コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      period   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      multipl  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int      prev     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int firstBar = period + 2;

            double[] ATR = new double[Bars];

            for (int bar = 1; bar < Bars; bar++)
                ATR[bar] = Math.Max(High[bar], Close[bar - 1]) - Math.Min(Low[bar], Close[bar - 1]);

            ATR = MovingAverage(period, 0, maMethod, ATR);

            double[] ATRStop = new double[Bars];
            double   pip     = (Digits == 5 || Digits == 3) ? 10 * Point : Point;
            double   minStop = 5 * pip;

            for (int bar = firstBar; bar < Bars - prev; bar++)
                ATRStop[bar + prev] = Math.Max(ATR[bar] * multipl, minStop);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[2];

            Component[0]               = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName      = "ATR Stop margin";
            Component[0].DataType      = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].FirstBar      = firstBar;
            Component[0].ShowInDynInfo = false;
            Component[0].Value         = ATRStop;

            Component[1]               = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName      = "ATR Stop for the transferred position";
            Component[1].DataType      = IndComponentType.Other;
            Component[1].ShowInDynInfo = false;
            Component[1].FirstBar      = firstBar;
            Component[1].Value         = new double[Bars];

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod1 = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            MAMethod  maMethod2 = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            BasePrice price     = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[3].Index;
            int       iPeriod1  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iPeriod2  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iPeriod1 + iPeriod2 + 1;

            double[] adPrice = Price(price);
            double[] adMA    = MovingAverage(iPeriod1, 0, maMethod1, adPrice);
            double[] adMAPr  = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = 0; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adMAPr[iBar] = adPrice[iBar] - adMA[iBar];

            double[] adDO = MovingAverage(iPeriod2, 0, maMethod2, adMAPr);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Detrended Oscillator";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.LightSeaGreen;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adDO;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Detrended Oscillator rises":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;

            case "The Detrended Oscillator falls":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;

            case "The Detrended Oscillator is higher than the zero line":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;

            case "The Detrended Oscillator is lower than the zero line":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;

            case "The Detrended Oscillator crosses the zero line upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;

            case "The Detrended Oscillator crosses the zero line downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;

            case "The Detrended Oscillator changes its direction upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;

            case "The Detrended Oscillator changes its direction downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adDO, 0, 0, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #3
        public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet)
            DataSet = dataSet;

            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iNJaws    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iSJaws    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iNTeeth   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int       iSTeeth   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[3].Value;
            int       iNLips    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[4].Value;
            int       iSLips    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[5].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            int iFirstBar = Math.Max(iNJaws + iSJaws + 2, iNTeeth + iSTeeth + 2);

            iFirstBar = Math.Max(iFirstBar, iNLips + iSLips + 2);

            // Calculation
            double[] adJaws  = MovingAverage(iNJaws, iSJaws, maMethod, Price(basePrice));
            double[] adTeeth = MovingAverage(iNTeeth, iSTeeth, maMethod, Price(basePrice));
            double[] adLips  = MovingAverage(iNLips, iSLips, maMethod, Price(basePrice));

            double[] adUpperGator = new double[Bars];
            double[] adLowerGator = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = 0; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adUpperGator[iBar] = Math.Abs(adJaws[iBar] - adTeeth[iBar]);
                adLowerGator[iBar] = -Math.Abs(adTeeth[iBar] - adLips[iBar]);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[4];

            Component[0]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName  = "Upper Gator";
            Component[0].DataType  = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram;
            Component[0].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value     = adUpperGator;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName  = "Lower Gator";
            Component[1].DataType  = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = adLowerGator;

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type.
            if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Gator Oscillator expands":
                for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                    Component[2].Value[iBar] = (adUpperGator[iBar - iPrvs] - adLowerGator[iBar - iPrvs]) > (adUpperGator[iBar - iPrvs - 1] - adLowerGator[iBar - iPrvs - 1]) + Sigma() ? 1 : 0;
                    Component[3].Value[iBar] = (adUpperGator[iBar - iPrvs] - adLowerGator[iBar - iPrvs]) > (adUpperGator[iBar - iPrvs - 1] - adLowerGator[iBar - iPrvs - 1]) + Sigma() ? 1 : 0;

            case "The Gator Oscillator contracts":
                for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                    Component[2].Value[iBar] = (adUpperGator[iBar - iPrvs] - adLowerGator[iBar - iPrvs]) < (adUpperGator[iBar - iPrvs - 1] - adLowerGator[iBar - iPrvs - 1]) - Sigma() ? 1 : 0;
                    Component[3].Value[iBar] = (adUpperGator[iBar - iPrvs] - adLowerGator[iBar - iPrvs]) < (adUpperGator[iBar - iPrvs - 1] - adLowerGator[iBar - iPrvs - 1]) - Sigma() ? 1 : 0;

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      iPeriod  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            double   dLevel   = IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int      iPrvs    = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + 2;

            double[] adDeMax    = new double[Bars];
            double[] adDeMin    = new double[Bars];
            double[] adDeMarker = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = 1; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adDeMax[iBar] = High[iBar] > High[iBar - 1] ? High[iBar] - High[iBar - 1] : 0;
                adDeMin[iBar] = Low[iBar] < Low[iBar - 1]  ? Low[iBar - 1] - Low[iBar]  : 0;

            double[] adDeMaxMA = MovingAverage(iPeriod, 0, maMethod, adDeMax);
            double[] adDeMinMA = MovingAverage(iPeriod, 0, maMethod, adDeMin);

            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                if (adDeMaxMA[iBar] + adDeMinMA[iBar] == 0)
                    adDeMarker[iBar] = 0;
                    adDeMarker[iBar] = adDeMaxMA[iBar] / (adDeMaxMA[iBar] + adDeMinMA[iBar]);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "DeMarker";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.RoyalBlue;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adDeMarker;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The DeMarker rises":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The DeMarker falls":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The DeMarker is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, 1 - dLevel

            case "The DeMarker is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, 1 - dLevel

            case "The DeMarker crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, 1 - dLevel

            case "The DeMarker crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, 1 - dLevel

            case "The DeMarker changes its direction upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The DeMarker changes its direction downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adDeMarker, dLevel, 1 - dLevel, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      iPeriod  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      iDivisor = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int      iPrvs    = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + 2;

            double[] adAEOM = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = 1; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adAEOM[iBar] = iDivisor * (High[iBar] - Low[iBar]) * ((High[iBar] + Low[iBar]) / 2 - (High[iBar - 1] - Low[iBar - 1]) / 2) / Math.Max(Volume[iBar], 1);

            adAEOM = MovingAverage(iPeriod, 0, maMethod, adAEOM);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Ease of Movement";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.LightSeaGreen;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adAEOM;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Ease of Movement rises":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;

            case "The Ease of Movement falls":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;

            case "The Ease of Movement changes its direction upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;

            case "The Ease of Movement changes its direction downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adAEOM, 0, 0, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iPeriod   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iSmooth   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + 2;

            double[] adBasePrice = Price(basePrice);
            double[] adCumulSum  = new double[Bars];

            adCumulSum[iPeriod - 1] = 0;

            for (int iBar = 0; iBar < iPeriod; iBar++)
                adCumulSum[iPeriod - 1] += adBasePrice[iBar];

            for (int iBar = iPeriod; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adCumulSum[iBar] = adCumulSum[iBar - 1] - adBasePrice[iBar - iPeriod] + adBasePrice[iBar];

            adCumulSum = MovingAverage(iSmooth, 0, maMethod, adCumulSum);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Cumulative Sum";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adCumulSum;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Cumulative Sum rises":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;

            case "The Cumulative Sum falls":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;

            case "The Cumulative Sum changes its direction upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;

            case "The Cumulative Sum changes its direction downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adCumulSum, 0, 0, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iPeriod   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iShift    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Convert to Higher Time Frame ---------------------------------------------
            DataPeriods htfPeriod = DataPeriods.week;

            double[] hfOpen   = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfClose  = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfHigh   = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfLow    = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfVolume = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfPrice  = new double[Bars];
            int[]    hIndex   = new int[Bars];
            int      iFrame;
            int      hBars;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[4].Index)
            case 0: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour1; break;

            case 1: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min5; break;

            case 2: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min15; break;

            case 3: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min30; break;

            case 4: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour1; break;

            case 5: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour4; break;

            case 6: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.day; break;

            case 7: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.week; break;

            int err1 = HigherTimeFrame(Period, htfPeriod, out hIndex, out hBars, out iFrame, out hfHigh, out hfLow, out hfOpen, out hfClose, out hfVolume);
            int err2 = HigherBasePrice(basePrice, hBars, hfHigh, hfLow, hfOpen, hfClose, out hfPrice);


            // TimeExecution

            if (basePrice == BasePrice.Open && iPeriod == 1 && iShift == 0)
                IndParam.ExecutionTime = ExecutionTime.AtBarOpening;

            // Calculation
            double[] adMA = MovingAverage(iPeriod, iShift, maMethod, hfPrice);

