendFormat("  1) Use the baked tiling.\n");
                                    sb.AppendFormat("  2) Use the Multiple Materials feature to map the material on this object/submesh to its own submesh in the combined mesh. No other materials should map to this submesh. The original material can be applied to this submesh.\n");
                                    sb.AppendFormat("  3) Combine only meshes that use the same (or subset of) the set of textures on this mesh. The original material can be applied to the result.\n");
            string outstr = "";

            if (sb.Length == 0)
                outstr = "====== No problems detected. These meshes should combine well ====\n  If there are problems with the combined meshes please report the problem to digitalOpus.ca so we can improve Mesh Baker.";
                outstr = "====== There are possible problems with these meshes that may prevent them from combining well. TREATMENT SUGGESTIONS (copy and paste to text editor if too big) =====\n" + sb.ToString();