            // v3 -- manually shift so Position entry type logics use previous WTF value, fix bug of not using previous value
            if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The position opens above the Moving Average" ||
                IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The position opens below the Moving Average")
                adMA = MovingAverage(iPeriod, iShift + 1, maMethod, hfPrice);
                adMA = MovingAverage(iPeriod, iShift, maMethod, hfPrice);

            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + iShift + 1 + iPrvs;

            // Convert to Current Time Frame ----------------------------------------------
            iPrvs     = iPrvs * iFrame;
            iFirstBar = iFirstBar * iFrame;

            int err3 = (iFirstBar > 0.25 * Bars) ? 1 : 0;

            int err4 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref adMA);

            // if any WTF conversion errors, return here to fail silently
            if (err1 == 1 || err2 == 1 || err3 == 1 || err4 == 1)
                Component                   = new IndicatorComp[1];
                Component[0]                = new IndicatorComp();
                Component[0].CompName       = "MA Value";
                Component[0].DataType       = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
                Component[0].ChartType      = IndChartType.Line;
                Component[0].FirstBar       = (int)Bars / 2;
                Component[0].UsePreviousBar = 0;
                Component[0].Value          = new double[Bars];

            // Saving the components
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.Open || slotType == SlotTypes.Close)
                Component = new IndicatorComp[2];

                Component[1]          = new IndicatorComp();
                Component[1].FirstBar = iFirstBar;
                Component[1].Value    = new double[Bars];

                int hBar = 0;
                for (int iBar = 3 * iFrame; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                {   // Covers the cases when the price can pass through the MA without a signal
/// start WTF modfication 3 beta 1
                    while (hIndex[hBar] <= iBar && hBar < hBars)
                    double dValue  = adMA[hIndex[hBar - 2]]; // MA value from previous HTF bar
                    double dValue1 = adMA[hIndex[hBar - 3]]; // MA value from HTF 2 bars previous
/// end WTF modfication 3 beta 1
                    double dTempVal = dValue;
                    if ((dValue1 > High[iBar - 1] && dValue < Low[iBar]) ||  // It jumps below the current bar
                        (dValue1 <Low[iBar - 1] && dValue> High[iBar]) ||    // It jumps above the current bar
                        (Close[iBar - 1] < dValue && dValue < Open[iBar]) || // Positive gap
                        (Close[iBar - 1] > dValue && dValue > Open[iBar]))   // Negative gap
                        dTempVal = Open[iBar];
                    Component[1].Value[iBar] = dTempVal;
                Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

                Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
                Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
                Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
                Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

                Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
                Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
                Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
                Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "MA Value";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.FromName(IndParam.ListParam[3].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[3].Index]);
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adMA;

            if (slotType == SlotTypes.Open)
                Component[1].CompName = "Position opening price";
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.OpenPrice;
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.Close)
                Component[1].CompName = "Position closing price";
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ClosePrice;
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter || slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
                case "The Moving Average rises":
                    IndicatorRisesLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMA, ref Component[1], ref Component[2]);

                case "The Moving Average falls":
                    IndicatorFallsLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMA, ref Component[1], ref Component[2]);

                case "The bar opens above the Moving Average":
                    BarOpensAboveIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMA, ref Component[1], ref Component[2]);

                case "The bar opens below the Moving Average":
                    BarOpensBelowIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMA, ref Component[1], ref Component[2]);

                case "The bar opens above the Moving Average after opening below it":
                    BarOpensAboveIndicatorAfterOpeningBelowLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMA, ref Component[1], ref Component[2]);

                case "The bar opens below the Moving Average after opening above it":
                    BarOpensBelowIndicatorAfterOpeningAboveLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMA, ref Component[1], ref Component[2]);

                case "The position opens above the Moving Average":
                    Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.BuyHigherSellLower;
                    Component[1].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[1].ShowInDynInfo      = false;
                    Component[2].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[2].ShowInDynInfo      = false;

                case "The position opens below the Moving Average":
                    Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.BuyLowerSelHigher;
                    Component[1].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[1].ShowInDynInfo      = false;
                    Component[2].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[2].ShowInDynInfo      = false;

                case "The bar closes below the Moving Average":
                    BarClosesBelowIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMA, ref Component[1], ref Component[2]);

                case "The bar closes above the Moving Average":
                    BarClosesAboveIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMA, ref Component[1], ref Component[2]);

                case "Draw only, no entry or exit":
                    Component[1].CompName = "Visual Only";
                    Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.NotDefined;
                    Component[2].CompName = "Visual Only";
                    Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.NotDefined;


コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice price    = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iPeriod  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            double    dLevel   = IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iPrvs    = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            double[] adPrice = Price(price);
            double[] adMA    = MovingAverage(iPeriod, 0, maMethod, adPrice);
            double[] adSTDV  = new double[Bars];

            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + 1;

            for (int iBar = iPeriod; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                double dSum = 0;
                for (int index = 0; index < iPeriod; index++)
                    double fDelta = (adPrice[iBar - index] - adMA[iBar]);
                    dSum += fDelta * fDelta;
                adSTDV[iBar] = Math.Sqrt(dSum / iPeriod);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Standard Deviation";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adSTDV;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Standard Deviation rises":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;

            case "The Standard Deviation falls":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;

            case "The Standard Deviation is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The Standard Deviation is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The Standard Deviation crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The Standard Deviation crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The Standard Deviation changes its direction upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;

            case "The Standard Deviation changes its direction downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;


            NoDirectionOscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, dLevel, ref Component[1], indLogic);
            Component[2].Value = Component[1].Value;

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a Moving Average
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iPeriod">Period</param>
        /// <param name="iShift">Shift</param>
        /// <param name="maMethod">Method of calculation</param>
        /// <param name="afSource">The array of source data</param>
        /// <returns>the Moving Average</returns>
        protected static double[] MovingAverage(int period, int shift, MAMethod maMethod, double[] sourceData)
            int    bar;
            double sum;

            double[] movingAverage = new double[Bars];

            if (period <= 1 && shift == 0)
            {   // There is no smoothing

            if (period > Bars || period + shift <= 0 || period + shift > Bars)
            {   // Error in the parameters

            for (bar = 0; bar < period + shift - 1; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

            for (bar = 0, sum = 0; bar < period; bar++)
                sum += sourceData[bar];

            movingAverage[period + shift - 1] = sum / period;

            // Simple Moving Average
            if (maMethod == MAMethod.Simple)
                for (bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] + sourceData[bar] / period - sourceData[bar - period] / period;

            // Exponential Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Exponential)
                double pr = 2d / (period + 1);

                for (bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = sourceData[bar] * pr + movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] * (1 - pr);

            // Weighted Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Weighted)
                double weight = period * (period + 1) / 2d;

                for (bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < period; i++)
                        sum += sourceData[bar - i] * (period - i);

                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = sum / weight;

            // Smoothed Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Smoothed)
                for (bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = (movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] * (period - 1) + sourceData[bar]) / period;

            for (bar = Bars + shift; bar < Bars; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

コード例 #10
        public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet)
            DataSet = dataSet;

            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iPeriod   = (int)IndParam.NumParam  [0].Value;
            double    dMpl      = IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iLevel    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            double[] adPrice = Price(basePrice);
            double[] adMA    = MovingAverage(iPeriod, 0, maMethod, adPrice);
            double[] adPrcBB = new double[Bars];

            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + iPrvs + 2;

            double dSum;
            double dStdDev;
            double dDelta;

            for (int iBar = iPeriod; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                dSum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < iPeriod; i++)
                    dDelta = (adPrice[iBar - i] - adMA[iBar]);
                    dSum  += dDelta * dDelta;
                dStdDev = Math.Sqrt(dSum / iPeriod);
                double adUpBand = adMA[iBar] + dMpl * dStdDev;
                double adDnBand = adMA[iBar] - dMpl * dStdDev;
                adPrcBB[iBar] = (adPrice[iBar] - adDnBand) / (adUpBand - adDnBand) * 100;

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "%BB";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.RoyalBlue;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adPrcBB;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The %BB rises":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { 0, 50, 100 };

            case "The %BB falls":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { 0, 50, 100 };

            case "The %BB is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { iLevel, 100 - iLevel };

            case "The %BB is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { iLevel, 100 - iLevel };

            case "The %BB crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { iLevel, 100 - iLevel };

            case "The %BB crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { iLevel, 100 - iLevel };

            case "The %BB changes its direction upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { 0, 50, 100 };

            case "The %BB changes its direction downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { 0, 50, 100 };


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adPrcBB, iLevel, 100 - iLevel, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iPeriod   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iSmooth   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            double    dLevel    = IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            int iFirstBar = iPrvs + iPeriod + iSmooth + 2;

            double[] adROC       = new double[Bars];
            double[] adBasePrice = Price(basePrice);

            for (int iBar = iPeriod; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adROC[iBar] = adBasePrice[iBar] / adBasePrice[iBar - iPeriod];

            if (iSmooth > 0)
                adROC = MovingAverage(iSmooth, 0, maMethod, adROC);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "ROC";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Violet;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adROC;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The ROC rises":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ROC falls":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ROC is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, 2 - dLevel

            case "The ROC is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, 2 - dLevel

            case "The ROC crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, 2 - dLevel

            case "The ROC crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, 2 - dLevel

            case "The ROC changes its direction upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ROC changes its direction downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adROC, dLevel, 2 - dLevel, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a Moving Average
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iPeriod">Period</param>
        /// <param name="iShift">Shift</param>
        /// <param name="maMethod">Method of calculation</param>
        /// <param name="afSource">The array of source data</param>
        /// <returns>the Moving Average</returns>
        protected static double[] MovingAverage(int period, int shift, MAMethod maMethod, double[] sourceData)
            int      bar;
            double   sum;
            double[] movingAverage = new double[Bars];

            if (period <= 1 && shift == 0)
            {   // There is no smoothing
                return sourceData;

            if (period > Bars || period + shift <= 0 || period + shift > Bars)
            {   // Error in the parameters
                return null;

            for (bar = 0; bar < period + shift - 1; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

            for (bar = 0, sum = 0; bar < period; bar++)
                sum += sourceData[bar];

            movingAverage[period + shift - 1] = sum / period;

            // Simple Moving Average
            if (maMethod == MAMethod.Simple)
                for (bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] + sourceData[bar] / period - sourceData[bar - period] / period;

            // Exponential Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Exponential)
                double pr = 2d / (period + 1);

                for (bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = sourceData[bar] * pr + movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] * (1 - pr);

            // Weighted Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Weighted)
                double weight = period * (period + 1) / 2d;

                for (bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < period; i++)
                        sum += sourceData[bar - i] * (period - i);

                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = sum / weight;

            // Smoothed Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Smoothed)
                for (bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = (movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] * (period - 1) + sourceData[bar]) / period;

            for (bar = Bars + shift; bar < Bars; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

            return movingAverage;
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculates a Moving Average
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">Period</param>
        /// <param name="shift">Shift</param>
        /// <param name="maMethod">Method of calculation</param>
        /// <param name="source">The array of source data</param>
        /// <returns>the Moving Average</returns>
        protected double[] MovingAverage(int period, int shift, MAMethod maMethod, double[] source)
            var movingAverage = new double[Bars];

            if (period <= 1 && shift == 0)
                return source;

            if (period > Bars || period + shift <= 0 || period + shift > Bars)
                // Wrong MovingAverage parameters
                return movingAverage;

            for (int bar = 0; bar < period + shift - 1; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

            double sum = 0;
            for (int bar = shift; bar < period + shift; bar++)
                sum += source[bar];

            movingAverage[period + shift - 1] = sum/period;
            int lastBar = Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift);

            switch (maMethod)
                case MAMethod.Simple:
                    for (int bar = period; bar < lastBar; bar++)
                        movingAverage[bar + shift] = movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] + source[bar]/period -
                                                     source[bar - period]/period;
                case MAMethod.Exponential:
                        double pr = 2d/(period + 1);
                        for (int bar = period; bar < lastBar; bar++)
                            movingAverage[bar + shift] = source[bar]*pr + movingAverage[bar + shift - 1]*(1 - pr);
                case MAMethod.Weighted:
                        double weight = period*(period + 1)/2d;

                        for (int bar = period; bar < lastBar; bar++)
                            sum = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < period; i++)
                                sum += source[bar - i]*(period - i);
                            movingAverage[bar + shift] = sum/weight;
                case MAMethod.Smoothed:
                    for (int bar = period; bar < lastBar; bar++)
                        movingAverage[bar + shift] = (movingAverage[bar + shift - 1]*(period - 1) + source[bar])/period;

            for (int bar = Bars + shift; bar < Bars; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

            return movingAverage;
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      iKMin    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      iKMax    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      iD       = (int)IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int      iLevel   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[4].Value;
            int      iPrvs    = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iKMax + iD + 3;

            double[] adHighs       = new double[Bars];
            double[] adLows        = new double[Bars];
            double[] adPriceStdDev = new double[Bars];
            double[] adMaxStdDev   = new double[Bars];
            double[] adMinStdDev   = new double[Bars];
            double[] adK           = new double[Bars];

            double dRatio;
            int    iKAvg = (int)(iKMax + iKMin) / 2;
            int    iK;

            adPriceStdDev = StdDev(Close, iKAvg);
            adMaxStdDev   = Highest(adPriceStdDev, iKAvg);
            adMinStdDev   = Lowest(adPriceStdDev, iKAvg);

            for (int iBar = iKMax; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                // Calculate Effective Length for %K Period
                if (adMaxStdDev[iBar] - adMinStdDev[iBar] != 0)
                    dRatio = (adPriceStdDev[iBar] - adMinStdDev[iBar]) / (adMaxStdDev[iBar] - adMinStdDev[iBar]);
                    iK     = (int)(iKMin + (iKMax - iKMin) * (1 - dRatio));
                    iK = (int)iKMax;

                // Calculate Highest High and Lowest Low
                double dMax = double.MinValue;
                double dMin = double.MaxValue;
                for (int iBack = 0; iBack < iK; iBack++)
                    if (High[iBar - iBack] > dMax)
                        dMax = High[iBar - iBack];
                    if (Low[iBar - iBack] < dMin)
                        dMin = Low[iBar - iBack];
                adHighs[iBar] = dMax;
                adLows[iBar]  = dMin;

                // Calculate %K Value
                if (adHighs[iBar] == adLows[iBar])
                    adK[iBar] = 50;
                    adK[iBar] = 100 * (Close[iBar] - adLows[iBar]) / (adHighs[iBar] - adLows[iBar]);

            // Calculate %D Value
            double[] adD = MovingAverage(iD, 0, maMethod, adK);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[4];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "%K";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Brown;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adK;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "%D";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = adD;

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K crosses the %D upward")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorUpwardLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, adD, ref Component[2], ref Component[3]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K crosses the %D downward")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorDownwardLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, adD, ref Component[2], ref Component[3]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K is higher than the %D")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorIsHigherThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, adD, ref Component[2], ref Component[3]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K is lower than the %D")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorIsLowerThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, adD, ref Component[2], ref Component[3]);
                switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
                case "The %D rises":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The %D falls":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The %D is higher than the Level line":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The %D is lower than the Level line":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The %D crosses the Level line upward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The %D crosses the Level line downward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The %D changes its direction upward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The %D changes its direction downward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {


                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adD, iLevel, 100 - iLevel, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], indLogic);

コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculates a Moving Average
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">Period</param>
        /// <param name="shift">Shift</param>
        /// <param name="maMethod">Method of calculation</param>
        /// <param name="source">The array of source data</param>
        /// <returns>the Moving Average</returns>
        protected static double[] MovingAverage(int period, int shift, MAMethod maMethod, double[] source)
            var movingAverage = new double[Bars];

            if (period <= 1 && shift == 0)
                // There is no smoothing
                return source;

            if (period > Bars || period + shift <= 0 || period + shift > Bars)
                // Error in the parameters
                return null;

            for (int bar = 0; bar < period + shift - 1; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

            double sum = 0;
            for (int bar = 0; bar < period; bar++)
                sum += source[bar];

            movingAverage[period + shift - 1] = sum/period;

            switch (maMethod)
                case MAMethod.Simple:
                    for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                        movingAverage[bar + shift] = movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] + source[bar]/period -
                                                     source[bar - period]/period;
                case MAMethod.Exponential:
                        double pr = 2d/(period + 1);

                        for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                            movingAverage[bar + shift] = source[bar]*pr + movingAverage[bar + shift - 1]*(1 - pr);
                case MAMethod.Weighted:
                        double dWeight = period*(period + 1)/2d;

                        for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                            sum = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < period; i++)
                                sum += source[bar - i]*(period - i);

                            movingAverage[bar + shift] = sum/dWeight;
                case MAMethod.Smoothed:
                    for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                        movingAverage[bar + shift] = (movingAverage[bar + shift - 1]*(period - 1) + source[bar])/period;

            for (int bar = Bars + shift; bar < Bars; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

            return movingAverage;
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iPeriod1  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iPeriod2  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iPeriod1 + iPeriod2 + 2;

            double[] adIndicator1 = new double[Bars];
            double[] adIndicator2 = new double[Bars];
            double[] adOscllator  = new double[Bars];

// ---------------------------------------------------------
            RSI rsi1 = new RSI(slotType);

            rsi1.IndParam.ListParam[1].Index    = IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            rsi1.IndParam.ListParam[2].Index    = IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            rsi1.IndParam.NumParam[0].Value     = IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            rsi1.IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked;

            RSI rsi2 = new RSI(slotType);

            rsi2.IndParam.ListParam[1].Index    = IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            rsi2.IndParam.ListParam[2].Index    = IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            rsi2.IndParam.NumParam[0].Value     = IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            rsi2.IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked;

            adIndicator1 = rsi1.Component[0].Value;
            adIndicator2 = rsi2.Component[0].Value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------

            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adOscllator[iBar] = adIndicator1[iBar] - adIndicator2[iBar];

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName  = "Oscillator";
            Component[0].DataType  = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram;
            Component[0].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value     = adOscllator;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Oscillator rises":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;

            case "The Oscillator falls":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;

            case "The Oscillator is higher than the zero line":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;

            case "The Oscillator is lower than the zero line":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;

            case "The Oscillator crosses the zero line upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;

            case "The Oscillator crosses the zero line downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;

            case "The Oscillator changes its direction upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;

            case "The Oscillator changes its direction downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adOscllator, 0, 0, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iMAPeriod = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iLRLength = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            double    dLevel    = IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            double[] dX = new double[Bars];
            double[] dY = new double[Bars];
            double   dSigX;
            double   dSigY;
            double   dSigXY;
            double   dSigXX;

            double[] adLRSlope = new double[Bars];

            // Convert to Higher Time Frame ---------------------------------------------
            DataPeriods htfPeriod = DataPeriods.week;

            double[] hfOpen   = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfClose  = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfHigh   = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfLow    = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfVolume = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfPrice  = new double[Bars];
            int[]    hIndex   = new int[Bars];
            int      iFrame;
            int      hBars;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[4].Index)
            case 1: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min5; break;

            case 2: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min15; break;

            case 3: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min30; break;

            case 4: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour1; break;

            case 5: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour4; break;

            case 6: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.day; break;

            case 7: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.week; break;

            int err1 = HigherTimeFrame(Period, htfPeriod, out hIndex, out hBars, out iFrame, out hfHigh, out hfLow, out hfOpen, out hfClose, out hfVolume);
            int err2 = HigherBasePrice(basePrice, hBars, hfHigh, hfLow, hfOpen, hfClose, out hfPrice);

            if (err1 == 1)

            int iFirstBar = iMAPeriod + iLRLength + 2;

            double[] adMAPrice = MovingAverage(iMAPeriod, 0, maMethod, hfPrice);

            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < hBars; iBar++)
                dSigX  = 0;
                dSigY  = 0;
                dSigXX = 0;
                dSigXY = 0;
                for (int index = 0; index < iLRLength; index++)
                    dSigX  = dSigX + index;
                    dSigY  = dSigY + adMAPrice[iBar - index];
                    dSigXY = dSigXY + index * adMAPrice[iBar - index];
                    dSigXX = dSigXX + index * index;
                adLRSlope[iBar] = -(iLRLength * dSigXY - dSigX * dSigY) / (iLRLength * dSigXX - dSigX * dSigX);

            // Convert to Current Time Frame ----------------------------------------------
/// start WTF modfication 2 version 4
            // copy of wider time frame array of values
            double[] hadLRSlope = new double[Bars];
            adLRSlope.CopyTo(hadLRSlope, 0);

            int err3 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref adLRSlope);

            // if any error, return out of calculation and indicator fails silently
            if (err3 == 1)
/// end WTF modfication 2 version 4


            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName  = "LR Slope";
            Component[0].DataType  = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram;
            Component[0].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value     = adLRSlope;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The LR Slope rises":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The LR Slope falls":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The LR Slope is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The LR Slope is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The LR Slope crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The LR Slope crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The LR Slope changes its direction upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The LR Slope changes its direction downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {


/// start WTF modfication 3 version 4

            // back up Bars value, reset to hBars, for performance improvement in indicator logic function
            int mtfBars = Data.Bars;

            Data.Bars = hBars;

            // replace very small values with 0 for performance improvement; don't know why but works
            for (int ctr = 0; ctr < hadLRSlope.Length; ctr++)
                hadLRSlope[ctr] = (hadLRSlope[ctr] < .000000001 && hadLRSlope[ctr] > -.000000001) ? 0 : hadLRSlope[ctr];

            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, hadLRSlope, dLevel, -dLevel, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

            // resest Bars to real value
            Data.Bars = mtfBars;

            // expand component array from wtf to current time frame
            double[] wtfCompValue = Component[1].Value;
            int      err4         = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref wtfCompValue);

            if (err4 == 1)
            Component[1].Value = wtfCompValue;
            wtfCompValue       = Component[2].Value;
            int err5 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref wtfCompValue);

            if (err5 == 1)
            Component[2].Value = wtfCompValue;

/// end WTF modfication 3 version 4

コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculates a Moving Average
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">Period</param>
        /// <param name="shift">Shift</param>
        /// <param name="maMethod">Method of calculation</param>
        /// <param name="source">The array of source data</param>
        /// <returns>the Moving Average</returns>
        protected static double[] MovingAverage(int period, int shift, MAMethod maMethod, double[] source)
            var movingAverage = new double[Bars];

            if (period <= 1 && shift == 0)
                // There is no smoothing

            if (period > Bars || period + shift <= 0 || period + shift > Bars)
                // Error in the parameters

            for (int bar = 0; bar < period + shift - 1; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

            double sum = 0;

            for (int bar = 0; bar < period; bar++)
                sum += source[bar];

            movingAverage[period + shift - 1] = sum / period;

            switch (maMethod)
            case MAMethod.Simple:
                for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] + source[bar] / period -
                                                 source[bar - period] / period;

            case MAMethod.Exponential:
                double pr = 2d / (period + 1);

                for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = source[bar] * pr + movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] * (1 - pr);

            case MAMethod.Weighted:
                double dWeight = period * (period + 1) / 2d;

                for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < period; i++)
                        sum += source[bar - i] * (period - i);

                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = sum / dWeight;

            case MAMethod.Smoothed:
                for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    movingAverage[bar + shift] = (movingAverage[bar + shift - 1] * (period - 1) + source[bar]) / period;

            for (int bar = Bars + shift; bar < Bars; bar++)
                movingAverage[bar] = 0;

コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod   = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      iPeriod    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      iSmoothing = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int      dLevel     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int      iPrvs      = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + iSmoothing + iPrvs + 2;

            double[] adR  = new double[Bars];
            double   dMin = double.MaxValue;
            double   dMax = double.MinValue;

            for (int iBar = iPeriod; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                dMin = double.MaxValue;
                dMax = double.MinValue;
                for (int index = 0; index < iPeriod; index++)
                    if (High[iBar - index] > dMax)
                        dMax = High[iBar - index];
                    if (Low [iBar - index] < dMin)
                        dMin = Low [iBar - index];
                adR[iBar] = -100 * (dMax - Close[iBar]) / (dMax - dMin);

            double[] adRSmoothed = MovingAverage(iSmoothing, 0, maMethod, adR);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "%R";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Teal;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adRSmoothed;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The %R rises":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The %R falls":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The %R is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -100 - dLevel

            case "The %R is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -100 - dLevel

            case "The %R crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -100 - dLevel

            case "The %R crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -100 - dLevel

            case "The %R changes its direction upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The %R changes its direction downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adRSmoothed, dLevel, -100 - dLevel, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      iK       = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      iDFast   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int      iDSlow   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int      iLevel   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[3].Value;
            int      iPrvs    = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Convert to Higher Time Frame ---------------------------------------------
            DataPeriods htfPeriod = DataPeriods.week;

            double[] hfOpen   = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfClose  = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfHigh   = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfLow    = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfVolume = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfPrice  = new double[Bars];
            int[]    hIndex   = new int[Bars];
            int      iFrame;
            int      hBars;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[4].Index)
            case 1: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min5; break;

            case 2: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min15; break;

            case 3: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min30; break;

            case 4: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour1; break;

            case 5: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour4; break;

            case 6: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.day; break;

            case 7: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.week; break;

            int err1 = HigherTimeFrame(Period, htfPeriod, out hIndex, out hBars, out iFrame, out hfHigh, out hfLow, out hfOpen, out hfClose, out hfVolume);

            //int err2 = HigherBasePrice(basePrice, hBars, hfHigh, hfLow, hfOpen, hfClose, out hfPrice);
            if (err1 == 1)

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iK + iDFast + iDSlow + 3;

            double[] adHighs = new double[Bars];
            double[] adLows  = new double[Bars];
            for (int iBar = iK; iBar < hBars; iBar++)
                double dMin = double.MaxValue;
                double dMax = double.MinValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < iK; i++)
                    if (hfHigh[iBar - i] > dMax)
                        dMax = hfHigh[iBar - i];
                    if (hfLow[iBar - i] < dMin)
                        dMin = hfLow[iBar - i];
                adHighs[iBar] = dMax;
                adLows[iBar]  = dMin;

            double[] adK = new double[Bars];
            for (int iBar = iK; iBar < hBars; iBar++)
                if (adHighs[iBar] == adLows[iBar])
                    adK[iBar] = 50;
                    adK[iBar] = 100 * (hfClose[iBar] - adLows[iBar]) / (adHighs[iBar] - adLows[iBar]);

            double[] adDFast = new double[Bars];
            for (int iBar = iDFast; iBar < hBars; iBar++)
                double dSumHigh = 0;
                double dSumLow  = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < iDFast; i++)
                    dSumLow  += hfClose[iBar - i] - adLows[iBar - i];
                    dSumHigh += adHighs[iBar - i] - adLows[iBar - i];
                if (dSumHigh == 0)
                    adDFast[iBar] = 100;
                    adDFast[iBar] = 100 * dSumLow / dSumHigh;

            double[] adDSlow = MovingAverage(iDSlow, 0, maMethod, adDFast);

            // Convert to Current Time Frame ----------------------------------------------

/// start WTF modfication 2 version 4
            // copy of wider time frame array of values
            double[] hadK     = new double[Bars];
            double[] hadDFast = new double[Bars];
            double[] hadDSlow = new double[Bars];
            adK.CopyTo(hadK, 0);
            adDFast.CopyTo(hadDFast, 0);
            adDSlow.CopyTo(hadDSlow, 0);

            int err3 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref adK);
            int err4 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref adDFast);
            int err5 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref adDSlow);

            // if any error, return out of calculation and indicator fails silently
            if (err3 == 1 || err4 == 1 || err5 == 1)
/// end WTF modfication 2 version 4


            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[5];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "%K";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Brown;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adK;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "Fast %D";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Yellow;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = adDFast;

            Component[2]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].CompName   = "Slow %D";
            Component[2].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[2].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[2].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[2].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value      = adDSlow;

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[4]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[4].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[4].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[4].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

/// start WTF modfication 3 version 4

            // back up Bars value, reset to hBars, for performance improvement in indicator logic function
            int mtfBars = Data.Bars;

            Data.Bars = hBars;

            // use wtf values here, then do expansion after this if clause to cover these IndicatorCrosses cases and the OscillatorLogic cases
            // replace very small values with 0 for performance improvement; don't know why but works
            for (int ctr = 0; ctr < hadDSlow.Length; ctr++)
                hadK[ctr]     = (hadK[ctr] < .000000001 && hadK[ctr] > -.000000001) ? 0 : hadK[ctr];
                hadDSlow[ctr] = (hadDSlow[ctr] < .000000001 && hadDSlow[ctr] > -.000000001) ? 0 : hadDSlow[ctr];

            if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K crosses the Slow %D upward")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorUpwardLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, hadK, hadDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K crosses the Slow %D downward")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorDownwardLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, hadK, hadDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K is higher than the Slow %D")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorIsHigherThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, hadK, hadDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K is lower than the Slow %D")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorIsLowerThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, hadK, hadDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
                switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
                case "The Slow %D rises":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The Slow %D falls":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The Slow %D is higher than the Level line":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The Slow %D is lower than the Level line":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The Slow %D crosses the Level line upward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The Slow %D crosses the Level line downward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The Slow %D changes its direction upward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The Slow %D changes its direction downward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {


                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, hadDSlow, iLevel, 100 - iLevel, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], indLogic);

            // resest Bars to real value
            Data.Bars = mtfBars;

            // expand component array from wtf to current time frame
            double[] wtfCompValue = Component[3].Value;
            int      err6         = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref wtfCompValue);

            if (err6 == 1)
            Component[3].Value = wtfCompValue;
            wtfCompValue       = Component[4].Value;
            int err7 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref wtfCompValue);

            if (err7 == 1)
            Component[4].Value = wtfCompValue;

/// end WTF modfication 3 version 4

コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            BasePrice basePrice    = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            MAMethod  fastMAMethod = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[3].Index;
            MAMethod  slowMAMethod = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[4].Index;
            int       iNFastMA     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iNSlowMA     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iSFastMA     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int       iSSlowMA     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[3].Value;
            int       iPrvs        = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            int iFirstBar = (int)Math.Max(iNFastMA + iSFastMA, iNSlowMA + iSSlowMA) + 2;

            double[] adMAFast       = MovingAverage(iNFastMA, iSFastMA, fastMAMethod, Price(basePrice));
            double[] adMASlow       = MovingAverage(iNSlowMA, iSSlowMA, slowMAMethod, Price(basePrice));
            double[] adMAOscillator = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adMAOscillator[iBar] = adMAFast[iBar] - adMASlow[iBar];

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[4];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Fast Moving Average";
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Goldenrod;
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adMAFast;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "Slow Moving Average";
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.IndianRed;
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = adMASlow;

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Fast MA crosses the Slow MA upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;

            case "The Fast MA crosses the Slow MA downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;

            case "The Fast MA is higher than the Slow MA":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;

            case "The Fast MA is lower than the Slow MA":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adMAOscillator, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], indLogic);

コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      iPeriod  = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      iPrvs    = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + 2;

            double[] adBOP = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = 1; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                if (High[iBar] - Low[iBar] > Point)
                    adBOP[iBar] = (Close[iBar] - Open[iBar]) / (High[iBar] - Low[iBar]);
                    adBOP[iBar] = 0;

            adBOP = MovingAverage(iPeriod, 0, maMethod, adBOP);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName  = "Balance of Power";
            Component[0].DataType  = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram;
            Component[0].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value     = adBOP;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Balance of Power rises":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;

            case "The Balance of Power falls":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;

            case "The Balance of Power is higher than the zero line":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;

            case "The Balance of Power is lower than the zero line":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;

            case "The Balance of Power crosses the zero line upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;

            case "The Balance of Power crosses the zero line downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;

            case "The Balance of Power changes its direction upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;

            case "The Balance of Power changes its direction downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adBOP, 0, 0, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      period   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      prev     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int firstBar = period + 2;

            double[] DIPos = new double[Bars];
            double[] DINeg = new double[Bars];

            for (int bar = 1; bar < Bars; bar++)
                double trueRange = Math.Max(High[bar], Close[bar - 1]) - Math.Min(Low[bar], Close[bar - 1]);

                if (trueRange < Point)
                    trueRange = Point;

                double deltaHigh = High[bar] - High[bar - 1];
                double deltaLow  = Low[bar - 1] - Low[bar];

                if (deltaHigh > 0 && deltaHigh > deltaLow)
                    DIPos[bar] = 100 * deltaHigh / trueRange;
                    DIPos[bar] = 0;

                if (deltaLow > 0 && deltaLow > deltaHigh)
                    DINeg[bar] = 100 * deltaLow / trueRange;
                    DINeg[bar] = 0;

            double[] ADIPos = MovingAverage(period, 0, maMethod, DIPos);
            double[] ADINeg = MovingAverage(period, 0, maMethod, DINeg);

            double[] ADIOsc = new double[Bars];

            for (int bar = 0; bar < Bars; bar++)
                ADIOsc[bar] = ADIPos[bar] - ADINeg[bar];

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[4];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "The ADI+";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Green;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = firstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = ADIPos;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "The ADI-";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Red;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = firstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = ADINeg;

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = firstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = firstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The ADI+ rises":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADIPos, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises);

            case "The ADI+ falls":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADIPos, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls);

            case "The ADI- rises":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADINeg, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises);

            case "The ADI- falls":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADINeg, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls);

            case "The ADI+ is higher than ADI-":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADIOsc, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line);

            case "The ADI+ is lower than ADI-":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADIOsc, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line);

            case "The ADI+ crosses the ADI- line upward":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADIOsc, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward);

            case "The ADI+ crosses the ADI- line downward":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADIOsc, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward);

            case "The ADI+ changes its direction upward":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADIPos, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward);

            case "The ADI+ changes its direction downward":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADIPos, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward);

            case "The ADI- changes its direction upward":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADINeg, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward);

            case "The ADI- changes its direction downward":
                OscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADINeg, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward);


コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      period   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            double   level    = Point * IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int      prev     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int firstBar = period + 2;

            double[] ATR = new double[Bars];

            for (int bar = 1; bar < Bars; bar++)
                ATR[bar] = Math.Max(High[bar], Close[bar - 1]) - Math.Min(Low[bar], Close[bar - 1]);

            ATR = MovingAverage(period, 0, maMethod, ATR);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Average True Range";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = firstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = ATR;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = firstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = firstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The ATR rises":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;

            case "The ATR falls":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;

            case "The ATR is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ATR is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ATR crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ATR crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ATR changes its direction upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;

            case "The ATR changes its direction downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;


            // ATR rises equal signals in both directions!
            NoDirectionOscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ATR, level, ref Component[1], indLogic);
            Component[2].Value = Component[1].Value;

コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       nPeriod   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = 2 * nPeriod + 2;

            double[] ma1 = MovingAverage(nPeriod, 0, maMethod, Price(basePrice));
            double[] ma2 = MovingAverage(nPeriod, 0, maMethod, ma1);
            double[] ma3 = MovingAverage(nPeriod, 0, maMethod, ma2);

            double[] adTrix = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adTrix[iBar] = 100 * (ma3[iBar] - ma3[iBar - 1]) / ma3[iBar - 1];

            double[] adSignal = MovingAverage(nPeriod, 0, maMethod, adTrix);

            // adHistogram reprezents the Trix Index oscillator
            double[] adHistogram = new double[Bars];
            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adHistogram[iBar] = adTrix[iBar] - adSignal[iBar];

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[5];

            Component[0]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName  = "Histogram";
            Component[0].DataType  = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram;
            Component[0].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value     = adHistogram;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "Signal";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Gold;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = adSignal;

            Component[2]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].CompName   = "Trix Line";
            Component[2].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[2].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[2].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[2].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value      = adTrix;

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[4]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[4].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[4].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[4].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Close out short position";

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Trix Index line rises":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adTrix, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises);

            case "The Trix Index line falls":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adTrix, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls);

            case "The Trix Index line is higher than zero":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adTrix, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line);

            case "The Trix Index line is lower than zero":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adTrix, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line);

            case "The Trix Index line crosses the zero line upward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adTrix, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward);

            case "The Trix Index line crosses the zero line downward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adTrix, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward);

            case "The Trix Index line changes its direction upward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adTrix, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward);

            case "The Trix Index line changes its direction downward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adTrix, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward);

            case "The Trix Index line crosses the Signal line upward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adHistogram, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward);

            case "The Trix Index line crosses the Signal line downward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adHistogram, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward);

            case "The Trix Index line is higher than the Signal line":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adHistogram, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line);

            case "The Trix Index line is lower than the Signal line":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adHistogram, 0, 0, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line);


コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      iK       = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int      iDFast   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int      iDSlow   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int      iLevel   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[3].Value;
            int      iPrvs    = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iK + iDFast + iDSlow + 3;

            double[] adHighs = new double[Bars];
            double[] adLows  = new double[Bars];
            for (int iBar = iK; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                double dMin = double.MaxValue;
                double dMax = double.MinValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < iK; i++)
                    if (High[iBar - i] > dMax)
                        dMax = High[iBar - i];
                    if (Low[iBar - i] < dMin)
                        dMin = Low[iBar - i];
                adHighs[iBar] = dMax;
                adLows[iBar]  = dMin;

            double[] adK = new double[Bars];
            for (int iBar = iK; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                if (adHighs[iBar] == adLows[iBar])
                    adK[iBar] = 50;
                    adK[iBar] = 100 * (Close[iBar] - adLows[iBar]) / (adHighs[iBar] - adLows[iBar]);

             * double[] adDFast = new double[Bars];
             * for (int iBar = iDFast; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
             * {
             * double dSumHigh = 0;
             * double dSumLow  = 0;
             * for (int i = 0; i < iDFast; i++)
             * {
             * dSumLow  += Close[iBar - i]   - adLows[iBar - i];
             * dSumHigh += adHighs[iBar - i] - adLows[iBar - i];
             * }
             * if (dSumHigh == 0)
             * adDFast[iBar] = 100;
             * else
             * adDFast[iBar] = 100 * dSumLow / dSumHigh;
             * }

            double[] adDFast = MovingAverage(iDFast, 0, maMethod, adK);
            double[] adDSlow = MovingAverage(iDSlow, 0, maMethod, adDFast);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[5];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "%K";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Brown;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adK;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "Fast %D";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Yellow;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = adDFast;

            Component[2]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].CompName   = "Slow %D";
            Component[2].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[2].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[2].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[2].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value      = adDSlow;

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[4]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[4].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[4].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[4].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K crosses the Slow %D upward")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorUpwardLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, adDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K crosses the Slow %D downward")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorDownwardLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, adDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K is higher than the Slow %D")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorIsHigherThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, adDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K is lower than the Slow %D")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorIsLowerThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, adDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The Fast %D is higher than the Slow %D")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorIsHigherThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adDFast, adDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The Fast %D is lower than the Slow %D")
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {
                IndicatorIsLowerThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adDFast, adDSlow, ref Component[3], ref Component[4]);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K is higher than the Level line")
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    iLevel, 100 - iLevel
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, iLevel, 100 - iLevel, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line);
            else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "The %K is lower than the Level line")
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    iLevel, 100 - iLevel
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adK, iLevel, 100 - iLevel, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line);
                switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
                case "The Slow %D rises":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The Slow %D falls":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The Slow %D is higher than the Level line":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The Slow %D is lower than the Level line":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The Slow %D crosses the Level line upward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The Slow %D crosses the Level line downward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                        iLevel, 100 - iLevel

                case "The Slow %D changes its direction upward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {

                case "The Slow %D changes its direction downward":
                    indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                    SpecialValues = new double[1] {


                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adDSlow, iLevel, 100 - iLevel, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], indLogic);

コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       nSlow     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       nFast     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            double    dLevel    = IndParam.NumParam[3].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = nSlow + 2;

            double[] adMASlow = MovingAverage(nSlow, 0, maMethod, Price(basePrice));
            double[] adMAFast = MovingAverage(nFast, 0, maMethod, Price(basePrice));
            double[] adAO     = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = nSlow - 1; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adAO[iBar] = adMAFast[iBar] - adMASlow[iBar];

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName  = "AO";
            Component[0].DataType  = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram;
            Component[0].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value     = adAO;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The AO rises":
                indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                SpecialValues  = new double[1] {

            case "The AO falls":
                indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                SpecialValues  = new double[1] {

            case "The AO is higher than the Level line":
                indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues  = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The AO is lower than the Level line":
                indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues  = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The AO crosses the Level line upward":
                indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues  = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The AO crosses the Level line downward":
                indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues  = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The AO changes its direction upward":
                indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                SpecialValues  = new double[1] {

            case "The AO changes its direction downward":
                indicatorLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                SpecialValues  = new double[1] {


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adAO, dLevel, -dLevel, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indicatorLogic);

コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iNVI      = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter) ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            double[] adBasePrice = Price(basePrice);
            int      iFirstBar   = iNVI + 2;

            double[] adVIPos      = new double[Bars];
            double[] adVINeg      = new double[Bars];
            double[] adVIOsc      = new double[Bars];
            double[] adVMPlus     = new double[Bars];
            double[] adVMMinus    = new double[Bars];
            double[] adVMPlusSum  = new double[Bars];
            double[] adVMMinusSum = new double[Bars];
            double[] adTrueRange  = new double[Bars];
            double[] adTrueHigh   = new double[Bars];
            double[] adTrueLow    = new double[Bars];
            double[] adTRSum      = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adVMPlus[iBar]  = Math.Abs(High[iBar] - Low[iBar - 1]);
                adVMMinus[iBar] = Math.Abs(Low[iBar] - High[iBar - 1]);
                if (Close[iBar - 1] > High[iBar])
                    adTrueHigh[iBar] = Close[iBar - 1];
                    adTrueHigh[iBar] = High[iBar];
                if (Close[iBar - 1] < Low[iBar])
                    adTrueLow[iBar] = Close[iBar - 1];
                    adTrueLow[iBar] = Low[iBar];
                adTrueRange[iBar]  = adTrueHigh[iBar] - adTrueLow[iBar];
                adVMPlusSum[iBar]  = 0;
                adVMMinusSum[iBar] = 0;
                adTRSum[iBar]      = 0;
                for (int iBack = 0; iBack < iNVI; iBack++)
                    adVMPlusSum[iBar]  += adVMPlus[iBar - iBack];
                    adVMMinusSum[iBar] += adVMMinus[iBar - iBack];
                    adTRSum[iBar]      += adTrueRange[iBar - iBack];
                if (adTRSum[iBar] != 0)
                    adVIPos[iBar] = adVMPlusSum[iBar] / adTRSum[iBar];
                adVINeg[iBar] = adVMMinusSum[iBar] / adTRSum[iBar];

            for (int iBar = 0; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adVIOsc[iBar] = adVIPos[iBar] - adVINeg[iBar];

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[4];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "The VI+";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Green;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adVIPos;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "The VI-";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Red;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = adVINeg;

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The VI+ rises":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVIPos, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises);

            case "The VI+ falls":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVIPos, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls);

            case "The VI- rises":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVINeg, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises);

            case "The VI- falls":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVINeg, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls);

            case "The VI+ is higher than VI-":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVIOsc, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line);

            case "The VI+ is lower than VI-":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVIOsc, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line);

            case "The VI+ crosses the VI- line upward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVIOsc, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward);

            case "The VI+ crosses the VI- line downward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVIOsc, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward);

            case "The VI+ changes its direction upward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVIPos, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward);

            case "The VI+ changes its direction downward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVIPos, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward);

            case "The VI- changes its direction upward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVINeg, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward);

            case "The VI- changes its direction downward":
                OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adVINeg, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward);


コード例 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            BasePrice basePrice    = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            MAMethod  fastMAMethod = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[3].Index;
            MAMethod  slowMAMethod = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[4].Index;
            int       iNFastMA     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iNSlowMA     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iSFastMA     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int       iSSlowMA     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[3].Value;
            int       iPrvs        = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            string[] saColors   = new string[] { "Blue", "Black", "Red", "Green", "Yellow", "Orange" };
            string   sFastColor = saColors[(int)IndParam.NumParam[4].Value];
            string   sSlowColor = saColors[(int)IndParam.NumParam[5].Value];

            // Convert to Higher Time Frame ---------------------------------------------
            DataPeriods htfPeriod = DataPeriods.week;

            double[] hfOpen   = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfClose  = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfHigh   = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfLow    = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfVolume = new double[Bars];
            double[] hfPrice  = new double[Bars];
            int[]    hIndex   = new int[Bars];
            int      iFrame;
            int      hBars;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[2].Index)
            case 1: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min5; break;

            case 2: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min15; break;

            case 3: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.min30; break;

            case 4: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour1; break;

            case 5: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.hour4; break;

            case 6: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.day; break;

            case 7: htfPeriod = DataPeriods.week; break;
            int err1 = HigherTimeFrame(Period, htfPeriod, out hIndex, out hBars, out iFrame, out hfHigh, out hfLow, out hfOpen, out hfClose, out hfVolume);
            int err2 = HigherBasePrice(basePrice, hBars, hfHigh, hfLow, hfOpen, hfClose, out hfPrice);

            if (err1 == 1)

            // Calculation

            int iFirstBar = (int)Math.Max(iNFastMA + iSFastMA, iNSlowMA + iSSlowMA) + 2;

            double[] adMAFast       = MovingAverage(iNFastMA, iSFastMA, fastMAMethod, hfPrice);
            double[] adMASlow       = MovingAverage(iNSlowMA, iSSlowMA, slowMAMethod, hfPrice);
            double[] adMAOscillator = new double[Bars];

            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adMAOscillator[iBar] = adMAFast[iBar] - adMASlow[iBar];

            // Convert to Current Time Frame ----------------------------------------------
/// start WTF modfication 2 version 4
            // do in 3 blocks for adMAFast, adMASlow, to draw on chart, and adMAOscillator for signals
            // copy of wider time frame array of values
            double[] hadMAFast = new double[Bars];
            adMAFast.CopyTo(hadMAFast, 0);
            int err3 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref adMAFast);

            // if any error, return out of calculation and indicator fails silently
            if (err3 == 1)
            // copy of wider time frame array of values
            double[] hadMASlow = new double[Bars];
            adMASlow.CopyTo(hadMASlow, 0);
            err3 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref adMASlow);
            // if any error, return out of calculation and indicator fails silently
            if (err3 == 1)
            // copy of wider time frame array of values
            double[] hadMAOscillator = new double[Bars];
            adMAOscillator.CopyTo(hadMAOscillator, 0);
            err3 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref adMAOscillator);
            // if any error, return out of calculation and indicator fails silently
            if (err3 == 1)
/// end WTF modfication 2 version 4

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[4];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Fast Moving Average";
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.FromName(sFastColor);
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adMAFast;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "Slow Moving Average";
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.FromName(sSlowColor);
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = adMASlow;

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The Fast MA crosses the Slow MA upward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;

            case "The Fast MA crosses the Slow MA downward":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;

            case "The Fast MA is higher than the Slow MA":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;

            case "The Fast MA is lower than the Slow MA":
                indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;

            case "Draw only, no entry or exit signals":
                Component[2].CompName = "Visual Only";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.NotDefined;
                Component[3].CompName = "Visual Only";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.NotDefined;


/// start WTF modfication 3 version 4

            // back up Bars value, reset to hBars, for performance improvement in indicator logic function
            int mtfBars = Data.Bars;

            Data.Bars = hBars;

            // replace very small values with 0 for performance improvement; don't know why but works
            for (int ctr = 0; ctr < hadMAOscillator.Length; ctr++)
                hadMAOscillator[ctr] = (hadMAOscillator[ctr] < .000000001 && hadMAOscillator[ctr] > -.000000001) ? 0 : hadMAOscillator[ctr];

            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, hadMAOscillator, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], indLogic);

            // resest Bars to real value
            Data.Bars = mtfBars;

            // expand component array from wtf to current time frame
            double[] wtfCompValue = Component[2].Value;
            int      err4         = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref wtfCompValue);

            if (err4 == 1)
            Component[2].Value = wtfCompValue;
            wtfCompValue       = Component[3].Value;
            int err5 = CurrentTimeFrame(hIndex, hBars, ref wtfCompValue);

            if (err5 == 1)
            Component[3].Value = wtfCompValue;

/// end WTF modfication 3 version 4

コード例 #30
        public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet)
            DataSet = dataSet;

            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       period    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       smooth    = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            double    level     = IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int       previous  = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            int firstBar = previous + period + smooth + 2;

            double[] adMomentum  = new double[Bars];
            double[] adBasePrice = Price(basePrice);

            for (int bar = period; bar < Bars; bar++)
                adMomentum[bar] = 100 * adBasePrice[bar] / adBasePrice[bar - period];

            if (smooth > 0)
                adMomentum = MovingAverage(smooth, 0, maMethod, adMomentum);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Momentum";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = firstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adMomentum;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = firstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = firstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            switch (SlotType)
            case SlotTypes.OpenFilter:
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";

            case SlotTypes.CloseFilter:
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";


            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "Momentum rises":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { 100 };

            case "Momentum falls":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { 100 };

            case "Momentum is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { level, 2 * 100 - level };

            case "Momentum is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { level, 2 * 100 - level };

            case "Momentum crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { level, 2 * 100 - level };

            case "Momentum crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { level, 2 * 100 - level };

            case "Momentum changes its direction upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { 100 };

            case "Momentum changes its direction downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[] { 100 };


            OscillatorLogic(firstBar, previous, adMomentum, level, 2 * 100 - level, ref Component[1], ref Component[2],
コード例 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod  = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
            int       iMAPeriod = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iLRLength = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            double    dLevel    = IndParam.NumParam[2].Value;
            int       iPrvs     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            double[] dX = new double[Bars];
            double[] dY = new double[Bars];
            double   dSigX;
            double   dSigY;
            double   dSigXY;
            double   dSigXX;

            double[] adLRSlope = new double[Bars];

            int iFirstBar = iMAPeriod + iLRLength + 2;

            double[] adMAPrice = MovingAverage(iMAPeriod, 0, maMethod, Price(basePrice));

            for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                dSigX  = 0;
                dSigY  = 0;
                dSigXX = 0;
                dSigXY = 0;
                for (int index = 0; index < iLRLength; index++)
                    dSigX  = dSigX + index;
                    dSigY  = dSigY + adMAPrice[iBar - index];
                    dSigXY = dSigXY + index * adMAPrice[iBar - index];
                    dSigXX = dSigXX + index * index;
                adLRSlope[iBar] = -(iLRLength * dSigXY - dSigX * dSigY) / (iLRLength * dSigXX - dSigX * dSigX);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[3];

            Component[0]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName  = "LR Slope";
            Component[0].DataType  = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram;
            Component[0].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value     = adLRSlope;

            Component[1]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[1].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[2]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The LR Slope rises":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The LR Slope falls":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The LR Slope is higher than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The LR Slope is lower than the Level line":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The LR Slope crosses the Level line upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The LR Slope crosses the Level line downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[2] {
                    dLevel, -dLevel

            case "The LR Slope changes its direction upward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The LR Slope changes its direction downward":
                indLogic      = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {


            OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adLRSlope, dLevel, -dLevel, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic);

コード例 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod  maMethod       = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            BasePrice price          = BasePrice.Close;
            int       nMA            = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int       iATRPeriod     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int       iATRMultiplier = (int)IndParam.NumParam[3].Value;
            int       iPrvs          = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            double[] adMA     = MovingAverage(nMA, 0, maMethod, Price(price));
            double[] adATR    = new double[Bars];
            double[] adUpBand = new double[Bars];
            double[] adDnBand = new double[Bars];

            int iFirstBar = (int)Math.Max(nMA, iATRPeriod) + iPrvs + 2;

            for (int iBar = 1; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adATR[iBar] = Math.Max(Math.Abs(High[iBar] - Close[iBar - 1]), Math.Abs(Close[iBar - 1] - Low[iBar]));
                adATR[iBar] = Math.Max(Math.Abs(High[iBar] - Low[iBar]), adATR[iBar]);

            adATR = MovingAverage(iATRPeriod, 0, maMethod, adATR);

            for (int iBar = nMA; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                adUpBand[iBar] = adMA[iBar] + adATR[iBar] * iATRMultiplier;
                adDnBand[iBar] = adMA[iBar] - adATR[iBar] * iATRMultiplier;

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[5];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Upper Band";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adUpBand;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "Moving Average";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Gold;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = adMA;

            Component[2]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].CompName   = "Lower Band";
            Component[2].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[2].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[2].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[2].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value      = adDnBand;

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[4]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[4].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[4].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[4].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.Open)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.OpenLongPrice;
                Component[3].CompName = "Long position entry price";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.OpenShortPrice;
                Component[4].CompName = "Short position entry price";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.Close)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.CloseLongPrice;
                Component[3].CompName = "Long position closing price";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.CloseShortPrice;
                Component[4].CompName = "Short position closing price";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Close out short position";

            if (slotType == SlotTypes.Open || slotType == SlotTypes.Close)
                if (nMA > 1)
                    for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                    {                              // Covers the cases when the price can pass through the band without a signal.
                        double dOpen = Open[iBar]; // Current open price

                        // Upper band
                        double dValueUp   = adUpBand[iBar - iPrvs];     // Current value
                        double dValueUp1  = adUpBand[iBar - iPrvs - 1]; // Previous value
                        double dTempValUp = dValueUp;

                        if ((dValueUp1 > High[iBar - 1] && dValueUp < dOpen) || // The Open price jumps above the indicator
                            (dValueUp1 <Low[iBar - 1] && dValueUp> dOpen) ||    // The Open price jumps below the indicator
                            (Close[iBar - 1] < dValueUp && dValueUp < dOpen) || // The Open price is in a positive gap
                            (Close[iBar - 1] > dValueUp && dValueUp > dOpen))   // The Open price is in a negative gap
                            dTempValUp = dOpen;                                 // The entry/exit level is moved to Open price
                        // Lower band
                        double dValueDown   = adDnBand[iBar - iPrvs];     // Current value
                        double dValueDown1  = adDnBand[iBar - iPrvs - 1]; // Previous value
                        double dTempValDown = dValueDown;

                        if ((dValueDown1 > High[iBar - 1] && dValueDown < dOpen) || // The Open price jumps above the indicator
                            (dValueDown1 <Low[iBar - 1] && dValueDown> dOpen) ||    // The Open price jumps below the indicator
                            (Close[iBar - 1] < dValueDown && dValueDown < dOpen) || // The Open price is in a positive gap
                            (Close[iBar - 1] > dValueDown && dValueDown > dOpen))   // The Open price is in a negative gap
                            dTempValDown = dOpen;                                   // The entry/exit level is moved to Open price
                        if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Enter long at the Upper Band" ||
                            IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Exit long at the Upper Band")
                            Component[3].Value[iBar] = dTempValUp;
                            Component[4].Value[iBar] = dTempValDown;
                            Component[3].Value[iBar] = dTempValDown;
                            Component[4].Value[iBar] = dTempValUp;
                    for (int iBar = 2; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                        if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Enter long at the Upper Band" ||
                            IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Exit long at the Upper Band")
                            Component[3].Value[iBar] = adUpBand[iBar - iPrvs];
                            Component[4].Value[iBar] = adDnBand[iBar - iPrvs];
                            Component[3].Value[iBar] = adDnBand[iBar - iPrvs];
                            Component[4].Value[iBar] = adUpBand[iBar - iPrvs];
                switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
                case "The bar opens below the Upper Band":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_below_the_Upper_Band);

                case "The bar opens above the Upper Band":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_above_the_Upper_Band);

                case "The bar opens below the Lower Band":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_below_the_Lower_Band);

                case "The bar opens above the Lower Band":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_above_the_Lower_Band);

                case "The bar opens below the Upper Band after opening above it":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_below_the_Upper_Band_after_opening_above_it);

                case "The bar opens above the Upper Band after opening below it":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_above_the_Upper_Band_after_opening_below_it);

                case "The bar opens below the Lower Band after opening above it":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_below_the_Lower_Band_after_opening_above_it);

                case "The bar opens above the Lower Band after opening below it":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_above_the_Lower_Band_after_opening_below_it);

                case "The position opens above the Upper Band":
                    Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceBuyHigher;
                    Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceSellLower;
                    Component[0].UsePreviousBar     = iPrvs;
                    Component[2].UsePreviousBar     = iPrvs;
                    Component[3].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[4].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[3].ShowInDynInfo      = false;
                    Component[4].ShowInDynInfo      = false;

                case "The position opens below the Upper Band":
                    Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceBuyLower;
                    Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceSellHigher;
                    Component[0].UsePreviousBar     = iPrvs;
                    Component[2].UsePreviousBar     = iPrvs;
                    Component[3].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[4].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[3].ShowInDynInfo      = false;
                    Component[4].ShowInDynInfo      = false;

                case "The position opens above the Lower Band":
                    Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceSellLower;
                    Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceBuyHigher;
                    Component[0].UsePreviousBar     = iPrvs;
                    Component[2].UsePreviousBar     = iPrvs;
                    Component[3].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[4].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[3].ShowInDynInfo      = false;
                    Component[4].ShowInDynInfo      = false;

                case "The position opens below the Lower Band":
                    Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceSellHigher;
                    Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceBuyLower;
                    Component[0].UsePreviousBar     = iPrvs;
                    Component[2].UsePreviousBar     = iPrvs;
                    Component[3].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[4].DataType           = IndComponentType.Other;
                    Component[3].ShowInDynInfo      = false;
                    Component[4].ShowInDynInfo      = false;

                case "The bar closes below the Upper Band":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_closes_below_the_Upper_Band);

                case "The bar closes above the Upper Band":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_closes_above_the_Upper_Band);

                case "The bar closes below the Lower Band":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_closes_below_the_Lower_Band);

                case "The bar closes above the Lower Band":
                    BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_closes_above_the_Lower_Band);


コード例 #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the indicator's components
        /// </summary>
        public override void Calculate(SlotTypes slotType)
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int      period   = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            double   level    = IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int      prev     = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculation
            int firstBar = 2 * period + 2;

            double[] DIPos = new double[Bars];
            double[] DINeg = new double[Bars];

            for (int bar = 1; bar < Bars; bar++)
                double trueRange = Math.Max(High[bar], Close[bar - 1]) - Math.Min(Low[bar], Close[bar - 1]);

                if (trueRange < Point)
                    trueRange = Point;

                double deltaHigh = High[bar] - High[bar - 1];
                double deltaLow  = Low[bar - 1] - Low[bar];

                if (deltaHigh > 0 && deltaHigh > deltaLow)
                    DIPos[bar] = 100 * deltaHigh / trueRange;
                    DIPos[bar] = 0;

                if (deltaLow > 0 && deltaLow > deltaHigh)
                    DINeg[bar] = 100 * deltaLow / trueRange;
                    DINeg[bar] = 0;

            double[] ADIPos = MovingAverage(period, 0, maMethod, DIPos);
            double[] ADINeg = MovingAverage(period, 0, maMethod, DINeg);

            double[] DX = new double[Bars];

            for (int bar = 0; bar < Bars; bar++)
                if (ADIPos[bar] + ADINeg[bar] == 0)
                    DX[bar] = 0;
                    DX[bar] = 100 * Math.Abs((ADIPos[bar] - ADINeg[bar]) / (ADIPos[bar] + ADINeg[bar]));

            double[] ADX = MovingAverage(period, 0, maMethod, DX);

            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[5];

            Component[0]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "ADX";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Blue;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = firstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = ADX;

            Component[1]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "ADI+";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Green;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = firstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = ADIPos;

            Component[2]            = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].CompName   = "ADI-";
            Component[2].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[2].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[2].ChartColor = Color.Red;
            Component[2].FirstBar   = firstBar;
            Component[2].Value      = ADINeg;

            Component[3]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = firstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];

            Component[4]           = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[4].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[4].FirstBar  = firstBar;
            Component[4].Value     = new double[Bars];

            // Sets the Component's type
            if (slotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (slotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[4].CompName = "Close out short position";

            // Calculation of the logic
            IndicatorLogic logicRule;

            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
            case "The ADX rises":
                logicRule = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;

            case "The ADX falls":
                logicRule = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;

            case "The ADX is higher than the Level line":
                logicRule     = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ADX is lower than the Level line":
                logicRule     = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ADX crosses the Level line upward":
                logicRule     = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ADX crosses the Level line downward":
                logicRule     = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward;
                SpecialValues = new double[1] {

            case "The ADX changes its direction upward":
                logicRule = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward;

            case "The ADX changes its direction downward":
                logicRule = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward;

                logicRule = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter;

            // ADX rises equal signals in both directions!
            NoDirectionOscillatorLogic(firstBar, prev, ADX, level, ref Component[3], logicRule);
            Component[4].Value = Component[3].Value;

コード例 #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a Moving Average
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">Period</param>
        /// <param name="shift">Shift</param>
        /// <param name="maMethod">Method of calculation</param>
        /// <param name="afSource">The array of source data</param>
        /// <returns>the Moving Average</returns>
        protected static double[] MovingAverage(int period, int shift, MAMethod maMethod, double[] adSource)
            double[] adTarget = new double[Bars];

            if (period <= 1 && shift == 0)
            {   // There is no smoothing
                return adSource;

            if (period > Bars || period + shift <= 0 || period + shift > Bars)
            {   // Error in the parameters
                return null;

            for (int bar = 0; bar < period + shift - 1; bar++)
                adTarget[bar] = 0;

            double sum = 0;
            for (int bar = 0; bar < period; bar++)
                sum += adSource[bar];

            adTarget[period + shift - 1] = sum / period;

            // Simple Moving Average
            if (maMethod == MAMethod.Simple)
                for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    adTarget[bar + shift] = adTarget[bar + shift - 1] + adSource[bar] / period - adSource[bar - period] / period;

            // Exponential Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Exponential)
                double pr = 2d / (period + 1);

                for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    adTarget[bar + shift] = adSource[bar] * pr + adTarget[bar + shift - 1] * (1 - pr);

            // Weighted Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Weighted)
                double dWeight = period * (period + 1) / 2d;

                for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < period; i++)
                        sum += adSource[bar - i] * (period - i);

                    adTarget[bar + shift] = sum / dWeight;

            // Smoothed Moving Average
            else if (maMethod == MAMethod.Smoothed)
                for (int bar = period; bar < Math.Min(Bars, Bars - shift); bar++)
                    adTarget[bar + shift] = (adTarget[bar + shift - 1] * (period - 1) + adSource[bar]) / period;

            for (int bar = Bars + shift; bar < Bars; bar++)
                adTarget[bar] = 0;

            return adTarget;